2019-07-23 20:44标准号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
KS B 4115-2016 | 锻压机用模具组 | Die sets for press dies |
KS B 4116-2016 | 锻压机用导柱及套筒 | Tools for pressing-Guide posts and guide bushes |
KS B 4118-2002 | 锻压机用圆冲孔 | Round punches for press dies |
KS B 4120-2016 | 锻压机敲空装置 | Knock-out equipment for press dies |
KS B 4121-2002 | 压力机模具用卷簧 | Coiled springs for press dies |
KS B 4123-2016 | 锻压机用钢模具组 | Steel die sets for press dies |
KS B 4124-2002 | 锻压机平板配件 | Plates for press dies |
KS B 4125-2016 | 锻压机用开槽销 | Dowel pins for press dies |
KS B 4126-2002 | 锻压机模具套筒 | Die bushings for press dies |
KS B 4128-2017 | 冲压工具.圆冲头指南 | Tools for pressing — Guides for round punches |
KS B 4140-2002 | 压铸铸模用主板 | Main plates for die casting metal mould |
KS B 4141-2012 | 压铸机铸模用导销 | Guide pins of dies for die casting |
KS B 4142-2012 | 压铸机铸模用起模杆 | Ejector pins of dies for die casting |
KS B 4143-2017 | 压铸机铸模用收回杆 | Return pins for moulds |
KS B 4144-2012 | 压铸机铸模用导杆套 | Guide pin bushes of dies for die casting |
KS B 4152-2015 | 塑料铸模导销 | Guide pins of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4153-2002 | 塑料铸模起模杆 | Main plates for moulds for plastics |
KS B 4154-2015 | 塑料铸模复位杆 | Return pins of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4155-2015 | 塑料铸模导杆套 | Guide pin bushes of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4156-2015 | 塑料铸模定位环 | Locating rings of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4157-2002 | 铸模塑型工具尺寸 | Tools for moulding-Sprue bushes-Dimensions |
KS B 4158-2014 | 钻孔机主轴端 | Spindle noses for drilling machines |
KS B 4159-2015 | 塑料模具喷出套筒 | Ejector sleeves of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4160-2015 | 塑料铸模起模板导销 | Ejector plate guide pins of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4161-2015 | 塑料铸模制动拉杆销 | Stop pins of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4162-2015 | 塑料铸模角 | Angular pins of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4163-2015 | 塑料铸模冷却装置连接口 | Nipples and plugs of cooling system of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4164-2015 | 塑料铸模垫块 | Spacer blocks of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4166-2015 | 塑料铸模起模导杆 | Ejector guide pins of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4169-2015 | 塑料铸模起模导杆套 | Ejector guide bushes of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4170-2016 | 锻压机推件螺钉 | Stripper bolts for press dies |
KS B 4171-2015 | 塑料铸模锥度锁 | Taper lock of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4172-2015 | 塑料铸模盘形垫块 | Disc spacers of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4173-2015 | 塑料铸模有肩起模杆 | Flat ejector pins of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4174-2002 | 锻压机圆形起模冲孔 | Stepped ejector punches for press dies |
KS B 4175-2002 | 锻压机抽头冲孔 | Tapped punches for press dies |
KS B 4176-1999 | 锻压机球锁圆冲孔 | Balllock round punches for press dies |
KS B 4177-2002 | 冲模阶梯导向冲床 | Stepped pilot punches for press dies |
KS B 4178-2002 | 冲模导销的定位 | Locating pilot pins for press dies |
KS B 4179-2002 | 压模压紧螺栓 | Stripper bolts for press dies |
KS B 4180-2002 | 锻压机硬质合金平板 | Cemented carbide flat plates for press dies |
KS B 4181-2015 | 塑料铸模定心套 | Centring sleeves of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4182-2015 | 塑料铸模转动锁杆 | Runner lock pins of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4183-2015 | 塑料铸模支撑杆 | Support pins of moulds for plastics |
KS B 4201-2014 | 胶合板车床试验及测试方法 | Test code for performance and accuracy of veneer lathes |
KS B 4202-2014 | 胶合板磨刀机 | Veneer knife grinders |
KS B 4203-2014 | 刮刀磨刀机 | Scraper knife grinders |
KS B 4206-2004 | 数控机床准备功能(G功能)及补助功能(M功能)的符号 | Coding of preparatory functions G and miscellaneousfunctions M for numerical control of machines |
KS B 4208-2014 | 机床样品项目 | Specified items for machine tools |
KS B 4222-2016 | 数控处理器输出-CLDATA | Numerical Control Processor Output - CLDATA |
KS B 4225-2014 | 热压机结构安全标准 | Safety standards for construction of hot presses |
KS B 4227-2008 | 模块化插孔及夹具性能评价方法 | Performance test method of modular jig and fixture |
KS B 4232-2014 | 机床安全.机械式压力机 | Safety of machine tools-Mechanical presses |
KS B 4233-2015 | 机床安全.铣床(包括铣镗床) | Safety of machine tools — Milling machines(including boring machines) |
KS B 4234-2014 | 机床安全.加工中心 | Safety of machine tools-Machining centers |
KS B 4304-2014 | 机械式压力机.噪音级别测定方法 | Mechanical presses — Methods of measurement of A-weighted sound pressure level |
KS B 4305-2014 | 压力机.操作图形符号 | Press — Symbols for operations |
KS B 4309-2014 | 木工带锯性能及监测方法 | Test methods for performance and accuracy of band scroll saws |
KS B 4310-2014 | 涂布器.试验及监测方法 | Glue spreaders-Test and inspection methods |
KS B 4311-2014 | 数控木板加工机.操作图形符号 | Numerically controlled woodworking machines — Marking symbols for operations |
KS B 4312-2014 | 数控路径试验及测试方法 | Numerically controlled routing machines — Test methods for performance and accuracy |
KS B 4400-2015 | 加工中心.主轴头部尺寸 | Machining centers — Dimensions of spindle noses |
KS B 4406-2014 | C型机械压力机.工作尺寸 | C-frame mechanical presses — Tooling dimensions |
KS B 4409-2014 | 机械加工中心部.工具杆及截留把手 | Machining centers — Tool shanks and retention knobs |
KS B 4410-2014 | 带式干燥器测试及监测方法 | Band dryer — Test and inspection methods |
KS B 4411-2014 | 双筛式分级机.试验及检测方法 | Double sizers — Test and inspection methods |
KS B 4412-2014 | 纵剖锯及圆排锯安全标准 | Safety standards for construction of rip saw and gang rip saw |
KS B 4413-2014 | 单面自动刨床安全标准 | Safety standards for construction of single surface planers |
KS B 4414-2014 | 铣床结构安全标准 | Safety standards for construction of spindle shapers |
KS B 4415-2014 | 镂铣机结构安全标准 | Safety standards for construction of routers |
KS B 4416-2014 | 床式再分带锯机安全标准 | Safety standards for construction of table band resaws |
KS B 4417-2014 | 自动滚进料带锯结构安全标准 | Safety standards for construction of band resaws with feed rollers |
KS B 4418-2014 | 附自动填料传送车带锯机安全标准 | Safety standards for construction of band saw machines with feed carriages |
KS B 4500-2016 | 伸缩接头 | Expansion joints |
KS B 4501-2014 | 木工机械用旋转短刨刀 | Cutter blocks for wood planing |
KS B 4502-2014 | 边修刨床测试和检查方法 | Machines planning — Test and inspection methods |
KS B 4601-2016 | 手动气体切割机 | Manual blowpipes for welding, cutting and heating |
KS B 4603-2016 | 熔接、切割机用压力调节器 | Pressure regulators for welding, cutting and allied processes |
KS B 4700-2002 | 电动绞车 | Electric winches |
KS B 4901-1990 | 钢铁规格化及热处理 | Normalizing and annealing of iron and steel |
KS B 4902-1986 | 钢铁感应加热及感应回火锻炼 | Hardening by induction heating and tempering of iron and steel |
KS B 4903-1999 | 钢铁淬火及回火加工 | Process of quenching and tempering of iron and steel |
KS B 4904-1986 | 钢渗碳淬火及回火加工 | Carburizing, Quenching and Tempering of steel |
KS B 4905-1986 | 钢气化渗氮加工 | Gas nitriding of steel |
KS B 4906-1986 | 钢热处理当量直径计算方法 | The estimation of equivalent diameter in the heat treatment of steel |
KS B 4909-2014 | 胶合板车床结构安全标准 | Safety standards for construction of veneer lathes |
KS B 4910-2014 | 印刷机械试验方法通则 | General rules for testing of printing machines |
KS B 4911-2014 | 裁纸器试验方法通则 | General rules for testing of paper cutters |
KS B 4912-2014 | 纸冲切机试验方法通则 | General rules for testing of die cutters |
KS B 4916-2014 | 喷丸清理 | Shotblast |
KS B 4920-2015 | 铸模术语 | Glossary of die and mould |
KS B 4921-2014 | 机床用油制冷机 | Oil cooler for machine tool |
KS B 5000-2016 | 基于命令式电子气体仪表的物理结构和协议 | Physical structure and Protocol for electronic gas meter based on command type |
KS B 50006-2005 | 煤气表.第1部分:通则 | Gas volume meters-Part 1:General provisions |
KS B 5001-2017 | 带电子设备低温便携式水表的寿命试验方法 | Life test method for cold portable water meter with electronic device |
KS B 50031-2005 | 煤气表.第2部分:膜式煤气表 | Gas volume meters-Part 2:Diaphragm type gas meter |
KS B 50032-2005 | 煤气表.第3部:旋转活塞气体 | Gas volume meters-Part 3:Rotary pistongas meters and turbine gas meters |
KS B 50049-1-2014 | 饮用冷水计量水表.第1部分:计量和技术要求 | Water meters intended for the metering of cold potable water — Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements |
KS B 50049-2-2009 | 饮用冷水计量水表第2部分:试验方法 | Water meters intended for the metering of cold potable water-Part 2:Test methods |
KS B 50049-3-2009 | 饮用冷水计量水表第3部分:试验报告格式 | Water meters intended for the metering of cold potable water-Part 3:Test report format |
KS B 50061-1-2006 | 自动重力式充填仪器第1部分:计量技术要求试验 | Automatic gravimetric filling instruments-Part 1:Metrological and technical requirements-Tests |
KS B 50061-2-2006 | 自动重力式充填仪器第2部分:试验报告格式 | Automatic gravimetric filling instruments-Part 2:Test report format |
KS B 50072-2005 | 温水表 | Hot water meters |
KS B 50075-1-2005 | 热量表.第1部分:通用要求 | Heat meters-Part 1:General requirements |
KS B 50075-2-2005 | 热量表.第2部分:试验方法 | Heat meters-Part 2:Test methods |
KS B 50076-1-2014 | 非自动称重仪表.第1部分:计量和技术要求.试验 | Non-automatic weighing instruments — Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements — Tests |
KS B 50076-2-2014 | 非自动称重仪表第2部分:试验报告格式 | Non-automatic weighing instruments — Part 2: Test report format |
KS B 50117-2005 | 液体测定系统的一般规定(除水以外) | Measuring systems for liquids other than water |
KS B 50126-2006 | 酒精呼吸分析器 | Evidential breath analyzers |
KS B 50127-2016 | 电梯车用控制按钮和升降板的位置和布置 | The location and arrangement of control button in the elevator car and Braille mark for elevator |
KS B 5201-2003 | 量规 | Gauge blocks |
KS B 5202-2008 | 千分卡尺 | Micrometer calipers |
KS B 5203-1-2003 | 游标卡尺第1部分:读数为0.1mm和0.05mm的游标卡尺 | Vernier callipers-Part 1:Vernier callipers reading to 0.1 mm and 0.05 mm |
KS B 5203-2-2008 | 游标卡尺第2部分:读数为0.02mm的游标卡尺 | Vernier calipers-Part 2:Vernier calipers reading to 0.02 mm |
KS B 5204-2009 | 矩尺 | Squares |
KS B 5205-2009 | 金属矩尺 | Carpenter’s squares |
KS B 5206-2001 | 百分表 | Dial gauges |
KS B 5209-2010 | 金属卷尺 | Steel tape measures |
KS B 5210-1972 | 测量仪支架用活动锁紧垫圈 | Sliding lock for supporting measuring instrument |
KS B 5211-2001 | 限制量规限差、允许偏差及允许磨损 | Tolerances, allowable deviations and permissible wears of limit gauges |
KS B 5212-2009 | 圆筒形直角尺 | Cylindrical squares |
KS B 5213-2003 | 液体密度计 | Specific gravity hydrometers |
KS B 5214-2016 | 平板粘贴式温度计 | Thermometers with plates |
KS B 5216-2001 | 固定式调速器转速计 | Stationary governor type tachometers |
KS B 5217-1990 | 气象用玻璃液体温度表 | Bimetallic thermometers for atmospheric temperature |
KS B 5218-1983 | 玻璃液体干湿温度计 | Etched-Stem liquid-in-glass wet & dry thermometer |
KS B 5221-2008 | 公制普通螺丝用限制量规 | Limit gauges for metric coarse screw threads |
KS B 5222-2009 | 米制细牙螺丝用限制量规 | Limit gauges for metric fine screw threads |
KS B 5223-2001 | 管螺纹器用螺丝限制量规 | Screw thread limit gauges for parallel pipe threads |
KS B 5224-2009 | 测隙规 | Feeler guages |
KS B 5225-1983 | 圆筒规 | Cylinder Gauges |
KS B 5227-2009 | 深度尺 | Depth gauges |
KS B 5228-2001 | 标准螺丝用限制量规 | Limit gauges for unified coarse screw thread |
KS B 5229-2009 | 标准细牙螺丝用限制量规 | Limit guages for unified fine screw thread |
KS B 5230-2009 | 莫尔斯卷尺 | Morse taper gauges |
KS B 5231-2009 | 管螺纹器用卷尺 | Gauges for taper pipe threads |
KS B 5232-2010 | 布尺 | Textile tape measures |
KS B 5233-2014 | 测高规 | Height gauges |
KS B 5235-1980 | 蒸汽压力温度计 | Vapour pressure thermometers |
KS B 5236-1999 | 测微器 | Microindicators |
KS B 5237-2009 | 齿轮齿游标卡尺 | Gear tooth vernier calipers |
KS B 5238-2009 | 杠杆式刻度测试仪 | Lever type dial test indicators |
KS B 5239-2002 | 空气压力计(流量式) | Flow type air gauges |
KS B 5241-2001 | 平晶 | Optical flats |
KS B 5242-2001 | 光学平晶 | Optical parallels |
KS B 5243-2009 | 钢直尺 | Steel straightadges |
KS B 5244-1976 | 标尺 | Standard Scales |
KS B 5245-2009 | v块料 | V blocks |
KS B 5246-2002 | 金属直尺 | Metal rules |
KS B 5247-2009 | 电子比较仪 | Electrical comparators |