CEN/TC 53临时工程机械标准
2020-05-07 10:55欧洲标准化委员会(Comité Européen de Normalisation,简称CEN),与欧洲电工标准化委员会、欧洲电信标准学会并称为欧洲三大标准化机构。CEN的标准化活动由各技术委员会(TC)负责,标准由技术委员会制定。每个技术委员会都有自己的业务领域(范围),技术委员会在成员国家参与基础上开展工作。登录CEN官网,检索到与工程机械相关的有临时工程机械CEN/TC 53。截至2020年5月7日,CEN/TC 53共有27项涉及工程机械的现行有效标准。具体见下表。
序号 |
标准号 |
标准英文名称 |
1 |
CEN/TR 15563:2007 |
Temporary works equipment - Recommendations for achieving health and safety |
2 |
EN 1004:2004 |
Mobile access and working towers made of prefabricated elements - Materials, dimensions, design loads, safety and performance requirements |
3 |
EN 1065:1998 |
Adjustable telescopic steel props - Product specifications, design and assessment by calculation and tests |
4 |
EN 1263-1:2014 |
Temporary works equipment - Safety nets - Part 1: Safety requirements, test methods |
5 |
EN 1263-2:2014 |
Temporary works equipment - Safety nets - Part 2: Safety requirements for the positioning limits |
6 |
EN 12810-1:2003 |
Façade scaffolds made of prefabricated components - Part 1: Products specifications |
7 |
EN 12810-2:2003 |
Façade scaffolds made of prefabricated components - Part 2: Particular methods of structural design |
8 |
EN 12811-1:2003
Temporary works equipment - Part 1: Scaffolds - Performance requirements and general design |
9 |
EN 12811-2:2004 |
Temporary works equipment - Part 2: Information on materials |
10 |
EN 12811-3:2002 |
Temporary works equipment - Part 3: Load testing |
11 |
EN 12811-3:2002/AC:2004 |
Temporary works equipment - Part 3: Load testing |
12 |
EN 12811-4:2013
Temporary works equipment - Part 4: Protection fans for scaffolds - Performance requirements and product design |
13 |
EN 12812:2008 |
Falsework - Performance requirements and general design |
14 |
EN 12813:2004
Temporary works equipment - Load bearing towers of prefabricated components - Particular methods of structural design |
15 |
EN 1298:1996
Mobile access and working towers - Rules and guidelines for the preparation of an instruction manual |
16 |
EN 13331-1:2002 |
Trench lining systems - Part 1: Product specifications |
17 |
EN 13331-2:2002
Trench lining systems - Part 2: Assessment by calculation or test |
18 |
EN 13374:2013+A1:2018
Temporary edge protection systems - Product specification - Test methods |
19 |
EN 13377:2002
Prefabricated timber formwork beams - Requirements, classification and assessment |
20 |
EN 14653-1:2005
Manually operated hydraulic shoring systems for groundwork support - Part 1: Product specifications |
21 |
EN 14653-2:2005
Manually operated hydraulic shoring systems for groundwork support - Part 2: Assessment by calculation or test |
22 |
EN 16031:2012
Adjustable telescopic aluminium props - Product specifications, design and assessment by calculation and tests |
23 |
EN 16508:2015
Temporary works equipment - Encapsulation constructions - Performance requirements and general design |
24 |
EN 17293:2020
Temporary works equipment - Execution - Requirements for manufacturing |
25 |
EN 74-1:2005
Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds - Part 1: Couplers for tubes - Requirements and test procedures |
26 |
EN 74-2:2008
Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds - Part 2: Special couplers - Requirements and test procedures |
27 |
EN 74-3:2007
Couplers, spigot pins and baseplates for use in falsework and scaffolds - Part 3: Plain base plates and spigot pins - Requirements and test procedures |
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