2019-07-23 20:44标准号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
KS D 3566-2016 | 普通结构用碳素钢管 | Carbon steel tubes for general structural purposes |
KS D 3567-2002 | 易切削碳素钢 | Free cutting carbon steels |
KS D 3568-2016 | 普通结构用碳素方钢管 | Carbon steel square pipes for general structural purposes |
KS D 3569-2008 | 低温用碳钢管 | Carbon steel pipes for low temperature service |
KS D 3572-2008 | 锅炉和热交换器用合金钢 | Alloy steel for boiler and heat exchanger tubes |
KS D 3575-2003 | 高压气体容器用无缝钢管 | Seamless steel tubes for high pressure gas cylinder |
KS D 3576-2017 | 排管用不锈钢钢管 | Stainless steel pipes |
KS D 3577-2007 | 锅炉、热交换器用不锈钢钢管 | Stainless steel for boiler and heat exchanger tubes |
KS D 3578-2017 | 自来水用镀层钢管管件 | Fittings of coated steel pipes for water works |
KS D 3579-1996 | 机械弹簧用油回火钢丝 | Oil tempered wire for mechanical springs |
KS D 3580-1996 | 阀门弹簧用油回火钢丝 | Oil tempered wire for valve springs |
KS D 3583-2012 | 排管用弧焊碳素钢管 | Arc welded carbon steel pipes |
KS D 3585-2008 | 不锈钢卫生管 | Stainless steel sanitary tubing |
KS D 3586-2007 | 低压容器用镍钢板 | Nickel steel plates for pressure vessels for low temperature service |
KS D 3588-2009 | 排管用焊接大口径不锈钢钢管 | Large diameter welded stainless steel pipes |
KS D 3589-2017 | 聚乙烯镀层钢管 | Extruded polyethylene coated steel pipes |
KS D 3590-2017 | 波纹钢管和部件 | Corrugated steel pipes and sections |
KS D 3591-2002 | 弹簧用油回火锰硅合金钢丝 | Oil tempered silicon manganese alloy steel spring wires |
KS D 3592-2008 | 冷镦用碳钢第1部分:盘条 | Carbon steels for cold heading-Part 1:Wire rods |
KS D 3593-2014 | 组装用型钢 | Slotted angle |
KS D 3595-2016 | 普通排管用不锈钢管 | Light gauge stainless steel pipes for ordinary piping |
KS D 3596-2009 | 预涂彩色镀锌钢丝 | Precoated color zinc-coated steel wires |
KS D 3597-2009 | 弹簧用冷轧钢带 | Cold-rolled steel strips for springs |
KS D 3600-2015 | 铁电线杆 | Tapered steel lighting pole |
KS D 3601-2008 | 网眼钢板 | Expanded metals |
KS D 3602-2015 | 钢甲板 | Steel decks |
KS D 3603-2014 | 包铜及包铜合金的钢 | Copper and copper alloy clad steels |
KS D 3604-2014 | 包钛的钢 | Titanium clad steels |
KS D 3605-2014 | 包镍和镍合金的钢 | Nickel and nickel alloy clad steels |
KS D 3606-2009 | 围墙用铁柱 | Drive-type spadeless fence post |
KS D 3607-2017 | 融着式聚氯乙烯涂覆层钢管 | Polyethylene coated steel pipes by powder fusion |
KS D 3609-2015 | 建筑用轻钢龙骨(墙和天棚) | Steel furrings for wall and ceiling in buildings |
KS D 3610-2018 | 中温和中温压力容器用高强度钢板 | High strength steel plates for pressure vessel for intermediate and moderato temperature service |
KS D 3611-2016 | 焊接结构用高屈服强度钢制板材 | High yield strength steel plates for welded structure |
KS D 3612-2001 | 弧焊用不锈钢助熔填充焊丝 | Stainless steel flux cored wires for arc welding |
KS D 3613-2014 | 钢筋混凝土用镀锌钢棒 | Galvanized bars for concrete reinforcement |
KS D 3614-1992 | 铬镀敷钢板 | Chromium Plated Tin Free Steel |
KS D 3615-1987 | 预涂不锈钢板 | Precoated stainless steel sheets |
KS D 3619-2017 | 自来水用聚乙烯粉衬钢管 | Polyethylene powder lining steel pipes for water works |
KS D 3620-1987 | 汽车排管用氟树脂钢管 | Fluoride Resin Coated Double Wall Steel Pipe for Automobiles |
KS D 3624-2008 | 冷镦用硼钢第1部分:盘条 | Boron steels for cold heading-Part 1:Wire rods |
KS D 3625-2014 | 气体用金属软管 | Metallic flexible hoses for gas |
KS D 3626-2014 | 给水用涂层钢管 | Coated steel pipes for water services |
KS D 3627-2014 | 供水用涂层钢管的安装 | Fitting of coated steel pipes for water service |
KS D 3628-2010 | 不锈钢软管 | Stainless steel flexible pipes |
KS D 3629-2018 | 环氧树脂涂层钢筋 | Fusion bonded epoxy coated reinforcing steel bars |
KS D 3630-1995 | 高温压力容器用高强度铬钼合金钢板 | High strength chromium-molybdenum alloy steel plates for pressure vessels under high-temperature service |
KS D 3631-2018 | 燃料气体管道用碳素钢板 | Carbon steel pipes for fuel gas piping |
KS D 3632-2016 | 建筑结构用碳素钢管 | Carbon steel tubes for building structure |
KS D 3690-2009 | 冷轧不锈钢等边角钢 | Cold-rolled formed stainless steel equal leg angles |
KS D 3691-2001 | 锻件用钢大方坯及坯段 | Stainless steel blooms and billets for forgings |
KS D 3692-2018 | 冷轧加工不锈钢钢棒 | Cold finished stainless steel bars |
KS D 3693-2014 | 不锈钢复合钢 | Stainless-clad steels |
KS D 3694-2009 | 热轧不锈钢等边角钢 | Hot rolled stainless steel equal leg angles |
KS D 3695-1993 | 不锈钢钢板和耐热钢板的质量计算方法 | Method of mass calculation for stainless steel plates and sheets, and heat-resisting steel plates and sheets |
KS D 3696-1996 | 焊接用不锈钢线材 | Stainless steel wire rods for welding |
KS D 3697-2002 | 冷镦和冷锻不锈钢钢丝 | Stainless steel wires for cold heading and cold forging |
KS D 3698-2015 | 冷轧不锈钢钢板和钢带 | Cold rolled stainless steel plates, sheets and strip |
KS D 3701-2007 | 弹簧钢材 | Spring steels |
KS D 3702-2018 | 不锈钢线材 | Stainless steel wire rods |
KS D 3703-2007 | 不锈钢钢丝 | Stainless steel wires |
KS D 3705-2017 | 热轧不锈钢钢板和钢带 | Hot rolled stainless steel plates, sheets and strip |
KS D 3706-2018 | 不锈钢钢棒 | Stainless steel bars |
KS D 3710-2001 | 通用碳素钢锻件 | Carbon steel forgings for general use |
KS D 3712-2001 | 锰铁 | Ferromanganese |
KS D 3713-2004 | 硅铁 | Ferrosilicon |
KS D 3717-2003 | 硅锰 | Silicomanganese |
KS D 3728-1989 | 碳素钢烧结结构零件 | Sintered carbon steel structural parts |
KS D 3729-1989 | 烧结铁铜结构件 | Sintered iron - copper structural parts |
KS D 3730-1989 | 黄铜烧结结构零件 | Sintered bronze structural parts |
KS D 3731-2002 | 耐热钢棒 | Heat-resisting steel bars |
KS D 3732-2002 | 耐热钢板 | Heat-resisting steel plates and sheets |
KS D 3747-2007 | 耐热、耐腐蚀阀门用耐热钢 | Heat resistant cast steels for heat and corrosion resistant valve |
KS D 3748-2008 | 核反应堆蒸汽发生机用钢 | Steel for steam evaporator of nuclear reactor |
KS D 3749-2008 | 化学设备用特殊合金 | Special alloys steel for chemical plant |
KS D 3750-2007 | 耐热、耐腐蚀超合金棒 | Heat-resisting and corrosion-resisting superalloy bars |
KS D 3751-2008 | 碳素工具钢 | Carbon tool steels |
KS D 3752-2007 | 机械结构用碳素钢材 | Carbon steels for machine structural use |
KS D 3753-2008 | 合金工具钢 | Alloys tool steels |
KS D 3756-1980 | 铝钼合金钢材 | Aluminium chromium molybdenum steels |
KS D 3757-2003 | 热交换器用镍铬铁无缝钢管 | Seamless nickel-chromium-iron alloy heat exchanger tubes |
KS D 3758-2003 | 管道用镍铬铁无缝钢管 | Seamless nickel-chromium-iron alloy tubes |
KS D 3759-2008 | 管道和热交换器用钛-钯合金管 | Titanium-Palladium alloy pipes and tubes for ordinary piping and heat exchanger |
KS D 3760-2014 | 塑料棚用镀锌钢管 | Coated steel pipes for vinyl housing |
KS D 3761-1988 | 硬质聚氯乙烯衬钢管 | Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride lining steel pipes |
KS D 3770-2007 | 热镀55%铝-锌合金涂层钢板和钢带 | Hot-dip 55 % aluminium-zinc alloy-coated steel sheets and coils |
KS D 3777-2016 | 塔架结构用高强度钢管 | High tensile strength steel tubes for tower structural purposes |
KS D 3781-2016 | 铁塔用高强度钢材 | High tensile strength steel for tower structural purposes |
KS D 3851-1993 | 钛钯合金线 | Titanium - Palladium alloy wires |
KS D 3853-1997 | 中温压力容器用钢板.第1部分:厚钢板 | Steel plates for pressure vessels for intermediate temperature service -Part 1 : Thicker plates |
KS D 3854-2016 | 结构用镀锌轻钢 | Zinc-coated light gauge steels for structure |
KS D 3855-1997 | 汽车用电解锌镍涂层钢板和钢带 | Electrolytic zinc-Nickel coated steel sheets and strip for automobil |
KS D 3856-2014 | 电解镀锌铁皮钢板和钢带 | Electrolytic zinc-iron coated steel sheets and strip |
KS D 3857-2016 | 建筑结构用轧制棒材 | Rolled bars for building structure |
KS D 3858-2015 | 冷成形钢板柱 | Cold formed steel sheet piling |
KS D 3859-2009 | 热成形钢材 | Micro alloyed steels for hot forging |
KS D 3860-2014 | 离合器用疲劳强度钢材 | High fatigue strength steels for gears |
KS D 3861-2016 | 建筑结构用轧制钢材 | Rolled steels for building structure |
KS D 3862-2018 | 预涂热镀55%铝-锌合金涂层钢板和钢带 | Prepainted hot-dip 55 % aluminium-zinc alloy-coated steel sheets and coils |
KS D 3863-2014 | 电解双层镀锌铁皮钢板和线圈 | Electrolytic double layer zinc-iron coated steel sheets and coils |
KS D 3864-2016 | 抗震建筑结构用冷轧角钢管 | Cold rolled carbon steel square pipes for aseismatic building structure |
KS D 3865-2016 | 建筑结构用耐火钢材 | Fire resistance steels for building structure |
KS D 3866-2016 | 建筑结构用热轧H型钢 | Hot rolled steel sections for building structure |
KS D 3867-2015 | 机械结构用合金钢管 | Low-alloyed steels for machine structural use |
KS D 3868-2016 | 桥梁结构用轧制钢 | Rolled steels for bridge structures |
KS D 3869-2009 | 钢筋混凝土用钢筋的弯曲和切割 | Bending and cutting of steel bars for reinforced concrete |
KS D 3870-2009 | 施工用扁平线圈 | Flat coil for construction |
KS D 3871-2017 | 钢筋混凝土用有头钢筋 | Headed bars for concrete reinforcement |
KS D 3904-2012 | 钢筋混凝土用盘条交货一般要求 | Coil type steel bars for concrete reinforcement-General delivery requirements |
KS D 4000-2010 | 钢铁副产品直接还原铁 | Direct reduced iron from iron and steel by-products |
KS D 4040-2014 | 铸铁井盖及框架通用技术条件 | General requirement of iron(steel) casting manhole covers and frames |
KS D 4114-1990 | 铬钼钢锻材 | Chromium Molybdenum Steel Forgings for General Use |
KS D 4115-2001 | 压力容器用不锈钢锻材 | Stainless steel forgings for pressure vessels |
KS D 4116-1990 | 碳素钢大方坯及坯段 | Carbon steel blooms and billets for forgings |
KS D 4117-1991 | 镍铬钼合金钢锻材 | Nickel Chromium Molybdenum Steel Forgings for General Use |
KS D 4122-1993 | 压力容器用碳素钢锻材 | Carbon steel forgings for pressure vessels |
KS D 4123-2008 | 压力容器用合金钢锻件 | Alloy steel forgings for pressure vessels |
KS D 4125-2007 | 低温压力容器用钢锻材 | Carbon and alloy steel forgings for pressure vessels for low-temperature service |
KS D 4126-2007 | 铸造用超耐热、耐腐蚀合金 | Heat-resisting and corrosion-resisting superalloy castings |
KS D 4127-2014 | 铁(合金)基低热膨胀铸件 | Low thermal expansive fe-alloy castings |
KS D 4128-2009 | 铸造短砂 | Cast short and grit |
KS D 4129-1995 | 高温压力容器用高强度铬钼合金钢锻材 | High strength chromium-molybdenum alloy steel forgings for pressure vessels under high-temperature service |
KS D 4307-2015 | 排水用铸铁管 | Cast-iron soil pipes and fittings |
KS D 4308-2017 | 球墨铸铁管件 | Ductile iron fittings |
KS D 4311-2015 | 球墨铸铁管 | Ductile iron pipes |
KS D 4316-2012 | 球墨铸铁管和配件的砂浆衬里 | Mortar lining for ductile iron pipes & fittings |
KS D 4317-2017 | 球墨铸铁管和管件的环氧树脂粉内面涂层 | Epoxy-powder coating for interior of ductile cast iron pipes and fittings |
KS D 4320-1990 | 铁塔法兰用高拉伸强度钢锻材 | High tensile strength steel forgings for tower flanges |
KS D 4323-2014 | 污水用球墨铸铁管 | Ductile iron pipes for sewage applications |
KS D 4325-2015 | 防腐处理金属户外暴露试验方法 | Outdoor exposure test for protected metals |
KS D 5101-2015 | 铜及铜合金棒 | Copper and copper alloy rods and bars |
KS D 5102-2009 | 铜铍合金、青铜和镍银棒和丝 | Copper beryllium alloy, phosphor bronze and nickel silver rods, bars and wires |
KS D 5103-2009 | 铜和铜合金丝 | Copper and copper alloy wires |
KS D 5201-2009 | 铜和铜合金板和带 | Copper and copper alloy sheets, plates and strips |
KS D 5202-2009 | 铜铍合金、铜钛合金、磷青铜和镍银弹簧板、带 | Copper beryllium alloy, copper titanium alloy, phosphor bronze and nickel silver sheets, plates and strips for spring |
KS D 5301-2009 | 无缝铜和铜合金管 | Copper and copper alloy seamless pipes and tubes |
KS D 5401-2009 | 电子器件用无氧铜片、板、带、无缝管、棒、棒和线 | Oxygen free copper sheets, plates, strips, seamless pipes and tubes, rods, bars and wires for electron devices |
KS D 5506-2009 | 磷青铜和镍银薄板、板材和带材 | Phosphor bronze and nickel silver sheets, plates and strips |
KS D 5512-2010 | 铅板和铅板以及硬铅板和铅板 | Lead sheets and plates and hard lead sheets and plates |
KS D 5530-2009 | 铜母线 | Copper bus bars |
KS D 5539-2002 | 无缝镍铜合金管 | Nickel-copper alloy seamless pipes and tubes |
KS D 5540-1990 | 照明和电子设备用钼丝 | Molybdenum Wires for Lighting and Electronic Equipments |
KS D 5542-2004 | 照明和电子设备用钨丝 | Tungsten wires for lighting and electronic equipments |
KS D 5545-2009 | 铜和铜合金焊接管 | Copper and copper alloy welded pipes and tubes |
KS D 5546-2002 | 镍和镍合金板、薄板和带材 | Nickel and nickel alloy plate, sheet and strip |
KS D 5571-2004 | 照明和电子设备用镀钍钨丝和杆 | Thoriated tungsten wires and rods for lighting and electronic equipment |
KS D 5573-2016 | 无缝镁合金管 | Magnesium alloy seamless pipes and tubes |
KS D 5574-2010 | 钛及钛合金无缝管 | Titanium and titanium alloys-Seamless pipes |
KS D 5575-2009 | 热交换器用钛管 | Titanium and titanium alloy tubes for heat exchangers |
KS D 5576-2009 | 钛及钛合金线材 | Titanium and titanium alloys-Wires |
KS D 5577-2009 | 钽电子材料 | Tantalum flat mill products, rod and wire |
KS D 5579-2009 | 电阻焊用铜合金材料 | Copper alloys for resistance welding electrode |
KS D 5581-2010 | 电阻用铜镍合金线、轧制线、带和薄板 | Copper-nickel alloy wires, rolled wires, ribbons and sheets for electrical resistance |
KS D 5582-2010 | 电阻焊用铜锰合金丝、棒和板 | Copper-manganese alloy wires, bars and sheets for electrical resistance |
KS D 5589-1987 | 镀锡黄铜板 | Tinned copper coiled sheets |
KS D 5591-2015 | 钛及钛合金锻件 | Titanium and titanium alloys-Forgings |
KS D 5592-2016 | dm铅板 | DM lead sheets and plates |
KS D 5601-2016 | 锡或锡铅包铜丝 | Tin or tin -lead coated copper wire |
KS D 5604-2009 | 钛及钛合金棒 | Titanium and titanium alloys-Rods and bars |
KS D 5994-2016 | 建筑结构用高性能轧制钢 | High-performance rolled steel for building structures |
KS D 6000-2009 | 钛及钛合金板、板、带 | Titanium and titanium alloys-Sheets, plates and strips |
KS D 6003-2002 | 白色合金 | White metal |
KS D 6005-2016 | 锌合金压模铸件 | Zinc alloys die castings |
KS D 6006-2009 | 铝合金压铸件 | Aluminium alloy die castings |
KS D 6008-2002 | 铝合金铸件 | Aluminium alloy castings |
KS D 6016-2015 | 镁合金铸件 | Magnesium alloy castings |
KS D 6017-2009 | 镁合金压模铸件 | Magnesium alloy die castings |
KS D 6018-1992 | 硬铅铸件 | Hard lead castings |
KS D 6019-2010 | 铬镍合金铸件 | Chromium-nickel alloy castings |
KS D 6020-2010 | 镍铜合金铸件 | Nickel-copper alloy castings |
KS D 6023-2012 | 镍和镍合金铸件 | Nickel and nickel alloy castings |
KS D 6024-2009 | 铜和铜合金铸件 | Copper and copper alloy castings |
KS D 6025-2009 | 铜合金连续浇铸件 | Copper alloy continuous casting |
KS D 6701-2018 | 铝和铝合金板和带 | Aluminium and aluminium alloy sheets and plates, strips and coiled sheets |
KS D 6702-2016 | 普通工业用铅和铅合金管 | Lead and lead alloy tubes for common industries |
KS D 6704-2016 | 焊料 | Soft solder |
KS D 6705-2002 | 铝和铝合金箔 | Aluminium and aluminium alloy foils |
KS D 6706-2018 | 高纯铝箔 | High purity aluminium foils |
KS D 6710-2016 | 镁合金板、板、带和卷板 | Magnesium alloy sheets, plates, strips and coiled sheets |
KS D 6711-2012 | 镀膜铝和铝合金板和带 | Painted aluminium and aluminium alloy sheets and strips |
KS D 6713-2010 | 铝和铝合金焊接管 | Aluminium and aluminium alloy welded pipes and tubes |
KS D 6720-2016 | 镍和镍合金棒 | Nickel and nickel alloy bars |
KS D 6721-2015 | 镍和镍合金丝 | Nickel and nickel alloy wire and drawing stock |
KS D 6722-2016 | 铝和铝合金用钎料 | Solders for aluminium and aluminium alloys |
KS D 6723-2015 | 镁合金型材 | Magnesium alloy extruded shapes |
KS D 6724-2015 | 镁合金棒 | Magnesium alloy bars |
KS D 6725-1987 | 铝蚀刻箔 | Aluminum etching foil |
KS D 6726-2010 | 钛及钛合金焊接管 | Titanium and titanium alloy welded pipes |
KS D 6728-2004 | 锆合金管 | Zirconium alloy tubes |
KS D 6729-2015 | 核燃料覆盖管 | Nuclear fuel cladding tubes |
KS D 6759-2017 | 铝和铝合金挤压型材 | Aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded shapes |
KS D 6761-2012 | 无缝铝和铝合金管 | Aluminium and aluminium alloy seamless pipes and tubes |
KS D 6763-2018 | 铝和铝合金棒和线 | Aluminium and aluminium alloy bars and wires |
KS D 6773-1997 | 钎焊料 | Solder paste |
KS D 7001-1996 | 刺钢丝 | Barbed wires |
KS D 7002-2018 | 预应力混凝土用无涂层应力消除钢丝 | Uncoated stress-relieved steel wires and strands for prestressed concrete |
KS D 7004-2008 | 低碳钢用涂料电焊条 | Covered electrodes for mild steel |
KS D 7005-2016 | 低碳钢用气焊条 | Gas welding rods for mild steel |
KS D 7006-2008 | 高拉伸强度钢用涂敷焊条 | Covered electrodes for high tensile strength steel |
KS D 7007-2002 | 包锌钢绞线 | Zinc-coated steel wire strands |
KS D 7008-2002 | 铸铁用涂敷焊条 | Covered electrodes for cast iron |
KS D 7009-1997 | 预应力混凝土的冷拉钢丝 | Hard drawn steel for prestressed concrete |
KS D 7010-2001 | 飞机用金属丝绳 | Wire ropes for aircraft control |
KS D 7011-2002 | 镀锌铁丝 | Zinc-coated low carbon steel wires |
KS D 7012-2001 | 铜和铜合金涂敷焊条 | Copper and copper alloy covered electrodes |
KS D 7013-1998 | 机械操作用铁丝 | Wire ropes for mechanical control |
KS D 7014-2008 | 不锈钢涂敷焊条 | Stainless steel covered electrodes |
KS D 7015-2009 | 弯成型金属丝编织网 | Crimped wire cloth |
KS D 7016-2002 | 金属丝编织网 | Woven wire cloth |
KS D 7017-2007 | 焊接钢钢丝网 | Welded steel wire and bar fabrics |
KS D 7018-2002 | 链环钢丝网 | Chain link wire netting |
KS D 7019-2009 | 六角钢丝网 | Hexagonal wire netting |
KS D 7022-2002 | 钼钢和铬钼钢涂敷焊条 | Molybdenum steel and chromium molybdenum steel covered electrodes |
KS D 7023-2002 | 低温用工具涂敷焊条 | Covered electrodes for low temperature service steel |
KS D 7025-2005 | 低碳钢和高强度钢用mag焊用实芯焊丝 | MAG welding solid wires for mild steel and high strength steel |
KS D 7029-2017 | 惰性气体保护的电弧焊接的钨电极 | Tungsten electrodes for inert gas shielded arc welding |
KS D 7031-2012 | 防腐蚀用镁阳极 | Magnesium galvanic anodes for cathodic protection |
KS D 7033-2008 | 冷镦用碳钢第2部分:线材 | Carbon steels for cold heading-Part 2:Wires |
KS D 7034-1981 | 混凝土用钢钉 | Concrete nails |
KS D 7035-2002 | 硬质焊敷层用涂敷焊条 | Covered electrodes for hardfacing |
KS D 7036-1996 | 聚氯乙烯涂敷铁丝 | Polyvinyl chloride coated color steel wires |
KS D 7037-2000 | 镀铝钢丝 | Aluminium-coated steel wire |
KS D 7040-2009 | 构造屏障(金属) | Constructive barrier(metal) |
KS D 7041-2012 | 化学分析用白金杯 | Platinum dishes for chemical analysis |
KS D 7042-2012 | 化学分析用白金坩埚 | Platinum crucibles for chemical analysis |
KS D 7043-2015 | 铝合金焊料和硬钎料 | Aluminium alloy brazing filler metals and brazing sheets |
KS D 7044-2004 | 铜和铜合金惰性气体保护电弧焊条和丝 | Copper and copper alloy rods and wires for inert gas shielded arc welding |
KS D 7046-1990 | 机械结构零件用烧结材料 | Sintered Materials for Structural Parts |
KS D 7048-1995 | 异型钢丝绳 | Wire ropes with profile wires |
KS D 7049-2007 | 预应力混凝土加筋用变形钢筋 | Small size-deformed steel bars for prestressed concrete |
KS D 7051-1993 | 粗园钉 | Thick round nails |
KS D 7052-1993 | 不锈钢钉 | Stainless steel nails |
KS D 7053-1989 | 铠装电缆用镀锌低碳钢丝 | Galvanized low carbon steel wire for armouring cables |
KS D 7062-1991 | 工业用织钢丝布 | Industrial Woven Wire Cloths |
KS D 7063-2007 | 锌涂层钢丝 | Zinc-coated steel wires |
KS D 7081-2015 | 建筑用着色金属天棚材料 | Colour metal for ceiling in building |
KS D 7082-2016 | 吸音用多孔铝板 | Perforated Aluminium Panel for Acoustic Use |
KS D 7091-1994 | 灌装水彩画颜料用牙膏管 | Metallic collapsible tubes for water colour |
KS D 7101-2002 | 耐大气腐蚀钢涂敷焊条 | Covered electrodes for atmospheric corrosion resisting steel |
KS D 7104-2012 | 低碳钢、高强度钢和低温用钢助熔填充焊丝和实芯焊条 | Flux cored wires for gas shielded and self-shielded metal arc welding of mild steel, high strength steel and low temperature service steel |
KS D 7105-1994 | 电弧焊用助熔填充焊丝 | Flux cored wires for electrogas arc welding |
KS D 7106-1999 | 耐大气腐蚀钢二氧化碳气体保护焊用实芯焊丝 | Solid wires for CO2 gas shielded arc welding for atmospheric corrosion resisting steel |
KS D 7107-2014 | 9%镍钢用涂敷焊条 | Covered electrodes for 9 % nickel steel |
KS D 7108-2014 | 9%镍钢用钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊用焊条和焊丝 | Filler rods and wires for TIG welding of 9 % nickel steel |
KS D 7109-2005 | 耐大气腐蚀钢用CO₂保护电弧焊助熔填充焊丝 | Flux cored wires for CO2 gas shielded arc welding of atmospheric corrosion resisting steel |
KS D 7110-2014 | 9%镍钢用埋弧焊用焊条和焊丝 | Submerged arc welding wires and fluxes for 9 % Nickel steel |
KS D 7121-2005 | 钼钢和铬钼钢用mag焊助熔填充焊丝 | MAG welding flux cored wires for molybdenum steel and chromium molybdenum steel |
KS D 7130-2005 | 不锈钢电化学活性测定方法 | Method of electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation ratio measurement for stainless steels |
KS D 7142-2017 | 高锰钢焊条 | Covered electrodes for high manganese steel |
KS D 7143-2017 | 高锰钢药芯焊丝 | Flux cored arc welding wire for high manganese steel plate |
KS D 7144-2017 | 高锰钢埋弧焊丝和焊剂 | Submerged arc welding wires and fluxes for high manganese steel plate |
KS D 7145-2017 | 高锰钢TIG焊用填充焊丝 | Filler rods and wires for TIG welding of high manganese steel |
KS D 7202-2004 | 快削用不锈钢丝和线材 | Free-machining stainless steel wire and wire rods |
KS D 7203-2008 | 冷镦用硼钢第2部分:线材 | Boron steels for cold heading-Part 2:Wires |
KS D 8048-2003 | 真空贵金属钎料 | Vacuum grade precious brazing filler metals |
KS D 8049-2003 | 铜和黄铜钎料 | Copper and copper alloy brazing filler metals |
KS D 8050-2003 | 磷铜钎料 | Copper phosphorus brazing filler metals |
KS D 8051-2003 | 镍钎料 | Nickel brazing filler metals |
KS D 8300-2003 | 金钎料 | Gold brazing filler metals |
KS D 8301-2001 | 铝和铝合金阳极氧化膜 | Anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys |
KS D 8302-2014 | 镍和镍铬电镀 | Electroplated coatings of nickel and chromium |
KS D 8303-2009 | 铝和铝合金阳极氧化复合膜 | Combined coatings of anodic oxide and organic coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys |
KS D 8304-2013 | 锌电镀 | Electroplated coatings of zinc on iron or steel |
KS D 8308-2016 | 热浸镀锌涂层 | Zinc hot dip galvanizings |
KS D 8309-2012 | 热浸镀铝涂层 | Hot dip aluminized coatings on ferrous products |
KS D 8310-2001 | 铝及铝合金阳极氧化阳极氧化膜单位面积质量(表面密度)的测定(重量法)和阳极氧化膜厚度的测定(分束显微镜无损测量) | Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys-Determination of mass per unit area(surface density) of anodic oxide coatings(gravimetric method) and determination of thickness of anodic oxide coatings(non-destructive measurement by split-beam microscope) |
KS D 8312-1978 | 铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜厚度变形而引起的抗开裂试验方法 | Test method for resistance to cracking by deforming of anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys |
KS D 8314-1-2011 | 铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜耐磨性试验方法第1部分:车轮磨损试验 | Test methods for abrasion resistance of anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys-Part 1:Wheel wear test |
KS D 8314-2-2001 | 铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜耐磨性试验方法第2部分:磨料射流试验 | Test methods for abrasion resistance of anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys-Part 2:Abrasive jet test |
KS D 8314-3-2001 | 铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜耐磨性试验方法第3部分:落砂耐磨性试验 | Test methods for abrasion resistance of anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys -Part 3:Sand-falling abrasion resistance test |
KS D 8315-1996 | 铝及其合金的阳极氧化镀层封孔质量评定方法 | Test methods for sealing quality of anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys |
KS D 8316-2016 | 铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜耐腐蚀性试验方法 | Test methods for corrosion resistance of anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys |
KS D 8317-2008 | 电镀及相关工艺术语 | Electroplating and related processes-Vocabulary |
KS D 8318-2016 | 铝表面处理术语 | Glossary of terms used in the surface treatment of aluminium |
KS D 8319-2003 | 银钎料 | Silver brazing filler metals |
KS D 8325-2016 | 热喷涂.自熔合金涂层试验方法 | Testing methods for spray fused coatings of self-fluxing alloys |
KS D 8327-2016 | 钢热喷涂试验方法 | Test methods for steel spray deposits |
KS D 8329-2015 | 镁合金防腐蚀处理方法 | Processes for corrosion protection of magnesium alloys |
KS D 8330-2012 | 锡电镀 | Electroplated coatings of tin-Specification and test methods |
KS D 8331-2016 | 钯钎料 | Palladium brazing filler metals |
KS D 8334-2015 | 涂层的耐腐蚀性能试验方法 | Methods of corrosion resistance test for metallic coatings |
KS D 8335-2016 | 涂层的耐磨损试验方法 | Methods of wear resistance test for metallic coatings |
KS D 8336-2016 | 装潢用金和金合金电镀 | Electroplated coatings of gold and gold alloy for decorative purposes |
KS D 8339-2013 | 工业用银电镀 | Electroplated coatings of silver for engineering purposes |
KS D 8341-2-2002 | 铝及铝合金彩色阳极氧化膜耐光性的加速试验方法第2部分:耐紫外线木脂的耐光性试验 | Accelerated test methods for light fastness of coloured anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys-Part 2:Test for light fastness to ultra-violet lignt |
KS D 8341-2002 | 铝及铝合金彩色阳极氧化膜耐光性的加速试验方法第1部分:耐人造光的耐光性试验 | Accelerated test methods for light fastness of coloured anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloy-Part 1:Test for light fastness to artificial light |
KS D 8343-2013 | 塑料的装潢用电镀 | Electroplated coatings on plastics materials for decorative purposes |
KS D 8345-2000 | 铝和铝合金阳极氧化涂层镜相清析的测定方法 | Test methods for image clarity of anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys |
KS D 8348-2002 | 锌机械沉积镀层 | Mechanically deposited coatings of zinc-Specification and test methods |
KS D 8352-2014 | 金属用磷酸盐转化膜.规定要求的方法 | Phosphate conversion coatings for metals — Method of specifying requirements |
KS D 8500-2002 | 自来水管道外部的胶带包覆系统 | Tape coating systems for the exterior of steel water pipelines |
KS D 8501-2004 | 自来水用焦油环氧树脂涂料和涂敷方法 | Tar epoxy resin paints for water works and method of coating |
KS D 8502-2010 | 自来水用环氧树脂涂料和涂敷方法 | Liquid epoxy resin paints for water works and method of coating |
KS D 8503-2015 | 凝汽器用铜合金管极化电阻测量方法 | Measurement methods of polarization resistance of copper alloy tubes for condenser |
KS D 8504-1996 | 贮氢容器合金的反复贮氢、排放特性试验方法 | Method for assessing the characteristics of cyclic hydrogen absorption/desorption of hydrogen absorbing alloys |
KS D 8505-1996 | 贮氢合金的氢化热测定方法 | Method for measuring the heat of hydriding reaction of hydrogen absorbing alloys |
KS D 8508-1997 | 纤维强化金属的拉伸试验方法 | Test method for tensile properties of fiber reinforced metals |
KS D 8509-1997 | 纤维强化金属的疲劳试验方法 | Test method for fatigue properties of fiber reinforced metals |
KS D 8511-2003 | 金属材料.板材和带材.塑性应变比的测定 | Method of determining the plastic strain ratio for metallic sheet and strip |
KS D 8512-2003 | 金属材料.板材和带材.拉伸应力硬化指数测定 | Method of determining the tensile strain hardening exponent for metallic sheet and strip |
KS D 8513-2003 | 塑料强化金属压缩性能试验方法 | Test method for compressive properties of fiber reinforced metals |
KS D 8514-1998 | 铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜介电强度的试验方法 | Test methods for dielectric strength of anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys |
KS D 8515-2009 | 金属及有关覆盖层维氏和努氏显微硬度试验 | Metallic and related coatings-Vickers and Knoop microhardness tests |
KS D 8522-2009 | 高纯铝粉末的测定方法 | Methods for determination of fine alumina powder |
KS D 8530-2012 | 锡钴合金的电镀层试验方法 | Electroplated coatings of tin-cobalt alloy-Test method |
KS D 8540-2013 | 无电解镍硼镀层试验方法 | Autocatalytic nickel-boron coatings on metals |
KS D 8541-2004 | 吸气剂的评价方法 | Testing method for getter |
KS D 8542-2015 | 陶瓷喷涂工艺测定方法.喷涂层断面数码影像分析法 | Standard method for porosity measurement of thermal spray coatings |
KS D 8544-2016 | 金属覆盖层覆盖层厚度测量透射电子显微镜法 | Metallic coating-Measurement of coating thickness-Transmission electron microscopy method |
KS D 8545-2008 | 树脂药芯无铅焊料 | Resin flux cored lead free solders |
KS D 8546-2008 | 无铅软钎料合金化学成分与形状 | Lead free soft solder alloys-Chemical compositions and forms |
KS D 9001-2009 | 铝板器皿 | Aluminum sheet wares |
KS D 9003-2016 | 粘结铝箔 | Laminated Aluminium Foils |
KS D 9004-1986 | 罐头用空罐 | Can for Foods |
KS D 9005-2007 | 包装用钢带 | Steel strip for packing |
KS D 9007-2008 | 铸铁锅 | Cast iron cooking pot |
KS D 9008-2009 | 化学分析用白金舟皿 | Platinum boats for chemical analysis |
KS D 9101-1980 | 人行道用扶手(金属) | Pedestrian guard rails(Metal) |
KS D 9201-2005 | 联轴 | Coupling |
KS D 9202-2003 | 聚乙烯复合压力铝管 | Polyethylene composite pressure aluminium pipe |
KS D 9401-2015 | 防腐、防锈.术语 | Glossary of terms used in rust and corrosion preventive technology |
KS D 9403-1996 | 搪瓷制品质量标准 | Quality standard of porcelain enamelled products |
KS D 9501-1993 | 铜和铜合金气焊条 | Copper and copper alloy gas welding rods |
KS D 9502-2009 | 中性盐雾试验方法 | Neutral, acetic acid and copper-accelerated acetic acid salt spray |
KS D 9505-1977 | 装饰电镀层的涂膏密室耐蚀试验 | Corrosion testing of decorative nickel chromium plating by the corrodkote procedure |
KS D 9532-2008 | 金属喷砂清理磨料 | Metallic blast-cleaning abrasives |
KS D 9533-2008 | 非金属喷砂清理磨料 | Non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives |
KS D 9535-2016 | 用划痕试验评价等离子喷涂陶瓷涂层的粘着力 | Evaluation of Adhesion/Cohesion of Plasma Sprayed Ceramic Coatings by Scratch Testing |
KS D 9536-2011 | 不锈钢内衬钢管 | Stainless lined steel pipe |
KS D 9537-2013 | 贵金属及加工品 | Precious metals and processed goods |
KS D ISO 10062-2014 | 人工环境中低浓度污染气体腐蚀程度的试验 | Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere at very low concentrations of polluting gas(es) |
KS D ISO 10070-2004 | 金属粉末.在稳态流动条件下粉末层的透气性试验外层表面区域的测定 | Metallic powders-Determination of envelope-specific surface area from measurements of the permeability to air of a powder bed under steady-state flow conditions |
KS D ISO 10111-2012 | 金属和其他无机覆盖层.单位面积质量的测量.重量分析法和化学分析方法评述 | Metallic and other inorganic coatings-Measurement of mass per unit area-Review of gravimetric and chemical analysis methods |
KS D ISO 10138-2002 | 钢和铁.铬含量的测定.火焰原子光谱吸收法 | Steel and iron-Determination of chromium content-Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method |
KS D ISO 10153-2007 | 钢硼含量的测定姜黄素分光光度法 | Steel-Determination of boron content-Curcumin spectrophotometric method |
KS D ISO 10154-2004 | 薄壁金属容器.镀锡版缩颈三片喷雾罐.顶端尺寸 | Light gauge metal containers-Three-piece necked-in tinplate aerosol cans-Dimensions of the top end |
KS D ISO 10193-2004 | 一般用途小容量金属容器.容积达40000ml的圆筒形及圆锥形容器的标称填充容积 | General use light gauge metal containers-Nominal filling volumes of round cylindrical and tapered containers of up to 40 000 mL |
KS D ISO 10216-2012 | 阳极氧化铝和铝合金.阳极氧化膜图像清晰度仪器测定.仪器法 | Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys-Instrumental determination of image clarity of anodic oxidation coatings-Instrumental method |
KS D ISO 10270-2016 | 金属与合金的腐蚀.核动力反应堆用锆合金的水腐蚀试验 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Aqueous corrosion testing of zirconium alloys for use in nuclear power reactors |
KS D ISO 10278-2003 | 钢.锰含量的测定.电感藕合等离子体原子发射光谱测定法 | Steel-Determination of manganese content-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method |
KS D ISO 10280-2002 | 钢和铁.钛含量的测定.二安替比林基代甲烷分光光度法 | Steel and iron-Determination of titanium content-Diantipyrylmethane spectrophotometric method |
KS D ISO 10332-2002 | 压力用途的无缝钢管和焊接(埋弧焊除外)钢管.验证液压防泄漏用超声波检验 | Seamless and welded(except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for pressure purposes-Ultrasonic testing for verification of hydraulic leak-tightness |
KS D ISO 10543-2002 | 压力用无缝及热拉伸焊接钢管.全周边超声波厚度检测 | Seamless and hot-stretch-reduced welded steel tubes for pressure purposes-Full peripheral ultrasonic thickness testing |
KS D ISO 10587-2002 | 金属和其他无机覆盖层.有金属覆层和无覆层外螺纹件和棒材表面残余脆性试验.斜楔法 | Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Test for residual embrittlement in both metallic-coated and uncoated externally-threaded articles and rods — Inclined wedge method |
KS D ISO 10653-2004 | 薄壁金属容器.顶开圆罐.按装盖后的公称总容量定义的罐 | Light-gauge metal containers-Round open-top cans-Cans defined by their nominal gross lidded capacities |
KS D ISO 10654-2004 | 薄壁金属容器.顶开圆罐.按公称灌装容量定义的用于充气液体产品的罐 | Light-gauge metal containers-Round open-top cans-Cans for liquid products with added gas, defined by their nominal filling volumes |
KS D ISO 10697-1-2002 | 钢钙含量的测定火焰原子吸收光谱法第1部分:酸溶性钙含量的测定 | Steel-Determination of calcium content by flame atomic absorption spectrometry-Part 1:Determination of acid-soluble calcium content |
KS D ISO 10697-2-2002 | 钢.用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钙含量.第2部分:钙总含量的测定 | Steel - Determination of calcium content by flame atomic absorption spectrometry -Part 2 : Determination of total calcium content |
KS D ISO 10698-2002 | 钢.锑含量的测定.电热原子吸收光谱法 | Steel-Determination of antimony content-Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric method |
KS D ISO 10700-2008 | 钢铁锰含量的测定火焰原子吸收光谱法 | Steel and iron-Determination of manganese content-Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method |
KS D ISO 10701-2002 | 钢和铁.硫含量的测定.甲基兰分光光度法 | Steel and iron-Determination of sulfur content-Methylene blue spectrophotometric method |
KS D ISO 10702-2002 | 钢和铁.氮含量的测定.蒸馏后滴定法 | Steel and iron-Determination of nitrogen content-Titrimetric method after distillation |
KS D ISO 10713-2016 | 首饰.金合金覆盖层 | Jewellery-Gold alloy coatings |
KS D ISO 10714-2001 | 钢铁磷含量的测定磷钒钼酸盐分光光度法 | Steel and iron-Determination of phosphorus content-Phosphovanadomolybdate spectrophotometric method |
KS D ISO 10719-2006 | 钢和铁.非化合碳含量的测定.感应炉燃烧后红外线吸收法 | Steel and iron-Determination of non-combined carbon content-Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace |
KS D ISO 10720-2003 | 钢和铁.氮含量的测定.惰性气体流中熔解物的热传导法 | Steel and iron-Determination of nitrogen content-Thermal conductimetric method after fusion in a current of inert gas |
KS D ISO 11130-2014 | 金属与合金的腐蚀.盐溶液中的交替浸入试验 | Corrosion of metals and alloys — Alternate immersion test in salt solution |
KS D ISO 1118-2001 | 铝及铝合金化学分析方法分光光度法测定钛量 | Aluminium and Aluminium alloys-Determination of titanium-Spectrophotometric chromotropic acid method |
KS D ISO 11210-2002 | 铂合金首饰中含铂量的测定.氯铂酸铵沉淀后重量法 | Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys-Gravimetric method after precipitation of diammonium hexachloroplatinate |
KS D ISO 11303-2015 | 金属和合金的腐蚀.防大气腐蚀方法的选择指南 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Guidelines for selection of protection methods against atmospheric corrosion |
KS D ISO 11306-2009 | 金属和合金的腐蚀金属和合金在地表海水中的暴露和评价指南 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Guidelines for exposing and evaluating metals and alloys in surface sea water |
KS D ISO 11400-2001 | 镍、镍铁及镍合金磷含量的测定磷钒钼酸盐分子吸收光谱法 | Nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys-Determination of phosphorus Content-Phosphovanadomolybdate molecular absorption spectrometric method |
KS D ISO 11426-2006 | 金合金首饰中含金量的测定.灰吹法(火试金法) | Determination of gold in gold jewellery alloys-Cupellation method(fire assay) |
KS D ISO 11427-2006 | 银合金首饰中含银量的测定.溴化钾容量法(电位滴定) | Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys-Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide |
KS D ISO 11433-2018 | 镍合金钛含量的测定二安替比林甲烷分子吸收光谱法 | Nickel alloys — Determination of titanium content — Diantipyrylmethane molecular absorption spectrometric method |
KS D ISO 11435-2006 | 镍合金化学分析方法电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定钼量 | Nickel alloys-Determination of molybdenum-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method |
KS D ISO 11436-2001 | 镍及镍合金化学分析方法姜黄素分子吸收光谱法测定硼量 | Nickel and nickel alloys-Determination of total boron content -Curcumin molecular absorption spectrometric method |
KS D ISO 11437-1-2012 | 镍合金电热原子吸收光谱法测定微量元素含量第1部分:一般要求和样品溶解 | Nickel alloys-Determination of trace-element content by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric method-Part 1:General requirements and sample dissolution |
KS D ISO 11437-2-2012 | 镍合金电热原子吸收光谱法测定微量元素含量第2部分:铅含量的测定 | Nickel alloys-Determination of trace-element content by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric method-Part 2:Determination of lead content |
KS D ISO 11463-2017 | 金属与合金的腐蚀.斑蚀的评估 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Evaluation of pitting corrosion |
KS D ISO 11474-2017 | 金属与合金的腐蚀.人工环境中的腐蚀试验.采用盐溶液间歇式喷射的加速户外验收试验(疤点试验) | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Corrosion tests in artificial atmosphere-Accelerated outdoor test by intermittent spraying of a salt solution(Scab test) |
KS D ISO 11484-2005 | 压力用途钢管.无损检验人员的资格及认证 | Steel tubes for pressure purposes-Qualification and certification of non-destructive testing(NDT) personnel |
KS D ISO 11489-2002 | 铂合金首饰中含铂量的测定.氯化汞还原重量法 | Determination of platinum in platinum jewellery alloys-Gravimetric determination by reduction with mercury(Ⅰ) chloride |
KS D ISO 11490-2001 | 钯合金首饰中钯的测定丁二酮肟重量法 | Determination of palladium in palladium jewellery alloys-Gravimetric determination with dimethylglyoxime |
KS D ISO 11652-2002 | 钢和铁中钴含量的测定.火焰原子吸收光谱法 | Steel and iron-Determination of cobalt content-Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method |
KS D ISO 11653-2003 | 钢.高钴含量的测定.用离子交换分离法分离后电势滴定法 | Steel-Determination of high cobalt content-Potentiometric titration method after separation by ion exchange |
KS D ISO 1169-2012 | 锌合金.铝含量的测定.容量法 | Zinc alloys-Determination of aluminum content-Titrimetric method |
KS D ISO 11707-2012 | 镁中铅、镉的测定方法 | Methods for determination of lead and cadmium in magnesium |
KS D ISO 1178-2005 | 镁合金.可溶性锆的测定.茜素磺酸盐光度法 | Magnesium alloys-Determination of insoluble zirconium-Alizarin sulphonate photometric method |
KS D ISO 11782-1-2017 | 金属和合金的腐蚀腐蚀腐蚀疲劳试验第1部分:失效循环试验 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Corrosion fatigue testing-Part 1:Cycles to failure testing |
KS D ISO 11782-2-2017 | 金属和合金的腐蚀腐蚀腐蚀疲劳试验第2部分:用预裂纹试样进行裂纹扩展试验 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Corrosion fatigue testing-Part 2:Crack propagation testing using precracked specimens |
KS D ISO 11845-2015 | 金属及合金腐蚀腐蚀试验通则 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-General principles for corrosion testing |
KS D ISO 11846-2017 | 金属及合金的腐蚀固溶热处理铝合金抗晶间腐蚀性能的测定 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of solution heat-treatable aluminium alloys |
KS D ISO 11873-2011 | 硬质合金钴金属粉末中硫和碳含量的测定红外线检测法 | Hardmetals-Determination of sulfur and carbon contents in cobalt metal powders-Infrared detection method |
KS D ISO 11881-2017 | 金属与合金的腐蚀.铝合金的剥落腐蚀试验 | Corrosion of metals and alloys- Exfoliation corrosion testing of alumimium alloys |
KS D ISO 11970-2003 | 钢铸件制造焊接焊接工艺的规范和验收 | Specification and approval of welding procedures for production welding of steel castings |
KS D ISO 12094-2002 | 压力用途的承压焊接钢管.焊接钢管用钢带/钢板分层缺陷检测用超声波试验 | Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes-Ultrasonic testing for the detection of laminar imperfections in strips/plates used in the manufacture of welded tubes |
KS D ISO 12095-2002 | 压力用途的承压无缝和焊接钢管.液体渗透试验 | Seamless and welded steel tubes for pressure purposes-Liquid penetrant testing |
KS D ISO 12096-2002 | 压力用途的承压埋弧焊接钢管.焊缝缺陷检测用X射线检查 | Submerged arc-welded steel tubes for pressure purposes-Radiographic testing of the weld seam for the detection of imperfections |
KS D ISO 12686-2012 | 金属和其他无机覆盖层.金属件电镀镍、自催化镀镍或电镀铬或作为最后精饰前的自动控制喷丸硬化 | Metallic and other inorganic coatings-Automated controlled shot-peening of metallic articles prior to nickel, autocatalytic nickel or chromium plating, or as a final finish |
KS D ISO 13663-2002 | 压力用途的承压焊接钢管.焊缝周围分层缺陷检测用超声波试验 | Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes-Ultrasonic testing of the area adjacent to the weld seam for the detection of laminar imperfections |
KS D ISO 13664-2002 | 压力用途的承压无缝和焊接钢管.管端分层组织缺陷探测用磁粉检验 | Seamless and welded steel tubes for pressure purposes-Magnetic particle inspection of the tube ends for the detection of laminar imperfections |
KS D ISO 13665-2002 | 压力用途的承压无缝和焊接钢管.管身表面缺陷探测用磁粉检验 | Seamless and welded steel tubes for pressure purposes-Magnetic particle inspection of the tube body for the detection of surface imperfections |
KS D ISO 13756-2003 | 银合金中含银量的测定.氯化钠或氯化钾容量法(电位滴定) | Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys-Volumetric(potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride |
KS D ISO 13898-1-2002 | 钢铁镍、铜、钴含量的测定电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法第1部分:一般要求和样品溶解 | Steel and iron - Determination of nickel, copper and cobalt contents-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method-Part 1:General requirements and sample dissolution |
KS D ISO 13898-2-2010 | 钢铁化学分析方法电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定镍、铜、钴量第2部分:镍量的测定 | Steel and iron-Determination of nickel, copper and cobalt contents-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method-Part 2:Determination of nickel content |
KS D ISO 13898-3-2010 | 钢铁化学分析方法电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定镍、铜、钴量第3部分:铜量的测定 | Steel and iron-Determination of nickel, copper and cobalt contents-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method-Part 3:Determination of copper content |
KS D ISO 13898-4-2010 | 钢铁化学分析方法电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定镍、铜、钴量第4部分:钴量的测定 | Steel and iron-Determination of nickel, copper and cobalt contents-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method-Part 4:Determination of cobalt content |
KS D ISO 13899-1-2010 | 钢合金化钢中钼、铌、钨含量的测定电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法第1部分:钼含量的测定 | Steel-Determination of Mo, Nb and W contents in alloyed steel-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method-Part 1:Determination of Mo content |
KS D ISO 13899-2-2006 | 钢合金化钢中钼、铌、钨含量的测定电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法第2部分:铌含量的测定 | Steel-Determination of Mo, Nb and W contents in alloyed steel-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method-Part 2:Determination of Nb content |
KS D ISO 13899-3-2006 | 钢合金化钢中钼、铌、钨含量的测定电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法第3部分:钨含量的测定 | Steel-Determination of Mo, Nb and W contents in alloyed steel-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method-Part 3:Determination of W content |
KS D ISO 13900-2003 | 钢硼含量的测定蒸馏后姜黄素分光光度法 | Steel-Determination of boron content-Curcumin spectrophotometric method after distillation |
KS D ISO 13902-2002 | 钢铁高硫含量的测定感应炉燃烧红外吸收法 | Steel and iron-Determination of high sulfur content-Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace |
KS D ISO 13944-2004 | 含润滑剂的金属粉末混合物中润滑剂含量测定.索格利特萃取法 | Lubricated metal-powder mixes-Determination of lubricant content-Modified Soxhlet extraction method |
KS D ISO 14168-2012 | 硬金属除外的金属粉末.铜基渗透粉末的试验方法 | Metallic powders, excluding hardmetals-Method for testing copper-base infiltrating powders |
KS D ISO 14237-2003 | 表面化学分析.次级离子质谱法.用均匀掺杂材料测定硅中硼原子浓度 | Surface chemical analysis-Secondary-ion mass spectrometry-Determination of boron atomic concentration in silicon using uniformly doped materials |
KS D ISO 14284-2003 | 钢和铁.化学成分测定用取样和试样制备 | Steel and iron-Sampling and preparation of samples for the dedermination of chemical composition |
KS D ISO 14577-4-2011 | 金属材料硬度和材料参数的仪器化压痕试验第4部分:金属和非金属覆盖层试验方法 | Metallic materials-Instrumented indentation test for hardness and materials parameters-Part 4:Test method for metallic and non-metallic coatings |
KS D ISO 14594-2018 | 微束分析.电子探针微分析.波长色散光谱试验参数的测定指南 | Microbeam analysis — Electron probe microanalysis — Guidelines for the determination of experimental parameters for wavelength dispersive spectroscopy |
KS D ISO 14595-2018 | 微束分析电子探针显微分析标准物质(CRMS)规范指南 | Microbeam analysis — Electron probe microanalysis — Guidelines for the specification of certified reference materials(CRMs) |
KS D ISO 1460-2002 | 金属覆盖层.黑色金属材料热浸锌层.单位面积质量的重量法测定 | Hot dip galvanized coating on ferrous materials - Gravimetric determination of the mass per unit area |
KS D ISO 14606-2003 | 表面化学分析.溅喷深度剖面图.使用层状结构作参考材料的优选技术 | Surface chemical analysis-Sputter depth profiling-Optimization using layered systems as reference materials |
KS D ISO 14706-2003 | 表面化学分析.用总反射X-射线荧光(TXRF)测定法测定硅晶片的表面基本的污染 | Surface chemical analysis-Determination of surface elemental contamination on silicon wafers by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence(TXRF) spectroscopy |
KS D ISO 14707-2003 | 表面化学分析.辉光释放光传播光谱测定法(GD-OES)使用说明 | Surface chemical analysis-Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES)-Introduction to use |
KS D ISO 14713-2004 | 钢结构腐蚀防护.锌和铝镀层.指南 | Protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures-Zinc and aluminium coatings-Guidelines |
KS D ISO 14788-2015 | 连续热镀锌(5%)、铝合金涂层钢薄板和卷材 | Continuous hot-dip zinc-5 %/aluminium alloy coated steel sheets and coils |
KS D ISO 14916-2016 | 热喷涂拉伸粘合强度的测定 | Thermal spraying-Determination of tensile adhesive strength |
KS D ISO 14919-2013 | 热喷涂.火焰和ARD喷涂用线材、杆材和软线.分类.技术供应条件 | Thermal spraying — Wires, rods and cords for flame and ard spraying — Classification — Technical supply conditions |
KS D ISO 14923-2013 | 热喷涂.热喷涂涂层的特性和试验 | Trermal spraying — Characterization and test of thermally sprayed coatings |
KS D ISO 14975-2011 | 表面化学分析信息格式 | Surface chemical analysis-Information formats |
KS D ISO 14976-2011 | 表面化学分析数据传输格式 | Surface chemical analysis-Data transfer format |
KS D ISO 14993-2017 | 金属及合金的腐蚀.循环暴露在盐雾、干、湿条件下的加速试验 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Accelerated testing involving cyclic exposure to salt mist, “dry” and “wet” conditions |
KS D ISO 15324-2017 | 金属与合金的腐蚀.用滴落蒸发试验评价应力腐蚀裂纹 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Evaluation of stress corrosion cracking by the drop evaporation test |
KS D ISO 15349-1-2005 | 非合金钢低碳含量的测定第1部分:电阻炉燃烧后红外吸收法(峰分离法) | Unalloyed steel-Determination of low carbon content-Part 1:Infrared absorption method after combustion in an electric resistance furnace(by peak separation) |
KS D ISO 15349-2-2003 | 非合金钢低碳含量的测定第2部分:感应炉(预热)燃烧后红外线吸收法 | Unalloyed steel-Determination of low carbon content-Part 2:Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace (with preheating) |
KS D ISO 15349-3-2005 | 非合金钢低碳含量的测定第3部分:电阻炉(预热)燃烧后红外线吸收法 | Unalloyed steel-Determination of low carbon content-Part 3:Infrared absorption method after combustion in an electric resistance furnace(with preheating) |
KS D ISO 15350-2003 | 钢和铁.总碳及总硫量的测定.感应炉中燃烧后的红外吸收法(常规法) | Steel and iron-Determination of total carbone and sulfur content-Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace(routine method) |
KS D ISO 15351-2003 | 钢和铁.镍含量的测定.惰性气体融合后热电导测量法(常规方法) | Steel and iron-Determination of nitrogen content-Thermal conductimetric method after fusion in a current of inert gas(Routine method) |
KS D ISO 15353-2002 | 钢和铁.锡含量的测定.火焰原子吸收光谱法(作为Sn-SCN萃取法) | Steel and iron-Determination of tin content -Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method(extraction as Sn-SCN) |
KS D ISO 15355-2003 | 钢和铁.铬含量的测定.间接滴定法 | Steel and iron-Determination of chromium content-Indirect titration method |
KS D ISO 15470-2005 | 表面化学分析.X射线光电光谱法.选定的仪器性能参数的描述 | Surface chemical analysis-X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy-Description of selected instrumental performance parameters |
KS D ISO 15471-2005 | 表面化学分析.俄歇电子光谱法.选定的仪器性能参数的描述 | Surface chemical analysis-Auger electron spectroscopy-Description of selected instrumental performance parameters |
KS D ISO 15472-2003 | 表面化学分析.X射线光电谱仪.能量刻度表校准 | Surface chemical analysis-X-ray photoelectron spectrometers-Calibration of energy scales |
KS D ISO 1554-2002 | 加工铜合金和铸造铜合金.铜含量的测定.电解法 | Wrought and cast copper alloys-Determination of copper content-Electrolytic method |
KS D ISO 15632-2018 | 微束分析.电子探针微分析用能量分散X射线光谱仪的规范和检验用选定的仪器性能参数 | Microbeam analysis — Selected instrumental performance parameters for the specification and checking of energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometers for use in electron probe microanalysis |
KS D ISO 15724-2015 | 金属和其他无机覆盖物.钢中可扩散氢的电化学测量 | Metallic and other inorganic coatings-Electrochemical measurement of diffusible hydrogen in steels-Barnacle electrode method |
KS D ISO 15730-2016 | 金属和其他无机覆盖层不锈钢平滑和钝化的电抛光方法 | Metallic and other inorganic coatings-Electropolishing as a means of smoothing and passivating stainless steel |
KS D ISO 15812-2004 | 连续扁轧产品.改进定货交流指南 | Continuous mill flat rolled products-Guidelines for improved ordering communication |
KS D ISO 16163-2015 | 连续热浸涂敷的薄钢板产品.尺寸及形状公差 | Continuously hot-dipped coated steel sheet products-Dimensional and shape tolerances |
KS D ISO 16220-2009 | 镁及镁合金-镁合金铸锭和铸件 | Magnesium and magnesium alloys-Magnesium alloy ingots and castings |
KS D ISO 16592-2011 | 微束分析-电子探针显微分析-用校准曲线法测定钢中碳含量的指南 | Microbeam analysis-Electron probe microanalysis-Guidelines for determining the carbon content of steels using a calibration curve method |
KS D ISO 16700-2013 | 微束分析扫描电子显微镜图像放大率校准指南 | Microbeam analysis-Scanning electron microscopy-Guidelines for calibrating image magnification |
KS D ISO 16784-1-2009 | 金属和合金的腐蚀工业冷却水系统的腐蚀和污染第1部分:开放式循环冷却水系统腐蚀和污染控制添加剂中试评定指南 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Corrosion and fouling in industrial cooling water systems-Part 1:Guidelines for conducting pilot-scale evaluation of corrosion and fouling control additives for open recirculating cooling water systems |
KS D ISO 17053-2006 | 钢铁氧含量的测定惰气熔融红外法 | Steel and iron-Determination of oxygen-Infrared method after fusion under inert gas |
KS D ISO 17058-2005 | 钢铁.砷含量的测定.分光光度法 | Steel and iron-Determination of arsenic content- Spectrophotometric method |
KS D ISO 17475-2017 | 金属和合金的腐蚀电化学试验方法恒电位和动电位极化测量指南 | Corrosion of metals and alloys-Electrochemical test methods-Guidelines for conducting potentiostatic and potentiodynamic polarization measurements |
KS D ISO 17560-2003 | 表面化学分析.再生离子质量的光谱测定.硅中硼的深仿形方法 | Surface chemical analysis-Secondary-on mass spectrometry- Method for depth profiling of boron in silicon |
KS D ISO 17577-2007 | 钢-厚度等于或大于6 mm的扁钢产品的超声波检测 | Steel-Ultrasonic testing for steel flat products of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm |
KS D ISO 17615-2009 | 铝及铝合金重熔用合金锭技术条件 | Aluminium and aluminium alloys-Alloyed ingots for remelting-Specifications |
KS D ISO 1783-2002 | 镁合金中锌的测定.容量法 | Magnesium alloys-Determination of zinc-Volumetric method |
KS D ISO 17834-2010 | 热喷涂.高温下抗腐蚀耐氧化保护涂层 | Thermal spraying-Coatings for protection against corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures |
KS D ISO 17836-2015 | 热喷涂.热喷涂熔敷效率的测定 | Thermal spraying-Determination of the deposition efficiency for thermal spraying |
KS D ISO 1784-2001 | 铝合金化学分析方法EDTA滴定法测定锌量 | Aluminium alloys-Determination of zinc-EDTA titrimetric method |
KS D ISO 17925-2006 | 钢上锌和/或铝基涂层.单位面积涂层质量和化学组分的测定.重量分析法、感应耦合等离子体原子辐射光谱测定法和火焰原子吸收光谱测定法 | Zinc and/or aluminium based coatings on steel-Determination of coating mass per unit area and chemical composition-Gravimetry, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and flame atomic absorption spectrometry |
KS D ISO 17973-2011 | 表面化学分析中分辨率俄歇电子能谱仪元素分析用能量标度的校准 | Surface chemical analysis-Medium-resolution Auger electron spectrometers-Calibration of energy scales for elemental analysis |
KS D ISO 17974-2011 | 表面化学分析高分辨率俄歇电子能谱仪元素和化学状态分析用能量标度的校准 | Surface chemical analysis-High-resolution Auger electron spectrometers-Calibration of energy scales for elemental and chemical-state analysis |
KS D ISO 1811-1-2002 | 铜及铜合金化学分析样品的选择和制备第1部分:铸造未锻造产品的取样 | Copper and copper alloys-Selection and preparation of samples for chemical analysis-Part 1:Sampling of cast unwrought products |
KS D ISO 1811-2-2002 | 铜及铜合金化学分析试样的选择和制备第2部分:锻造产品和铸件的取样 | Copper and copper alloys-Selection and preparation of samples for chemical analysis-Part 2:Sampling of wrought products and castings |
KS D ISO 18114-2005 | 表面化学分析.次级离子质谱法.测定离子注入标样中的相对灵敏度系数 | Surface chemical analysis-Secondary-ion mass spectrometry-Determination of relative sensitivity factors from ion-implanted reference materials |
KS D ISO 18115-2006 | 表面化学分析术语 | Surface chemical analysis-Vocabulary |
KS D ISO 18118-2005 | 表面化学分析.俄歇电子光谱法和X射线光电子光谱法.同质材料定量分析用实验室测定相对敏感性因子的使用指南 | Surface chemical analysis-Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy-Guide to the use of experimentally determined relative sensitivity factors for the quantitative analysis of homogeneous materials |
KS D ISO 1812-2002 | 铜合金中铁含量的测定.1,10-菲罗啉分光光度法 | Copper alloys-Determination of iron content-1,10-Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method |
KS D ISO 19318-2005 | 表面化学分析.X射线光电光谱法.电荷控制和电荷校正方法的报告 | Surface chemical analysis-X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy-Reporting of methods used for charge control and charge correction |
KS D ISO 19319-2005 | 表面化学分析.俄歇电子能谱和X射线光电子能谱.分析员对横向分辨率、分析区域和样品区域的目视检测 | Surface chemical analysis-Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy-Determination of lateral resolution, analysis area, and sample area viewed by the analyzer |
KS D ISO 1975-2003 | 镁和镁合金.硅的测定.钼蓝光度法 | Magnesium and magnesium alloys-Determination of silicon-Spectrophotometric method with the reduced silicomolybdic complex |
KS D ISO 1976-2002 | 锌合金.铜含量的测定.电解法 | Zinc alloys-Determination of copper content-Electrolytic method |
KS D ISO 20081-2006 | 锌及锌合金取样方法规范 | Zinc and zinc alloys-Method of sampling-Specifications |
KS D ISO 20341-2005 | 表面化学分析.次级离子质谱法.多δ层标准材料深度溶解参数的估算方法 | Surface chemical analysis-Secondary-ion mass spectrometry-Method for estimating depth resolution parameters with multiple delta-layer reference materials |
KS D ISO 2063-2002 | 热喷镀.金属涂层和其他无机覆层.锌、铝及其合金 | Metallic and other inoganic coatings-Thermal spraying-Zinc, aluminium and their alloys |
KS D ISO 2064-2009 | 金属和其他无机覆盖层厚度测量的定义和惯例 | Metallic and other inorganic coatings-Definitions and conventions concerning the measurement of thickness |
KS D ISO 2079-2015 | 表面处理和金属覆盖层.术语的分类 | Surface treatment and metallic coatings-General classification of terms |
KS D ISO 21270-2005 | 表面化学分析.X射线光电子和俄歇电子光谱仪.强度标的线性度 | Surface chemical analysis-X-ray photoelectron and Auger electron spectrometers-Linearity of intensity scale |
KS D ISO 2128-2011 | 铝及铝合金阳极氧化阳极氧化膜厚度的测定分束显微镜无损检测 | Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys-Determination of thickness of anodic oxidation coatings-Non-destructive measurement by split-beam microscope |
KS D ISO 2177-2002 | 金属覆盖层.覆盖层厚度的测量.阳极溶解库仑法 | Measurement of coating thickness - Coulometric method by anodic dissolution |
KS D ISO 2178-2002 | 磁性基体上的非磁性覆盖层.覆盖层厚度的测量.磁性法 | Measurement of coating thickness-Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates-Magnetic method |
KS D ISO 2179-2009 | 锡镍合金电镀层规范和试验方法 | Electroplated coatings of tin-nickel alloy-Specification and test methods |
KS D ISO 22029-2013 | 光谱数据交换用标准文档格式 | Standard file format for spectral data exchange |
KS D ISO 22033-2006 | 镍合金铌的测定电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 | Nickel alloys-Determination of niobium-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method |
KS D ISO 22048-2005 | 表面化学分析.静态次生离子质谱法的信息格式 | Surface chemical analysis - Information format for static secondary-ion mass spectrometry |
KS D ISO 22309-2011 | 微束分析能量分散光谱法(EDS)定量分析 | Microbeam analysis-Quantitative analysis using energy-dispersive spectrometry(EDS) |
KS D ISO 22489-2018 | 微束分析.电子探针显微分析.用波长色散X射线光谱法对大块样品的定量点分析 | Microbeam analysis — Electron probe microanalysis — Quantitative point analysis for bulk specimens using wavelength dispersive x-ray spectroscopy |
KS D ISO 22493-2012 | 微束分析扫描电子显微镜词汇 | Microbeam analysis-Scanning electron microscopy-Vocabulary |
KS D ISO 22960-2010 | 钛及钛合金化学分析方法1,10-二氮杂菲分子吸收光谱法测定铁量 | Titanium and titanium alloys-Determination of iron-Molecular absorption spectrometry using 1,10-phenanthroline |
KS D ISO 22961-2010 | 钛及钛合金化学分析方法原子吸收光谱法测定铁量 | Titanium and titanium alloys-Determination of iron-Atomic absorption spectrometry |
KS D ISO 22962-2010 | 钛及钛合金化学分析方法电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定铁量 | Titanium and titanium alloys-Determination of iron-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry |
KS D ISO 22963-2010 | 钛及钛合金氧含量的测定惰性气体熔融红外法 | Titanium and titanium alloys-Determination of oxygen-Infrared method after fusion under inert gas |
KS D ISO 2297-2003 | 铝和铝合金的化学分析.镁的络合滴定法测定 | Chemical analysis of aluminium and its alloys-Complexometric determination of magnesium |
KS D ISO 2353-2001 | 镁及其合金含锆、稀土、钍、银镁合金中锰的测定高碘酸盐光度法 | Magnesium and its alloys-Determination of manganese in magnesium alloys containing zirconium, rare earths, thorium and silver-Periodate photometric method |
KS D ISO 2354-2005 | 镁合金.不溶性锆的测定.茜素磺酸盐光度法 | Magnesium alloys-Determination of insoluble zirconium-Alizarin sulphonate photometric method |
KS D ISO 2355-2002 | 镁和镁合金的化学分析.稀土含量的测定.重量法 | Magnesium and its alloys-Determination of rare earths-Gravimetric method |
KS D ISO 2360-2002 | 非磁性导电基体上非导体覆盖层.镀层厚度的测量.振幅灵敏性涡流法 | Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic basis metals-Measurement of coating thickness-Amplitude-sensitive eddy current method |
KS D ISO 2361-2015 | 磁性和非磁性基体上的镍电镀层.镀层厚度的测量.磁性法 | Electrodeposited nickel coatings on magnetic and non-magnetic substrates-Measurement of coating thickness-Magnetic method |
KS D ISO 23833-2018 | 微束分析.电子探针显微分析(EPMA).词汇 | Microbeam analysis — Electron probe microanalysis(EPMA) — Vocabulary |
KS D ISO 2543-2002 | 铜和铜合金.锰含量的测定.分光光度法 | Copper and copper alloys-Determination of manganese-Spectrophotometric method |
KS D ISO 25902-1-2010 | 钛管无损检测第1部分:涡流检测 | Titanium pipes and tubes-Non-destructive testing-Part 1:Eddy-current examination |
KS D ISO 26202-2009 | 镁及镁合金铸造阳极用镁合金 | Magnesium and magnesium alloys-Magnesium alloys for cast anodes |
KS D ISO 2624-2002 | 铜和铜合金.平均晶粒度的测定方法 | Copper and copper alloys-Estimation of average grain size |
KS D ISO 2740-2009 | 烧结金属材料(不包括硬质合金)-拉伸试件 | Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals-Tensile test pieces |
KS D ISO 3110-2002 | 铜合金.合金元素铝含量的测定.容量法 | Copper alloys-Determination of aluminium as alloying element-Volumetric method |
KS D ISO 3111-2002 | 铜合金.合金元素锡含量的测定.容量法 | Copper alloys-Determination of tin as alloying element-Volumetric method |