2019-07-23 20:45标准号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
KS L 0004-2015 | 玻璃领域标准术语 | Terms related to glass |
KS L 0005-1995 | 防水水泥领域标准术语 | Terms related to hydraulic cement |
KS L 0006-2012 | 生产水泥用旋转炉热量计算方法 | Heat balancing of cement rotary kiln |
KS L 0007-2012 | 烧陶瓷、耐火物用间歇窑热平衡测定与计算方法 | Calculation method of heat balance of the firing periodic kiln for potteries and refractories |
KS L 0008-2012 | 烧陶瓷、耐火物用隧道窑热平衡测定与计算方法 | Calculation method of heat balance of the firing tunnel kiln for potteries and refractories |
KS L 0009-2017 | 烧石灰用立窑热平衡测定与计算方法 | Calculation method of heat balance of the firing kiln for lime |
KS L 0010-2017 | 矿石和其他材料用连续式干燥窑热平衡测定与计算方法 | Calculation method of heat balance of continuous dryer for ores and other materials |
KS L 0013-2014 | 陶瓷工业分类代码 | Ceramic industry classification code |
KS L 1001-2013 | 瓷砖 | Ceramic tiles |
KS L 1002-2015 | 骨灰瓷餐具 | Bone china table ware |
KS L 1003-2014 | 耐热陶瓷餐具 | Heat resistant ceramic table ware |
KS L 1004-2009 | 住宅用抽水马桶 | Trapless water toilet bowls |
KS L 1201-2009 | 烧制白瓷材料比重试验方法 | Testing method for specific gravity of fired whiteware materials |
KS L 1202-2009 | 陶瓷热传导率测定方法 | Thermal conductivity of whiteware ceramics |
KS L 1203-2002 | 陶瓷抗压强度试验方法 | Testing method for compressive(crushing)strength of fired whiteware materials |
KS L 1204-2014 | 釉面陶瓷表面铅、镉、砷提取试验方法 | Testing method for lead, cadmium and arsenic extracted from glazed ceramic surfaces |
KS L 1206-1997 | 瓷砖对普通水泥的粘结强度测定法 | Testing method for bond strength of ceramic tile to portland cement |
KS L 1209-2009 | 陶瓷材料45°镜面光泽度试验方法 | Testing method for 45° specular gloss of ceramic materials |
KS L 1210-2009 | 釉上装饰耐洗涤剂侵蚀性试验方法 | Testing method for resistance of overglaze decorations to attack by detergents |
KS L 1211-2006 | 非可塑性陶瓷粉末的精密湿性筛析方法 | Precision wet sieve analysis of nonplastic ceramic powders |
KS L 1551-2014 | 卫生器具 | Sanitary wares |
KS L 1553-2013 | 化学工业用耐酸陶瓷试验方法 | Testing method of acid proof porcelain for chemical industry |
KS L 1557-2010 | 化学分析用瓷燃烧管 | Porcelain combustion tubes for chemical analysis |
KS L 1560-2010 | 化学分析用瓷高温舟皿 | Porcelain combustion boats for chemical analysis |
KS L 1561-2014 | 化学分析用瓷盘 | Porcelain dish for chemical analysis |
KS L 1581-2010 | 化学工业用耐酸陶瓷.填料 | Packing of acid proof pottery for chemical industry |
KS L 1591-2013 | 工程陶瓷弯曲强度试验方法 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for flexural strength of monolithic ceramics at room temperature |
KS L 1592-2011 | 陶瓷瓷砖用水泥 | Cement for ceramic tiles |
KS L 1593-2016 | 陶瓷瓷砖用粘合剂 | Organic adhesives for ceramic tiles |
KS L 1596-2013 | 陶瓷餐具耐冲击强度试验方法 | Rim impact testing method for strength porcelain tableware |
KS L 1597-2014 | 粘土空心砖 | Hollow clay building blocks |
KS L 1598-2009 | 高温下高性能陶瓷弹性模量测试方法 | Testing method for elastic modulus of high performance ceramics at elevated temperature |
KS L 1599-2001 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-整体陶瓷室温和高温拉伸强度试验方法 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Test methodfor tensile strength of monolithic ceramics at room and elevated temperature |
KS L 1600-2010 | 高性能陶瓷断裂韧性试验方法 | Testing methods for fracture toughness of high performance ceramics |
KS L 1601-2006 | 精细陶瓷.单块陶瓷常温耐压缩强度试验方法 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Test method for compressive strength of monolithicceramics at room temperature |
KS L 1602-2006 | 非氧化细陶瓷抗氧化性能测定方法 | Testing methods for oxidation resistance of non-oxide fine ceramics |
KS L 1603-2013 | 精细陶瓷.单块陶瓷常温硬度试验方法 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Test method for hardness of monolithic ceramics at room temperature |
KS L 1604-2017 | 工程陶瓷材料热扩散率、比热容、导热系数试验方法.激光闪点法 | Fine ceramics-Determination of thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity,and thermal conductivity of monolithic ceramics by laser flash method |
KS L 1605-2013 | 工程陶瓷制品弯曲蠕变试验方法 | Testing method for bending creep of fine ceramics |
KS L 1606-2013 | 工程陶瓷制品耐磨性试验.磨球盘法 | Fine Ceramics (Advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Determination of friction and wear characteristics of monolithic ceramics by ball-on-disc method |
KS L 1607-2008 | 工程陶瓷制品耐腐蚀试验方法.酸、碱溶液 | Test method for corrosion of fine ceramics in acid and alkaline solutions |
KS L 1608-2014 | 精细陶瓷高温断裂韧度试验方法 | Testing method for fracture toughness of fines ceramics at elevated temperature |
KS L 1611-2013 | 精细陶瓷适应高温、高压环境评价试验方法 | Test methods for adaptation assessment of high performance ceramics under high temperature and high pressure |
KS L 1612-2016 | 精细陶瓷用细碳化硅粉末化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of fine silicon carbide powders for fine ceramics |
KS L 1613-2011 | 精细陶瓷用氮化硅粉末化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of fine silicon nitride powers for fine ceramics |
KS L 1614-2001 | 精细陶瓷粉末颗粒粒度分布测定方法.激光衍射法 | Determination of particle size distributions for fine ceramic raw powders by laser diffraction method |
KS L 1616-2012 | 精细陶瓷粉末等电点的测定方法 | Test methods of iso-electric point of fine ceramic powders |
KS L 1617-2017 | 细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-用湿筛法测定陶瓷粉末中粗颗粒含量 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Determination of content of coarse particles in ceramic powders by wet sieving method |
KS L 1618-2013 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-陶瓷颗粒性能试验方法 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)- Test methods of properties of ceramic granules |
KS L 1619-2013 | 测定传导精细陶瓷薄膜电阻率的试验方法.四点探针排列法 | Testing methods for resistivity of conductive fine ceramic thin films with four point probe array |
KS L 1620-2013 | 测定传导精细陶瓷薄膜电阻率的试验方法.范德堡尔法 | Test methods for measuring resistivity of electrically conductive ceramic thin films with Van der Pauw method |
KS L 1621-2008 | 精细陶瓷粉末体积密度测定方法 | Fine ceramics-Test methods for bulk density of fine ceramic powder |
KS L 1622-2006 | 光催化术语 | Glossary of terms used in photocatalysts |
KS L 1623-2012 | 细陶瓷颗粒抗压强度试验方法 | Testing method for compressive strength of fine ceramic granules |
KS L 1624-2017 | 陶瓷细粉未剥密度试验方法 | Testing method for untapped density of fine ceramic powders |
KS L 1625-2012 | 细陶瓷粉体压实性能试验方法 | Testing method for compaction property of fine ceramic powders |
KS L 1626-2017 | 细陶瓷粉体流动性试验方法 | Testing method for flowability of fine ceramic powders |
KS L 1627-2014 | 电感耦合等离子体光谱法测定高纯钴锭中杂质的方法 | Testing method of impurities in high purity cobalt ingot by inductively coupled plasma spectrometric |
KS L 1628-2015 | 细气泡技术术语和定义 | Glossary of terms and definition of fine bubble technology |
KS L 2002-2006 | 钢化玻璃 | Tempered glass |
KS L 2003-2013 | 中空玻璃 | Sealed insulating glass |
KS L 2004-2014 | 夹层玻璃 | Laminated glass |
KS L 2005-2009 | 花纹玻璃 | Patterned glass |
KS L 2006-2008 | 钢丝眼镜 | Wire glasses |
KS L 2007-2014 | 汽车安全玻璃 | Safety glasses for road vehicles |
KS L 2008-2003 | 热吸收玻璃 | Heat absorbing glass |
KS L 2009-2009 | 显微镜用盖玻片 | Cover glass for microscope |
KS L 2010-2009 | 显微镜载片 | Slide glasses for microscope |
KS L 2011-2006 | X射线防护用铅玻璃 | Lead glass for X-ray protection |
KS L 2012-2013 | 浮法玻璃和抛光平板玻璃 | Float and polished plate glass |
KS L 2014-2010 | 光反射玻璃 | Solar reflective glass |
KS L 2015-2006 | 热钢化玻璃 | Heat-strengthened glass |
KS L 2016-2014 | 玻璃窗胶膜 | Adhesive films for glazings |
KS L 2017-2008 | 低发射率玻璃 | Low emissivity glass |
KS L 2018-2015 | 玻璃中铅和镉含量的测定方法 | Glass — Determination of lead and cadmium — Inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometric method |
KS L 2019-2015 | 玻璃中六价铬含量的测定方法 | Glass — Determination of hexavalent chromium |
KS L 2100-2015 | 电具玻璃中水银含量的测定方法 | Determination of mercury in glass bulb |
KS L 2101-2009 | 硅砂和硅石化学分析方法 | Chemical analysis of silica sand and quartz |
KS L 2104-2009 | 镜子玻璃 | Glass for mirror |
KS L 2105-2006 | 玻璃线膨胀系数测定方法.激光干涉法 | Measuring method of the linear thermal expansioncoefficient for low expansion glass by laser interferometry |
KS L 2106-2009 | 玻璃均匀度测定方法.激光干涉法 | Measuring method for the homogeneity of glasses by laser interferometry |
KS L 2107-1999 | 玻璃衬底硅膜粘合性试验方法 | Testing methods for the adhesion of silica coating to the glass substrate |
KS L 2108-2001 | 玻璃衬底薄膜粘合性试验方法 | Testing methods for adhesion of thin films on glass substrate |
KS L 2109-2006 | 玻璃衬底表面电阻率试验方法 | Measuring methods of surface resistivity for glass substrates |
KS L 2110-2006 | 玻璃衬底表面润湿性测定方法 | Testing method of wettability of glass substrate |
KS L 2300-2007 | 活塞微量测容积设备 | Piston operation micro-volumetric apparatus |
KS L 2301-2015 | 化学分析用玻璃仪器试验方法 | Testing method of glass apparatus for chemical analysis |
KS L 2302-2017 | 化学分析用玻璃仪器尺寸、外形 | Shape and dimension of glass apparatus for chemical analysis |
KS L 2303-2015 | 化学分析用玻璃仪器 | Glass apparatus for chemical analysis |
KS L 2304-2016 | 安瓿 | Ampoule |
KS L 2305-2016 | 安瓿馆 | Ampoule pipe |
KS L 2306-1997 | 玻璃管 | Glass tubes |
KS L 2307-2015 | 玻璃棒 | Glass rods |
KS L 2308-2010 | 钠钙镁硅玻璃化学分析方法 | Method for chemical analysis of soda-lime-magnesia-silica glasses |
KS L 2310-2009 | 耐酸玻璃瓶 | Acid proof glass bottles |
KS L 2311-2016 | 注射用玻璃瓶 | Tube bottle for injections |
KS L 2313-2010 | 玻璃粗纱 | Glass roving |
KS L 2314-2015 | 加工玻璃布 | Finished textile glass fabrics |
KS L 2315-2015 | 粗纱玻璃布 | Textile glass-woven roving |
KS L 2316-2010 | 化学分析用测定体积玻璃材料 | Volumetric glass material for chemical analysis |
KS L 2317-2015 | 化学分析用测定体积玻璃器具 | Volumetric glassware |
KS L 2320-2016 | 化学分析玻璃仪器.互换圆锥形磨砂接头 | Interchangeable conical glass ground joints |
KS L 2323-2007 | 化学分析玻璃仪器.互换球形磨砂接头 | Interchangeable spherical ground glass joints |
KS L 2326-1978 | 玻璃集装器具取样方法 | Sampling method for glass containers |
KS L 2327-2007 | 玻璃纤维短切原丝毡 | Chopped glass strand mats |
KS L 2401-2009 | 玻璃退火点和软化点测定方法.压梁法 | Testing method for annealing point and strain point of glass by beam bending |
KS L 2402-2015 | 碳酸饮料玻璃瓶防碎裂性能试验方法 | Testing methods for the fragment retention of carbonated beverage bottles |
KS L 2403-2015 | 水晶玻璃 | Crystal glass |
KS L 2404-2010 | 晶体玻璃化学分析方法 | Method for chemical analysis of crystal glass |
KS L 2405-2006 | 镜面光泽度试验方法 | Method of measurement for specular glossiness |
KS L 2406-2017 | 镜子 | Mirror |
KS L 2407-2016 | 真空玻璃保温瓶 | Glass vacuum bottles |
KS L 2408-2015 | 玻璃杯 | Glass tumblers |
KS L 2410-2006 | 碳酸饮料玻璃瓶 | Carbonated beverage bottles |
KS L 2411-2001 | 碳酸饮料玻璃瓶厚度测量方法 | Method of measurement of glass thickness forcarbonated beverage bottles |
KS L 2413-2001 | 碳酸饮料玻璃瓶拉伸试验法 | Testing method for strain of carbonated beverage bottles |
KS L 2414-2006 | 碳酸饮料玻璃瓶耐热冲击试验方法 | Testing method for thermal shock of carbonated beverage bottles |
KS L 2415-2006 | 碳酸饮料玻璃瓶耐撞击试验 | Testing method for impact of carbonated beverage bottles |
KS L 2416-2016 | 药品玻璃瓶 | Glass bottle for drug |
KS L 2424-2001 | 耐热玻璃器皿 | Heat resistant glass wares |
KS L 2501-2015 | 玻璃瓶 | Glass bottle |
KS L 2503-2009 | 玻璃容器耐热冲击试验方法 | Thermal shock test on glass containers |
KS L 2506-2009 | 玻璃平均线膨胀系数测试方法 | Testing method for average linear thermal expansion of glass |
KS L 2507-2015 | 玻璃纤维纱 | Textile glass-yarns |
KS L 2508-2016 | 玻璃布 | Textile glass fabrics |
KS L 2509-2007 | 玻璃纤维带 | Textile glass tapes |
KS L 2511-2007 | 袋式除尘器用玻璃织物 | Finished glass cloths for bag filter |
KS L 2512-2009 | 硼钛酸盐玻璃化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of borosilicate glasses |
KS L 2513-2015 | 玻璃纤维基本试验方法 | Testing methods for textile glass products |
KS L 2514-2011 | 热玻璃透过率和发射率的测试方法及太阳热增益系数的评定 | Testing method on transmittance and emittance of heat glasses and evaluation of solar heat gain coefficient |
KS L 2515-2013 | 碳纤维试验方法 | General rule testing methods for carbon fibers |
KS L 2516-2008 | 化学设备的玻璃配件 | Glass components for chemical plants |
KS L 2518-2015 | 玻璃纤维术语 | Terms related to textile glass |
KS L 2521-2017 | 路面标志涂料用玻璃丸 | Glass beads for traffic paint |
KS L 2522-2014 | 碳纤维织物试验方法 | Testing methods for carbon fibre woven fabrics |
KS L 2523-2006 | 玻璃纤维布膜材料 | Glass fabrics for membrane structure |
KS L 2524-2006 | 玻璃纤维表面涂覆材料 | Textile glass fabrics for surfacing |
KS L 2525-2006 | 平板玻璃热阻及热传递特性的计算方法 | Evaluation on thermal resistance of flat glasses and thermal transmittance of glazing |
KS L 2526-2006 | 氟化玻璃化学耐久性测试方法 | Testing method for chemical durabilities of fluoride glasses |
KS L 3001-2006 | 耐火颗粒白云石分类及试验方法 | Classification and testing methods of refractory granular dolomite |
KS L 3002-2013 | 釉瓷和搪瓷.搪瓷产品的质量试验方法 | Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Quality test methods of enamelled products |
KS L 3101-2002 | 耐火砖尺寸、外形 | Shape and dimension of fire brick |
KS L 3104-2014 | 耐火砖尺寸检验方法 | Method of inspection for dimension of refractory brick |
KS L 3110-2017 | 耐火砖抗弯强度试验方法 | Testing method of bending strength for fire brick |
KS L 3112-2010 | 耐火砖翘曲测定方法 | Method of measuring warpage of refractory bricks |
KS L 3113-2016 | 耐火砖和耐火材料的耐火度试验方法 | Testing method for refractoriness of refractory materials and products |
KS L 3115-1-2015 | 耐火砖冷压缩强度试验方法第1部分:无填料试验 | Testing method for cold compressive strength of refractory bricks — Part 1: Test without packing |
KS L 3115-2-2012 | 耐火砖冷压强度试验方法第2部分:包装试验 | Testing method for cold compressive strength of refractory bricks-Part 2:Test with packing |
KS L 3116-2013 | 耐火砖线膨胀系数试验方法 | Test methods for thermal expansion of refractory |
KS L 3117-2015 | 耐火砖残余线胀缩试验方法 | Testing method for residual linear expansion and contraction of refractory bricks |
KS L 3119-2015 | 耐火砖负载软化点试验方法 | Testing method for refractoriness-under-load of refractory bricks |
KS L 3121-2015 | 绝热耐火砖导热系数测定方法 | Testing method for thermal conductivity of insulating refractory bricks |
KS L 3122-2006 | 炭砖重烧试验方法试验方法 | Testing method for reheating on carbon brick |
KS L 3123-2017 | 碱性耐火材料抗水化性试验方法 | Testing method for hydration resistance of basic brick |
KS L 3125-2008 | 耐火泥浆凝结时间试验方法 | Testing method for setting time of refractory mortars |
KS L 3126-2015 | 耐火泥浆粒度试验方法 | Testing method for grain size of refractory mortar |
KS L 3127-2010 | 耐火泥浆锥入度测定法 | Testing method for cone penetration of refractory mortar |
KS L 3129-2010 | 耐火泥浆干燥和加热线性变化率测定方法 | Testing method for coefficient of linear variation of refractory mortar |
KS L 3131-2002 | 铸钢桶耐火材料 | Steel pouring pit refractories |
KS L 3132-2002 | 锆耐火材料 | Zircon refractories |
KS L 3136-2005 | 水泥空气含量测定法 | Testing method for air content of hydraulic cement mortar |
KS L 3137-2016 | 锆耐火材料化学分析法 | Chemical analysis of zircon refractories |
KS L 3138-2006 | 过滤用粘土质陶砖 | Vitrified clay filter block |
KS L 3139-2006 | 耐火砖和绝热耐火砖抗弯强度试验方法 | Testing method for modulus of rupture of refractory bricks and insulating fire bricks at elevated temperature |
KS L 3140-2016 | 耐火砖压缩蠕变试验方法 | Testing method for compressive creep of refractry bricks |
KS L 3201-2015 | 粘土质耐火砖 | Fireclay refractory bricks |
KS L 3202-2016 | 耐火泥浆 | Refractory mortars |
KS L 3205-2017 | 高铝质耐火砖 | High alumina refractory bricks |
KS L 3206-2015 | 铬、镁质砖 | Chrome-Magnesia brick |
KS L 3208-2009 | 陶管 | Clay pipes |
KS L 3300-2015 | 莫来石耐火材料 | Mullite refractory bricks |
KS L 3301-2017 | 绝热耐火砖 | Insulating refractory bricks |
KS L 3303-2017 | 绝热耐火砖重烧收缩率试验方法 | Testing method for reheat shrinkange of insulating fire bricks |
KS L 3304-2012 | 绝热耐火砖比重和真气孔率测定方法 | Testing method for specific gravity and true porosity of insulating fire bricks |
KS L 3306-2007 | 耐火砖导热系数测定.导热系数试验方法 | Testing method for thermal conductivity of firebricks by hot wire |
KS L 3309-2007 | 铬砖 | Chrome brick |
KS L 3310-2017 | 镁砖 | Magnesia brick |
KS L 3311-2007 | 化学工业用耐酸耐热砖 | Acid and heat resisting bricks for chemical industry |
KS L 3314-2017 | 绝热耐火砖抗折强度试验方法 | Testing method for mocompressive strength of insulating fire bricks |
KS L 3315-2013 | 耐火砖和塑料耐火材料抗剥落性试验方法 | Testing method for spalling of refractory bricks and insulating fire bricks |
KS L 3316-2014 | 耐火砖和耐火泥浆x射线荧光光谱分析法 | Method for X-ray fluorescence spectrometric analysis of refractory products |
KS L 3317-2013 | 耐火砖透气性试验方法 | Testing method for permeability to gases of refractory products |
KS L 3402-2006 | 石墨坩埚及其附件 | Graphite crucible and its accessories |
KS L 3403-1999 | 人造石墨圆筒形电极的螺纹精密度测定方法 | Testing methods for screw precision of cylindrical machined graphite electrodes |
KS L 3404-1999 | 人造石墨圆筒形电极 | Cylindrical machined graphite electrodes |
KS L 3407-2010 | 高纯炭素材料 | High purity graphite materials |
KS L 3409-2015 | 高纯炭素材料物理试验方法 | Test methods for physical properties of graphite materials |
KS L 3410-2015 | 高纯炭素材料化学分析方法 | Chemical analysis for highly purity graphite materials |
KS L 3411-2010 | 碳砖试验方法 | Testing methods for carbon blocks |
KS L 3412-2017 | 石墨中灰分含量测定方法 | Testing method for ash in graphite |
KS L 3413-2007 | 石墨中水分含量测定方法 | Testing method for moisture in graphite |
KS L 3414-2006 | 氧化铝、氧化锆、硅氧耐火材料的化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of refractories containing alumina, zirconia and silica |
KS L 3415-2006 | 氧化铝、镁氧耐火材料的化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of refractories containing alumina and magnesia |
KS L 3416-2016 | 含碳和/或碳化硅耐火材料化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of refractories containing carbon and/or silicon-carbide |
KS L 3417-2015 | 钢.低碳含量的测定.第4部分:燃烧后电量测定法 | Test method for determination of lead and cadmium content in barium titanate powders |
KS L 3418-2015 | 钛酸钡中铅和镉含量的测定方法(碱性熔融法) | Test method for determination of lead and cadmium content(Alkaline fusion) |
KS L 3419-2015 | 铝粉末中铅和镉含量的测定方法(碱性熔融法) | Test method for determination of lead and cadmium content(pressure vessel) |
KS L 3503-2013 | 可浇灌耐火材料抗压强度测定 | Testing method for crushing strength and modulus of rupture of castable refractory |
KS L 3504-2008 | 可浇灌耐火材料粒度试验方法 | Testing method for grain size of castable refractories |
KS L 3509-2014 | 耐火砖和耐火砂浆的化学分析 | Chemical analysis of refractory bricks and refractory mortar |
KS L 3511-2001 | 高铝质和粘土质可浇灌耐火材料 | High alumina and fire clay castable refractories |
KS L 3513-1976 | 高铝质和粘土质塑料耐火材料 | High Alumina and fire clay plastic Refractories |
KS L 3518-2017 | 轻质浇注料线性变化永久性试验方法 | Testing method for permanent of linear change on light weight castable refractories |
KS L 3519-2017 | 轻质浇注料体积比重试验方法(模制品法) | Testing method for bulk specific gravity of light weight castable refractories(method for molded goods) |
KS L 3521-1997 | 轻量型可浇灌耐火材料 | Light weight castable refractories |
KS L 3523-2006 | 耐火材料筛析方法和含水量测定方法 | Testing methods for sieve analysis and water content of refractory materials |
KS L 3524-2006 | 氧化镁和方镁石颗粒水化率测定方法 | Testing method for hydration of magnesia or periclase grain |
KS L 4001-1970 | 陶瓷用粘土取样方法 | Method of sampling for ceramic whiteware clays |
KS L 4002-2007 | 陶瓷用粘土中游离水分的测定 | Testing method for free moisture in ceramic whiteware clays |
KS L 4003-2007 | 陶瓷用粘土湿式筛析试验方法 | Testing method for wet sieve analysis of ceramic whiteware clays |
KS L 4004-1997 | 陶瓷用粘土干燥收缩率和烧成收缩率测定方法 | Testing method for drying and firing shrinkages of ceramic whiteware clays |
KS L 4005-2006 | 非可塑性陶器原料的筛析试验方法 | Sieve analysis of nonplastic ceramic materials |
KS L 4006-2008 | 热电偶用非金属保护管 | Non-metallic protecting tubes for thermocouples |
KS L 4007-2016 | 粘土化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of clay |
KS L 4008-2006 | 陶瓷吸水性、毛体积比重、表观比重、表观气孔率测定方法 | Testing method for water absorption, bulk density, apparent specific gravity and apparent porosity of fired whiteware products |
KS L 4009-2013 | 陶瓷湿膨胀试验方法 | Testing method for moisture expansion of fired whiteware products and ceramic tiles |
KS L 4010-2013 | 陶瓷用粘土过滤速度测定方法 | Testing method for filtration rate of ceramic whiteware clays |
KS L 4201-2017 | 粘土砖 | Clay brick |
KS L 4203-2001 | 钢包用粘土质耐火砖 | Fireclay bricks for ladle |
KS L 4204-2007 | 硅灰砖 | Sand lime brick |
KS L 4208-2006 | 厂房地板砖 | Industrial floor brick |
KS L 5101-1997 | 水泥取样方法 | Testing method for sampling hydraulic cement |
KS L 5102-2001 | 水凝水泥标准稠度试验方法 | Testing method for normal consistency of hydraulic cement |
KS L 5103-1996 | 吉尔摩针测定水硬性水泥凝结时间的试验方法 | Testing method for setting time of hydraulic cement by Gilmour needles |
KS L 5104-2017 | 水凝水泥抗拉强度测定方法 | Testing method for tensile strength of hydraulic cement mortars |
KS L 5105-2007 | 水硬性水泥砂浆抗压强度试验方法 | Testing method for compressive strength of hydraulic cement mortar |
KS L 5106-2009 | 波特兰水泥粒度试验.空气渗透设备法 | Testing method for fineness of portland cement by air permeability apparatus |
KS L 5107-2001 | 水泥压力蒸汽膨胀度试验方法 | Testing method for autoclave expansion of portland cement |
KS L 5109-2017 | 水凝水泥膏和水泥浆的机械搅拌方法 | Testing method for mechanical mixing of hydraulic cement pastes and mortars of plastic consistency |
KS L 5110-2001 | 水泥比重试验方法 | Testing method for specific gravity of hydraulic cement |
KS L 5111-2017 | 水泥试验用流量表 | Flow table for use in tests of hydraulic cement |
KS L 5112-2017 | 水泥细度检验方法(45μm筛筛析法) | Standard testing method for fineness of hydraulic cement by the 45 m sieve |
KS L 5113-2008 | 普通水泥白度试验方法 | Testing method for whiteness of white portland cement |
KS L 5114-2014 | 纤维增强水泥板 | Fiber reinforced cement boards |
KS L 5117-2005 | 水泥细度检验方法(90μm筛筛析法) | Testing of method fineness of hydraulic cement by the 90 mm standard sieve |
KS L 5118-2017 | 普通水泥最适SO₃值试验方法 | Standard testing method for optimum SO 3 in portland cement |
KS L 5119-2017 | 普通水泥早期凝固试验方法(砂浆法) | Standard testing method for early stiffening of portland cement (Mortar method) |
KS L 5120-2004 | 普通水泥化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of cements |
KS L 5121-2017 | 普通水泥水化热试验方法 | Standard testing method for heat of hydration of hydraulic cement |
KS L 5201-2016 | 普通水泥 | Portland cement |
KS L 5204-2017 | 白色水泥 | White portland cement |
KS L 5205-1999 | 耐火材料用铝水泥 | Alumina cements for refractories |
KS L 5206-1999 | 耐火材料用铝水泥化学分析方法 | Chemical analysis of aluminous cement for refractories |
KS L 5207-2009 | 耐火材料用铝水泥物理试验方法 | Physical testing method of aluminous cement for refractories |
KS L 5208-2016 | 耐火材料用铬矿石化学分析方法 | Chemical analysis of chrome ore for refractories |
KS L 5210-2017 | 高炉炉渣水泥 | Portland blast-furnace slag cement |
KS L 5211-2013 | 粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥 | Portland fly-ash cement |
KS L 5212-2008 | 工业机械制动器衬片 | Brake linings for industrial machines |
KS L 5216-2017 | 利用膨胀蛭石的绝热水泥 | Expanded or exfoliated vermiculite thermal insulating cement |
KS L 5217-2017 | 膨胀水硬性水泥 | Expansive hydraulic cement |
KS L 5218-2017 | 膨胀水泥浆的抑膨胀试验方法 | Testing method for restrained expansion of expansive cement mortar |
KS L 5219-2017 | 圬工用水泥 | Masonry cement |
KS L 5220-2018 | 待搅拌干燥水泥浆料 | Dry ready mixed cement mortar |
KS L 5221-2017 | 硅酸盐水泥中六价铬的测定 | Determination of hexavalent chromium[Cr(VI)] in portland cements |
KS L 5222-2009 | 水泥化学分析方法X射线荧光法 | Chemical analysis method of cement by x-ray fluorescence |
KS L 5300-2009 | 散装材料中石棉的测定 | Determination of asbestos in bulk material |
KS L 5313-2001 | 水泥用石膏 | Gypsum for portland cement retarder |
KS L 5315-2006 | 贴面灰泥用石膏基 | Gypsum base for veneer plasters |
KS L 5316-2012 | 石膏板物理特性试验方法 | Method for physical testing of gypsum board products |
KS L 5401-2017 | 火山灰质硅酸盐水泥 | Portland pozzolan cement |
KS L 5405-2018 | 煤飞尘 | Fly ash |
KS L 5406-2012 | 压缩石棉板 | Compressed fiber jointing |
KS L 5504-2006 | 高铝质和粘土质塑料耐火材料抗压强度测定方法 | Testing method for crushing strength and modulus of rupture of high alumina and fireclay plastic refractories |
KS L 5505-2006 | 高铝质和粘土质塑料耐火材料线性变化率测定方法 | Testing method for permanent linear change on high alumina and fireclay plastic refractories |
KS L 5506-2006 | 未烧结粘土抗折强度试验方法 | Testing method for modulus of rupture of unfired clays |
KS L 5507-2006 | 混合火山灰用石灰 | Lime for use with pozzolans |
KS L 5508-2018 | 混合石灰用煤飞尘和火山灰 | Fly ash and other pozzolans for use with lime |
KS L 5509-2016 | 石膏水泥板 | Gypsum cement boards |
KS L 6001-2002 | 研磨剂颗粒粒度 | Bonded abrasive grain sizes |
KS L 6002-2002 | 砂布 | Abrasive cloths |
KS L 6003-2002 | 砂纸 | Abrasive papers |
KS L 6210-1989 | 氧化镁砂轮 | Magnesia Grinding Wheels |
KS L 6211-1989 | 砂瓦 | Segment Grinding Wheels |
KS L 6212-2015 | 树脂砂轮 | Resinoid grinding wheels |
KS L 6213-2003 | 带螺母砂盘和带螺母环形砂轮 | Inserted nut abrasive discs and inserted nut ring wheels |
KS L 6498-2002 | 砂盘 | Abrasive discs |
KS L 6499-2002 | 橡胶切割用砂轮 | Rubber cutting-off wheels |
KS L 6500-2002 | 带轴砂轮 | Mounted wheels |
KS L 6501-2015 | 玻璃化固结砂轮 | Vitrified grinding wheels |
KS L 6503-2012 | 砂轮试验方法 | Test methods of grinding wheels |
KS L 6504-2015 | 树脂切割用砂轮 | Resinoid cutting off wheels |
KS L 6505-2015 | 纤维增强钹型砂轮片 | Resinoid offset grinding wheels |
KS L 6508-2003 | 人造磨料 | Artificial abrasives |
KS L 6510-2003 | 碳化硅磨料化学分析方法 | Method for chemical analysis of silicon carbide abrasives |
KS L 6511-1994 | 磨料、砂轮、砂布、纸术语和标记 | Glossary of terms and marks used in abrasive,grinding wheel and abrasive cloth and paper |
KS L 6515-2002 | 人造磨料毛细吸液度试验方法 | Testing method for capillarity of artificial abrasives |
KS L 6516-2003 | 人造磨料比重测定方法 | Test method for specific gravity of artificial abrasives |
KS L 6518-2003 | 砂轮最高使用轴速 | Maximum operating speed of grinding wheels |
KS L 6522-2016 | 磨具涂覆用磨料粒度 | Coated abrasives-Grain sizes |
KS L 6523-2016 | 磨具涂覆用磨料粗磨粉粒度试验方法(p12-p220) | Coated abrasives-Determination of grain size distribution of microgrits P12 to P220 |
KS L 6525-2002 | 粘合磨料产品.通则.标记方法和外径尺寸范围 | Bonded abrasive products-General-Designation, marking, range of outside diameters and tolerances |
KS L 6526-2002 | 带轴研磨页轮的外观及尺寸 | Coated abrasives-Flap wheels with shafts-Designation and dimensions |
KS L 6527-2002 | 法兰研磨页轮的外观及尺寸 | Coated abrasives-Flap wheels with incorporated flanges orseparate flanges-Designation and dimensions |
KS L 6528-2003 | 粗粒人造磨料的体积密度试验方法 | Test method for bulk density of artificial abrasive macrogrits |
KS L 6801-2017 | 碳纤维密度的测定 | Carbon fiber-Determination of density |
KS L 6802-2012 | 碳纤维.上浆剂附着率试验方法 | Carbon fiber-Determination of size content |
KS L 6803-2012 | 碳纤维.单丝拉伸性能试验方法 | Carbon fiber-Determination of the tensile properties of the single-filament specimens |
KS L 6804-2012 | 碳纤维.单丝直径和横截面积的测定 | Carbon fibre-Determination of the tensile properties of the single-filament specimens |
KS L 8021-2017 | 热电偶用非金属绝缘管 | Non metallic insulating tube for thermocouples |
KS L 8510-2007 | 副产石灰砖 | By-product lime brick |
KS L 8511-2009 | 人行道用副产石灰砖 | Marine facsimile receivers for meteorological chart |
KS L 8512-2008 | 人行道用再生铸造砂咬接砌抉 | Recycled foundry sand interlocking block for side walk and road |
KS L 8514-2009 | 再生结晶化玻璃 | Recycled crystalized glass |
KS L 8520-2015 | 渣粉砖 | Waste ash brick |
KS L 8551-2007 | 轻量型发泡陶瓷块 | Lightweight swelled ceramic block |
KS L 9001-2010 | 陶瓷铸模用石膏 | Plaster of paris mold for pottery |
KS L 9002-2010 | 陶瓷铸模用石膏物理试验方法 | Method of physical test for plaster of paris mold for pottery |
KS L 9003-2015 | 石膏化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of gypsum |
KS L 9004-2017 | 酸橙的化学分析 | Chemical analysis of limes |
KS L 9007-2006 | 装饰用生石灰和熟石灰 | Decorated quicklime and hydrated lime |
KS L 9012-2008 | 水处理用生石灰和熟石灰 | Quicklime and hydrated lime for water treatment |
KS L 9013-2006 | 石膏混凝土 | Gypsum concrete |
KS L 9014-1996 | 石膏陶瓷用无机质骨料 | Inorganic aggregates for use in gypsum plaster |
KS L 9015-1996 | 石灰和石灰制品取样方法、检查、包装和标记方法 | Sampling, inspection, packing and marking of lime and limestone products |
KS L 9016-2010 | 保温材料导热系数测定方法 | Test methods for thermal transmission properties of thermal insulations |
KS L 9102-2014 | 人造矿物纤维保温材料 | Artificial mineral fiber thermal insulation materials |
KS L 9103-1996 | 瓷电极用糊料试验方法 | Testing method for solderberg paste |
KS L 9104-2017 | 陶瓷纤维毯 | Ceramic fiber blanket |
KS L 9105-2014 | 音响用洛科威板 | Dressed rockwool boards for acoustic use |
KS L 9106-2015 | 岩棉隔热板 | Mineral wool sheathing boards |
KS L 9107-2014 | 用SO测定开窗产品太阳热增益系数的试验方法 | Testing method for the determination of solar heat gain coefficient of fenestration product using so |
KS L 9201-2015 | 陶罐(韩国传统陶器) | Onggi(Korean traditional earthen ware) |
KS L 9202-2015 | 白陶器Sabal和大枣(韩国传统:米饭和汤碗) | White ware sabal and daejub(Korean traditional: rice & soup bowls) |
KS L 9203-2006 | 防水石膏护板 | Water resistant gypsum backing board |
KS L 9204-2012 | 石膏混凝土物理试验方法 | Method for physical testing of gypsum concrete |
KS L 9300-2017 | 钛酸钡粉末化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of barium titanate powders |
KS L 9310-2017 | 氮化铝粉末化学分析方法 | Methods for chemical analysis of aluminum nitride powders |
KS L 9501-2009 | 工业用石灰 | Industrial lime |
KS L 9700-2014 | 石膏和石灰相关术语汇编 | Glossary of terms related to gypsum and lime |
KS L ISO 10051-2006 | 绝热.湿度对传热影响.含湿材料传热率的测定 | Thermal insulation-Moisture effects on heat transfer-Determination of thermal transmissivity of a moist material |
KS L ISO 10058-1-2012 | 菱镁矿、白云石耐火制品化学分析方法(替代X射线荧光法)-第1部分:硅石重量分析仪器、试剂、溶解和测定 | Chemical analysis of magnesite and dolomite refractory products (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 1:Apparatus, reagents, dissolution and determination of gravimetric silica |
KS L ISO 10058-2-2012 | 菱镁矿、白云石耐火制品化学分析方法(替代X射线荧光法)-第2部分:湿化学分析 | Chemical analysis of magnesite and dolomite refractory products(alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 2:Wet chemical analysis |
KS L ISO 10058-3-2012 | 菱镁矿、白云石耐火制品化学分析方法(替代X射线荧光法)-第3部分:火焰原子吸收分光光度法(FAAS)和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES) | Chemical analysis of magnesite and dolomite refractory products(alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 3:Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry(FAAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES) |
KS L ISO 10059-2-2013 | 致密定形耐火制品.冷压缩强度的测定.第2部分:填充试验 | Dense, shaped refractory products — Determination of cold compressive strength — Part 2: Test with packing |
KS L ISO 1042-2006 | 实验室玻璃器皿.单标线容量瓶 | Laboratory glassware-One-mark volumetric flasks |
KS L ISO 10545-15-2014 | 瓷砖.第15部分:有釉瓷砖铅和镉释放量的测定 | Ceramic tiles — Part 15: Determination of lead and cadmium given off by glazed tiles |
KS L ISO 10545-9-2013 | 瓷砖第9部分:抗热震性的测定 | Ceramic tiles — Part 9: Determination of resistance to thermal shock |
KS L ISO 10676-2012 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-用活性氧形成能力测定半导体光催化材料净水性能的试验方法 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Test method for water purification performance of semiconducting photocatalytic materials by measurement of forming ability of active oxygen |
KS L ISO 10678-2012 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-用亚甲基蓝降解法测定水介质中表面的光催化活性 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Determination of photocatalytic activity of surface in an aqueous medium by degradation of methylene blue |
KS L ISO 1146-2013 | 实验室用标准测温锥规范 | Pyrometric reference cones for laboratory use - Specification |
KS L ISO 12569-2006 | 建筑物热性能.建筑物的换气率测定.示踪气体稀释法 | Thermal performance of buildings-Determination of air change in buildings-Tracer gas dilution method |
KS L ISO 12678-1-2013 | 耐火制品耐火砖尺寸和外部缺陷的测量第1部分:尺寸和与图纸的一致性 | Refractory products ― Measurement of dimensions and external defects of refractory bricks — Part 1: Dimensions and conformity to drawings |
KS L ISO 12678-2-2013 | 耐火制品.耐火砖尺寸和外部缺陷的测量.第2部分:角部和边缘缺陷和其他表面缺陷 | Refractory products — Measurement of dimensions and external defects of refractory bricks — Part 2: Corner and edge defects and other surface imperfections |
KS L ISO 13007-1-2011 | 瓷砖.灌浆和胶粘剂.第1部分:胶粘剂的术语、定义和规范 | Ceramic tiles-Grouts and adhesives-Part 1:Terms, definitions and specifications for adhesives |
KS L ISO 13007-2-2011 | 瓷砖.灌浆和粘合剂.第2部分:粘合剂的试验方法 | Ceramic tiles-Grouts and adhesives-Part 2:Test methods for adhesives |
KS L ISO 13007-3-2011 | 瓷砖.薄浆和胶粘剂.第3部分:薄浆的术语、定义和规范 | Ceramic tiles-Grouts and adhesives-Part 3:Terms, definitions and specifications for grouts |
KS L ISO 13007-4-2011 | 瓷砖.薄浆和胶粘剂.第4部分:薄浆试验方法 | Ceramic tiles-Grouts and adhesives-Part 4:Test methods for grouts |
KS L ISO 13099-1-2018 | 胶体系统zeta电位的测定方法第1部分:电声现象和电动现象 | Colloidal systems — Methods for zeta-potential determination — Part 1: Electroacoustic and electrokinetic phenomena |
KS L ISO 13099-2-2018 | 胶体系统动电位测定方法第2部分:光学方法 | Colloidal systems — Methods for zetapotential determination — Part 2: Optical methods |
KS L ISO 13099-3-2018 | 胶体系统zeta电位的测定方法第3部分:声学法 | Colloidal systems — Methods for zeta potential determination — Part 3: Acoustic methods |
KS L ISO 13788-2014 | 建筑构件和建筑构件的湿热性能.内表面温度 | Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elements — Internal surface temperature |
KS L ISO 14703-2016 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高技术陶瓷).用于测定粒径分布的陶瓷粉体的制备 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Sample preparation for the determination of particle size distribution of ceramic powders |
KS L ISO 15165-2006 | 精细陶瓷(先进陶瓷、先进技术陶瓷).分类体系 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Classification system |
KS L ISO 15635-2002 | 砂布页盘 | Flap discs |
KS L ISO 15695-2001 | 釉瓷和搪瓷.涂瓷漆耐划痕性的测定 | Vitreous and porcelain enamels-Determination of scratch resistance of enamel finishes |
KS L ISO 15733-2017 | 精细陶瓷室温下连续纤维增强复合材料拉伸应力应变性能试验方法 | Fine ceramics-Test method for tensile stress-strain behaviour of continuous, fibre-reinforced composites at room temperature |
KS L ISO 16282-2012 | 致密定形耐火制品试验方法常温耐磨性的测定 | Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products-Determination of resistance to abrasion at ambient temperature |
KS L ISO 17561-2003 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷).室温下通过声共振对整块陶瓷弹性模量的试验方法 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Test method for elastic moduli of monolithic ceramics at roomtemperature by sonic resonance |
KS L ISO 17562-2008 | 精细陶瓷推杆法测定整体陶瓷线性热膨胀的试验方法 | Fine ceramics-Test method for linear thermal expansion of monolithic ceramics by push-rod technique |
KS L ISO 17565-2006 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷).高温下块体陶瓷弯曲强度的试验方法 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Test method for flexural strength of monolithic ceramics at elevated temperature |
KS L ISO 1769-2006 | 实验室玻璃器皿.吸量管.颜色代码 | Laboratory glassware-Pippetes-Color coding |
KS L ISO 1772-2013 | 实验室用瓷坩埚和二氧化硅坩埚 | Laboratory crucibles in porcelain and silica |
KS L ISO 1773-2012 | 实验室玻璃器皿.细颈烧瓶 | Laboratory glassware-Narrow-necked boiling flasks |
KS L ISO 18754-2017 | 细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-密度和表观气孔率的测定 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Determination of density and apparent porosity |
KS L ISO 18756-2006 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-用弯曲表面裂纹(SCF)法测定室温下整体陶瓷的断裂韧性 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Determination of fracture toughness of monolithic ceramics at room temperature by the surface crack in flexure(SCF) method |
KS L ISO 18757-2012 | 精细陶瓷比表面积的测定BET法气体吸附法 | Fine ceramics-Determination of specific surface area of ceramic powders by gas adsorption using the BET method |
KS L ISO 1887-2013 | 纺织玻璃纤维.易燃物质含量的测定 | Textile glass-Determination of combustible-matter content |
KS L ISO 1888-2008 | 纺织玻璃纤维.短纤维或长丝.平均直径的测定 | Textile glass-Staple fibers or filaments-Determination of average diameter |
KS L ISO 20502-2012 | 精细陶瓷划痕法测定陶瓷涂层的附着性 | Fine ceramics-Determination of adhesion of ceramic coatings by scratch testing |
KS L ISO 20507-2016 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷).词汇 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Vocabulary |
KS L ISO 20565-1-2012 | 含铬耐火制品和含铬原料化学分析方法(替代X射线荧光法)-第1部分:重量法二氧化硅的仪器、试剂、溶解和测定 | Chemical analysis of chrome-bearing refractory products and chrome-bearing raw materials(alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 1:Apparatus, reagents, dissolution and determination of gravimetric silica |
KS L ISO 20565-2-2012 | 含铬耐火制品和含铬原料化学分析方法(替代X射线荧光法)-第2部分:湿化学分析 | Chemical analysis of chrome-bearing refractory products and chrome-bearing raw materials(alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 2:Wet chemical analysis |
KS L ISO 20565-3-2012 | 含铬耐火制品和含铬原料化学分析方法(替代X射线荧光法)-第3部分:火焰原子吸收光谱法(FAAS)和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES) | Chemical analysis of chrome-bearing refractory products and chrome-bearing raw materials(alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 3:Flame atomic absorption spectrometry(FAAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES) |
KS L ISO 20808-2013 | 细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷).用球对盘法测定整体陶瓷的摩擦和磨损特性 | Fine Ceramics (Advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Determination of friction and wear characteristics of monolithic ceramics by ball-on-disc method |
KS L ISO 21068-1-2012 | 含碳化硅原料和耐火材料化学分析方法第1部分:总则和样品制备 | Chemical analysis of silicon-carbide-containing raw materials and refractory products-Part 1:General information and sample preparation |
KS L ISO 21068-2-2012 | 含碳化硅原料和耐火材料化学分析方法第2部分:灼烧减量、总碳、游离碳和碳化硅、总硅和游离硅、总硅和游离硅的测定 | Chemical analysis of silicon-carbide-containing raw materials and refractory products-Part 2:Determination of loss on ignition, total carbon, free carbon and silicon carbide, total and free silica and total and free silicon |
KS L ISO 21068-3-2012 | 含碳化硅原料和耐火材料化学分析方法第3部分:氮、氧、金属及氧化物组分的测定 | Chemical analysis of silicon-carbide-containing raw materials and refractory products-Part 3:Determination of nitrogen, oxygen and metallic and oxidic constituents |
KS L ISO 21078-1-2012 | 耐火制品中氧化硼(III)的测定第1部分:陶瓷、玻璃和釉用氧化材料中氧化硼(III)总量的测定 | Determination of boron(III) oxide in refractory products-Part 1:Determination of total boron(III) oxide in oxidic materials for ceramics, glass and glazes |
KS L ISO 21078-2-2012 | 耐火制品中氧化硼的测定第2部分:酸萃取法测定粘结料中氧化硼 | Determination of boron(III) oxide in refractory products-Part 2:Acid extraction method for the determination of boron(III) oxide in binder components |
KS L ISO 21079-1-2012 | 含氧化铝、氧化锆、二氧化硅耐火材料化学分析方法含5%-45%ZrO2耐火材料(替代X射线荧光法)第1部分:仪器、试剂和溶解 | Chemical analysis of refractories containing alumina, zirconia and silica-Refractories containing 5 % to 45 % of ZrO2 (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 1:Apparatus, reagents and dissolution |
KS L ISO 21079-2-2012 | 含氧化铝、氧化锆、硅质耐火材料化学分析方法含5%-45%ZrO2耐火材料(替代X射线荧光法)-第2部分:湿化学分析 | Chemical analysis of refractories containing alumina, zirconia and silica-Refractories containing 5 % to 45 % of ZrO2(alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 2:Wet chemical analysis |
KS L ISO 21079-3-2012 | 含氧化铝、氧化锆、硅质耐火材料化学分析方法含5%-45%ZrO2耐火材料(替代X射线荧光法)第3部分:火焰原子吸收光谱法(FAAS)和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES) | Chemical analysis of refractories containing alumina, zirconia, and silica-Refractories containing 5 % to 45 % of ZrO2(alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 3:Flame atomic absorption spectrometry(FAAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry(ICP-AES) |
KS L ISO 21587-1-2012 | 硅酸铝耐火制品化学分析方法(替代X射线荧光法)-第1部分:重量法二氧化硅的仪器、试剂、溶解和测定 | Chemical analysis of aluminosilicate refractory products(alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 1:Apparatus, reagents, dissolution and determination of gravimetric silica |
KS L ISO 21587-2-2012 | 硅酸铝耐火制品化学分析方法(替代X射线荧光法)-第2部分:湿化学分析 | Chemical analysis of aluminosilicate refractory products(alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)-Part 2:Wet chemical analysis |
KS L ISO 21587-3-2012 | 硅酸铝耐火制品化学分析方法第3部分:电感耦合等离子体原子吸收光谱法 | Chemical analysis of aluminosilicate refractory products-Part 3:Inductively coupled plasma and atomic absorption spectrometry methods |
KS L ISO 21948-2015 | 砂布.平片砂布 | Coated abrasives-Plain sheets |
KS L ISO 22197-1-2008 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-半导体光催化材料空气净化性能试验方法-第1部分:一氧化氮的去除 | Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Test method for air-purification performance of semiconducting photocatalytic materials-Part 1:Removal of nitric oxide |
KS L ISO 2421-2017 | 涂附磨具.圆柱形套筒 | Coated abrasives — Cylindrical sleeves |
KS L ISO 24235-2008 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-用激光衍射法测定陶瓷粉末的粒度分布 | Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Determination of particle size distribution of ceramic powders by laser diffraction method |
KS L ISO 2558-2013 | 增强塑料用玻璃纤维短切原丝毡.粘合剂在苯乙烯中溶解时间的测定 | Textile glass chopped-strand mats for reinforcement of plastics-Determination of time of dissolution of the binder in styrene |
KS L ISO 26423-2011 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-用弧坑研磨法测定涂层厚度 | Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Determination of coating thickness by crater-grinding method |
KS L ISO 26424-2012 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-用微尺度磨损试验测定涂层耐磨性 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Determination of the abrasion resistance of coating by a micro-scale abrasion test |
KS L ISO 26602-2011 | 细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-滚动轴承球用氮化硅材料 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Silicon nitride materials for rolling bearing balls |
KS L ISO 26845-2012 | 耐火材料化学分析方法湿化学分析、原子吸收光谱法和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法通则 | Chemical analysis of refractories-General requirements for wet chemical analysis, atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry methods |
KS L ISO 27447-2011 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-半导体光催化材料抗菌性能试验方法 | Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Test method for antibacterial activity of semiconducting photocatalytic materials |
KS L ISO 27448-2011 | 精细陶瓷(高级陶瓷、高级工业陶瓷)-半导体光催化材料自清洁性能试验方法-水接触角的测量 | Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics)-Test method for self-cleaning performance of semiconducting photocatalytic materials-Measurement of water contact angle |
KS L ISO 2976-2013 | 涂附磨具砂带宽度/长度组合的选择 | Coated abrasives —- Abrasive belts —-Selection of width/length combinations |
KS L ISO 3341-2008 | 纺织玻璃纤维纱线断裂强力和断裂伸长的测定 | Textile glass-Yarns-Determination of breaking force and breaking elongation |
KS L ISO 3342-2013 | 纺织玻璃纤维.毡.拉伸断裂强力的测定 | Textile glass-Mats-Determination of tensile breaking force |
KS L ISO 3343-2013 | 纺织玻璃纤维.纱线.捻度平衡指数的测定 | Reinforcement yarns-Determination of twist balance index |
KS L ISO 3374-2003 | 增强制品.毡和织物.单位面积质量的测定 | Reinforcement products-Mat and fabics-Determination of mass per unit area |
KS L ISO 3375-2008 | 纺织玻璃纤维.粗纱硬挺度的测定 | Textile glass-Determination of stiffness of rovings |
KS L ISO 3819-2006 | 实验室玻璃仪器烧杯 | Laboratory glassware-Beakers |
KS L ISO 383-2012 | 实验室玻璃仪器互换锥形磨口 | Laboratory glassware-Interchangeable connical ground joints |
KS L ISO 384-2010 | 实验室玻璃仪器玻璃量器的设计和制造原则 | Laboratory glassware-Principles of design and construction of volumetric glassware |
KS L ISO 385-1 | 实验室玻璃仪器滴定管第1部分:一般要求 | Laboratory glassware-Burettes-Part 1:General requirements |
KS L ISO 385-2 | 实验室玻璃仪器滴定管第2部分:未规定等待时间的滴定管 | Laboratory glassware-Burettes-Part 2:Burettes for which no waiting time is specified |
KS L ISO 385-2015 | 实验室玻璃器皿.滴定管 | Laboratory glassware — Burettes |
KS L ISO 385-3 | 实验室玻璃仪器滴定管第3部分:规定等待时间30秒的滴定管 | Laboratory glassware-Burettes-Part 3:Burettes for which a waiting time of 30 s is specified |
KS L ISO 4602-2013 | 增强材料.机织物.经纱和纬纱单位长度纱支数的测定 | Reinforcements-Woven fabrics-Determination of number of yarns per unit length of warp and weft |
KS L ISO 4603-2013 | 纺织玻璃纤维.机织物.厚度的测定 | Textile glass-Woven fabrics-Determination of thickness |
KS L ISO 4604-2013 | 纺织玻璃纤维机织物常规弯曲刚度的测定固定角度弯曲计 | Textile glass-Woven fabrics-Determination of conventional flexural stiffness-Fixed-angle flexometer |
KS L ISO 4605-2008 | 纺织玻璃纤维.机织物.单位面积质量的测定 | Textile glass-Woven fabrics-Determination of mass per unit area |
KS L ISO 4606-2008 | 纺织玻璃机织物拉伸断裂强力和断裂伸长的测定条样法 | Textile glass-Woven fabrics-Determination of tensile breaking force and elongation at breaking by the strip method |
KS L ISO 4787-2016 | 实验室玻璃器皿.玻璃量器.使用方法和容量试验 | Laboratory glassware-Volumetric glassware-Methods for use and testing of capacity |
KS L ISO 4788-2016 | 实验室玻璃器皿.分度量筒 | Laboratory glassware-Graduated measuring cylinders |
KS L ISO 4796-1-2017 | 实验室玻璃仪器瓶第1部分:螺纹颈瓶 | Laboratory glassware-Bottles-Part 1:Screw-neck bottles |
KS L ISO 4796-2-2012 | 实验室玻璃仪器瓶第2部分:锥颈瓶 | Laboratory glassware-Bottles-Part 2:Conical neck bottles |
KS L ISO 4796-3-2012 | 实验室玻璃仪器瓶第3部分:吸气瓶 | Laboratory glassware-Bottles-Part 3:Aspirator bottles |
KS L ISO 4797-2016 | 实验室玻璃器皿.锥形磨接口烧瓶 | Laboratory glassware-Flasks with conical ground joints |
KS L ISO 4799-2012 | 实验室玻璃器皿.冷凝器 | Laboratory glassware-Condensers |
KS L ISO 4800-2012 | 实验室玻璃器皿.分液漏斗和滴液漏斗 | Laboratory glassware-Separating funnels and dropping funnels |
KS L ISO 4900-2013 | 纺织玻璃纤维.毡和织物.手工覆模性的测定 | Textile glass-Mats and fabrics-Determination of contact mouldability |
KS L ISO 5017-2013 | 致密定形耐火制品体积密度、显气孔率和真气孔率的测定 | Dense shaped refractory products - Determination of bulk density, apparent porosity and true porosity |
KS L ISO 5019-1-2007 | 耐火砖尺寸第1部分:矩形砖 | Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 1:rectangular bricks |
KS L ISO 5019-2-2007 | 耐火砖尺寸第2部分:拱砖 | Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 2:Arch bricks |
KS L ISO 5019-3-2002 | 耐火砖尺寸第3部分:蓄热式炉用方格砖 | Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 3:Rectangular checker bricks for regenerative furnaces |
KS L ISO 5019-4-2002 | 耐火砖尺寸第4部分:电弧炉炉顶穹顶砖 | Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 4:Dome bricks for electric arc furnace roofs |
KS L ISO 5019-5-2007 | 耐火砖尺寸第5部分:斜背砖 | Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 5:Skewbacks |
KS L ISO 5019-6-2002 | 耐火砖尺寸第6部分:氧气炼钢转炉用碱性砖 | Refractory bricks-Dimensions-Part 6:Basic bricks for oxygen steel-making converters |
KS L ISO 5025-2003 | 纺织玻璃纤维.机织物.宽度和长度的测定 | Textile glass-Woven fabrics-Determination of width and length |
KS L ISO 525-2015 | 粘合磨料产品.一般要求 | Bonded abrasive products-General requirements |
KS L ISO 5417-2006 | 回转窑用耐火砖尺寸 | Refractory bricks for use in rotary kilns-Dimensions |
KS L ISO 603-1 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第1部分:中心之间外圆磨削用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 1: Grinding wheels for external cylindrical grinding between centres |
KS L ISO 603-10-2015 | 粘合磨料产品尺寸第10部分:珩磨和超精磨用磨石 | Bonded abrasive products-Dimensions-Part 10:Stones for honing and superfinishings |
KS L ISO 603-11-2015 | 粘合磨料产品尺寸第11部分:手工精整棒 | Bonded abrasive products-Dimensions-Part 11:Hand finishing sticks |
KS L ISO 603-12-2014 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第12部分:在直磨床上清理和整修毛刺用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 12: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling on a straight grinder |
KS L ISO 603-13-2014 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第13部分:在立式磨床上清理和整修毛刺用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 13: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling on a vertical grinder |
KS L ISO 603-14-2014 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第14部分:在角磨机上清理和整修毛刺用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 14: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling/snagging on an angle grinder |
KS L ISO 603-15-2014 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第15部分:固定或移动切割机上切割用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 15: Grinding wheels for cutting-off on stationary or mobile cutting-off machines |
KS L ISO 603-16-2014 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第16部分:手持动力工具切割用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 16: Grinding wheels for cutting-off on hand held power tools |
KS L ISO 603-17-2017 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第17部分:轴装砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 17: Spindle mounted wheels |
KS L ISO 603-18-2017 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第18部分:平面玻璃边缘磨床用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 18: Grinding wheels for flat glass edge grinding machines |
KS L ISO 603-2 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第2部分:无心外圆磨削用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 2: Grinding wheels for centreless external cylindrical grinding |
KS L ISO 603-3 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第3部分:内圆磨削用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 3: Grinding wheels for internal cylindrical grinding |
KS L ISO 603-4 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第4部分:表面磨削/周边磨削用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 4: Grinding wheels for surface grinding/peripheral grinding |
KS L ISO 603-5 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第5部分:表面磨削/平面磨削用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 5: Grinding wheels for surface grinding/face grinding |
KS L ISO 603-6 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第6部分:工具和工具室磨削用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 6: Grinding wheels for tool and tool room grinding |
KS L ISO 603-7 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第7部分:手工磨削用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 7: Grinding wheels for manually guided grinding |
KS L ISO 603-8 | 粘合磨料产品.尺寸.第8部分:清理和整修毛刺用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products — Dimensions — Part 8: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling/snagging |
KS L ISO 603-9 | 粘合磨料产品尺寸第9部分:高压磨削用砂轮 | Bonded abrasive products-Dimensions-Part 9:Grinding wheels for high-pressure grinding |
KS L ISO 6103-2002 | 粘合磨料产品.砂轮交货时的可允许不平衡性.静态试验 | Bonded abrasive products-Static balancing of grinding wheels-Testing |
KS L ISO 648-2016 | 实验室玻璃器皿.单标线吸量管 | Laboratory glassware-One-mark pipettes |
KS L ISO 679-2006 | 水泥试验方法.强度的测定 | Methods of testing cements-Determination of strength |
KS L ISO 719-2012 | 玻璃.玻璃颗粒在98℃时的耐水性.试验方法和分级 | Glass-Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 98 ℃-Method of test and classification |
KS L ISO 7458-2016 | 玻璃容器.耐内压力.试验方法 | Glass containers-Internal pressure resistance-Test methods |
KS L ISO 7459-2011 | 玻璃容器抗热震性和热震耐久性试验方法 | Glass containers-Thermal shock resistance and thermal shock endurance-Test methods |
KS L ISO 7884-1-2003 | 玻璃粘度和粘滞固定点第1部分:粘度和粘滞固定点的测定原则 | Glass-Viscosity and viscometric fixed points-Part 1:Principles for determining viscosity and viscometric fixed points |
KS L ISO 7884-2-2003 | 玻璃粘度和粘度计固定点第2部分:用旋转粘度计测定粘度 | Glass-Viscosity and viscometric fixed points-Part 2:Determination of viscosity by rotation viscometers |
KS L ISO 7884-3-2003 | 玻璃粘度和粘度计固定点第3部分:用纤维伸长粘度计测定粘度 | Glass-Viscosity and viscometric fixed points-Part 3:Determination of viscosity by fibre elongation viscometer |
KS L ISO 7884-4-2003 | 玻璃-粘度和粘滞固定点-第4部分:用光束弯曲法测定粘度 | Glass-Viscosity and viscometric fixed points-Part 4:Determination of viscosity by beam bending |
KS L ISO 7884-5-2003 | 玻璃粘度和粘度计固定点第5部分:用沉降杆粘度计测定工作点 | Glass-Viscosity and viscometric fixed points-Part 5:Determination of working point by sinking bar viscometer |
KS L ISO 7884-6-2014 | 玻璃.粘度和粘滞固定点.第6部分:软化点的测定 | Glass — Viscosity and viscometric fixed points — Part 6: Determination of softening point |
KS L ISO 7884-7-2014 | 玻璃.粘度和粘滞固定点.第7部分:用光束弯曲法测定退火点和应变点 | Glass — Viscosity and viscometric fixed points — Part 7: Determination of annealing point and strain point by beam bending |
KS L ISO 7884-8-2008 | 玻璃粘度和粘滞固定点第8部分:膨胀转变温度的测定 | Glass-Viscosity and viscometric fixed points-Part 8:Determination of dilatometric transformation temperature |
KS L ISO 7991-2012 | 玻璃.平均线热膨胀系数的测定 | Glass-Determination of coefficient of mean linear thermal expansion |
KS L ISO 8106-2011 | 玻璃容器重量法容量的测定试验方法 | Glass containers-Determination of capacity by gravimetric method-Test methods |
KS L ISO 8113-2011 | 玻璃容器抗垂直载荷试验方法 | Glass containers-Resistance to vertical load-Test methods |
KS L ISO 8289-2001 | 釉瓷和搪瓷.检查和定位缺陷的低电压试验 | Vitreous and porcelain enamels-Low voltage test for detecting and locating defects |
KS L ISO 8301-2006 | 绝热.稳态热阻及有关特性的测定.热流计法 | Thermal insulation-Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties-Heat flow meter apparatus |
KS L ISO 8302-2006 | 绝热.稳态热阻及有关特性的测定.防护热板法 | Thermal insulation-Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties-Guarded hot plate apparatus |
KS L ISO 835-1 | 实验室玻璃仪器刻度移液管第1部分:一般要求 | Laboratory glassware-Graduated pipettes-Part 1:General requirements |
KS L ISO 835-2 | 实验室玻璃仪器刻度移液管第2部分:不规定等待时间的移液管 | Laboratory glassware-Graduated pipettes-Part 2:Pipettes for which no waiting time is specified |
KS L ISO 835-3 | 实验室玻璃仪器刻度移液管第3部分:规定等待时间为15秒的移液管 | Laboratory glassware-Graduated pipettes-Part 3:Pipettes for which a waiting time is 15 s is specified |
KS L ISO 835-4 | 实验室玻璃仪器刻度移液管第4部分:放气移液管 | Laboratory glassware-Graduated pipettes-Part 4:Blow-out pipettes |
KS L ISO 8486-1-2013 | 粘合磨料.粒度分布的测定和名称与符号.第1部分:F4至F220粗磨料 | Bonded abrasives — Determination and designation of grain size distribution - Part 1: Macrogrits F4 to F220 |
KS L ISO 8486-2-2013 | 粘合磨料粒度分布的测定和命名第2部分:F230~F2000微粉 | Bonded abrasives —- Determination and designation of grain size distribution —- Part 2: Microgrits F230 to F2000 |
KS L ISO 8497-2006 | 绝热.圆管保温层的稳态传热性质的测定 | Thermal insulation-Determination of steady-state thermaltransmission properties of thermal insulation for circular pipes |
KS L ISO 8894-1-2016 | 耐火材料导热系数的测定第1部分:热线法(十字阵列法和电阻温度计法) | Refractory materials-Determination of thermal coductivity-Part 1:Hot-wire methods(cross-array and resistance thermometer |
KS L ISO 8894-2-2016 | 耐火材料导热系数的测定第2部分:热线法(平行法) | Refractory materials-Determination of thermal conductivity-Part2:Hot-wire methods(parallel) |
KS L ISO 9285-2013 | 磨料颗粒和粗料.熔融氧化铝的化学分析 | Abrasive grains and crude — Chemical analysis of fused aluminium oxide |
KS L ISO 9385-2010 | 玻璃和玻璃陶瓷努氏压痕硬度试验方法 | Testing method for knoop indentation hardness of glass and glass-ceramics |
KS L ISO 9597-2009 | 水泥凝结时间和安定性的测定 | Determination of setting time and soundness of cements |
KS L ISO 9869-2006 | 绝热.建筑构件.现场测量热阻和传热系数 | Thermal insulation-Building elements-In-situ measurement of thermal resistance and thermal transmittance |
KS L ISO 9972-2006 | 绝热.建筑物的气密性测定.风压法 | Thermal insulation-Determination of building airtightness-Fan pressurization method |