2019-07-23 20:45标准号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
KS A ISO 26-2003 | 电影摄影.16mm影片作直接正面放映时在放映机上的用法.规范 | Cinematography-Projector usage of 16 mm motion-picture films for direct front projection-Specifications |
KS A ISO 26428-1-2010 | 数字影院(D-影院)发行母带.第1部分:图像特性 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) distribution master-Part 1:Image characteristics |
KS A ISO 26428-11-2014 | 数字影院(D-影院)发行母带.第11部分:附加帧频 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) distribution master ― Part 11: Additional frame rates |
KS A ISO 26428-19-2014 | 数字影院(D-影院)发行母带.第19部分:用于AFR2级和AFR4级附加帧频的串行数字接口信号格式化 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) distribution master — Part 19: Serial digital interface signal formatting for additional frame rates level AFR2 and level AFR4 |
KS A ISO 26428-2-2011 | 数字影院(D-影院)发行母带.第2部分:音频特性 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) distribution master-Part 2:Audio characteristics |
KS A ISO 26428-3-2010 | 数字影院(D-影院)发行母带.第3部分:音频通道映射和通道标签 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) distribution master-Part 3:Audio channel mapping and channel labeling |
KS A ISO 26428-9-2011 | 数字影院(D-影院)发行母带.第9部分:图像的像素结构水平3.串行数字接口信号格式.第1版 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) distribution master-Part 9:Image pixel structure level 3-Serial digital interface signal formatting |
KS A ISO 26429-10-2011 | 数字影院(D-影院)组件.第10部分:立体图片跟踪文件.第一版 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) packaging-Part 10:Stereoscopic picture track file |
KS A ISO 26429-3-2010 | 数字影院(D-影院)组件.第3部分:声音和图片磁道文件 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) packaging-Part 3:Sound and picture track file |
KS A ISO 26429-4-2010 | 数字影院(D-影院)组件.第4部分:MXF JPEG 2000应用 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) packaging-Part 4:MXF JPEG 2000 application |
KS A ISO 26429-6-2010 | 数字影院(D-影院)组件.第6部分:基本加密的MXF磁道文件 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) packaging-Part 6:MXF track file essence encryption |
KS A ISO 26429-7-2011 | 数字影院(D-影院)组件.第7部分:合成播放清单 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) packaging-Part 7:Composition playlist |
KS A ISO 26429-8-2011 | 数字影院(D-影院)组件.第8部分:装箱单.第一版 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) packaging-Part 8:Packing list |
KS A ISO 26429-9-2011 | 数字影院(D-影院)组件.第9部分:资产的映射和文件分割.第一版 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) packaging-Part 9:Asset mapping and file segmentation |
KS A ISO 26430-1-2010 | 数字电影(D-影院)指令操作码.第1部分:键传递信息 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 1:Key delivery message |
KS A ISO 26430-2-2010 | 数字影院(D-影院)指令操作码.第2部分:数字鉴定 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 2:Digital certificate |
KS A ISO 26430-3-2011 | 数字影院(D-影院)运营.通用影院外信息格式 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 3:Generic extra-theater message format |
KS A ISO 26430-4-2012 | 数字影院(D-影院)运营.日志记录格式规范 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 4:Log record format specification |
KS A ISO 26430-5-2012 | 数字影院(D-影院)运营.安全日志事件类别和限制 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 5:Security log event class and constraints |
KS A ISO 26430-6-2012 | 数字影院(D-影院)运营.剧场内部通信保安信息 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 6:Auditorium security messages for intra-theater communications |
KS A ISO 26430-9-2012 | 数字影院(D-影院)运营.第9部分:密钥传输包 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) operations-Part 9:Key delivery bundle |
KS A ISO 26431-1-2012 | 数字影院(D-影院)质量.第1部分:屏幕亮度等级、色度和均匀度 | Digital cinema(D-cinema) quality-Part 1:Screen luminance level, chromaticity and uniformity |
KS A ISO 26432-2-2012 | 数字资源处理.第2部分:数字电影院(D-cinema)低频效果(LFE)频道声频特性 | Digital source processing-Part 2:Digital cinema(D-cinema) low frequency effects(LFE) channel audio characteristics |
KS A ISO 26433-2012 | 数字影院(D-影院.XML数据类型 | Digital cinema(D-cinema)-XML data types |
KS A ISO 2720-2002 | 摄影.一般用途的照相曝光计(光电式).产品规范指南 | Photography-General purpose photographic exposure meters(photoelectric type)-Guide to product specification |
KS A ISO 2721-2013 | 摄影.照相机.曝光自动控制 | Photography — cameras-automatic controls of exposure |
KS A ISO 27467-2012 | 核临界安全.假设临界事故的分析 | Nuclear criticality safety-Analysis of a postulated criticality accident |
KS A ISO 27468-2017 | 核临界安全.包含PWR UOX燃料的系统评估.临界燃耗效益方法 | Nuclear criticality safety — Evaluation of systems containing PWR UOx fuels — Bounding burnup credit approach |
KS A ISO 28001-2012 | 供应链安全管理系统规范.执行供应链安全用最佳实施规程、评估和规划.要求和指南 | Security management systems for the supply chain-Best practices for implementing supply chain security, assessments and plans-Requirements and guidance |
KS A ISO 28003-2012 | 供应链安全管理系统.供应链安全管理系统审核和认证机构的要求 | Security management systems for the supply chain-Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of supply chain security management systems |
KS A ISO 28-2006 | 电影技术.8mmR型电影胶片电影摄影机的用法.规范 | Cinematography-Camera usage of 8mm Type R motion-picture film-Specifications |
KS A ISO 2827-2003 | 摄影.电子闪光装置.光输出和性能的测定 | Photography-Electronic flash equipment-Determination of light output and performance |
KS A ISO 2854-2013 | 数据的统计说明.有关平均数与方差数的估算与试验技术 | Statistical interpretation of data-Techniques of estimation and tests relating to means and variances |
KS A ISO 2855-2009 | 放射性物质.包装.内容物和辐射泄漏检验 | Radioactive materials-Packagings-Tests for contents leakage and radiation leakage |
KS A ISO 2889-2014 | 气载放射性物质取样的一般原则 | Sampling airborne radioactive materials from the stacks and ducts of nuclear facilities |
KS A ISO 2906-2003 | 电影技术.电影摄影机在胶片35mm上形成的影象区.位置和尺寸 | Cinematography-Image area produced by camera aperture on 35 mm motion-picture film-Position and dimensions |
KS A ISO 2907-2010 | 电影摄影.在35mm电影胶片上可放映的最大影像区.位置和尺寸 | Cinematography-Maximum projectable image area on 35 mm motion-picture film-Position and dimensions |
KS A ISO 2910-2013 | 电影摄影.室内影院和鉴定放映室的银幕亮度 | Cinematography — Screen luminance for the projection of motion-picture prints indoor theatres and review rooms |
KS A ISO 2919-2014 | 辐射防护.密封放射源.一般要求和分级 | Radiological protection — Sealed radioactive sources — General requirements and classification |
KS A ISO 2939-2018 | 电影摄影.35mm电影发行拷贝上画面区域.位置和尺寸 | Cinematography — Picture image area on 35 mm motion-picture release prints — Position and dimensions and analogue and digital photographic sound to picture record displacement |
KS A ISO 2969-2018 | 电影技术.电影录音控制室和室内影院B环电声响应.规范和测量 | Cinematography — B-chain electro-acoustic response of motionpicture control rooms and indoor theatres — Specifications and measurements |
KS A ISO 29845-2017 | 技术产品文件.文件类型 | Technical product documentation — Document types |
KS A ISO 3022-2003 | 电影技术.打孔16mm(1-3-0)的35mm电影胶片.裁切和打孔尺寸 | Cinematography-35 mm motion-picture film perforated 16 mm(1-3-0)-Cutting and perforating dimensions |
KS A ISO 3023-2003 | 电影技术.65mm和70mm未曝光电影胶片.裁切和打孔尺寸 | Cinematography-65 mm and 70 mm unexposed motion-picture film-Cutting and perforating dimensions |
KS A ISO 3028-2007 | 摄影技术.照相机闪光照明.ISO光谱分布指数的测定(ISO/SDI) | Photography-Camera flash illuminants-Determination of ISO spectral distribution index(ISO/SDI) |
KS A ISO 3042-2018 | 电影技术.未曝光电影胶片和涂磁胶片盒的标签.最低限度内容规定 | Cinematography — Labelling of containers for raw-stock motion-picture films and magnetic films — Minimum information specifications |
KS A ISO 3047-2003 | 电影技术.35mm电影摄影机白天装片型片盘(容量30m-100ft).尺寸 | Cinematography-Spool, daylight loading type, for 35 mm motion-picture cameras(capacity 30 m-100ft)-Dimensions |
KS A ISO 3098-1-2017 | 技术产品文献.字体.第1部分:一般要求 | Technical product documentation — Lettering — Part 1: General requirements |
KS A ISO 3098-3-2014 | 技术产品文献.字体.第3部分:希腊字母 | Technical product documentation — Lettering — Part 3: Greek alphabet |
KS A ISO 3098-4-2014 | 技术产品文献.字体.第4部分:拉丁字母的区分标记和特殊标记 | Technical product documentation — Lettering — Part 4: Diacritical and particular marks for the Latin alphabet |
KS A ISO 3098-5-2014 | 技术产品文献.字体.第5部分:拉丁字母、数字和标志的CAD字体 | Technical product documentation — Lettering — Part 5: CAD lettering of the Latin alphabet, numerals and marks |
KS A ISO 3098-6-2014 | 技术产品文献.字体.第6部分:西里尔字母 | Technical product documentation — Lettering — Part 6: Cyrillic alphabet |
KS A ISO 3-2012 | 优先数.优先数数列 | Preferred numbers-Series of preferred numbers |
KS A ISO 3274-2014 | 产品几何量技术规范(GPS).表面结构:轮廓法接触(触针)式仪器的标称特性 | Geometrical product specifications(GPS)-Surface texture:Profile method-Nominal characteristics of contact(stylus) instruments |
KS A ISO 359-2003 | 电影技术.16mm电影拷贝可放映画面区域.尺寸和位置 | Cinematography-Projectable image area on 16 mm motion-picture prints-Dimensions and location |
KS A ISO 361-2009 | 电离辐射基本符号 | Basic ionizing radiation symbol |
KS A ISO 3647-2003 | 电影技术.16mm电影摄影机片盒和电影放映机片主轴.尺寸 | Cinematography-Spindles for 16 mm motion-picture camera spools and projector reels-Dimensions |
KS A ISO 3653-2003 | 电影摄影.超8mm电影放映机片夹/片盒用主轴.尺寸 | Cinematography-Spindles for 8 mm Type S motion-picture projector reels/spools-Dimensions |
KS A ISO 37001-2017 | 反贿赂管理体系. 使用指南要求 | Anti-bribery management systems — Requirements with guidance for use |
KS A ISO 3774-2003 | 电影技术.在35mm电影胶片上打超8mm(1-3-5-7-0)和(1-0)片孔.裁切和打孔尺寸 | Cinematography-35 mm motion-picture film perforated 8 mm Type S(1-3-5-7-0) and (1-0)-Cutting and perforating dimensions |
KS A ISO 3925-2016 | 非密封放射性物质.鉴别和证书 | Unsealed radioactive substances-Identification and certification |
KS A ISO 3952-1-2013 | 运动图图形符号第1部分 | Kinematic diagrams-Graphical symbols-Part 1 |
KS A ISO 3952-2-2002 | 运动图图形符号第2部分 | Kinematic diagrams-Graphical symbols-Part 2 |
KS A ISO 3952-3-2002 | 运动图图形符号第3部分 | Kinematic diagrams-Graphical symbols-Part 3 |
KS A ISO 3952-4-2002 | 运动图图形符号第4部分 | Kinematic diagrams-Graphical symbols-Part 4 |
KS A ISO 3999-1-2002 | 放射线防护.工业用γ线渗透检测装置.第1部分:性能、设计和测试标准 | Radiation protection-Apparatus for industrial gamma radiography-Part 1:Specifications for performance, design and tests |
KS A ISO 3999-2012 | 辐射防护工业γ射线照相设备性能、设计和试验规范 | Radiation protection-Apparatus for industrial gamma radiography-Specifications for performance, design and tests |
KS A ISO 4037-1-2003 | 校准剂量计和剂量率计及测定其能量响应的X和γ参考辐射第1部分:辐射特性和产生方法 | X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy-Part 1:Radiation characteristics and production methods |
KS A ISO 4037-2-2003 | 校准剂量计和剂量强度计及测定其对光子能量的响应的X和γ参考辐射第2部分:能量范围为8keV至1.3MeV和4meV至9meV的辐射防护剂量测定 | X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy- Part 2:Dosimetry for radiation protection over the energy ranges 8 keV to 1.3 MeV and 4 MeV to 9 MeV |
KS A ISO 4037-3-2003 | 校准剂量计和剂量率计及测定其光子响应的X和γ参考辐射第3部分:区域和个人剂量计的校准及其能量和入射角响应的测量 | X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy-Part 3:Calibration of area and personal dosemeters and the measurement of their response as a function of energy and angle of incidence |
KS A ISO 4037-4-2008 | 校准剂量计和剂量率计及测定其能量响应的X和γ参考辐射第4部分:低能X参考辐射场中区域和个人剂量计的校准 | X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy-Part 4:Calibration of area and personal dosemeters in low energy X reference radiation fields |
KS A ISO 4090-2002 | 摄影.医疗放射照相用X光底片盒/屏蔽物/胶片和硬拷贝成像胶片.尺寸和规范 | Photography-Medical radiographic cassettes/screens/films and hard-copy imaging films-Dimensions and specifications |
KS A ISO 4238-2003 | 电影技术.电影影片画面放大或缩小光学印片比率.规范 | Cinematography-Optical printing ratios for enlargement and reduction of motion-picture film images-Specifications |
KS A ISO 4241-2018 | 电影摄影.电影院放映片头、片尾和辅助标志.规范 | Cinematography — Theatre projection leader, trailer and cue marks — Specifications |
KS A ISO 4242-2003 | 电影技术.16mm磁片上两声轨录音磁头隙缝.位置和宽度尺寸 | Cinematography-Recording head gaps for two sound records on 16 mm magnetic film-Positions and width dimensions |
KS A ISO 4243-2003 | 电影技术.16mm电影发行拷贝上的画面和光学声带.位置和尺寸 | Cinematography-Picture image area and photographic sound record on 16 mm motion-picture release prints-Positions and dimensions |
KS A ISO 4246-2003 | 电影摄影.术语 | Cinematography-Vocabulary |
KS A ISO 466-2003 | 电影摄影.16mm电影摄影机片窗在胶片上形成的画面.位置和尺寸 | Cinematography-Image produced by 16 mm motion-picture camera aperture-Position and dimensions |
KS A ISO 4834-2003 | 电影技术.不包括涂磁发行拷贝在内的磁性声带测试片.基本技术特性 | Cinematography-Magnetic sound test films excluding striped release prints-Basic technical characteristics |
KS A ISO 486-2003 | 电影技术.在16mm电影胶片上打普通8mm胶片片孔.裁切和打孔尺寸 | Cinematography-16 mm motion-picture film perforated 8 mm Type R-Cutting and perforating dimensions |
KS A ISO 490-2003 | 电影摄影.在沿单边穿孔的16mm影片的磁性声带录音与还音磁头隙缝(1型).位置和宽度尺寸 | Cinematography-Magnetic stripes and magnetic recording head gaps for sound record on 16 mm motion-picture film perforated along one edge (Type 1)-Positions and width dimensions |
KS A ISO 491-2003 | 电影技术.35mm电影胶片和涂磁胶片.剪切和穿孔尺寸 | Cinematography-35 mm motion-picture film and magnetic film-Cutting and perforating Dimensions |
KS A ISO 497-2012 | 优先数列及舍入优先数列的选择指南 | Guide to the choice of series of preferred numbers and of series containing more rounded values of preferred numbers |
KS A ISO 50001-2011 | 能源管理系统.使用指导包含的要求事项 | Energy management systems-Requirements with guidance for use |
KS A ISO 50002-2016 | 能源审计. 使用指南的要求 | Energy audits — Requirements with guidance for use |
KS A ISO 50003-2016 | 能源管理系统. 能源管理体系审核和认证机构的要求 | Energy management systems ― Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of energy management systems |
KS A ISO 50004-2016 | 能源管理系统. 能源管理系统的实施, 维护和改善指南 | Energy management systems — Guidance for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of an energy management system |
KS A ISO 50006-2016 | 能源管理系统. 使用能源基线 (EnB) 和能源性能指标 (EnPI) 测量能源性能. 通用原则和指南 | Energy management systems — Measuring energy performance using energy baselines(EnB) and energy performance indicators(EnPI) — General principles and guidance |
KS A ISO 50015-2016 | 能源管理系统. 组织能源性能的测量和验证. 通用原则和指南 | Energy management systems — Measurement and verification of energy performance of organizations — General principles and guidance |
KS A ISO 516-2003 | 摄影.照相机快门.爆光时间 | Photography-Camera shutters-Timing |
KS A ISO 519-2002 | 摄影.手持式照相机.闪光连接件尺寸 | Photography-Hand-held cameras-Flash-connector dimensions |
KS A ISO 5-2-2011 | 摄影和制图技术密度测量第2部分:透射密度的几何条件 | Photography and graphic technology-Density measurements-Part 2:Geometric conditions for transmission density |
KS A ISO 5261-2014 | 技术制图.金属棒的简单表示和外形剖面 | Technical drawings — Simplified representation of bars and profile sections |
KS A ISO 5-3-2011 | 摄影和制图技术密度测量第3部分:光谱条件 | Photography and graphic technology-Density measurements-Part 3:Spectral conditions |
KS A ISO 5-4-2011 | 摄影和制图技术密度测量第4部分:反射密度的几何条件 | Photography and graphic technology-Density measurements-Part 4:Geometric conditions for reflection density |
KS A ISO 5455-2016 | 技术制图 比例尺 | Technical drawings-Scales |
KS A ISO 5456-1-2014 | 制图.投影法.第1部分:概要 | Technical drawings — Projection methods — Part 1: Synopsis |
KS A ISO 5456-2-2014 | 制图.投影法.第2部分:正交表示法 | Technical drawings — Projection methods — Part 2: Orthographic representations |
KS A ISO 5456-3-2014 | 制图.投影法.第3部分:三次影像的平行投影(三向投影表示法) | Technical drawings — Projection methods — Part 3: Axonometric representations |
KS A ISO 5456-4-2014 | 制图.投影法.第4部分:中央投影法 | Technical drawings — Projection methods — Part 4: Central projection |