2019-07-23 20:44标准号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
KS B 5546-2003 | 非金属材料用摆锤式冲击试验机 | Pendulum-Type impact testing machines for non-metallic materials |
KS B 5547-1993 | 水平 | Levels |
KS B 5548-1993 | 光曝露和光·水曝露试验机(碳弧型) | Light-Exposure and light-and -Water - Exposure apparatus (Enclosed carbon - Arc type) |
KS B 5549-1993 | 曝光和光·水曝光装置(氙弧灯型) | Light-exposure and light-and-water-exposure apparatus (Xenon-arc lamp type) |
KS B 5551-2004 | 金属材料用冲击试验机.仪器设备 | Impact testing machines for metallic materials-Instrumentation |
KS B 5552-2004 | 高分子材料用冲击试验机.仪器设备 | Impact testing machines for plastic matelials-Instrumentation |
KS B 5570-2017 | 紫外线、气体光线分光光度计性能试验法 | Performance test for UV/Vis spectrophotometer |
KS B 5578-2017 | 铜及铜合金管件 | Pipe fittings of copper and copper alloys |
KS B 5601-1995 | 测微显微镜 | Micrometer microscopes |
KS B 5602-1995 | 工具显微镜 | Toolmakers’ microscopes |
KS B 5603-1990 | 显微镜试样 | Microscope Test Specimens |
KS B 5604-1989 | 中型生物显微镜 | Medium Size Biological Microscopes |
KS B 5605-2015 | 生物显微镜用浸透镜 | Biological Microscopes for Immersion Objectives |
KS B 5606-2015 | 伽利略望远镜 | Galilean binoculars |
KS B 5607-2015 | 棱镜望远镜 | Prism binoculars |
KS B 5608-2001 | 目镜千分尺目镜 | Filar micrometer eyepieces |
KS B 5609-2001 | 轮廓测定投影器 | Profile projectors |
KS B 5611-2004 | 干燥物镜用生物显微镜 | Biological microscopes for dry objectives |
KS B 5612-2004 | 小型生物显微镜 | Small size biological microscopes |
KS B 5614-2018 | 实体显微镜 | Stereo microscopes |
KS B 5615-2016 | 生物显微镜物镜 | Biological microscope objectives |
KS B 5616-2018 | 生物显微镜目镜 | Biological microscope eyepieces |
KS B 5617-2018 | 生物显微镜镜台测微计 | Stage micrometer for biological microscope |
KS B 5618-2018 | 生物显微镜镜台带网测微计 | Net stage micrometer for biological microscope |
KS B 5619-1999 | 显微镜的目镜标线片 | Microscopes-Eyepiece reticles |
KS B 5620-2017 | 光学术语汇编 | Glossary of optical terms |
KS B 5622-2004 | 高射投影仪 | Overhead projectors |
KS B 5623-2009 | 牛顿量器 | Newton gauges |
KS B 5624-2004 | 制版照相机试验方法通则 | General rules for testing of process cameras |
KS B 5625-1989 | 照相闪光照明光源光谱分布指数(ISO/SDI)的测定 | Photography-Camera F1ash Illuminants-Determination of ISO Spectral Distribution Index (ISO/SDI) |
KS B 5626-2004 | 镜头.测光仪 | Lens-meters |
KS B 5628-1991 | 高射投影仪的分辨率试验标准测试图 | Test Transparencies for Overhead Projectors |
KS B 5632-1999 | 光电测距.户外性能测定方法 | Electrooptical distance measuring instruments(EDM)-Field procedures for determining accuracy |
KS B 5633-2018 | 复印机.图形符号 | Copying machines — Graphical symbols |
KS B 5634-1999 | 棱体的角度与斜度 | Angles and slopes on prisms |
KS B 5635-2014 | 复印机用反射镜 | Mirror for plain paper copier |
KS B 5636-1999 | 复印机用压紧辊轮 | Pressure roller for plain paper copier |
KS B 5637-1999 | 复印机用定影辊 | Fuser roller for plain paper copier |
KS B 5640-2001 | 多线路超声波流量计试验方法 | Testing method of multi-path ultrasonic flowmeter |
KS B 5641-2002 | 压力传送机 | Pressure transmitter |
KS B 5642-2002 | 果实类糖分测定机.试验方法 | Fruit refractometer-Test method |
KS B 5643-2003 | 大气中氧化剂自动计测器 | Continuous analyzers for oxidants in ambient air |
KS B 5644-2008 | 大气中氟化合物自动计测器 | Continuous analyzers for fluorine compounds in ambient air |
KS B 5645-2008 | 大气中悬浮颗粒物质计数器 | Automatic moniters for suspended particulate matter in ambient air |
KS B 5646-2008 | 原油及石油制品中的硫磺成分自动计测器 | Automatic analysers for sulphur in crude oil and petroleum products |
KS B 5648-2002 | 压力和真空容器漏气速率测定方法.利用质量分析计 | Pressure test method and vacuum vessel leak detection methodusing mass spectrometer |
KS B 6003-2013 | 柴油机喷油泵性能试验方法 | Testing method for performance of fuel injection pump of diesel engine |
KS B 6007-2014 | 往复式内燃机运行温度测定方法 | Temperature measurements of performance forreciprocating internal combustion engines |
KS B 6008-2005 | 陆地用小型柴油机性能试验方法 | Test method of performance of small size diesel engines for land use |
KS B 6014-1991 | 燃气轮机试验方法 | Test Method for Gas Turbines |
KS B 6015-2008 | 汽轮规范 | Specification for steam turbines |
KS B 6016-1975 | 可逆式水力机械模型试验方法 | Methods for Model Tests of Reversible Pump-turbines |
KS B 6017-1998 | 蒸汽喷射机性能试验方法 | Testing methods for steam jet air ejectors |
KS B 6018-2015 | 水轮机和可逆式离心泵涡轮模型试验方法 | Methods for model tests of hydraulic turbine and reversible pump-turbine |
KS B 6019-2014 | 塑料加工机械术语 | Plastics moulding machinery — Vocabulary |
KS B 6026-2015 | 汽轮机验收试验方法 | Rules for Acceptance Test of Steam Turbines |
KS B 6029-2009 | 气阀 | Gas valves |
KS B 6030-2014 | 制冷剂截止阀 | Stop valves for refrigerants |
KS B 6031-2003 | 商业用冷冻、冷藏柜 | Commercial refrigerated cabinets |
KS B 6032-2006 | 液化石油气(LP气)存储温水器 | Liquefied petroleum gas storage type water heaters |
KS B 6034-2016 | 家用燃油热水器 | Oil burning water heaters for domestic use |
KS B 6035-1979 | 低压储(煤)气罐设计标准 | Low-pressure gasholder ; Planning Principles |
KS B 6082-2007 | 制图机械的标度 | Scales for drafting machines |
KS B 6083-2014 | 燃气轮机采购 | Gas turbines — Procurement |
KS B 6084-2008 | 汽轮机验收试验方法 | Steam turbines-Acceptance test |
KS B 6110-2014 | 工业用燃烧炉安全通则 | General rules for safety of industrial combustion furnaces |
KS B 6141-2002 | 通风用空气过滤器 | Air filter units for ventilation |
KS B 6151-2005 | 喷枪及杯 | Spray guns & cups |
KS B 6154-2016 | 室温调节器 | Room thermostats |
KS B 6156-2014 | 热水锅炉温度限制器和温度调节器 | Temperature limiters and thermostats for hot water boilers |
KS B 6157-2016 | 枪油燃烧安全控制器 | Combustion safety controllers for gun type oil burners |
KS B 6172-1980 | 考勤计性能试验方法 | Methods of Test for Time Recorders |
KS B 6182-2003 | 移动式皮带输送机 | Portable belt conveyors |
KS B 6200-2002 | 高压气流喷射燃烧器 | High pressure atomizing injection burners |
KS B 6201-2002 | 压力喷射式燃烧器 | Pressure injection burners |
KS B 6202-2015 | 铸铁锅炉的结构 | Construction of cast iron boilers |
KS B 6203-2002 | 陆地安装的蒸汽锅炉最高工作压力和过热蒸汽温度 | Maximum working pressure and super heated steam temperature of stationary steam boilers |
KS B 6204-2002 | 陆地安装的水管锅炉额定容量 | Rated capacity of stationary water-tube boilers |
KS B 6205-2014 | 陆地安装的锅炉.热平衡 | Land boilers — Heat balancing |
KS B 6206-2007 | 锅炉用带有旋塞的10kgf/㎠管式水面计 | 1MPa Tubular type water gauges with cocks for boilers |
KS B 6207-2007 | 锅炉用带有阀门的10kgf/㎠管式水面计 | 1 MPa Tubular type water gauges with valves for boilers |
KS B 6208-2016 | 锅炉用水面计玻璃 | Gauge glasses for boilers |
KS B 6209-2002 | 锅炉供水和锅炉水的水质 | Water conditioning for boiler feed water and boiler water |
KS B 6210-2014 | 无缝钢气瓶 | Seamless steel gas cylinders for high pressure |
KS B 6211-2018 | 重复充装式液化气用焊接钢气瓶 | Welded steel gas cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas(Refillable) |
KS B 6212-2018 | 液化气容器阀门 | Valves for liquefied petroleum gas cylinder |
KS B 6213-2009 | 家庭用液化石油气(lpg)压力调节器 | Liquefied petroleum gas regulators for domestic use |
KS B 6214-2018 | 高压气瓶阀 | Valves for high pressure gas cylinders |
KS B 6215-2016 | 溶解乙炔气瓶阀 | Valves for dissoloved acetylene cylinder |
KS B 6218-2015 | 锅炉用反射式水面计 | Reflex type water gauges for boilers |
KS B 6219-2001 | 重复充装式液化碳用焊接钢气瓶 | Refillable welded steel gas cylinders for liquefied fluoro carbon |
KS B 6220-2015 | 锅炉用75kgf/㎠透视式水面计 | 7.5 MPa transparent type water gauge bodies for boilers |
KS B 6221-2014 | 枪式油燃烧器 | Gun type light oil burners |
KS B 6222-2007 | 低压空气式油燃烧器 | Low pressure air atomizing oil burners |
KS B 6223-2007 | 回转式油燃烧器 | Rotary oil burners |
KS B 6224-2005 | 锅炉供水及锅炉水试验方法 | Testing methods for boiler feed water and boiler water |
KS B 6225-2016 | 焊接钢石油贮存罐 | Welded steel tanks for oil storage |
KS B 6226-2001 | 冷冻压缩机额定温度条件 | Standard conditions of rating temperaturefor refrigerating compressors |
KS B 6227-2015 | 垂直式氨压缩机 | Vertical type ammonia compressors |
KS B 6229-2015 | 带式运送机用辊子 | Rollers for belt conveyor |
KS B 6230-2015 | 多管圆筒形换热器 | Shell and tube heat exchangers |
KS B 6232-2003 | 手动链式提升机 | Manually operated chain hoists |
KS B 6234-2011 | 液化石油气(lpg)用软管组合件 | Hose assemblies for liquefied petroleum gas |
KS B 6237-2018 | 桥式起重机用铸钢移动车轮 | Cast, forged steel travelling wheels for overhead travelling cranes |
KS B 6240-1992 | 电链起重机性能试验方法 | Testing methods for electric chain hoists |
KS B 6241-2017 | 带式吊索 | Webbing slings for lifting purposes |
KS B 6242-2016 | 钢绳吊索 | Wire rope slings for lifting purposes |
KS B 6243-2016 | 起重机用链式吊索 | Chain slings for lifting purposes |
KS B 6244-2016 | 电链起重机 | Electric chain hoist |
KS B 6250-2016 | 重复充装式钢质焊接气瓶 | Refillable welded steel cylinders for dissolved acetylene |
KS B 6251-2016 | 液化石油气(lpg)用铝合金无缝气瓶 | Refillable seamless aluminum alloy gas cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas |
KS B 6252-2007 | 普通用纯低压液化石油气(LPG)压力调整器 | General semi-medium LPG(Liquefied Petroleum Gas)`pressure regulator |
KS B 6259-2007 | 火灾分类 | Classification of fire |
KS B 6260-2007 | 干粉灭火器 | Dry chemical fire extinguishers |
KS B 6261-2007 | 固定式高压二氧化碳灭火系统 | Fixed high pressure CO2 fire extinguishing system |
KS B 6262-2007 | 二氧化碳灭火器 | Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers |
KS B 6263-2007 | 卤代化合物灭火器 | Halogenated agent fire extinguishers |
KS B 6264-2007 | 固定式卤代氢气灭火系统 | Fixed halogenated hydrocarbon gas fire extinguishing system |
KS B 6265-2003 | 消防设备的消防计划用符号.说明书 | Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting-Graphical symbols for fire protection plans-Specification |
KS B 6266-2010 | 通风设备性能试验方法.第3部分:防烟闸 | Test methods of smoke and heat control systems-Part 3:Smoke dampers |
KS B 6270-2015 | 离心式水冷却器 | Centrifugal water chillers |
KS B 6271-2017 | 吸收式冷冻机 | Absorption refrigerating machines |
KS B 6272-2002 | 遥控钢质通风式空气冷却式冷凝器 | Remote mechanical-draft air-cooled refrigerant condenser |
KS B 6273-2002 | 遥控水冷却式冷凝器 | Water-cooled condensers, remote type |
KS B 6274-2002 | 制冷机组的冷冻能力计算方法 | Capacity evaluation for refrigerating unit coolers |
KS B 6275-2018 | 往复式水冷却器 | Water chilling unit |
KS B 6278-1995 | 链式提升机用环链 | Link chain for chain hoists |
KS B 6281-2014 | 冷冻压力容器的结构 | Construction of pressure vessels for refrigeration |
KS B 6282-2009 | 不锈钢水箱 | Stainless steel water tank |
KS B 6283-2016 | 液体储罐防风及抗震设计要求 | Design requirements for wind load and seismic load of oil storage tanks |
KS B 6300-2017 | 泵的分类 | Classification of Pumps |
KS B 6301-2015 | 离心泵、混流泵、轴流泵试验及测试方法 | Testing methods for centrifugal pumps, mixed flow pumps and axial flow pumps |
KS B 6302-2001 | 泵排放量测定法 | Measurement methods of pump discharge |
KS B 6304-2015 | 锅炉供水用离心式泵试验及测试方法 | Testing methods for boiler feed centrifugal pumps |
KS B 6305-2001 | 自吸离心式泵试验及测试方法 | Testing method for self-priming centrifugal pump |
KS B 6306-2005 | 离心式油泵试验方法 | Testing methods for centrifugal type oil pumps |
KS B 6307-2005 | 齿轮泵和螺丝泵试验及测试方法 | Testing methods for gear pumps and screw pumps |
KS B 6308-2015 | 往复式泵试验及测试方法 | Testing methods for reciprocating pumps |
KS B 6309-2005 | 冷凝泵试验及测试方法 | Testing methods for condensate pumps |
KS B 6311-2017 | 鼓风机试验及测试方法 | Testing methods for industrial fans |
KS B 6312-2015 | 空气预热器试验方法 | Testing methods for air preheaters |
KS B 6313-2007 | 油燃烧器试验方法 | Methods of testing for oil burners |
KS B 6314-1-2002 | 容积式油密封旋转真空泵极限压力测量方法 | Positive-displacement oil-sealed rotary vacuum pumps-Measurement of ultimate pressure |
KS B 6314-2002 | 容积式油密封旋转真空泵性能测试方法 | Positive-displacement oil-sealed rotary vacuum pumps-Measurement of performance characteristics |
KS B 6316-2015 | 喷枪式燃油器齿轮泵 | Gear pumps for gun type oil burners |
KS B 6318-2015 | 双侧吸入蜗形管式离心泵 | Double suction volute pumps |
KS B 6320-2015 | 深井用潜水泵 | Submersible motor pumps for deep well |
KS B 6321-2015 | 排水用潜水泵 | Submersible motor pumps for sump |
KS B 6322-2002 | 冷冻用开放活塞式制冷压缩机性能试验及测试方法.空气法 | Performance testing and inspection methods by air foropen type reciprocating refrigerant compressors |