2019-07-23 20:43标准号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
KS H 1000-2016 | 餐馆销售的牛肉和猪肉的实际数量测试程序 | Actual quantity test procedure for beeves & porks sold in restaurants |
KS H 1061-2016 | 清真食品的生产、加工和制造、处理和分销指南 | Guidelines for production, processing & manufacturing, handling, distribution of halal foods |
KS H 1101-2014 | 加工食品标签通用标准 | General standard of labelling for processed foods |
KS H 1201-2012 | 含水率试验方法 | Testing method for moisture contents |
KS H 1202-2012 | 总灰分试验方法 | Testing method for total ash |
KS H 1203-2012 | 粗脂肪含量测定法 | Testing method for crude lipids content |
KS H 1204-2012 | 粗蛋白含量测定法 | Testing method for crude proteins content |
KS H 1206-2016 | 改性淀粉测定方法 | Testing methods for modified starch |
KS H 1207-2012 | 糖的分析方法 | Methods of analysis for sugars |
KS H 1208-2006 | 乳酸菌抗生剂耐性和有害酵素基因检测方法 | Detection methods for antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes in lactic acid-producing bacteria |
KS H 2001-2005 | 可溶糖精 | Saccharin, soluble |
KS H 2002-2012 | 人造黄油 | Margarine |
KS H 2003-2014 | 食糖 | Sugar |
KS H 2005-2014 | 饼干 | Biscuits |
KS H 2006-2014 | 牛奶焦糖 | Milk caramels |
KS H 2008-2014 | 葡萄糖 | Glucose |
KS H 2009-2013 | 淀粉 | Starch |
KS H 2010-2016 | 巧克力 | Chocolate |
KS H 2012-2013 | 面粉 | Wheat flours |
KS H 2013-2011 | 涂抹脂肪 | Fat spreads |
KS H 2014-2011 | 玉米糖浆 | High fructose corn syrup |
KS H 2015-2014 | 低聚糖 | Oligosaccharide |
KS H 2016-2012 | 碳酸软饮料 | Carbonated soft drinks |
KS H 2017-2012 | 混合饮料 | Blended beverages |
KS H 2018-2012 | 提取的饮料 | Extracted beverages |
KS H 2019-2012 | 饮料基地 | Beverage base |
KS H 2020-2012 | 水果和/或蔬菜泥或浆糊 | Fruit and/or vegetable puree or paste |
KS H 2021-2013 | 水果和/或蔬菜加工食品 | Fruit and/or vegetable processed foods |
KS H 2022-2013 | 香料产品 | Spice products |
KS H 2023-2012 | 天然干酪 | Natural cheese |
KS H 2024-2012 | 婴儿配方奶粉 | Infant formula |
KS H 2025-2012 | 后续配方 | Follow-up formula |
KS H 2026-2012 | 豆腐制品 | Soybean curd products |
KS H 2027-2012 | Muk(淀粉凝胶制品) | Muk(Starch gel products) |
KS H 2028-2012 | 生食 | Saengshik(Uncooked foods) |
KS H 2029-2012 | 葡萄籽油 | Grape seed oils |
KS H 2030-2012 | 加工脂肪和油 | Processed fats and oils |
KS H 2031-2012 | 混合食用油 | Blended edible oils |
KS H 2032-2012 | 其他食用油 | Other edible oils |
KS H 2033-2012 | 调味食用油 | Flavored edible oil |
KS H 2034-2012 | 敷料 | Dressings |
KS H 2101-2014 | 食用油的测定方法 | Testing method for edible oil |
KS H 2102-2009 | 豆油 | Soybean oil |
KS H 2103-2009 | 菜籽油 | Rapeseed oil |
KS H 2104-2014 | 米糠油 | Rice bran oil |
KS H 2105-2011 | 起酥油 | Shortening |
KS H 2106-2011 | 棉花子油 | Cottonseed oil |
KS H 2107-2016 | 芝麻油 | Sesame oil |
KS H 2108-2014 | 醇酱(韩国特产) | Chunjang |
KS H 2109-2014 | 蛋黄酱 | Mayonnaise |
KS H 2112-2014 | 面包 | Pan bread |
KS H 2113-2013 | 糖稀 | Starch syrup |
KS H 2114-2013 | 即溶咖啡 | Instant coffee |
KS H 2115-2014 | 烘焙咖啡 | Roasted coffee |
KS H 2116-2013 | 番茄汁 | Tomato juice |
KS H 2117-2012 | 人参茶 | Ginseng tea |
KS H 2118-2014 | 酱油 | Soy sauce |
KS H 2119-2013 | 豆酱 | Doenjang |
KS H 2120-2010 | 辣椒酱 | Gochujang |
KS H 2121-2016 | 玉米罐头 | Corn canned |
KS H 2122-2016 | 蘑菇罐装 | Mushroom, canned |
KS H 2123-2011 | 水果罐头测定方法 | Testing methods for canned fruits |
KS H 2124-2016 | 桃子罐头 | canned peaches |
KS H 2125-2016 | 竹笋罐头 | Bamboo shoots, canned |
KS H 2126-2014 | 绿豌豆罐头 | Green peas canned |
KS H 2127-2016 | 板栗罐头 | Canned chestnut |
KS H 2128-2013 | 梨罐头 | Pears canned |
KS H 2130-2011 | 葡萄罐头 | Grapes conned |
KS H 2133-2013 | 面包 | Breads |
KS H 2135-2013 | 曼杜 | Mandu |
KS H 2136-2012 | 果酱类 | Jams |
KS H 2137-2013 | 打糕类 | Rice cake |
KS H 2139-2013 | 调味腌制产品 | Seasoned and pickled products |
KS H 2140-2013 | 芦笋罐头 | Asparagus canned |
KS H 2142-2011 | 橘子罐头 | Canned mandarin orange |
KS H 2144-2011 | 调味蕃茄酱 | Tomato ketchup |
KS H 2146-2013 | 罐头基本测定方法 | General testing methods for canned food |
KS H 2148-2016 | 油果类 | Yugwa |
KS H 2152-2013 | 人参制品类测定方法 | Testing methods for ginseng products |
KS H 2153-2013 | 人参及人参制品人参皂苷含量的测定高效液相色谱法 | Ginseng and ginseng products — Determination of ginsenoside contents — Method by high performance liquid chromatography |
KS H 2154-2014 | 罐头蔬菜试验方法 | Testing methods for canned vegetables |
KS H 2157-2013 | 辣椒面 | Red pepper ground |
KS H 2158-2014 | 复合调味品 | Composite seasoning |
KS H 2159-2013 | 茶类测定方法 | Testing methods for black tea, green tea, liquefied tea, steeping tea and powdered tea |
KS H 2160-2013 | 红茶 | Black tea |
KS H 2161-2013 | 绿茶 | Green tea |
KS H 2162-2009 | 玉米油 | Corn oil |
KS H 2163-2011 | 果实罐头 | Canned fruits |
KS H 2164-2014 | 腌萝卜 | Danmooji |
KS H 2165-2016 | 棕榈油 | Palm oil |
KS H 2166-2016 | 棕榈油酸油 | Palm olein oil |
KS H 2167-2016 | 棕榈硬脂油 | Palm stearin oil |
KS H 2168-2016 | 棕榈仁油 | Palm kernel oil |
KS H 2169-2013 | 韩国泡菜 | Kimchi |
KS H 2171-2016 | 椰子油 | Coconut oil |
KS H 2173-2013 | 汤粉 | Dried soup |
KS H 2174-2011 | 混合调味汁 | Seasoning mixture sauce |
KS H 2176-2013 | 枣饮料 | Jujube beverage |
KS H 2177-2013 | 人参汁 | Ginseng extracts |
KS H 2178-2013 | 干燥人参 | Dried ginseng |
KS H 2180-2016 | 橄榄油 | Olive oil |
KS H 2181-2016 | 紫苏油 | Perilla oil |
KS H 2182-2016 | 红花籽油 | Safflower seed oil |
KS H 2183-2016 | 向日葵籽油 | Sunflower seed oil |
KS H 2184-2016 | 花生燕麦 | Peanut oill |
KS H 2185-2016 | 红辣椒籽油 | Red pepper seed oil |
KS H 2186-2016 | 浓缩水果和/或蔬菜汁 | Concentrated fruit and/or vegetable juice |
KS H 2187-2016 | 水果和/或蔬菜汁粉 | Powdered fruit and/or vegetable juice |
KS H 2188-2014 | 水果和/或蔬菜汁 | Fruit and/or vegetable juice |
KS H 2189-2014 | 水果和/或蔬菜饮料 | Fruit and/or vegetable beverage |
KS H 2190-2016 | 果肉饮料 | Fruit flesh beverages |
KS H 2191-2013 | 咖喱粉 | Curry powder |
KS H 2192-2016 | 咖喱干 | Dried curries |
KS H 2193-2016 | 即食咖喱混合产品 | Instant curry mix products |
KS H 2194-2016 | 液态奶产品通用标准 | General standards for fluid milk product |
KS H 2195-2016 | 牛奶 | Milks |
KS H 2196-2016 | 复原乳 | Reconstituted milk |
KS H 2197-2016 | 加工乳 | Flavored milk |
KS H 2198-2016 | 乳饮料 | Milk beverage |
KS H 2199-2016 | 炼乳 | Condensed milk |
KS H 2200-2016 | 羊奶 | Goat's milk |
KS H 2201-2012 | 鲜剥栗子 | Fresh peeled chestnuts |
KS H 2202-2014 | 可可制品 | Cocoa products |
KS H 2203-2014 | 腌黄瓜 | Pickled cucumber |
KS H 2302-2016 | 酒精 | Spirits |
KS H 2303-2013 | 醋 | Vinegar |
KS H 2304-2015 | 人参饮料 | Ginseng beverage |
KS H 2305-2015 | 乳酸菌饮料 | Lactic acid bacteria beverage |
KS H 2500-2014 | 米饭 | Cooked rice |
KS H 2502-2011 | 发酵黄豆(制酱用) | Mejoo |
KS H 2503-2012 | 豆奶制品 | Soybean milk products |
KS H 2504-2013 | 组合柜 | Mixed products of Jang |
KS H 2505-2013 | 挂面 | Dried noodles |
KS H 2506-2013 | 生面 | Uncooked noodles |
KS H 2507-2013 | 预煮面条 | Precooked noodles |
KS H 2508-2013 | 炒面 | Fried noodles |
KS H 2509-2013 | 冰果 | Water ice |
KS H 2510-2013 | 糖渍食品 | Food products preserved in sugars |
KS H 2511-2013 | 即食 | Ready-to-cook food |
KS H 2512-2013 | 婴幼儿谷类配方食品 | Cereal-based formula for infants and young children |
KS H 2513-2013 | 谷物 | Cereals |
KS H 2514-2013 | 液化茶 | Liquefied tea |
KS H 2515-2013 | 泡茶 | Steeping tea |
KS H 2516-2013 | 茶粉 | Powdered tea |
KS H 2517-2014 | 调味和煮熟的农产品-Jorim | Seasoned and boiled agricultural products — Jorim |
KS H 2518-2014 | 休闲食品 | Snacks |
KS H 2519-2014 | 糖果 | Candy |
KS H 2520-2014 | 爆米花玉米制品 | Corn products for popcorn |
KS H 2521-2016 | 烘焙品 | Bakery mixes, prepared |
KS H 2522-2012 | 后续配方 | Follow-up formula |
KS H 2523-2012 | 食用冰 | Ice, edible |
KS H 2524-2013 | 条糕 | Garaetteok |
KS H 2525-2013 | 锅巴 | Nurungji |
KS H 3002-2012 | 奶粉产品 | Dried milk products |
KS H 3007-2011 | 黄油 | Butter |
KS H 3008-2016 | 冰淇淋 | Ice cream |
KS H 3009-2012 | 切达干酪 | Cheddar cheese |
KS H 3010-2011 | 发酵乳 | Fermented milk |
KS H 3012-2005 | 液状鸡蛋 | Liquid egg |
KS H 3013-2013 | 乳膏 | Creams |
KS H 3015-2014 | 加工干酪 | Process cheese |
KS H 3016-2016 | 干酪 | MOZZARELLA CHEESE |
KS H 3101-2014 | 火腿和香肠试验方法 | Testing method for ham and sausages |
KS H 3102-2016 | 火腿 | Hams |
KS H 3103-2013 | 模压火腿 | Pressed ham |
KS H 3104-2014 | 香肠 | Sausage |
KS H 3106-2016 | 牛肉、调味、罐装 | Beef, seasoned, canned |
KS H 3108-2012 | 培根 | Bacons |
KS H 3109-2013 | 肉罐头试验方法 | Testing methods for canned meat |
KS H 3110-2013 | 调味猪肉罐头 | Canned pork, seasoned |
KS H 3111-2013 | 包装肉类试验方法 | Testing methods for meat, packaged |
KS H 3112-2014 | 包装牛肉 | Beef, packaged |
KS H 3113-2014 | 猪肉包装 | Pork, packaged |
KS H 3114-2011 | 肉馅饼 | Meat patty |
KS H 3115-2013 | 肉脯 | Jerked meat |
KS H 3116-2014 | 整鸡及分部位鸡肉 | Whole and cut-up chicken |
KS H 3117-2014 | 参鸡汤 | Chicken stew with ginseng |
KS H 3118-2014 | 全鸭无骨鸭肉 | Whole duck and boneless duck meat |
KS H 3119-2012 | 佐料排骨 | Seasoned rib meat |
KS H 3120-2014 | 牛肉汤 | Gomtang |
KS H 3121-2014 | 调味和煮熟的牲畜产品 | Seasoned and boiled livestock products — Jorim |
KS H 3122-2015 | 热加工蛋制品 | Thermally processed egg products |
KS H 3123-2015 | 加工过的鸡胸肉制品 | Processed chicken breast products |
KS H 4002-2012 | 冻玉米饼 | Frozen croquette |
KS H 4003-2016 | 冻生面包虾 | Frozen raw breaded shrimp |
KS H 4004-2014 | 冷冻猪肉片(供烧烤、煎、炸用) | Frozen pork cutlet |
KS H 4897-2017 | 老年人食品 | Foods for seniors |
KS H 4899-2017 | 米粉 | Rice flour |
KS H 5102-2012 | 泡泡糖 | Chewing gum |
KS H 6001-2009 | 牡蛎罐头测定方法 | Testing methods for canned oyster |
KS H 6002-2009 | 牡蛎罐头 | Oyster, canned |
KS H 6003-2009 | 鱼罐头产品试验方法 | Testing methods for canned fish products |
KS H 6004-2009 | 鱿鱼罐头 | Squid, canned |
KS H 6005-2014 | 鲭鱼罐头 | Mackerel canned |
KS H 6007-2014 | 鲭鱼梭子鱼,罐装 | Mackerel pike, canned |
KS H 6010-2009 | 蟹肉清水罐头 | Crab meat boiled canned |
KS H 6011-2009 | 软体动物罐头产品试验方法 | Testing methods for canned mollusc products |
KS H 6013-2014 | 鱼香肠 | Fish sausage |
KS H 6015-2013 | 浸油金枪鱼罐头 | Canned tuna in oil |
KS H 6016-2009 | 沙丁鱼清水罐头 | Sardine, boiled, canned |
KS H 6017-2014 | 鱼酱 | Fish paste |
KS H 6018-2009 | 鱼类罐头 | Canned fishes |
KS H 6019-2014 | 调味烤紫菜 | Seasoned and roasted laver |
KS H 6020-2014 | 加味鱿鱼 | Seasoned squid |
KS H 6021-2009 | 调味珍珠贝(发酵和调味的渔业产品) | Seasoned jeotgal(Fermented and seasoned fishery products) |
KS H 6022-2016 | 发酵凤尾鱼酱 | Fermented anchovy sauce |
KS H 6023-2016 | 干芥末 | Dried sea mustard |
KS H 6024-2013 | 海螺罐头 | Bai-top shell, canned |
KS H 6025-2014 | 干紫菜 | Dried laver |
KS H 6026-2016 | 干凤尾鱼 | Dried anchovy |
KS H 6027-2010 | 海带加工品 | Sea tangle products |
KS H 6028-2016 | 调味焖凤尾鱼罐头 | Seasoned and braised anchovy, canned |
KS H 6029-2014 | 咸鲭鱼 | Salted mackerel |
KS H 6030-2016 | 海鲜干茶包 | Dried seafood tea-bag |
KS H 6031-2016 | 海鲜馅饼 | Seafood patty |
KS H 6032-2016 | 冷冻鱼片 | Frozen fish cutlet |
KS H 6033-2013 | 金枪鱼罐头,调味 | Canned tuna, seasoned |
KS H 6034-2014 | 鱼脯 | Slices of dried filefish |
KS H 6035-2010 | 飞鱼子,调味 | Flying fish roe, seasoned |
KS H 6036-2010 | 秋刀鱼干 | Gwamegi |
KS H 6037-2018 | 阿拉斯加干鳕鱼制品 | Dried Alaska pollack products |
KS H 6038-2018 | 冻虾 | Frozen shrimps |
KS H 6039-2012 | 减肥配方食品 | Formulated foods for weight reduction |
KS H 7101-2010 | 食用盐 | Edible salts |
KS H 7103-2016 | 谷氨酸钠 | Monosodium L-glutamate |
KS H 7106-2016 | 小苏打 | Baking soda |
KS H 7108-2009 | 海藻酸钠,食用 | Sodium alginate, edible |
KS H 7109-2009 | 壳聚糖产品 | Chitosan products |
KS H 7110-2016 | 食用碳酸钠 | Sodium carbonate, edible |
KS H 7111-2016 | 琼脂 | Agar-agar |
KS H 7112-2017 | 竹盐 | Bamboo salt |
KS H 7113-2018 | 冷冻鱼片 | Frozen Fish Fillet |
KS H 7114-2018 | 发酵溜冰鞋 | Fermented Skate |
KS H 8001-2016 | 韩式柑橘油(柑橘。前Tanaka) | Oil of citrus yuza, Korean type (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) |
KS H 8002-2016 | 韩国艾蒿油 | Oil of mugwort, Korean type (Artemisia priceps Pampan) |
KS H ISO 10115-2013 | 龙蒿精油 | Essential oil of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) |
KS H ISO 10185-2014 | 烟草和烟草制品.词汇 | Tobacco and tobacco products — Vocabulary |
KS H ISO 10315-2015 | 卷烟烟雾冷凝物中烟碱的测定气相色谱法 | Cigarettes-Determination of nicotine in smoke condensates-Gas-chromatographic method |
KS H ISO 10362-1-2013 | 卷烟烟雾凝聚物中水的测定第1部分:气相色谱法 | Cigarettes-Determination of water in smoke condensates-Part 1:Gas-chromatographic method |
KS H ISO 10362-2-2015 | 卷烟.烟雾凝聚物中水的测定.第2部分:卡尔.费歇尔法 | Cigarettes - Determination of water in smoke condensates - Part 2 : Karl fischer method |
KS H ISO 1041-2014 | 香精油.冰点的测定 | Essential oils — Determination of freezing point |
KS H ISO 10504-2008 | 淀粉衍生物.葡萄糖浆、果糖浆和氢化葡萄糖浆的组成测定.高效液相法 | Starch derivatives-Determination of the composition of glucose syrups, fructose syrups and hydrogenated glucose syrups-Method using high-performance liquid chromatography |
KS H ISO 10520-2008 | 本地淀粉.淀粉含量的测定.旋光法 | Native starch-Determination of starch content-Ewers polarimetric method |
KS H ISO 10539-2003 | 动植物脂肪和油.强碱性测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of alkalinity |
KS H ISO 10919-2009 | 东方烟叶.打包 | Oriental leaf tobacco-Baling |
KS H ISO 11018-2014 | 香精油闪点测定通用指南 | Essential oils-General guidance on the determination of flashpoint |
KS H ISO 11021-2014 | 精油.水分含量的测定.卡尔·费休法 | Essential oils — Determination of water content — Karl Fischer method |
KS H ISO 11024-1-2014 | 香精油.色谱图谱的一般指南.第1部分:标准中表示色谱图谱的制备 | Essential oils — General guidance on chromatographic profiles — Part 1: Preparation of chromatographic profiles for presentation in standards |
KS H ISO 11024-2-2014 | 香精油.色谱图的一般指南.第2部分:香精油样品色谱图的使用 | Essential oils — General guidance on chromatographic profiles — Part 2: Utilization of chromatographic profiles of samples of essential oils |
KS H ISO 11043-2013 | 罗勒油,甲基沙维醇型(罗勒) | Oil of basil, methyl chavicol type(Ocimum basilicum L.) |
KS H ISO 11050-2009 | 小麦粉和硬质小麦粗粒面粉.动物性杂质的测定 | Wheat flour and durum wheat semolina-Determination of impurities of animal origin |
KS H ISO 11051-2009 | 硬粒小麦(硬粒小麦)-规格 | Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)-Specification |
KS H ISO 11052-2009 | 硬粒小麦粉和精粉黄色素含量的测定 | Durum wheat flour and semolina-Determination of yellow pigment content |
KS H ISO 11212-1-2008 | 淀粉及其制品重金属含量第1部分:原子吸收光谱法测定砷含量 | Starch and derived products-Heavy metals content-Part 1:Determination of arsenic content by atomic absorption spectrometry |
KS H ISO 11212-2-2008 | 淀粉及其制品重金属含量第2部分:原子吸收光谱法测定汞含量 | Starch and derived products-Heavy metals content-Part 2:Determination of mercury content by atomic absorption spectrometry |
KS H ISO 11212-3-2008 | 淀粉及其制品重金属含量第3部分:电热原子化原子吸收光谱法测定铅含量 | Starch and derived products-Heavy metals content-Part 3:Determination of lead content by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization |
KS H ISO 11212-4-2008 | 淀粉及其制品重金属含量第4部分:电热原子化原子吸收光谱法测定镉含量 | Starch and derived products-Heavy metals content-Part 4:Determination of cadmium content by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization |
KS H ISO 11214-2008 | 改良淀粉.氧化淀粉中羟基团含量的测定 | Modified starch-Determination of carboxyl group content of oxidized starch |
KS H ISO 11216-2008 | 改良淀粉.羧甲基淀粉中羧甲基团含量的测定 | Modified starch-Determination of content of carboxymethyl groups in carboxymethyl starch |
KS H ISO 11286-2007 | 茶叶粒度分级法 | Tea-Classification of grades by particle size analysis |
KS H ISO 11289-2007 | 密封容器热加工食品pH值的测定 | Heat-processed foods in hermetically sealed containers-Determination of pH |
KS H ISO 11292-2007 | 速溶咖啡.游离的和总的碳水化合物含量测定法.高效阴离子交换色谱法 | Instant coffee-Determination of free and total carbohydrate contents-Method using high-performance anion-exchange chromatography |
KS H ISO 11294-2007 | 烤制咖啡粉.含水量的测定.103℃时质量损失的测定(常规法) | Roasted ground coffee-Determination of moisture content-Method by determination of loss in mass at 103 ℃(Routine method) |
KS H ISO 11813-2006 | 乳和乳制品.锌含量的测定.火焰原子吸收光谱法 | Milk and milk products-Determination of zinc content-Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method |
KS H ISO 11816-1-2006 | 乳和乳制品碱性磷酸酶活性的测定第1部分:乳和乳饮料荧光法 | Milk and milk products-Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity-Part 1:Fluorimetric method for milk and milk-based drinks |
KS H ISO 11817-2007 | 烘焙咖啡粉水分测定卡尔费休法(参比法) | Roasted ground coffee-Determination of moisture content-Karl Fischer method(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 11865-2006 | 速溶全脂乳粉白色斑点数的测定 | Instant whole milk powder-Determination of white flecks number |
KS H ISO 11866-1-2006 | 乳和乳制品推定大肠杆菌的计数第1部分:最可能数技术 | Milk and milk products-Enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli-Part 1:Most probable number technique |
KS H ISO 11866-2-2006 | 乳和乳制品推定大肠杆菌的计数第2部分:使用4-甲基伞形酰-B-D-葡萄糖醛酸苷(MUG)的最可能数技术 | Milk and milk products-Enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli- Part 2:Most probable number technique using 4-methylumbelliferyl-b-D-glucuronide(MUG) |
KS H ISO 11868-2006 | 热处理牛奶乳果糖含量的测定高效液相色谱法 | Heat-treated milk-Determination of lactulose content-Method using high-performance liquid chromatography |
KS H ISO 11870-2006 | 乳和乳制品.脂肪含量的测定.乳脂计法使用的通用指南 | Milk and milk products-Determination of fat content-General guidance on the use of butyrometric methods |
KS H ISO 12080-1-2006 | 脱脂奶粉维生素A含量的测定第1部分:比色法 | Dried skimmed milk-Determination of vitamin A content-Part 1:Colorimetric method |
KS H ISO 12080-2-2006 | 脱脂奶粉维生素A含量的测定第2部分:高效液相色谱法 | Dried skimmed milk-Determination of vitamin A content-Part 2:Method using high-performanceliquid chromatography |
KS H ISO 12081-2006 | 牛奶钙含量的测定滴定法 | Milk-Determination of calcium content-Titrimetric method |
KS H ISO 12082-2006 | 加工乳酪和加工乳酪制品.添加柠檬酸乳化剂和以柠檬酸表示的酸化剂/ph控制剂含量的计算 | Processed cheese and processed cheese products-Calculation of the content of added citrate emulsifyingagents and acidifiers/pH-controlling agents,expressed as citric acid |
KS H ISO 1211-2006 | 牛奶脂肪含量的测定重量法(参照法) | Milk-Determination of fat content-Gravimetric method(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 12193-2007 | 动植物油脂铅的直接石墨炉原子吸收光谱测定法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of lead by direct graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy |
KS H ISO 12194-2009 | 烟叶.烟叶粒度的测定 | Leaf tobacco-Determination of strip particle size |
KS H ISO 12195-2009 | 脱粒烟草.烟嘴残积含量的测定 | Threshed tobacco-Determination of residual stem content |
KS H ISO 12228-2008 | 动植物油脂.甾醇和总甾醇含量的测定.气相色谱法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of individual and total sterols contents-Gas chromatographic method |
KS H ISO 1241-2014 | 香精油.乙酰化前后酯值的测定和游离醇和总醇含量的评定 | Essential oils — Determination of ester values, before and after acetylation, and evaluation of the contents of free and total alcohols |
KS H ISO 1242-2014 | 精油.酸值的测定 | Essential oils — Determination of acid value |
KS H ISO 1271-2014 | 精油.羰值的测定.游离羟胺法 | Essential oils — Determination of carbonyl value — Free hydroxylamine method |
KS H ISO 1272-2014 | 精油.酚类含量的测定 | Essential oils — Determination of content of phenols |
KS H ISO 1279-2014 | 香精油.羰基值的测定.氯化羟胺电位滴定法 | Essential oils — Determination of carbonyl value — Potentiometric methods using hydroxylammonium chloride |
KS H ISO 12863-2015 | 评定香烟点燃倾向的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarettes |
KS H ISO 13110-2013 | 卷烟烟雾凝聚物中薄荷醇的测定气相色谱法 | Cigarettes-Determination of menthol in smoke condensates-Gas-chromatographic method |
KS H ISO 13276-2012 | 烟草及烟草制品烟碱纯度的测定钨酸重量法 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of nicotine purity-Gravimetric method using tungstosilicic acid |
KS H ISO 13366-1-2006 | 乳体细胞计数第1部分:显微法 | Milk-Enumeration of somatic cells-Part 1:Microscopic method |
KS H ISO 13366-2-2006 | 乳体细胞计数第2部分:荧光光电计数器操作指南 | Milk-Enumeration of somatic cells-Part 2:Guidance on the operation of fluoro-opto-electronic counters |
KS H ISO 1342-2013 | 迷迭香精油 | Essential oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) |
KS H ISO 14378-2006 | 乳和奶粉碘化物含量的测定高效液相色谱法 | Milk and dried milk-Determination of iodide content-Method using high-performance liquid chromatography |
KS H ISO 14501-2006 | 乳粉和乳粉黄曲霉毒素M1含量的测定免疫亲和色谱法净化高效液相色谱法测定 | Milk and milk powder-Determination of aflatoxin M1 content- Clean-up by immunoaffinity chromatography and determination by high-performance liquid chromatography |
KS H ISO 14714-2014 | 精油和芳族萃取物.残留苯含量的测定 | Essential oils and aromatic extracts-Determination of residual benzene content |
KS H ISO 14715-2013 | 西班牙百里香油 | Oil of thyme containing thymol, Spanish type[Thymus zygis (Loefl.) L.] |
KS H ISO 15152-2017 | 烟草总生物碱尼古丁含量的测定连续流分析法 | Tobacco-Determination of the content of total alkaloids as nicotine-Continuous-flow analysis method |
KS H ISO 15153-2017 | 烟草还原物质含量的测定连续流分析法 | Tobacco-Determination of the content of reducing substances-Continuous-flow analysis method |
KS H ISO 15154-2017 | 烟草还原碳水化合物含量的测定连续流分析法 | Tobacco-Determination of the content of reducing carbohydrates-Continuous-flow analysis method |
KS H ISO 15302-2012 | 动植物油脂.苯并芘含量的测定.反相高效液相色谱法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of benzo[a]pyrene-Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography method |
KS H ISO 15303-2008 | 动植物油脂挥发性有机污染物的气相色谱/质谱检测与鉴定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Detection and identification of a volatile organic contaminant by GC/MS |
KS H ISO 15304-2008 | 动植物油脂植物油脂中反式脂肪酸异构体含量的测定气相色谱法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of the content of trans fatty acid isomers of vegetable fats and oils-Gas chromatographic method |
KS H ISO 15305-2007 | 动植物油脂.罗维朋比色计法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of Lovibond colour |
KS H ISO 1546-2006 | 奶牛产奶记录程序 | Procedure for milk recording for cows |
KS H ISO 15517-2017 | 烟草硝酸盐含量的测定连续流分析法 | Tobacco-Determination of nitrate content-Continuous-flow analysis method |
KS H ISO 15592-1-2013 | 细切烟草及其烟制品取样、调节和分析方法第1部分:取样 | Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it-Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis-Part 1:Sampling |
KS H ISO 15592-2-2013 | 细切烟草及其烟制品取样、调节和分析方法第2部分:调节和试验的大气环境 | Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it-Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis-Part 2:Atmosphere for conditioning and testing |
KS H ISO 15592-3-2013 | 细切烟草及其烟制品取样、调节和分析方法第3部分:用常规分析吸烟机测定吸烟制品的总颗粒物、水和尼古丁测定的制备和无尼古丁干颗粒物的计算 | Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it-Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis-Part 3:Determination of total particulate matter of smoking articles using a routine analytical smoking machine, preparation for the determination of water and nicotine, and calculation of nicotine-free dry particulate matter |
KS H ISO 15593-2009 | 环境烟草烟雾可吸入悬浮颗粒物贡献度的测定紫外吸收法和荧光法测定颗粒物 | Environmental tobacco smoke-Estimation of its contribution to respirable suspended particles-Determination of particulate matter by ultraviolet absorbance and by fluorescence |
KS H ISO 15598-2007 | 茶叶粗纤维含量的测定 | Tea-Determination of crude fibre content |
KS H ISO 1572-2007 | 茶叶已知干物质含量磨碎样品的制备 | Tea-Preparation of ground sample of known dry matter content |
KS H ISO 1573-2007 | 茶叶103℃质量损失的测定 | Tea-Determination of loss in mass at 103 ℃ |
KS H ISO 1575-2007 | 茶叶总灰分的测定 | Tea-Determination of total ash |
KS H ISO 1576-2007 | 茶叶水溶性灰分和水不溶性灰分的测定 | Tea-Determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash |
KS H ISO 1577-2007 | 茶叶酸不溶性灰分的测定 | Tea-Determination of acid-insoluble ash |
KS H ISO 15774-2007 | 动植物油脂.用直接石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定镉含量 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of cadmium content by direct graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry |
KS H ISO 1578-2007 | 茶水溶性灰分碱度的测定 | Tea-Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash |
KS H ISO 16055-2014 | 烟草和烟草制品.监视器试样.要求和使用 | Tobacco and tobacco products — Monitor test piece — Requirements and use |
KS H ISO 16385-2015 | 阿根廷型茉莉精油 | Essential oil of molle(Schinus areira L.), Argentinean type |
KS H ISO 16632-2017 | 烟草及烟草制品水分的测定气相色谱法 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of water content-Gas-chromatographic method |
KS H ISO 1666-2008 | 淀粉.水含量的测定.烘箱干燥法 | Starch-Determination of moisture content-Oven-drying method |
KS H ISO 16931-2013 | 动植物油脂.高性能排除色谱法(HPSEC)测定聚合甘油三酯 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils ― Determination of polymerized triglycerides by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) |
KS H ISO 1735-2006 | 干酪及其制品脂肪含量的测定重量法(参照法) | Cheese and processed cheese products-Determination of fat content-Gravimetric method(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 1736-2006 | 奶粉和奶粉制品脂肪含量的测定重量法(参照法) | Dried milk and dried milk products-Determination of fat content-Gravimetric method(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 1737-2006 | 淡炼乳和甜炼乳脂肪含量的测定重量法(参照法) | Evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk-Determination of fat content-Gravimetric method(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 1738-2006 | 黄油盐含量的测定 | Butter-Determination of salt content |
KS H ISO 17382-2014 | 中国型木兰花油(含笑×阿尔巴DC) | Oil of magnolia flower, China type(Michelia×alba DC) |
KS H ISO 1739-2007 | 黄油脂肪折射率的测定(参照法) | Butter-Determination of the refractive index of the fat(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 1740-2006 | 乳脂制品和黄油脂肪酸度的测定(参照法) | Milkfat products and butter-Determination of fat acidity(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 1741-2008 | 葡萄糖.干燥后质量损失的测定.真空烘箱法 | Dextrose-Determination of loss in mass on drying-Vacuum oven method |
KS H ISO 17412-2014 | 苦味茴香油。过磷酸钙。普通变种) | Oil of bitter fennel(Foeniculum vulgare Mill. ssp. vulgare var. vulgare) |
KS H ISO 1742-2008 | 葡萄糖浆.固体物质的测定.真空烘箱法 | Glucose syrups-Determination of dry matter-Vacuum oven method |
KS H ISO 1743-2008 | 葡萄糖浆.固体物质含量的测定.折射率法 | Glucose syrup-Determination of dry matter content-Refractive index method |
KS H ISO 17494-2006 | 芳香萃取物、香料及香料化合物乙醇含量的测定填充柱和毛细管柱气相色谱法 | Aromatic extracts, flavouring and perfuming compounds-Determination of ethanol content-Gas chromatographic method on packed and capillary columns |
KS H ISO 18054-2014 | 鸢尾油。或德国鸢尾.铁含量的测定.毛细管柱气相色谱法 | Oil of orris rhizome(Iris pallida Lam. or Iris germanica L.) — Determination of irone content — Method using gas chromatography on a capillary column |
KS H ISO 18144-2009 | 环境烟草烟雾对可吸入悬浮颗粒物贡献的测定茄尼醇法 | Environmental tobacco smoke-Estimation of its contribution to respirable suspended particles-Method based on solanesol |
KS H ISO 18145-2009 | 环境烟草烟雾气相烟碱和3-乙烯基吡啶的测定气相色谱法 | Environmental tobacco smoke-Determination of vapour phase nicotine and 3-ethenylpyridine in air-Gas-chromatographic method |
KS H ISO 1839-2007 | 茶叶取样 | Tea-Sampling |
KS H ISO 1854-2006 | 乳清干酪脂肪含量的测定重量法(参比法) | Whey cheese-Determination of fat content-Gravimetric method(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 18609-2008 | 动植物油脂.不皂化物测定.己烷提取法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of unsaponifiable matter-Method using hexane extraction |
KS H ISO 1871-2013 | 农产食品.凯氏法测定氮含量的一般性说明 | Agricultural food products ― General directions for the determination of nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method |
KS H ISO 19219-2003 | 动植物脂肪和油.天然脂肪和油中可视沉淀物的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of visible foots in crude fats and oils |
KS H ISO 19290-2018 | 卷烟主流烟中烟草特异性亚硝胺的测定液相色谱-串联质谱法 | Cigarettes - Determination of tobacco specific nitrosamines in mainstream cigarette smoke - Method using LC-MS/MS |
KS H ISO 19332-2014 | 蓝洋甘菊油 | Oil of blue chamomile[Chamomilla recutita(L.) Rauschert syn.Matricaria chamomilla auct.] |
KS H ISO 20193-2013 | 烟草及烟草制品烟丝宽度的测定 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of the width of the strands of cut tobacco |
KS H ISO 20369-2012 | 卷烟滤嘴、香烟和其他烟草制品用包装材料柠檬酸盐含量的测定 | Material used for producing wrappings for cigarette filters, cigarettes and other tobacco products-Determination of citrate content |
KS H ISO 20370-2012 | 卷烟滤嘴、香烟和其他烟草制品用包装材料乙酸盐含量的测定 | Material used for producing wrappings for cigarette filters, cigarettes and other tobacco products-Determination of acetate content |
KS H ISO 20773-2014 | 卷烟.侧流烟中无尼古丁干颗粒物和尼古丁的测定.配备鱼尾烟囱的常规分析线性吸烟机的方法 | Cigarettes — Determination of nicotine-free dry particulate matter and nicotine in sidestream smoke — Method using a routine analytical linear smoking machine equipped with a fishtail chimney |
KS H ISO 20774-2014 | 卷烟.侧流烟中一氧化碳的测定.配备鱼尾烟囱的常规分析线性吸烟机的方法 | Cigarettes — Determination of carbon monoxide in sidestream smoke — Method using a routine analytical linear smoking machine equipped with a fishtail chimney |
KS H ISO 210-2014 | 精油.包装材料及条件和储存的通用规则 | Essential oils — General rules for packaging, conditioning and storage |
KS H ISO 21092-2014 | 香精油.特性 | Essential oils — Characterization |
KS H ISO 211-2014 | 精油.容器的标签和标记的通用规则 | Essential oils — General rules for labelling and marking of containers |
KS H ISO 21147-2012 | 细切烟草及其烟制品消费品调查与分析 | Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it-Survey and analysis of consumer-made articles |
KS H ISO 212-2015 | 精油.取样 | Essential oils — Sampling |
KS H ISO 21390-2011 | 中国冬青油 | Oil of wintergreen, China [Gaultheria yunnanensis (Franch.) Rehd.],redistilled |
KS H ISO 2164-2009 | 豆科作物.苷氢氰酸的测定 | Pulses-Determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid |
KS H ISO 2171-2009 | 谷类、豆类及副产品.焚烧灰份的测定 | Cereals, pulses and by-products-Determination of ash yield by incineration |
KS H ISO 22303-2012 | 烟草特异性亚硝胺的测定缓冲萃取法 | Tobacco-Determination of tobacco specific nitrosamines-Method using buffer extraction |
KS H ISO 22634-2012 | 卷烟主流烟中苯并[a]芘的测定气相色谱/质谱法 | Cigarettes-Determination of benzo[a]pyrene in cigarette mainstream smoke-Method using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry |
KS H ISO 22769-2011 | 澳大利亚檀香油 | Oil of Australian sandalwood [Santalum spicatum (R.Br.) A.DC.] |
KS H ISO 22972-2014 | 香精油.手性毛细管柱气相色谱分析.一般方法 | Essential oils — Analysis by gas chromatography on chiral capillary columns — General method |
KS H ISO 2446-2006 | 牛奶脂肪含量的测定(常规法) | Milk-Determination of fat content(Routine method) |
KS H ISO 2450-2006 | 奶油脂肪含量的测定重量法(参比法) | Cream-Determination of fat content-Gravimetric method(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 279-2014 | 香精油.20℃时相对密度的测定.参考法 | Essential oils — Determination of relative density at 20 degrees C — Reference method |
KS H ISO 280-2014 | 精油.折光指数的测定 | Essential oils — Determination of refractive index |
KS H ISO 2817-2017 | 烟草及烟草制品盐酸不溶性硅化物残留量的测定 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of silicated residues insoluble in hydrochloric acid |
KS H ISO 2881-2009 | 烟草和烟草制品.碱含量测定.光谱法 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of alkaloid content-Spectrometric method |
KS H ISO 2911-2007 | 甜炼乳蔗糖含量的测定旋光法 | Sweetened condensed milk-Determination of sucrose content-Polarimetric method |
KS H ISO 2920-2006 | 乳清干酪干物质含量的测定(参照法) | Whey cheese-Determination of dry matter content(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 2962-2006 | 干酪及其制品总磷含量的测定分子吸收光谱法 | Cheese and processed cheese products-Determination of total phosphorus content-Molecular absorption spectrometric method |
KS H ISO 2965-2014 | 用作卷烟纸、过滤塞包装纸和过滤连接纸的材料,包括具有离散或定向渗透区的材料和具有不同渗透带的材料.透气性的测定 | Materials used as cigarette papers, filter plug wrap and filter joining paper, including materials having a discrete or oriented permeable zone and materials with bands of differing permeability — Determination of air permeability |
KS H ISO 2971-2013 | 卷烟和过滤嘴.公称直径的测定.使用激光束测量仪的方法 | Cigarettes and filter rods -- Determination of nominal diameter -- Method using a laser beam measuring apparatus |
KS H ISO 3033-1-2008 | 留兰香油第1部分:天然型(留兰香) | Oil of spearmint-Part 1:Native type(Mentha spicata L.) |
KS H ISO 3033-2-2011 | 留兰香油.第2部分:中国型(80%和60%)(绿色薄荷薄荷),再蒸馏油 | Oil of spearmint - Part 2:Chinese type (80 % and 60 %) (Mentha viridis L. var. crispa Benth.), redistilled oil |
KS H ISO 3033-3-2011 | 留兰香油第3部分:印度薄荷油 | Oil of spearmint-Part 3:Indian type (Mentha spicata L.), redistilled oil |
KS H ISO 3033-4-2011 | 留兰香油第4部分:苏格兰威士忌 | Oil of spearmint-Part 4:Scotch variety (Mentha x gracilis Sole) |
KS H ISO 3044-2013 | 柠檬桉油。 | Oil of Eucalyptus citriodora Hook. |
KS H ISO 3045-2015 | 海湾石油[Pimenta Racemosa(Mill)J.W.Moore] | Oil of bay [Pimenta racemosa (Mill) J.W. Moore] |
KS H ISO 3053-2008 | 葡萄柚油 | Oil of grapefruit(Citrus×paradisi Macfad.), obtained by expression |
KS H ISO 3054-2008 | 法式熏衣草油 | Oil of lavandin Abrial(Lavandula angustifolia Miller x Lavandula latifolia Medikus), French type |
KS H ISO 3061-2011 | 黑胡椒油 | Oil of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) |
KS H ISO 3063-2008 | 依兰依兰油。 Thomson Forma Genina公司] | Oil of ylang-ylang[Cananga odorata(Lam.) Hook. f. et Thomson forma genuina] |
KS H ISO 3065-2013 | 澳大利亚桉树油,含有80%至85%的1,8-桉叶素 | Oil of eucalyptus Australian type, containing a volume fraction of 80 % to 85 % of 1,8-cineole |
KS H ISO 3093-2009 | 小麦、黑麦及其面粉、硬粒小麦和硬粒小麦精粉落数的测定 | Wheat, rye and respective flours, durum wheat and durum wheat semolina-Determination of Falling Number according to Hagberg-Perten |
KS H ISO 3140-2013 | 通过物理提取果皮获得的甜橙油 | Oil of sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck], obtained by physical extraction of the peel |
KS H ISO 3188-2008 | 淀粉及其制品氮含量的测定凯氏法滴定法 | Starches and derived products-Determination of nitrogen content by the Kjeldahl method-Titrimetric method |
KS H ISO 3216-2011 | 中国肉桂油 | Oil of cassia, Chinese type (Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees, syn.Cinnamomum cassia Nees ex Blume) |
KS H ISO 3217-2014 | 香茅油 | Oil of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) |
KS H ISO 3218-2014 | 香精油命名原则 | Essential oils-Principles of nomenclature |
KS H ISO 3308-2013 | 卷烟烟雾常规分析机定义和标准条件 | Routine analytical cigarette-smoking machine-Definitions and standard conditions |
KS H ISO 3400-2007 | 卷烟烟雾凝聚物中生物碱的测定分光光度法 | Cigarettes-Determination of alkaloids in smoke condensates-Spectrometric method |
KS H ISO 3401-2013 | 卷烟.过滤嘴中生物碱滞留量的测定.光谱法 | Cigarettes-Determination of alkaloid retention by the filters-Spectrometric method |
KS H ISO 3402-2013 | 烟草和烟草制品.调节和试验用大气 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Atmosphere for conditioning and testing |
KS H ISO 3433-2006 | 干酪脂肪含量的测定凡-古力克法 | Cheese-Determination of fat content-Van Gulik method |
KS H ISO 3475-2011 | 茴香油 | Oil of aniseed (Pimpinella anisum L.) |
KS H ISO 3515-2008 | 薰衣草油(薰衣草) | Oil of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) |
KS H ISO 3516-2008 | 胡荽果油 | Oil of coriander fruits(Coriandrum sativum L.) |
KS H ISO 3518-2011 | 檀香油(桑塔伦画册) | Oil of sandalwood (Santalum album L.) |
KS H ISO 3519-2008 | 墨西哥酸橙蒸馏油[橙子(christm.)swingle] | Oil of lime distilled, Mexican type[Citrus aurantifolia(Christm.) Swingle] |
KS H ISO 3520-2008 | 佛手柑油意大利式贝加米亚(怀特和阿诺特)恩格尔 | Oil of bergamot [Citrus aurantium L. subsp. bergamia(Wight et Arnott) Engler], Italian type |
KS H ISO 3525-2015 | 苦杏仁油 | Oil of amyris(Amyris balsamifera L.) |
KS H ISO 3526-2008 | 西班牙鼠尾草油 | Oil of sage, Spanish(Salvia lavandulifolia Vahl) |
KS H ISO 3528-2013 | 意大利柑橘精油 | Essential oil of mandarin, Italian type (Citrus reticulata Blanco) |
KS H ISO 3550-1-2009 | 卷烟烟支端部损失的测定第1部分:旋转圆筒形罩法 | Cigarettes-Determination of loss of tobacco from the ends- Part 1:Method using a rotating cylindrical cage |
KS H ISO 3550-2-2017 | 卷烟烟端损失的测定第2部分:旋转立方盒法 | Cigarettes-Determination of loss of tobacco from the ends-Part 2:Method using a rotating cubic box(sismelatophore) |
KS H ISO 356-2014 | 精油.试样的制备 | Essential oils — Preparation of test samples |
KS H ISO 3593-2008 | 淀粉.灰分的测定 | Starch-Determination of ash |
KS H ISO 3596-2007 | 动植物油脂.不皂化物测定.乙醚提取法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of unsaponifiable matter-Method using diethyl ether extraction |
KS H ISO 3657-2007 | 动植物油脂皂化值的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of saponification value |
KS H ISO 3720-2012 | 红茶定义和基本要求 | Black tea-Definition and basic requirements |
KS H ISO 3726-2007 | 速溶咖啡.在70℃时减压下质量损失的测定 | Instant coffee-Determination of loss in mass at 70 ℃ under reduced pressure |
KS H ISO 3727-1-2006 | 黄油水分、非脂肪固体和脂肪含量的测定第1部分:水分含量的测定(参照法) | Butter-Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents-Part 1:Determination of moisture content(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 3727-2-2006 | 黄油水分、非脂肪固体和脂肪含量的测定第2部分:非脂肪固体含量的测定(参照法) | Butter-Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents-Part 2:Determination of non-fat solids content(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 3727-3-2006 | 黄油水分、非脂肪固体和脂肪含量的测定第3部分:脂肪含量的计算 | Butter-Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents-Part 3:Calculation of fat content |
KS H ISO 3728-2006 | 冰淇淋和乳冰总固体含量的测定(参照法) | Ice-cream and milk ice-Determination of total solids content(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 3761-2008 | 巴西紫檀油[阿尼巴罗塞多拉杜克或阿尼巴小花(Meisn.)Mez] | Oil of rosewood, Brazilian type[Aniba rosaeodora Ducke or Aniba parviflora(Meisn.) Mez.] |
KS H ISO 3794-2014 | 香精油(含叔醇).用乙酰化后酯值测定法估算游离醇含量 | Essential oils(containing tertiary alcohols) — Estimation of free alcohols content by determination of ester value after acetylation |
KS H ISO 3809-2008 | 墨西哥酸橙油(冷榨),通过机械方法获得。 | Oil of lime(cold pressed), Mexican type[Citrus aurantifolia(Christm.) Swingle], obtained by mechanical means |
KS H ISO 3848-2011 | 爪哇香茅油 | Oil of citronella, Java type |
KS H ISO 3889-2006 | 乳与乳制品脂肪含量的测定莫琼尼尔型脂肪提取瓶 | Milk and milk products-Determination of fat content-Mojonnier-type fat extraction flasks |
KS H ISO 3890-1-2006 | 乳和乳制品有机氯化合物(农药)残留量的测定第1部分:一般考虑和萃取方法 | Milk and milk products-Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds(pesticides)-Part 1:General considerations and extraction methods |
KS H ISO 3890-2-2006 | 乳和乳制品有机氯化合物(农药)残留量的测定第2部分:粗提物净化和确认的试验方法 | Milk and milk products-Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds(pesticides)-Part 2:Test methods for crude extract purification and confirmation |
KS H ISO 3946-2008 | 淀粉及其制品总磷含量的测定分光光度法 | Starches and derived products-Determination of total phosphorus content-Spectrophotometric method |
KS H ISO 3947-2008 | 天然或改良淀粉.脂肪总含量的测定 | Starches, native or modified-Determination of total fat content |
KS H ISO 3960-2012 | 动植物油脂.过氧化值的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of peroxide value-Iodometric(visual) endpoint determination |
KS H ISO 3961-2012 | 动植物油脂.碘值的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of iodine value |
KS H ISO 3976-2007 | 乳脂过氧化值的测定 | Milk fat-Determination of peroxide value |
KS H ISO 4052-2007 | 咖啡.咖啡碱含量的测定(参照法) | Coffee-Determination of caffeine content(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 4072-2003 | 袋装生咖啡.取样 | Green coffee in bags-Sampling |
KS H ISO 4112-2009 | 谷类和豆类散装储粮温度测量指南 | Cereals and pulses-Guidance on measurement of the temperature of grain stored in bulk |
KS H ISO 4149-2007 | 生咖啡嗅觉和视觉检查及杂质和缺陷的测定 | Green coffee-Olfactory and visual examination and determination of foreign matter and defects |
KS H ISO 4387-2017 | 卷烟总颗粒物和无尼古丁干颗粒物的测定吸烟常规分析机法 | Cigarettes-Determination of total and nicotine-free dry particulate matter using a routine analytical smoking machine |
KS H ISO 4388-2009 | 卷烟滤嘴烟凝露滞留指数的测定直接光谱法 | Cigarettes-Determination of the smoke condensate retention index of a filter-Direct spectrometric method |
KS H ISO 4389-2017 | 烟草及烟草制品有机氯农药残留量的测定气相色谱法 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of organochlorine pesticide residues-Gas chromatographic method |
KS H ISO 4715-2014 | 香精油.蒸发残渣的定量评价 | Essential oil — Quantitative evaluation of residue on evaporation |
KS H ISO 4718-2014 | 柠檬草油 | Oil of lemongrass[Cymbopogon flexuosus(Nees ex Steudel) J.F. Watson] |
KS H ISO 4719-2015 | 西班牙型穗薰衣草精油 | Essential oil of spike lavender(Lavandula latifolia Medikus), Spanish type |
KS H ISO 4720-2014 | 香精油.命名 | Essential oils — Nomenclature |
KS H ISO 4728-2014 | 西班牙野生马郁兰油 | Oil of Spanish wild marjoram (Thymus mastichina L.) |
KS H ISO 4730-2011 | 松油烯-4-醇型白千层油(茶树油) | Oil of Melaleuca, terpinen-4-ol type(Tea Tree oil) |
KS H ISO 4731-2013 | 天竺葵精油(天竺葵×过磷酸钙) | Essential oil of geranium (Pelargonium × ssp.) |
KS H ISO 4735-2014 | 柑橘油紫外分光光度法测定镉值 | Oils of Citrus-Determination of CD value by ultraviolet spectrometric analysis |
KS H ISO 4874-2013 | 烟草-成批原料取样-一般原则 | Tobacco-Sampling of batches of raw material-General principles |
KS H ISO 4876-2012 | 烟草和烟草制品.马束酰肼残留量的测定 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of maleic hydrazide residues |
KS H ISO 520-2009 | 谷类和豆类1000粒质量的测定 | Cereals and pulses-Determination of the mass of 1 000 grains |
KS H ISO 5223-2009 | 检验用谷物选筛 | Test sieves for cereals |
KS H ISO 5377-2008 | 水解淀粉制品.还原能力和葡萄糖当量的测定.莱恩和埃诺常量滴定法 | Starch hydrolysis products-Determination of reducing power and dextrose equivalent-Lane and Eynon constant titre method |
KS H ISO 5378-2008 | 淀粉及其制品氮含量的测定凯氏法分光光度法 | Starches and derived products-Determination of nitrogen content by the Kjeldahl method-Spectrophotometric method |
KS H ISO 5379-2008 | 淀粉和淀粉制品.二氧化硫含量的测定.酸量滴定法和浊度测定法 | Starches and derived products-Determination of sulfur dioxide content-Acidimetric method and nephelometric method |
KS H ISO 5381-2008 | 水解淀粉制品.水含量的测定.改进的卡尔·费休法 | Starch hydrolysis products-Determination of water content-Modified Karl Fischer method |
KS H ISO 5508-2008 | 动植物油脂.脂肪酸甲酯的气相色谱分析 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Analysis by gas chromatography of methyl esters of fatty acids |
KS H ISO 5509-2003 | 动植物油脂.脂肪酸甲酯的制备 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids |
KS H ISO 5526-2009 | 谷物、豆类和其他食用谷类.术语 | Cereals, pulses and other food grains-Nomenclature |
KS H ISO 5534-2006 | 干酪和加工干酪总固体含量的测定(参照法) | Cheese and processed cheese-Determination of the total solids content(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 5536-2006 | 乳脂品.水含量的测定.卡尔.费休法 | Milk fat products-Determination of water content-Karl Fischer method |
KS H ISO 5538-2006 | 乳与乳制品取样计数检验 | Milk and milk products-Sampling-Inspection by attributes |
KS H ISO 5542-2006 | 牛奶蛋白质含量的测定酰胺黑染料结合法(鲁坦法) | Milk-Determination of protein content-Amido black dye-binding method(Rountine method) |
KS H ISO 5543-2006 | 酪蛋白和酪蛋白酸盐脂肪含量的测定重量法(参照法) | Caseins and caseinates-Determination of fat content-Gravimetric method(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 5544-2006 | 酪蛋白-“固定灰”的测定(参照法) | Caseins-Determination of “fixed ash”(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 5545-2006 | 凝乳酪蛋白和酪蛋白酸盐灰分的测定(参照法) | Rennet caseins and caseinates-Determination of ash(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 5546-2006 | 酪蛋白和酪蛋白酸盐pH值的测定(参照法) | Caseins and caseinates-Determination of pH(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 5547-2006 | 酪蛋白游离酸度的测定(参比法) | Caseins-Determination of free acidity(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 5548-2006 | 酪蛋白和酪蛋白酸盐乳糖含量的测定光度法 | Caseins and caseinates-Determination of lactose content-Photometric method |
KS H ISO 5549-2006 | 酪蛋白和酪蛋白酸盐蛋白质含量的测定(参照法) | Caseins and caseinates-Determination of protein content(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 5550-2007 | 酪蛋白和酪蛋白酸盐水分含量的测定(参照法) | Caseins and caseinates-Determination of moisture content(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 5555-2007 | 动植物油脂.取样 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Sampling |
KS H ISO 5558-2008 | 动植物油脂.抗氧化剂的检测和鉴定.薄层层析法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Detection and identification of antioxidants-Thin-layer chromatographic method |
KS H ISO 5739-2006 | 酪蛋白和酪蛋白酸盐焦粒含量的测定 | Caseins and caseinates-Determination of scorched particles content |
KS H ISO 5764-2006 | 牛奶冰点的测定热敏电阻冰点测定法 | Milk-Determination of freezing point-Thermistor cryoscope method |
KS H ISO 5809-2009 | 淀粉和淀粉制品.硫酸化灰分的测定 | Starches and derived products-Determination of sulphated ash |
KS H ISO 5810-2008 | 淀粉及其制品氯化物含量的测定电位滴定法 | Starches and derived products-Determination of chloride content-Potentiometric method |
KS H ISO 592-2014 | 香精油.旋光度的测定 | Essential oils — Determination of optical rotation |
KS H ISO 5943-2006 | 乳酪及其制品氯化物含量的测定电位滴定法 | Cheese and processed cheese products-Determination of chloride content-Potentiometric titration method |
KS H ISO 605-2009 | 豆类.杂质、大小、异味、昆虫、种类和品种的测定.试验方法 | Pulses-Determination of impurities, size, foreign odours,insects, and species and variety-Test methods |
KS H ISO 6079-2007 | 固体速溶茶规范 | Instant tea in solid form-Specification |
KS H ISO 6091-2006 | 奶粉可滴定酸度的测定(参照法) | Dried milk-Determination of titratable acidity(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 6092-2006 | 奶粉可滴定酸度的测定(常规法) | Dried milk-Determination of titratable acidity(Routine method) |
KS H ISO 6320-2007 | 动植物脂肪和油.折射率的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of refractive index |
KS H ISO 6321-2008 | 动植物油脂开口毛细管熔点(裂解点)的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of melting point in open capillary tubes (slip point) |
KS H ISO 6463-2007 | 动植物油脂.叔丁基对羟基茴香醚(BHA)和叔丁基对羟基甲苯(BHT)的测定.气-液色谱法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of butylhydroxyanisole(BHA) and butylhydroxytoluene(BHT)-Gas-liquid chromatographic method |
KS H ISO 6466-2009 | 烟草和烟草制品.二硫代氨基甲酸盐农药残留量的测定.分子吸收光谱法 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of dithiocarbamate pesticides residues-Molecular absorption spectrometric method |
KS H ISO 6488-2017 | 烟草及烟草制品水分的测定卡尔费休法 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Determination of water content-Karl Fischer method |
KS H ISO 6541-2008 | 农产食品.粗纤维含量的测定.改进的沙勒法 | Agricultural food products-Determination of crude fibre content-Modified Scharrer method |
KS H ISO 6565-2016 | 烟草及烟草制品卷烟耐拉拔性和滤棒压降标准条件和测量 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Draw resistance of cigarettes and pressure drop of filter rods-Standard conditions and measurement |
KS H ISO 660-2012 | 动植物油脂.酸价和酸度的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of acid value and acidity |
KS H ISO 661-2007 | 动植物油脂试样的制备 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Preparation of test sample |
KS H ISO 662-2007 | 动植物油脂.水分和挥发物含量的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of moisture and volatile matter content |
KS H ISO 663-2012 | 动植物油脂.不溶性杂质含量的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of insoluble impurities content |
KS H ISO 6656-2008 | 动植物脂肪和油.聚乙烯类聚合物的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of polyethylene-type polymers |
KS H ISO 6666-2012 | 咖啡取样器 | Coffee sampling-Triers for green coffee or raw coffee and parchment coffee |
KS H ISO 6668-2012 | 生咖啡.用于感官分析试样的制备 | Green coffee-Preparation of samples for use in sensory analysis |
KS H ISO 6673-2007 | 生咖啡105℃质量损失的测定 | Green coffee-Determination of loss in mass at 105 ℃ |
KS H ISO 6731-2006 | 牛奶、奶油和淡炼乳总固体含量的测定(参照法) | Milk, cream and evaporated milk-Determination of total solids content(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 6734-2006 | 甜炼乳总固体含量的测定(参照法) | Sweetened condensed milk-Determination of total solids content(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 6735-2006 | 奶粉耐热等级评定耐热值参考法 | Dried milk-Assessment of heat class-Heat-number reference method |
KS H ISO 6800-2003 | 动植物油脂.两种状态三酸甘油酯中脂肪酸成分的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of the composition of fatty acids in the 2-position of the triglyceride molecules |
KS H ISO 6883-2013 | 动植物油脂.容重(“一升重量”)的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils ― Determination of conventional mass per volume (litre weight in air) |
KS H ISO 6885-2013 | 动植物油脂.茴香胺值的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils ― Determination of anisidine value |
KS H ISO 6886-2013 | 动植物油脂.氧化稳定性测定(催化氧化法) | Animal and vegetable fats and oils ― Determination of oxidation stability (Accelerated oxidation test) |
KS H ISO 7002-2003 | 农产食品.批量标样中的一般抽样法 | Agricultural food products-Layout for a standard method of sampling from a lot |
KS H ISO 707-2006 | 乳与乳制品取样指南 | Milk and milk products-Guidance on sampling |
KS H ISO 709-2011 | 精油.酯值的测定 | Essential oils-Determination of ester value |
KS H ISO 711-2009 | 谷物和谷物制品.水分含量的测定(基准参照法) | Cereals and cereal products-Determination of moisture content(Basic reference method) |
KS H ISO 712-2009 | 谷类及谷类制品水分含量的测定(常规参比法) | Cereals and cereal products-Determination of moisture content(Routine reference method) |
KS H ISO 7210-2013 | 卷烟的常规分析.吸烟机.补充试验方法 | Routine analytical cigarette-smoking machine-Additional test methods for machine verification |
KS H ISO 7238-2006 | 黄油血清pH值的测定电位滴定法 | Butter-Determination of pH of serum-Potentiometric method |
KS H ISO 7304-2009 | 硬质小麦粗粒面粉和通心面类制品.感官分析法评定通心粉的蒸煮品质 | Durum wheat semolinas and alimentary pasta-Estimation of cooking quality of spaghetti by sensory analysis |
KS H ISO 7305-2009 | 精制谷物制品.脂肪酸度的测定 | Milled cereal products-Determination of fat acidity |
KS H ISO 7328-2006 | 乳基食用冰和冰混合物脂肪含量的测定重量法(参照法) | Milk-based edible ices and ice mixes-Determinationof fat content-Gravimetric method(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 7358-2014 | 全部或部分还原的佛手柑油、柠檬油、柠檬油、柠檬油和石灰油.用高压液相色谱法测定佛手柑含量 | Oils of bergamot, lemon, citron and lime, fully or partially reduced in bergapten — Determination of bergapten content by highpressure liquid chromatography(HPLC) |
KS H ISO 7359-2014 | 精油.填充柱气相色谱分析.通用法 | Essential oils — Analysis by gas chromatography on packed columns — General method |
KS H ISO 7366-2003 | 动植物油脂.1-甘油一酸酯和游离甘油含量的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of 1-monoglycerides and free glycerol contents |
KS H ISO 7513-2007 | 固体速溶茶水分含量的测定(103℃失重) | Instant tea in solid form-Determination of moisture content (loss in mass at 103 ℃) |
KS H ISO 7514-2007 | 固体速溶茶总灰分的测定 | Instant tea in solid form-Determination of total ash |
KS H ISO 7516-2007 | 固体速溶茶取样 | Instant tea in solid form-Sampling |
KS H ISO 7586-2006 | 黄油水分散度值的测定 | Butter-Determination of water dispersion value |
KS H ISO 7609-2014 | 精油.毛细管柱气相色谱分析.通用法 | Essential oils — Analysis by gas chromatography on capillary columns — General method |
KS H ISO 7660-2014 | 香精油.含有难皂化酯的油酯值的测定 | Essential oils — Determination of ester value of oils containing difficult-to-saponify esters |
KS H ISO 770-2008 | 蓝桉(蓝桉)的原油或精制油。 | Crude or rectified oils of Eucalyptus globulus(Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) |
KS H ISO 7847-2003 | 动植物油脂.1,4-二烯结构(顺-顺式)的多不饱和脂肪酸的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of polyunsaturated fatty acids with a cis,cis 1,4-diene structure |
KS H ISO 7973-2009 | 谷类及碾碎谷类制品面粉粘度的测定淀粉法 | Cereals and milled cereal products-Determination of the viscosity of flour-Method using an amylograph |
KS H ISO 8043-2009 | 东方烟叶.形状和尺寸特性的测定 | Oriental leaf tobacco-Determination of form and size characteristics |
KS H ISO 8069-2007 | 奶粉乳酸和乳酸含量的测定 | Dried milk-Determination of content of lactic acid and lactates |
KS H ISO 8070-2006 | 奶粉钠钾含量的测定火焰发射光谱法 | Dried milk-Determination of sodium and potassium contents-Flame emission spectrometric method |
KS H ISO 8151-2006 | 奶粉硝酸盐含量的测定镉还原光谱法(筛选法) | Dried milk-Determination of nitrate content-Method by cadmium reduction and spectrometry(Screening method) |
KS H ISO 8156-2006 | 奶粉和奶粉制品不溶性指数的测定 | Dried milk and dried milk products-Determination of insolubility index |
KS H ISO 8196-1-2006 | 牛奶间接牛奶分析方法总准确度的定义和评价第1部分:间接方法的分析属性 | Milk-Definition and evaluation of the overallaccuracy of indirect methods of milk analysis-Part 1:Analytical attributes of indirect methods |
KS H ISO 8196-2-2006 | 牛奶.牛奶间接分析法总准确度的定义和评定.第2部分:乳制品实验室的校准和质量控制 | Milk-Definition and evaluation of the overall accuracy of indirect methods of milk analysis-Part 2:Calibration and quality control in the dairy laboratory |
KS H ISO 8197-2006 | 乳和乳制品.取样.变量检验 | Milk and milk products-Sampling-Inspection by variables |
KS H ISO 8243-2015 | 烟草.取样 | Cigarettes-Sampling |
KS H ISO 8294-2007 | 动植物油脂.铜、铁和镍含量的测定.石墨炉原子吸收法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of copper, iron and nickel contents-Graphite furnace atomic absorption method |
KS H ISO 8381-2006 | 乳基婴儿食品脂肪含量的测定重量法(参照法) | Milk-based infant foods-Determination of fat content-Gravimetric method(Reference method) |
KS H ISO 8420-2003 | 动植物脂肪和油.极性化合物的含量测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of content of polar compounds |
KS H ISO 8432-2014 | 精油.高效液相色谱分析.通用法 | Essential oils — Analysis by high performance liquid chromatography — General method |
KS H ISO 8454-2014 | 卷烟.卷烟烟雾气相中一氧化碳的测定.NDIR法 | Cigarettes — Determination of carbon monoxide in the vapour phase of cigarette smoke — NDIR method |
KS H ISO 8455-2012 | 袋装生咖啡.贮存和运输指南 | Green coffee-Guidelines for storage and transport |
KS H ISO 8460-2007 | 速溶咖啡.松散和压实容积密度的测定 | Instant coffee-Determination of free-flow and compacted bulk densities |
KS H ISO 8534-2012 | 动植物油脂.含水量的测定.卡尔·费休法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of water content-Karl Fischer method(pyridine free) |
KS H ISO 855-2008 | 柠檬油F.],通过表达式获得 | Oil of lemon[Citrus limon(L.) Burm. f.], obtained by expression |
KS H ISO 856-2008 | 薄荷油(薄荷油) | Oil of peppermint(Mentha×piperita L.) |
KS H ISO 875-2011 | 精油.乙醇中溶混度的评估 | Essential oils-Evaluation of miscibility in ethanol |
KS H ISO 8898-2011 | 小柑橘油 | Oil of mandarin petitgrain (Citrus reticulata Blanco) |
KS H ISO 8899-2011 | 柠檬小柑橘油。F. | Oil of lemon petitgrain [Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.] |
KS H ISO 8900-2014 | 小叶佛手柑油[佛手柑橘(Risso et Poit.)] | Oil of bergamot petitgrain[Citrus bergamia (Risso et Poit.)] |
KS H ISO 8901-2015 | 栽培苦橙叶柄油(橙子) | Oil of bitter orange petitgrain, cultivated(Citrus aurantium L.) |
KS H ISO 8902-2011 | 熏衣草油(Lavandula angustifolia mill.x lavandula latifolia medik.),法式 | Oil of lavandin Grosso (Lavandula angustifolia Mill. x Lavandula latifolia Medik.), French type |
KS H ISO 8967-2006 | 奶粉和奶粉制品体积密度的测定 | Dried milk and dried milk products-Determination of bulk density |
KS H ISO 9233-2006 | 乳酪及乳酪外皮纳他霉素含量的测定分子吸收光谱法和高效液相色谱法 | Cheese and cheese rind-Determination of natamycin content-Method by molecular absorption spectrometry and by high-performance liquid chromatography |
KS H ISO 9235-2013 | 芳香族天然原料术语 | Aromatic natural raw materials ― Vocabulary |
KS H ISO 9301-2011 | 孜然籽油 | Oil of cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum L.) |
KS H ISO 934-2007 | 动植物油脂.含水量的测定.雾沫法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of water content-Entrainment method |
KS H ISO 9512-2013 | 卷烟透气性的测定.定义和测量原理 | Cigarettes-Determination of ventilation-Definitions and measurement principles |
KS H ISO 9622-2006 | 全脂牛奶脂肪、蛋白质和乳糖含量的测定中红外仪器操作指南 | Whole milk-Determination of milkfat, protein and lactose content-Guidance on the operation of mid-infrared instruments |
KS H ISO 9648-2009 | 高粱.单宁含量的测定 | Sorghum-Determination of tannin content |
KS H ISO 9768-2007 | 茶叶水萃取物的测定 | Tea-Determination of water extract |
KS H ISO 9832-2007 | 动植物油脂工业己烷残留量的测定 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of residual technical hexane content |
KS H ISO 9841-2013 | 牛膝草油(牛膝草)药房) | Oil of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L. ssp. officinalis) |
KS H ISO 9842-2011 | 玫瑰油(Rosa x Damascena Miller) | Oil of rose (Rosa x damascena Miller) |
KS H ISO 9843-2011 | 中国柏木油(柏木) | Oil of cedarwood, Chinese type (Cupressus funebris Endlicher) |
KS H ISO 9844-2008 | 苦橙油 | Oil of bitter orange(Citrus aurantium L.) |
KS H ISO 9874-2006 | 牛奶中总磷含量的测定分子吸收光谱法 | Milk-Determination of total phosphorus content-Method using molecular absorption spectrometry |
KS H ISO 9909-2015 | 达尔马提亚鼠尾草油 | Oil of Dalmatian sage (Salvia officinalis L.) |
KS H ISO 9910-2011 | 甜橙油总类胡萝卜素含量的测定 | Oil of sweet orange-Determination of the total carotenoids content |
KS H ISO 9936-2013 | 动植物油脂.维生素E和三烯甘油酯含量的测定高效液相色谱法 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils ― Determination of tocopherols and tocotrienols contents by high-performance liquid chromatography |
KS H ISO TR 22305-2007 | 卷烟无尼古丁干颗粒物、尼古丁、水和香烟烟雾中一氧化碳的测定报告重复性、再现性和公差之间关系的合作研究数据分析 | Cigarettes-Measurement of nicotine-free dry particulate matter,nicotine, water and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke-Analysis of data from collaborative studies reporting relationships between repeatability, reproducibility and tolerances |
KS H ISO TS 22304-2012 | 烟草特异性亚硝胺的测定碱性二氯甲烷萃取法 | Tobacco-Determination of tobacco specific nitrosamines-Method using alkaline dichloromethane extraction |
KS H ISO TS 2963-2007 | 干酪及其制品柠檬酸含量的测定酶法 | Cheese and processed cheese products-Determination of citric acid content-Enzymatic method |
KS H ISO TS 3550-3-2017 | 卷烟烟端损失的测定第3部分:VIRO工作台法 | Cigarettes-Determination of loss of tobacco from the ends-Part3:Method using a viro-bench |
KS H ISO TS 7821-2017 | 烟草和烟草制品试验方法评价协作研究用同一批相同样品的制备和组成 | Tobacco and tobacco products-Preparation and constitution of identical samples from the same lot for collaborative studies for the evaluation of test methods |
KS H ISO/TR 17219-2017 | 人类吸烟行为的回顾和对新的烟草机吸烟ISO标准的建议 | Review of human smoking behaviour and recommendation for a new ISO standard for the machine smoking of cigarette |
KS H ISO/TR 19478-1-2017 | ISO和健康加拿大强烈吸烟参数-第1部分:国际机器吸烟研究结果 | ISO and Health Canada intense smoking parameters — Part 1: Results of an international machine smoking study |
KS H ISO/TR 19478-2-2017 | ISO和加拿大卫生部强烈吸烟参数第2部分:影响常规变化因素的检验 | ISO and Health Canada Intense smoking parameters-Part 2:An examination of factors contributing to variability in the routine |