

2019-07-17 15:50  作者:代潇潇


《国家电力监管局法案,1997》,(NEPRA Act 1997

《可替代能源发展委员会法案,2007》,(AEDB Act 2007

《可替代能源发展委员会法案,2010》,(AECB Act 2010

《许可(申请和修改程序)条例,1999》,(Licensing (Application and Modification Procedure) Regulations1999

《与关税标准和程序相关的费用条例,2002》,(Fees Pertaining to Tariff Standards & Procedure Regulations, 2002

《消费者资格标准,2003》,(Consumer Eligibility Criteria2003

《独立电力生产商与其他持牌人之间争端解决条例,2003》,(Resolution of Disputes between Independent Power Producers and other Licensees Regulations, 2003

《临时电力采购条例,2005》,(Interim Power Procurement (Procedure & Standards) Regulations, 2005

《竞价税则条例,2008》,(Competitive Bidding Tariff (Approval Procedure) Regulations, 2008

《审查程序规定条例,2009》,(Review Procedure Regulations, 2009

《上网补贴条例,2011》,(Up-front Tariff (Approval & Procedure) Regulations, 2011

《可再生能源分布式发电和净计量条例,2015》(Alternative & Renewable Energy Distributed Generation and Net Metering Regulations, 2015

《电力供应条例,2015》,(Supply of Electric Power Regulations, 2015

《可再生能源设施互连条例,2015》,Interconnection for Renewable Generation Facilities) Regulations, 2015

《电力运行条例,2016》,Wheeling of Electric Power Regulations, 2016

《电力进口条例,2017》,Notification (S.R.O 549(I)/2017 dated 22-06-2017) regarding NEPRA (Import of Electric Power Regulations, 2017