2019-07-23 20:42标准号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
KS C 4525-1992 | 光电开关 | Photoelectric switches |
KS C 4530-1991 | 螺线管通则 | General rules for solenoids |
KS C 4531-1991 | 普通交流螺线管 | AC Solenoids of General Purpose |
KS C 4532-2006 | 普通直流螺线管 | DC solenoids for general purpose |
KS C 4534-1990 | 电子预置计数器 | Electronic preset counters |
KS C 4610-2011 | 6.6KV配电室用避雷器 | Lightning arresters for 6.6 kV cubicle type unit substation |
KS C 4611-2006 | 6.6KV或3.3KV交流断电器 | AC circuit breakers for 6.6 kV or 3.3 kV |
KS C 4612-2001 | 高压限流熔丝 | High-voltage current-limiting fuses |
KS C 4613-2011 | 漏电熔断器 | Circuit-breaker incorporating residual current protection for industrial uses(CBR) |
KS C 4614-2014 | 高压真空电磁接触器 | High-voltage vacuum electromagnetic contactors |
KS C 4616-2011 | 用于交流系统的无隙金属氧化物避雷器 | Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems |
KS C 4620-2014 | 低压起重切断器 | Low-voltage Air Circuit-Breaker (ACB) |
KS C 4621-2018 | 工业用漏电切断器 | Residual current operated circuit-breaker with integral overcurrent protection for household uses(RCBO) |
KS C 4801-2003 | 低压电力电容器 | Low-voltage power condenser |
KS C 4802-1997 | 高压电力电容器 | High voltage power condenser |
KS C 4803-2002 | 电动机起动电解电容器 | Electrolytic capacitors for motor starting |
KS C 4804-1981 | 高压电力电容器放电线圈 | Discharge coils for high voltage power capacitors |
KS C 4805-2002 | 电气设备电容器 | Capacitors for electrical apparatus |
KS C 4806-1989 | 高压电力电容器的串联电抗器 | Series reactors for high voltage power capacitors |
KS C 4808-2011 | 配电线路无隙氧化聚合金属避雷器 | Polymer-housed metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for distribution line |
KS C 5020-3-1998 | 一种逻辑电路与高级设计自动化接口的数据格式 | A data format in interface between logic circuit and high level for design automation |
KS C 5077-2014 | 车载显示系统装置驱动接口要求事项 | Requirements of the driver interface for in-vehicle display system |
KS C 5078-2015 | 车用行车记录仪 | Video data recording systems for road vehicle accidents |
KS C 5109-1988 | 电子元器件通则 | General Rules for Electronic Components |
KS C 5110-1990 | 电子设备用固定电解电容器通则 | General Rules of Fixed Electrolytic Capacitors for Use in Electronic Equipment |
KS C 5112-2005 | 电子设备环境要求 | Environmental requirements for electronic equipments |
KS C 5115-2-2001 | 电子设备用固定电阻器第2部分:分规范:低功率非线绕固定电阻器 | Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment-Part 2:Sectional specification:Fixed low-power non-wirewound resistors |
KS C 5115-4-2001 | 电子设备用固定电阻器第4部分:分规范:功率型固定电阻器 | Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment-Part 4:Sectional specification:Fixed power resistors |
KS C 5115-5-2001 | 电子设备用固定电阻器第5部分:分规范:精密固定电阻器 | Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment-Part 5:Sectional specification:Fixed precision resistors |
KS C 5115-6-2001 | 电子设备用固定电阻器第6部分:分规范:各电阻器可单独测量的固定电阻网络 | Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment-Part 6:Sectional specification:Fixed resistor networks withindividually measurable resistors |
KS C 5115-7-2001 | 电子设备用固定电阻器第7部分:分规范:不可单独测量全部电阻器的固定电阻网络 | Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment-Part 7:Sectional specification:Fixed resistor networks in whichnot all resistors are individually measurable |
KS C 5115-8-2001 | 电子设备用固定电阻器第8部分:分规范:片式固定电阻器 | Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment-Part 8:Sectional specification:Fixed chip resistors |
KS C 5116-2003 | 电子设备用碳素类混合体固定电阻器 | Fixed carbon composition resistors for use in electronic equipment |
KS C 5117-2003 | 绝缘型碳素皮膜固定电阻器 | Insulated fixed crabon film resistors |
KS C 5210-1980 | 保证可靠性的数码半导体集成电路通则 | General rules for reliability assured digital semiconductor integrated circuits |
KS C 5218-1983 | 确保MOS数码半导体集成电路的可靠性(门) | Reliability assured complementary MOS digital semiconductor integrated circuits(Gates) |
KS C 5219-1983 | 保证可靠性的工业控制用小型电磁继电器 | General rules for reliability assured lowpower electromagnetic relays for industrial control circuits |
KS C 5300-1992 | 光传输用发光二极管通则 | General rules of light emitting diodes for fiber optic transmission |
KS C 5301-1992 | 光传输用发光二极管试验法 | Test methods of light emitting diodes for fiber optic transmission |
KS C 5393-4-2001 | 电子设备用电位器第4部分:分规范:单圈旋转功率电位器 | Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment-Part 4:Sectional specification:Single-turn rotary power potentiometers |
KS C 5503-2013 | 小型耳机 | Midget headphones and earphones |
KS C 5506-1996 | 盒式录音磁带 | Cassette tape |
KS C 5510-1996 | 电子设备R01型圆筒形连接器 | Type R01 cylindrical connectors for use in electronic equipment |
KS C 5511-1987 | 便携式喇叭筒 | Portable megaphones |
KS C 5515-1976 | 对讲机通则 | General rules and testing methods for intercommunication equipments |
KS C 5517-1998 | VHS盒式录像磁带 | Video cassette tape(VHS Type) |
KS C 5518-1989 | 家用对讲机 | Home Interphones |
KS C 5550-2011 | 游戏提供商用游戏机的操作信息显示装置(OIDD) | Operation Information Display Device(OIDD) for game machines for service providers |
KS C 6003-1964 | 小型无线电设备的配线识别颜色 | Wiring Code Colour for Small Type Radio Equipments |
KS C 6012-1982 | 电子元器件浸水循环试验法 | Testing method of sealing(immersion cyclic) for electronic components |
KS C 6013-1982 | 电子元器件耐久性试验 | Testing method of endurance(electrical) for electronic component |
KS C 6018-1971 | 电子元器件环境要求 | Environmental Requirements for Electronic Components |
KS C 6021-1977 | 电子元器件机械耐用性试验法 | Endurance(mechanical) testing method for electronic components |
KS C 6025-1987 | 照明和电子设备用钨和钼材料试验通则 | General rules for test of tungsten and molybdenum material s for lighting and electronic equipments |
KS C 6028-1999 | 小型控制用电磁继电器试验法 | Test methods of low power electromagnetic relays for industrial control circuits |
KS C 6029-1995 | 电子设备用固定形瓷电容器通则 | General rules of fixed ceramic capacitors for use in electronic equipment |
KS C 6030-1995 | 磁性氧化物制成的磁芯通则 | General rules for ferrite cores |
KS C 6031-1983 | 铁氧体磁芯性能试验法 | Measuring Methods for Fundamental Properties of Soft Ferrites |
KS C 6032-1981 | 电子元器件失效率试验通则 | General test procedure of failure rate for electronic components |
KS C 6033-2014 | 电子设备用连接器通则 | General rules of connectors for use in electronic equipment |
KS C 6034-1991 | 电子设备用低频变压器通则 | General Rules of Low Frequency Transformer for Electronic Equipment |
KS C 6035-2003 | 电子设备用固定电容器试验法 | Test methods of fixed capacitors for electronic equipment |
KS C 6037-1991 | 电子设备用可变电阻器通则 | General Rules of Variable Resistors for Electronic Equipment |
KS C 6038-2014 | 电子设备用拨动开关 | Toggle switches for use in electronic equipment |
KS C 6040-2014 | 电子设备用连接器试验法 | Method for test of connectors for electronic equipment |
KS C 6041-2012 | 电子设备用开关试验法 | Testing methods of switches for use in electronic equipment |
KS C 6042-1995 | 封闭型微动开关 | Enclosed sensitive switches |
KS C 6047-1995 | 电子设备用电源变压器试验法 | Testing methods of power transformers for electronic equipment |
KS C 6049-1980 | 半导体集成电路试验法和耐久性能试验方法 | Environmental Testing Methods and Endurance Testing Methods for Semiconductor Integrated Circuits |
KS C 6062-1978 | 脉冲技术术语 | Glossary of -pulse techniques |
KS C 6064-1990 | 电子设备用手动器件术语 | Glossary of Passive Components for Electronic Equipment |
KS C 6101-1979 | 调幅传输通信接收机测量方法 | Methods of Measurement on communication receivers for Amplitude-modulation transmissions |
KS C 6111-1-2005 | 超导性-临界温度测量-用磁法测量Nb-Ti、Nb3Sn和双系统复合超导体的临界温度 | Superconductivity-Critical temperature measurement-Critical temperature of Nb-Ti, Nb3Sn, and Bi-system compositesuperconductors by a magnetic method using a SQUID magnetometer |
KS C 6111-2-2005 | Nb-Ti、Nb3Sn和双系统复合超导体的超导性临界温度测量交流电纳计磁法 | Superconductivity-Critical temperature measurement-Critical temperature of Nb-Ti, Nb3Sn, and Bi-system composite superconductors by a magnetic method using an ac susceptometer |
KS C 6111-3-2007 | 电子特性测量高温超导体薄膜微波固有表面阻抗 | Electronic characteristic measurements-Intrinsic surface impedance of high-TC superconductor films at microwave frequencies |
KS C 6111-4-2007 | 微波频率下大型高温超导体薄膜表面电阻的均匀性 | Homogeneity in the surface resistance of large high-Tc superconductor films at microwave frequencies |
KS C 6111-5-2008 | 微波频率下超导体薄膜厚度的测量 | Measurements of the thickness of superconductor films at microwave frequencies |
KS C 6111-6-2009 | 超导电力电缆直流临界电流测量方法 | Measurement method for the DC critical current of superconducting power cables |
KS C 6115-1999 | 报警系统.第2部:要求.第2部分:探测器基本要求 | Alarm systems-Part 2:Requirements for intruder alarm systems-Section Two-Requirements for detectors-General |
KS C 6120-1999 | 防盗报警系统.第7部分:室内用手动玻璃破损探测器 | Alarm systems-Part 2:Requirements for intruder alarm systems-Section 7:Passive glass-break detectors for use in buildings |
KS C 61249-2-2011 | 印制板和其它互连结构用材料.第2-10部分:包被和非包被增强基材.规定了易燃性的包铜改良或未改良的氰酸酯溴化环氧编织E型玻璃纤维增强层压板(垂直燃烧试验) | Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting strutures-Part 2-10:Reinforced base materials clad and unclad-Cyanate ester, brominated epoxide, modified or unmodified, woven E-glass reinforced laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad |
KS C 6200-2018 | 视频监控系统中稳定图像质量的环境试验方法.温度和湿度 | Environmental test methods for robust image quality in video surveillance systems - temperature and humidity |
KS C 6202-2003 | 电视接收机试验法 | Measuring methods of receivers for television broadcast transmissions |
KS C 6249-5-2000 | 印制线路板用铜箔 | Copper foil for printed wiring boards |
KS C 6306-1978 | 号筒扬声器 | Horn type loud speakers |
KS C 6307-1968 | 无线电设备标牌 | Name plates for radio equipments |
KS C 6308-2002 | 电子设备用小型电源变压器 | Power transformer for electronic equipment |
KS C 6384-19-2001 | 电子设备用固定电容器第19部分:分规范:金属化聚乙烯对苯二甲酸酯膜介质直流片式固定电容器 | Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment-Part 19:Sectional specification:Fixed metallizedpolyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric chip d.c. capacitors |
KS C 6384-20-2001 | 电子设备用固定电容器第20部分:分规范:金属化聚苯硫醚膜介质直流固定电容器 | Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment-Part 20:Sectionalspecification:Fixed metallized polyphenylene sulfide film dielectricchip d.c. capacitors |
KS C 6384-8-2001 | 电子设备用固定电容器第8部分:分规范:1级陶瓷介质固定电容器 | Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment-Part 8:Sectional specification:Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric, class 1 |
KS C 6384-9-2001 | 电子设备用固定电容器第9部分:分规范:陶瓷介质2级固定电容器 | Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment-Part 9:Sectional specification:Fixed capacitors of ceramicdielectric, class 2 |
KS C 6401-1981 | 电子机器交流电源用电容器通则 | General rules of AC mains supply capacitors for electronic equipment |
KS C 6402-2002 | 直流用纸电容器 | Fixed paper capacitors for direct current |
KS C 6403-2004 | 电子设备用固定电容器通则 | General rules of fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment |
KS C 6409-2002 | 普通碳膜可调电位器 | Carbon potentiometers for general use |
KS C 6410-2002 | 电子设备用2类瓷介固定电容器 | Fixed ceramic capacitors(Class 2) for electronic equipment |
KS C 6411-2002 | 电子设备用1类瓷介固定电容器 | Fixed ceramic capacitors class 1 for use in electronic equipment |
KS C 6415-2002 | 线绕可变电位器 | Wirewound potentiometers |
KS C 6416-2002 | 线绕可变电力电阻器 | Power type coated wire wound variable resistors |
KS C 6419-2002 | 线绕固定电力电阻器 | Fixed wire wound resistors-Power type |
KS C 6422-2002 | 电子设备用固定纸和塑料膜电容器通则 | General rules of fixed paper and plastic film capacitorsfor use in electronic equipment |
KS C 6423-2002 | 电子设备用固定云母电容器 | Fixed mica capacitors for use in electronic equipment |
KS C 6424-1999 | 电子设备用可变电阻器试验法 | Test methods of potentiometers for use in electronic equipment |
KS C 6430-2004 | 保证可靠性的电子元器件通则 | General rules for reliability assured electronic components |
KS C 6458-1997 | 多层印刷线路板用预浸料坯(玻璃布基,环氧化物树脂) | Prepreg for multilayer printed wiring boards (Epoxy resin-Impregnated glass cloth) |
KS C 6479-1991 | 干扰滤波器通则 | General rules of interference filter |
KS C 6490-2004 | 电子设备用a类调谐可变电容器通则 | General rules of variable tuning capacitors(type A) for electronic equipment |
KS C 6491-2004 | 电子设备用调谐可变电容器通则 | General rules of variable capacitors for electronics equipment |
KS C 6492-2004 | 电子设备用可变电容器试验法 | Test methods of variable capacitors for electronic equipment |
KS C 6494-1985 | 电子设备用c类预调电容器通则 | General rules of preset capacitors (Type C) for electronic equipment |
KS C 6502-1983 | 唱片 | Disk Records |
KS C 6504-1987 | 石英晶体振荡器恒温槽 | Ovens for Quartz Crystal Units |
KS C 6516-2006 | DVD读取记录的性能评估方法 | Performance evaluation method for the rewritable DVD pick-up |
KS C 6520-2008 | 半导体工艺零件的等离子耐磨性测试 | Components and materials of semiconductor process-Measurement of wear characteristics by plasma |
KS C 6521-2008 | 半导体/LCD工艺涂层评估方法 | Method of evaluation for coating components of semiconductor and LCD process |
KS C 6562-1996 | 半导体压力传感器元器件的额定和特性 | Essential ratings and characteristics for semiconductor pressure sensor elements |
KS C 6563-1996 | 半导体压力传感器元器件主要测定方法 | Principal measuring methods for semiconductor pressure sensor elements |
KS C 6564-2002 | 热式流量传感器试验方法 | Test methods of hot-film flow sensors |
KS C 6565-2002 | 半导体加速度传感器试验方法 | Test methods of semiconductor acceleration sensors |
KS C 6566-2002 | 可燃气传感器 | Gas sensors for detecting flammable gas |
KS C 6567-2004 | 热释电红外线传感器试验方法 | Pyroelectric infrared sensor |
KS C 6590-2007 | 可燃气体探测器的性能测试方法 | Performance requirements for combustible gas detectors |
KS C 6591-2007 | 可燃气体检测器的安装、操作和维护 | Installation, operation and maintenance of combustible gas detection instruments |
KS C 6592-2007 | 有毒气体检测器的性能进行测试的方法 | Performance requirements for toxic gas-Detection instruments:Hydrogen sulfide |
KS C 6593-2007 | 有毒气体探测器、安装、操作和维 | Installation, operation and maintenance of toxic gas-Detection instruments:Hydrogen sulfide |
KS C 6594-2007 | 氧传感器的性能测试方法 | Performance requirements for instruments used to detect oxygen-deficient/oxygen-enriched atmospheres |
KS C 6595-2007 | 氧传感器的安装、操作和维护 | Installation, operation and maintenance of instruments used to detect oxygen-deficient/oxygen-enriched atmospheres |
KS C 6596-2007 | 一氧化碳检测器性能试验方法 | Performance requirements for carbon monoxide detection instrument(50∼1 000 ppm full scale) |
KS C 6597-2007 | 一氧化碳检测器的安装、操作和维护 | Installation, operation and maintenance of carbon monoxide detection instruments |
KS C 6598-2007 | 住宅可燃气体探测器的性能测试方法 | Electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases in domestic premises-Test methods and performance requirements |
KS C 6599-2007 | 住宅可燃气体探测器的选择、安装、操作和维护 | Installation, operation and maintenance of combustible gases detection instruments in domestic premises |
KS C 6603-1971 | 波导管和法兰的型号编制方法 | Type designation system for waveguides and flanges |
KS C 6609-1997 | 单头插头和插座 | Concentric plugs and jacks |
KS C 6710-1986 | 脉冲反射法超声波诊断设备的性能测试方法通则 | General Methods of Measuring the Performances of Ultrasonic Pulse echo Diagnostic Equipment |
KS C 6802-1971 | C型中波广播接收噪音抑制用地磁感应线圈 | Auxiliary earth coil for type C medium waves radio noise suppressors |
KS C 6810-1976 | vhf电视接收天线试验法 | Measurement Methods of Receiving Antenna for VHF Television Broadcast Transmissions |
KS C 6812-2002 | 电视接收机调压器 | Booster for television receiver |
KS C 6820-2007 | 光纤放大器总规范 | Generic specification of optical fiber amplifiers |
KS C 6821-2007 | 光纤放大器.试验方法基本规范.第1部分:增益参数的试验方法 | Optical fiber amplifiers-Test methods-Part 1:Test methods for gain parameters |
KS C 6827-2000 | 光纤放大器.试验方法基本规范.第7部分:带外插入损耗的试验方法 | Optical fiber amplifiers - Test methods -Part 7:Test methods for out-of-band insertion loses |
KS C 6900-2014 | 光电传输用手动元器件通则 | General rules of passive devices for fiber optic transmission |
KS C 6901-2014 | 光纤传输无源器件试验方法 | Test methods of passive devices for fiber optic transmission |
KS C 6902-2001 | 光学衰减器通则 | General rules of optical attenuators |
KS C 6903-1990 | 光开关通则 | General Rules of Optical Switches |
KS C 6904-2002 | 光开关试验法 | Test methods for optical switches |
KS C 6905-2001 | 光电传输用激光二极管通则 | General rules of laser diodes for fiber optic transmission |
KS C 6906-2001 | 光电传输用激光二极管试验法 | Test methods of laser diodes for fiber optic transmission |
KS C 6910-2002 | 光电分路器通则 | General rules of fiber optic branching devices |
KS C 6911-1995 | 干扰滤波器试验法 | Test methods of interference filter |
KS C 6912-1995 | 线偏振光束用光学隔离器通则 | General rules of optical isolators for light beam transmission |
KS C 6913-1995 | 线偏振光束用光学隔离器试验方法 | Test methods of optical isolators for light beam transmission |
KS C 6914-2002 | 光电传输用光学隔离器通则 | General rules of optical isolators for fiber optic transmission |
KS C 6915-1995 | 光电传输用光学隔离器试验法 | Test methods of optical isolators for fiber optic transmission |
KS C 6916-1995 | f11型光缆连接接头 | F11 Type connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6917-2001 | f12型光缆连接接头 | F12 Type connectors for optical fiber ribbons |
KS C 6918-1995 | 光频谱分析仪试验法 | Test methods of fiber-optic spectrum analyzer |
KS C 6920-2014 | 光缆通则 | General rules of optical fibers |
KS C 6921-2001 | 光缆机械特性试验法 | Test methods for mechanical characteristics of optical fibers |
KS C 6922-1995 | 多模光纤结构参数的试验方法 | Test methods for structural parameters of multimode optical fibers |
KS C 6923-2001 | 光缆衰减试验法 | Test methods for attenuation of optical fibers |
KS C 6924-1990 | 多模光纤频带宽度试验法 | Test methods for bandwidth of multimode optical fibers |
KS C 6925-1995 | 单模光纤结构参数的试验方法 | Test methods for structural parameters of single-mode optical fibers |
KS C 6928-1995 | 光缆用光功率计试验法 | Test methods of optical power meters for optical fiber |
KS C 6929-1995 | 光纤光源试验法 | Test methods for fiber optic test sources |
KS C 6930-2001 | 光缆编码 | Optical fiber cords |
KS C 6932-1995 | 石英玻璃多模光纤 | Silica glass multimode optical fibers |
KS C 6933-1990 | 多成分多模光纤 | Multicomponent glass multimode optical fibers |
KS C 6935-1995 | 石英玻璃单模光纤 | Silica glass single-mode optical fibers |
KS C 6936-1995 | 带型光纤 | Fiber ribbons |
KS C 6937-1995 | 带型光纤编码 | Optical fiber ribbon cords |
KS C 6938-2002 | 光缆熔接方法 | Optical fiber fusion splicing method |
KS C 6940-2014 | 中、高速光缆传输用传输、接收模块通则 | General rules of transmitting and/or receiving modules for middle and high speed fiber optic transmission |
KS C 6941-2014 | 中、高速光缆传输用传输、接收模块测定方法 | Measuring methods of transmitting and/or receiving modules for middle and high speed fiber optic transmission |
KS C 6942-2014 | 光缆传输用半导体激光模块通则 | General rule of laser diode modules for fiber optic transmission |
KS C 6943-2014 | 光纤传输用激光二极管组件试验方法 | Test methods of laser diode modules for fiber optic transmission |
KS C 6951-1993 | 全塑多模光纤结构参数试验法 | Test methods for structural parameters of all plastic multimode optical fibers |
KS C 6952-1993 | 全塑多模光纤机械特性试验法 | Test method for mechanical characteristics of all plastic multimode optical fibers |
KS C 6953-1997 | 全塑多模光纤编码 | All plastic multimode optical fiber cords |
KS C 6954-1997 | 全塑多模光纤 | All plastic multimode optical fibers |
KS C 6962-2001 | 玻璃纤维单芯光缆连接接头通则 | General rules of connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6970-2014 | f01型单芯光缆接头 | F01 Type connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6973-2014 | F03型单芯光缆接头 | F03 Type connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6974-2014 | F04型单芯光缆接头 | F04 Type connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6975-1997 | F05型单芯光缆接头 | F05 Type connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6976-1997 | F06型单芯光缆接头 | F06 Type connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6977-2002 | f07型2芯光缆接头 | F07 Type connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6978-2002 | f08型2芯光缆接头 | F08 type connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6979-1997 | F09型单芯光缆接头 | F09 Type connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6980-1997 | F10型单芯光缆接头 | F10 Type connectors for optical fiber cables |
KS C 6984-2014 | f14型光缆接头 | F14 Type connectors for optical fibre cables |
KS C 6985-2014 | 光纤连接器接头的表面缺陷评价方法 | Evaluation method of surface defect on fibre optic connector interfaces |
KS C 6986-2014 | 光纤连接器接头的几何偏差评价方法 | Evaluation method of geometrical deviation on fibre optic connector interfaces |
KS C 7001-1979 | 电子管插座 | Sockets for Electronic Tubes |
KS C 7003-2017 | 小信号二极管测定方法 | Measuring methods for small signal diodes |
KS C 7023-1978 | 反向阻挡三极闸流晶体管试验法 | Testing Methods for Reverse Blocking Triode Thyristors |
KS C 7024-1978 | 电子管术语 | Glossary of terms for electron tubes |
KS C 7026-2013 | 音频和视频机器用遥控接收器 | Remote control receiver for audio/video system |
KS C 7027-2011 | 多媒体设备用的直流电源 | DC power supply for multimedia players |
KS C 7103-2005 | 显示用有机发光二极管(OLED)的额定值和特性 | Organic Light Emitting Diode(OLED) display-Essential ratings and characteristics |
KS C 7104-2005 | 发光二极管(LED)的性能评价方法 | Standard of measuring the performance of light emitting diodes |
KS C 7105-2007 | 等离子显示器(PDP).PDP模块的玻璃板表面温度测定方法 | Plasma display panels - Measuring method of glass surface temperature on PDP module |
KS C 7106-2007 | 电场发射式显示器(FED)术语和定义 | Terms and definitions of FED |
KS C 7107-2007 | 等离子显示板.加速寿命试验(ALT) | Plasma display panels - Accelerated life tests |
KS C 7108-2007 | 等离子显示板.PDP模块、视觉质量的测量方法 | Plasma display panels - Visual quality inspection method of PDP module |
KS C 7109-2007 | 等离子显示板.PDP模块的噪声测量方法 | Plasma display panels-Measuring method of acoustic noise on PDP module |
KS C 7110-2007 | 液晶显示装置.液晶显示器背光源的测量方法 | Liquid crystal display devices-Measurement methods of backlight unit for liquid crystal displays |
KS C 7111-2007 | 音频、视频和相关设备的功率消耗的测量方法 | Measurement methods on power consumption for audio, video and multimedia systems and equipment |
KS C 7112-2007 | 有机发光二极管(OLED)显示.环境可靠性试验方法 | Organic light emitting diode(OLED) displays-Environmental reliability test methods |
KS C 7113-2008 | 等离子显示板(PDP).铁珠跌落试验 | Plasma Display panel(PDP)-Steel ball dropping test |
KS C 7114-2008 | 等离子显示板(PDP).视频认知分辨率的测量方法 | Plasma display panels(PDP)-Measuring method of moving picture resolution |
KS C 7115-2008 | 有机发光二极管(OLED)显示器.器具耐久性试验方法 | Organic light emitting diode(OLED) displays-Mechanical endurance test methods |
KS C 7116-2008 | 有机发光二极管(OLED)显示器.余像测量方法 | Organic light emitting diode(OLED) displays-Measuring method of image sticking |
KS C 7120-1990 | 发光二极管(显示用) | Light Emitting Diodes(for Indication) |
KS C 7121-1990 | 发光二极管(显示用)测定方法 | Measuring Methods for Light Emitting Diodes (for Indication) |
KS C 7202-1990 | 保证可靠性的模拟半导体集成电路通则 | General Rules for Reliability Assured Analogue Semiconducter Integrated Circuits |
KS C 7203-1990 | 保证可靠性的单块集成电路运算放大器 | Reliability Assured Monolithic Operational Amplifier |
KS C 7501-2003 | 普通照明灯 | Incandescent lamps for general lighting service |
KS C 7502-1985 | 汽车用灯 | Lamp Bulbs for Motor Vehicles |
KS C 7504-2010 | 家庭用小型灯 | Small lamps for household use |
KS C 7507-2001 | 铁路用灯 | Lamps for railway |
KS C 7514-2014 | 聚光灯和泛光灯 | Spot light and flood light lamps |
KS C 7521-1977 | 光度标准灯(普通用) | Standard lamps of luminous intensity (General use) |
KS C 7522-2005 | 氖光灯 | Neon glow lamps |
KS C 7523-2014 | 卤钨灯 | Tungsten halogen lamps(non-vehicle) |
KS C 7524-2001 | 道路交通信号灯 | Traffic signal lamps |
KS C 7526-1989 | 灯泡 | BALL LAMPS |
KS C 7528-2018 | led交通信号灯 | LED traffic signals |
KS C 7601-2017 | 荧光灯(普通照明用) | Fluorescent lamps for general lighting service |
KS C 7602-2002 | 荧光灯用辉光启动器 | Glow starters for fluorescent lamps |
KS C 7603-2014 | 荧光灯灯架 | Lighting fittings for fluorescent lamps |
KS C 7604-2003 | 高压水银灯 | High pressure mercury vapour lamps |
KS C 7605-1967 | 光度测定用标准荧光灯的光度测定方法 | Photometric measurement on standard fluorescent lamps |
KS C 7606-1977 | 光度测定用标准水银灯的光度测定方法 | Photometric measurement on standard mercury- arc lamps |
KS C 7607-2014 | 金属卤化物灯 | Metalhalide lamps |
KS C 7610-2003 | 钠灯 | Sodium vapour Lamps |
KS C 7612-1987 | 照明测量方法 | Illuminance measurements for lighting installations |
KS C 7613-1999 | 照明区域亮度测量方法 | Methods of luminance measurements in lighting fields |
KS C 7614-1987 | 亮度测量用标准白炽灯的亮度测量方法 | Photometric measurements on incandescent lamps used for photometric standards |
KS C 7617-2003 | 氖管灯 | Neon tubings |
KS C 7618-1976 | 双重绝缘照明灯具和全绝缘照明灯具通则 | Requirements for Double- insulated and All- insulated Lighting Fittings |
KS C 7619-1979 | 内置反射镜的投影机用灯的亮度测定方法 | Photometric measurement on mirror - condenser lamps for projector |
KS C 7620-2003 | 铁路车辆用日光灯具 | Luminaries for fluorescent lamps for use in railway vehicles |
KS C 7621-2017 | 内置镇流器的灯 | Self ballasted lamps |
KS C 7631-1998 | 荧光灯电子启动器 | Electronic starters for fluorescent lamps |
KS C 7651-2018 | 自镇流LED灯 | Self-ballasted LED lamps |
KS C 7652-2018 | 无镇流器LED灯 | Non-ballasted LED lamps |
KS C 7653-2018 | 嵌入式LED灯具和固定式LED灯具 | Recessed LED luminaires and fixed LED luminaires |
KS C 7654-2009 | LED应急灯具的安全和性能要求 | LED emergency luminaires-Safety and performance requirements |
KS C 7655-2018 | LED模块电源供给用转换器的安全和性能要求 | Electronic control gear for LED modules |
KS C 7656-2018 | 便携式LED/OLED灯具 | Portable LED/OLED luminaires |
KS C 7657-2018 | LED传感器灯具 | LED sensor luminaires |
KS C 7658-2017 | 道路、街道和区域照明用LED灯具 | LED luminaires for road, street and area lighting |
KS C 7659-2013 | 字符标志版用LED模块的安全和性能要求 | LED module for channel letter signs-Safety and performance requirements |
KS C 7702-1996 | 灯头、灯座 | Lamp caps and holders |
KS C 7703-2014 | 荧光灯座和启动器座 | Lampholders and starterholders for fluorescent lamps |
KS C 7704-1984 | 荧光灯的玻璃管 | Glass tubing for fluorescent lamps |
KS C 7705-1989 | 玻璃灯管表示方法 | Designation Method for Glass Bulbs of Lamps |
KS C 7706-1968 | 炽热钨丝电灯泡灯丝表示方法 | Designation methods for filament of incandescent Tungsten lamps |
KS C 7708-1989 | 灯的试验法通则 | General Rules of Testing Method for Lamps |
KS C 7711-2018 | LED地面嵌入式灯具 | LED ground recessed luminaires |
KS C 7712-2018 | LED泛光照明灯具 | LED flood-lighting luminaires |
KS C 7713-2018 | LED景观照明 | LED landscape lighting |
KS C 7714-2016 | LED航空障碍系统 | LED aviation obstruction system |
KS C 7716-2018 | LED隧道灯具 | LED tunnel luminaires |
KS C 7717-2018 | LED人行横道灯具 | LED crosswalk luminaires |
KS C 7718-2016 | 机场LED嵌入式灯 | LED inset light for airport |
KS C 7719-2012 | LED手电筒 | LED handlamps |
KS C 7801-2007 | 无极荧光灯.性能 | Fluorescent induction lamps-Performance requirements |
KS C 7802-2007 | 无极荧光灯.安全 | Fluorescent induction lamps-Safety requirements |
KS C 8000-1992 | 照明灯具通则 | Luminaires |
KS C 8001-1990 | 防爆照明灯具通则 | Luminaires for Explosive Atmospheres |
KS C 8003-1986 | 防爆便携式灯具通则 | Hand lanterns for explosive atmospheres |
KS C 8009-1975 | 亮度分布测定方法(照明用反射体) | Measuring procedures for light intensity distribution of reflectors for lighting fittings |
KS C 8010-2014 | 公路照明灯具 | Luminaries for road lighting |
KS C 8013-2002 | 放电灯用交流电子镇流器 | A.C supplied electronic ballasts for discharge lamps |
KS C 8014-2011 | 普通照明面碳纳米管(CNT)的光源.安全要求 | Carbon nanotube(CNT) panel for general lighting-Safety requirements |
KS C 8015-2017 | 一般照明用碳纳米管(CNT)板性能要求 | Carbon nanotube(CNT) panel for general lighting-Performance requirements |
KS C 8016-2011 | 普通照明用OLED面板.安全要求事项 | OLED panels for general lighting-Safety requirements |
KS C 8017-2011 | 普通照明用OLED面板.性能要求事项 | OLED panels for general lightings-Performance requirements |
KS C 8056-1-2005 | 小型铅酸蓄电池.第1部分:通用要求、功能特性和试验方法 | Small-sized sealed lead-acid batteries(Valve regulated types)-Part 1:General requirements, functional characteristics-Methods of test |
KS C 8056-2-2005 | 小型铅酸蓄电池.第2部分:尺寸、端子和标志 | Small-sized sealed lead-acid batteries(Valve regulated types)-Part 2:Dimensions, terminals and marking |
KS C 8056-3-2005 | 小型铅酸蓄电池.第3部分:电器使用安全要求 | Small-sized sealed lead-acid batteries(Valve regulated types)-Part 3:Safety recommendations for use in electric appliances |
KS C 8100-2014 | 管形荧光灯用交流电子镇流器 | AC supplied electronic ballast for fluorescent lamps |
KS C 8102-2004 | 管形荧光灯用磁镇流器 | Magnetic ballasts for fluorescent lamps |
KS C 8103-2007 | 荧光灯台灯 | Table study lamps for fluorescent lamps |
KS C 8104-2005 | 高压水银灯镇流器 | Ballasts for high pressure mercury vapour lamps |
KS C 8105-1985 | 提灯 | Hand Lanterns |
KS C 8107-1979 | 白炽灯投影机 | Projectors for incandescent lamps (Flood light type) |
KS C 8108-2018 | 钒灯镇流器 | Ballasts for sodium vapour lamps |
KS C 8109-2018 | 金属卤化物灯镇流器 | Ballasts for metalhalide lamps |
KS C 8110-1992 | 公用照明用光电控制器 | Photoelectric Controls for Public Lighting |
KS C 8111-2008 | 配线设备试验法 | Testing methods for wiring devices |
KS C 8300-2008 | 灯具插头 | Appliance couplers for domestic and similar use |
KS C 8302-2014 | 爱迪生螺口灯座 | Edison screw lampholders |
KS C 8303-1992 | 链熔线 | Link-Fuses |
KS C 8304-1990 | 低压电路用箱子开关 | Enclosed Switches for Low Voltage Circuits (AC 600V and below) |
KS C 8305-2011 | 配线用插头和插座 | Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar purposes |
KS C 8308-1990 | 自动调温器 | Thermostats |
KS C 8309-2014 | 室内用小型开关 | Small switches for indoor use |
KS C 8311-1990 | 有盖闸刀开关 | Knife Switches with Cover |