2019-07-23 20:42标准号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
KS C 0008-1987 | 音响术语(录音、播放) | Glossary of acoustical terms (sound recording and sound reproducing) |
KS C 0073-1989 | 氙灯标准白色光源 | Xenon standard white light source |
KS C 0074-1985 | 比色测定用标准照明体及标准光源 | Standard illuminants and sources for colorimetry |
KS C 0075-2017 | 光源显色性评价方法 | Method of specifying colour rendering properties of light sources |
KS C 0076-1990 | 分布温度、色温度及有关色温度测定法 | Methods for determining distribution temperature and colour temperature or correlated co1our temperature of light sources |
KS C 0103-1978 | 连续控制符号 | Symbols for Sequential Control |
KS C 0119-9-2001 | 环境条件参数分级.第3部:环境参数和严酷等级分类.便携及移动使用条件 | Classification of environmental conditions- Part 3 : Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities- Section 9 : Microclimates inside products |
KS C 0120-2007 | 电子电器产品有害物质的管理.自我检测指南 | Guidance for self declaration of conformity about management of hazardous substance of electrical and electronics |
KS C 0211-1995 | 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程.电工电子产品着火危险试验(电子元件着火危险评定技术要求和试验规范制订导则) | Fire hazard testing part 1 : Guidance for the preparation of requirements and test specifications for assessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products Guidance for electronic components |
KS C 0212-1995 | 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程.接触点和连接件的二氧化硫试验导则 | Basic environmental testing procedures Part 2 : Tests Guidance to Test Kd : Hydrogen sulphide test for contacts and connections |
KS C 0213-1995 | 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程.大气腐蚀加速试验的通用导则 | An appraisal of the problems of accelerated testing for atmospheric corrosion |
KS C 0214-2007 | 环境试验方法 | Test method standard for environmental tests |
KS C 0230-2005 | 电工电子产品着火危险试验.用发热器的不良接融试验方法 | Fire hazard testing-Part 2:Test methods- Bad-connection test with heaters |
KS C 0231-1990 | 电工电子产品着火危险试验.第2部:用发热器的不良接融试验方法 | Standard conditions for operation in service of low-voltage switchgear and fuses |
KS C 0233-2001 | 电工·电子产品基本环境试验规程.低温、减压复合试验 | Environmental testing Part 2:Tests- Test Z/AM:Combines cold/low air pressure tests |
KS C 0234-2001 | 电工·电子产品基本环境试验规程.高温、减压复合试验 | Environmental testing Part 2:Tests- Test Z/BM:Combined dry heat/low air pressure tests |
KS C 0236-1994 | 电子产品用胶带(表面安装设备) | Basic environmental testing procedures Test Ta:Soldering Solderability testing by the wetting balance method |
KS C 0245-2001 | 环境试验方法.电工·电子产品.接触点和连接件的二氧化硫试验方法 | Basic environmental testing procedures Part 2 : Tests-Test Kc : Sulphur dioxide test for contacts and connections |
KS C 0246-2001 | 环境试验方法.电工·电子产品.接触点和连接件的硫化氢试验方法 | Basic environmental testing procedures Part 2:Tests-test Kd: Hydrogen sulphide test for contacts and connections |
KS C 0248-59-2001 | 环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Fe:振动-正弦拍频法 | Environmental testing-Part 2:Test methods- Test Fe : Vibration-Sine-beat method |
KS C 0250-2005 | 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程.锡焊试验方法 | Basic environmental testing procedures-Part 2:Tests Test T:Soldering |
KS C 0251-2001 | 环境试验方法.电工·电子产品.终端强度试验方法 | Environmental testing-Part 2-21: Tests-Test U: Robustness of terminations and integral mounting devices |
KS C 0256-2002 | 硅晶体和硅圆片的利用四点探测器的电阻率测定方法 | Testing method of resistivity for silicon crystals and silicon wafers with four - point probe |
KS C 0261-1995 | 电工·电子产品着火危险试验.针焰试验 | Fire hazard testing Part 2:Test methods Section 2:Needle-flame test |
KS C 0262-2014 | 电磁兼容.试验和测量技术.电工电子产品和信息处理器无线电抗扰度试验法 | Limits and methods of measurements of radio interference characteristics of electerical, electronic and information equipments |
KS C 0268-1995 | 电磁兼容.试验和测量技术.供电系统及所连设备谐波、谐间波的测量和测量仪器导则 | Electromagnetic Compatibility-Testing and measurement techniques -General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurements and instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment conducted thereto |
KS C 0271-1995 | 电磁兼容.试验和测量技术.阻尼振荡磁场抗扰度试验 | Electromagnetic compatibility-Testing and measurement techniques -Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity test |
KS C 0273-1997 | 电磁兼容.试验和测量技术.瞬时停电和电压变化抗扰度试验 | Fire hazard testing Part 2 : Test methods-Section 4/sheet 0 : Diffusion type and premixed type flame test methods |
KS C 0274-1997 | 电工电子产品着火危险试验.耐火性试验:1k标准混合火焰试验方法 | Fire hazard testing Part 2 : Test methods-Section 4/sheet 1 : 1kW nominal pre-mixed test flame and guidance |
KS C 0275-1997 | 电工电子产品着火危险试验.耐火性试验:燃烧热腐蚀损坏评价 | Fire hazard testing Part 5 : Assessment of potentia1 corrosion damage by fire effluent |
KS C 0276-1997 | 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程.试验kc:接触点和连接件的二氧化硫试验方法 | Background environmental testing procedures Part2 : Tests Guidance to Test Kc : Sulphur dioxide test for contacts and connections |
KS C 0279-1997 | 环境条件分类第2部分:自然温湿度环境条件 | Classification of environmental conditions Part 2:Environmental conditions apearing in nature-Temperature and humidity |
KS C 0280-1997 | 环境条件分类第3部分:环境参数组的分类及其严酷程度介绍 | Classification of environmental conditions Part 3:Classification of groups of environmenta1 parameters and their severities Introduction |
KS C 0281-1997 | 环境条件分类第2部分:自然降水和风中出现的环境条件 | Classification of environmental conditions Part 2 : Environmental conditions appearing in nature Precipitation and wind |
KS C 0287-2002 | 电工电子产品环境试验.表面安装器件的可焊性、电极的耐锡焊溶解度及锡焊耐热性试验法 | Environmental test-Tests-Test Td:Test methods for solderability, resistance to dissolution of metallization and to soldering heat of surface mounting device(SMD) |
KS C 0288-2002 | 电工电子产品着火危险试验.电子元件火灾危险评定技术要求和试验规范制订导则 | Environmental testing-Fire hazard testing-Part 1-1:Guidance for Assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products-General guidelines |
KS C 0290-1997 | 电工电子产品着火危险试验.第1部分:着火危险评定技术要求和试验规范制订导则.预选规程使用导则 | Fire hazard testing Part l : Guidance for the preparation of requirements and test specifications for assessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products Guidance for use preselection procedures |
KS C 0291-2002 | 测定固体电气绝缘材料暴露在引燃源后燃烧性能的试验方法 | Environmental testing-Flammability of solid non-metallic materials when exposed to flame sources-list of test methods |
KS C 0295-2004 | 电工电子产品着火危险试验.耐火性试验:500w标准火焰试验及导则 | Fire hazard testing-Part 11-3:Test flames-500 W flames-Apparatus and confirmational test methods |
KS C 0296-1999 | 电工电子产品着火危险试验.耐火性试验:电工电子产品的燃烧排放有毒物质危害最低化导则 | Fire hazard testing Part 7:Guidance on the minimization of toxic hazards due to fires involving electrotechnical products Section 1:General |
KS C 0297-1999 | 环境条件分级.环境参数分类及其严酷程度分级贮藏条件 | Classification of environmental conditionsPart 3:Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities Storage |
KS C 0298-1999 | 环境条件分级.自然环境条件.气压 | Classification of environmental conditionsPart 2:Environmental conditions appearing in nature Air pressure |
KS C 0299-1999 | 环境条件分级.环境参数分类及其严酷程度分级.室内固定使用条件 | Classification of environmental conditionsPart 3:Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severitiesSection 3:Stationary use at weatherprotected locations |
KS C 0300-1999 | 环境条件分级.环境参数分类及其严酷程度分级.户外固定使用条件 | Classification of environmental conditionsPart 3:Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severitiesSection 4:Stationary use at nonweatherprotected locations |
KS C 0301-1990 | 室内布线图形符号 | Graphical Symbols of Interior Wiring Diagram for Architectual Plans |
KS C 0304-1-2009 | SLF范围磁屏蔽效能测试方法 | Test method of magnetic shielding effectiveness in SLF range |
KS C 0304-2014 | 平面材料电磁屏蔽效能测试方法 | Method of measurement for the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of planar materials |
KS C 0305-2014 | 平面形电磁屏蔽材料的电磁吸收效果测定法 | Test method of measurement for the electromagnetic wave absorbing effectiveness of planar electromagnetic wave absorbing materials |
KS C 0308-2005 | 影像标志装置(VDU)的人间亲和性测量基准基准.第3部:平板型(FPD)显示器人类亲和性测量方法及测量的限定值 | Ergonomic measuring criteria for the VDUs-Part 3:Limits and methods of ergonomic measurement for the FPD type monitor |
KS C 0309-2005 | 影像标志装置(VDU)的人间亲和性测量基准基准.第4部:平板型(FPD)显示器电动力(EMF)测量方法及测量的限定值 | Ergonomic measuring criteria for the VDUs-Part 4:Limits and methods of EMF measurement for the FPD type monitor |
KS C 0501-2014 | 标准电压 | Standard system voltages |
KS C 0503-2002 | 保险丝术语 | Glossary of terms for fuses |
KS C 0806-1977 | 电子器械部件的额定电压颜色标志 | Co1or code for electronic parts |
KS C 0921-2014 | 考虑电子电器产品标准的环境 | Environmental aspects — Inclusion in electrotechnical product standards |
KS C 0922-2014 | 物质宣言设问调查书的制作.基本指南 | Materials declaration questionnaires — Basic guidelines |
KS C 0923-2014 | 设计时考虑环境.集成电子技术产品的设计及开发的环境 | Environmentally conscious design —Integrating environmental aspects into design and development of electrotechnical products |
KS C 0924-2014 | IT产业的环境用语及定义 | IT industry of environment-vocabulary |
KS C 0925-2015 | 冲突矿物供应链的事实执行指南 | General implementation guidance for supply chains' due diligence on conflict minerals |
KS C 1001-1970 | 仪器用变压器的冲击电压试验 | Impulse voltage testing for instrument transformers |
KS C 1004-1997 | 金属电阻材料的热电动势试验法 | Testing method for thermo-electromotive force of metallic resistance materials |
KS C 1010-2-2000 | 测量、控制和试验室电气设备的安全要求.第2-31部分:电气测量和测试的手提式探测器总成特殊要求 | Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use-Part 2-31:Particular requirements for hand-held probe assemblies electrical measurement and test |
KS C 1010-2-2000 | 测量、控制和试验室电气设备的安全要求.第2-32部分:电气测量和测试的手提式电流夹钳的特殊要求 | Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use-Part 2-32:Particular requirements for hand-held current clamps for electrical measurement and test |
KS C 1100-1978 | 电子测量仪器术语 | Glossary of terms used in electronic measuring apparatus |
KS C 1201-2010 | 电度表通则 | General rules for electricity meters |
KS C 1203-2005 | 电度表.气候性试验方法 | Weather-proof performance of electricity meters |
KS C 1206-2010 | 无功电度表 | Var-hour meters |
KS C 1208-2010 | 交流有功电度表(直接连接式) | Alternating-current electromechanical watt-hour meters |
KS C 1211-1978 | 最大需要电量电度表 | Maximum demand meters |
KS C 1213-1997 | 最大需要电量电控制器 | Demand Controller |
KS C 1214-2010 | 电磁式有功/无功电度表.有效0.2级,0.5级,1.0级,2.0级;无效2.0级,3.0级 | Static meters for active/reactive energy(class 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 for active energy and class 2.0, 3.0 for reactive energy) |
KS C 1218-1986 | 都普勒超声胎儿诊断仪 | Ultrasonic Doppler Fetal Diagnostic Equipment |
KS C 1223-2014 | 重力中心调节器 | Stabilometers |
KS C 1231-1-2011 | 智能型电量表—第1部分:技能及要求事项. | The Smart Meter-Part 1:Function requirements |
KS C 1232-2018 | 智能测量家用COSEM对象模型定义 | Smart Metering ─ COSEM object models for Home use - Definitions |
KS C 1233-2-2018 | 智能计量安全模块第2部分:交换接口和命令 | Smart Metering ─ Security module ─ Part 2: Interface and commands for exchange |
KS C 1234-1-2018 | 智能计量水表第1部分:通用要求 | Smart Metering ─ Water Metering ─ Part 1: General requirements |
KS C 1234-2-2018 | 智能计量水表第2-1部分:TTL通信协议 | Smart Metering ─ Water Metering ─ Part 2-1: TTL communication protocol |
KS C 1234-5-2018 | 智能计量水表第5部分:数据模型和命令 | Smart Metering ─ Water Metering ─ Part 5: Data Models and Commands |
KS C 1235-2018 | 智能电表——智能电表固件升级要求 | Smart Metering ─ Requirements for Smart Meter Firmware Upgrade |
KS C 1236-2018 | 智能计量电子仪表软件评价指南 | Smart Metering ─ Guidelines for Evaluation of software for Electronic meters |
KS C 1237-3-2018 | 智能计量通信协议第3-1部分:基于IEEE 802.15.4G的HDLC射频通信协议 | Smart Metering ─ Communication protocol ─ Part 3-1: HDLC RF communication profile based IEEE 802.15.4g |
KS C 1237-3-2018 | 智能计量通信协议第3-2部分:基于IEEE802.15.4G的IP射频网格通信协议 | Smart Metering ─ Communication protocol ─ Part 3-2:IP RF mesh communication profile based IEEE 802.15.4g |
KS C 1301-2014 | 绝缘电阻器(磁发电机式) | Insulation resistance testers(magneto generator operated) |
KS C 1302-2014 | 绝缘电阻器(电池式) | Insulation resistance testers(battery operated) |
KS C 1306-2013 | 电路试验器 | Circuit testers |
KS C 1310-2014 | 接地检查仪 | Earth testers |
KS C 1503-1978 | 噪音表 | Volume Unit Meters |
KS C 1508-1998 | 声级及振动级计 | Level recorders for recording sound level and/or vibration level |
KS C 1601-1993 | 照度计 | Illuminance meters |
KS C 1602-2009 | 热电偶 | Thermocouples |
KS C 1603-2016 | 测温电阻器 | Resistance Bulbs |
KS C 1604-2017 | 指示型电阻温度计 | Indicating resistance thermometers |
KS C 1606-1991 | 温度测量.电子法 | Electrica1 Methods of Temperature Measurements |
KS C 1607-2002 | 动圈式点温记录器 | Moving coil type point system recording thermometers |
KS C 1608-2017 | 热电温度计 | Indicating thermoelectric thermometers |
KS C 1609-2008 | 导线(影响)补偿器 | Compensating lead wires |
KS C 1611-1982 | 工业用电子自动平行记录仪 | Electronic Self-Balancing Recorders for Industrial Use |
KS C 1613-2009 | 热电电子温度计 | Thermoelectric digital thermometer |
KS C 1614-2009 | 电阻式电子温度计 | Resistance digital thermometer |
KS C 1615-2017 | 金属铠装热电偶 | Metal sheathed thermocouples |
KS C 1616-1992 | 金属铠装温度计电阻传感器 | Metal sheathed resistance thermometer sensors |
KS C 1705-1979 | 分流器 | Shunts |
KS C 1706-1982 | 器械用变压器(标准及普通器械) | instrument transformers for testing purpose and used with general instrument |
KS C 1707-2011 | 器械用变压器(电量计用) | Instrument transformers for metering service |
KS C 1708-2005 | 直流.交流变换器 | Electrical measuring transducers for converting A.C.electrical quantities into D.C. electrical quantities |
KS C 1801-1986 | 心音图仪 | Phonocardiographs |
KS C 1803-2001 | 胎儿监视器 | Fetal monitors |
KS C 1805-2014 | 医疗用电器设备图形标志 | Graphical symbols for medical electrical equipment |
KS C 1929-1-2017 | U-Healthcare——网关——基本安全和性能的特殊要求 | U-healthcare ─ gateway ─ Particular requirements for the basic safety and performance |
KS C 1929-2-2017 | u-healthcare——心电图机——基本安全和性能的特殊要求 | U-healthcare ─ electrocardiograph ─ Particular requirements for the basic safety and performance |
KS C 1929-3-2017 | U-Healthcare血糖仪基本安全和性能的特殊要求 | U-healthcare ─ glucose meter ─ Particular requirements for the basic safety and performance |
KS C 2001-1998 | 工业自动化仪表及控制设备性能表示法 | Test method of thermal life evaluation of solid electrical insulating materials by mechanical strength |
KS C 2002-1998 | 塑料材料的耐热寿命评价法.热重分析法 | Test method of thermal life evaluation of plastics by thermogravimetry |
KS C 2006-1998 | 热塑性塑料的球压测试法 | Testing method for ball pressure of thermoplastics |
KS C 2007-2014 | 热硬化塑料绝缘材料的抵抗率试验方法 | Testing methods for resistance of thermosetting plastic insulating materials |
KS C 2101-2017 | 电气绝缘油试验方法 | Testing methods of electrical insulating oils |
KS C 2104-2014 | 绝缘云母产品试验法 | Testing methods for electrical insulating mica products |
KS C 2105-2003 | 固体绝缘材料的耐电压试验方法 | Testing methods for electric strengthof solid insulating materials |
KS C 2112-2003 | 电气绝缘非溶剂液态树脂测试法 | Testing methods of solventless liquid resins for electrical insulation |
KS C 2115-2003 | 电气绝缘陶瓷材料试验法 | Testing methods of ceramic insulators for electricaland electronic applications |
KS C 2117-1996 | 非金属磁性材料的复合介电常数测定法 | Testing method for complex dielectric constant of nonmetallic magnetic materials at high frequencies |
KS C 2118-1996 | 交流磁性试验法(电力频率) | Testing method for alternating-current magnetic properties of materials at power frequencies using the wattmeter- ammeter-voltmeter method and 25cm epstein test frame |
KS C 2119-1996 | 交流磁性试验法(迪塔特式架桥法) | Testing method for alternating-current magnetic properties of materials at power frequencies using the wattmeter- ammeter-voltmeter method and 25cm epstein test frame |
KS C 2127-1996 | 绝缘材料的耐电压试验法 | Testing method for proof-voltage testing of thin solid electrical insulating materials |
KS C 2128-1996 | 塑料及其他绝缘的耐冲击电阻试验方法 | Testing methods for impact resistance of plastics and electrical insulating materials |
KS C 2130-1996 | 固体绝缘材料的高压电、低电流、电弧电阻试验法 | Testing method for high-voltage, low-current, dry arc resistance of solid electrical insulation |
KS C 2131-1996 | 固体绝缘材料的击穿电压和介电强度测定法 | Testing method for dielectric breakdown voltage and dielectric strength of solid electrical insulating materials |
KS C 2132-1996 | 聚烯烃氧化诱导期试验(差示扫描量热法) | Testing method for oxidative-induction time of polyolefins by differential scanning calorimetry |
KS C 2134-1996 | 聚烯烃氧化诱导期试验(差示扫描量热法) | Testing method for dissipation factor and permittivity parallel with laminations of laminated sheet and plate materials |
KS C 2135-1996 | 固体绝缘材料的交流损失特性和介电常数测定法 | Testing methods for AC loss characteristics and permittivity(Dielectric constant) of solid electrical insulation |
KS C 2136-1996 | 高频率和高温中固体绝缘材料的复合电常数测测定法 | Testing methods for complex permittivity (Dielectric constant) of solid electrical insulating materials at high frequencies and high temperatures |
KS C 2139-2002 | 磁性材料的居里温度测定方法 | Standards of testing method for Curie temperature of magnetic materials |
KS C 2140-2003 | 钢电介质传导温度测定方法 | Standards of testing method forphase transition temperature of ferroelectrics |
KS C 2150-2008 | 高频率区(500MHz∼10GHz)里电解质薄膜的导电率及电解质损失测量方法 | Measuring method of dielectric constant and dielectric loss of dielectric thin film at the high frequency ranges(500 MHz∼10 GHz) |
KS C 2202-2006 | 蓄电池用隔离板 | Separators for lead-acid batteries |
KS C 2206-2002 | 铅酸蓄电池玻璃毡片 | Glass mats for lead-acid batteries |
KS C 2207-2002 | 铅酸蓄电池槽 | Containers for lead-acid batteries |
KS C 2212-2002 | 电容器用涂金属膜聚酯薄膜(交流型) | Metallized polyester film for capacitors |
KS C 2301-2017 | 电气绝缘油 | Electrical insulating oils |
KS C 2302-2014 | 绝缘棉胶布 | Cotton-rubber adhesive tapes for electrical insulation |
KS C 2306-2003 | 绝缘聚氯乙烯胶布 | Pressuresensitive adhesive polyvinyl chloridetapes for electrical insulation |
KS C 2310-2014 | 对苯二酸盐布底浸漆布 | Terephthalate-fabric based varnished fabrics |
KS C 2312-2003 | 电气绝缘清漆试验法 | Testing methods of varnishes for electrical insulation |
KS C 2313-2003 | 绝缘纸试验法 | Testing methods of electrical insulating papers,pressboard and presspaper |
KS C 2321-2014 | 漆包线的涂漆 | Varnishes for enameled wires |
KS C 2322-2003 | 线圈绝缘纸 | Coil insulating papers |
KS C 2324-2003 | 电工用聚酯薄膜和绝缘纸 | Combined flexible materials consisting of polyester films and insulating papers for electrical purposes |
KS C 2325-2003 | 烘干线圈漆 | Heat baking coil varnishes |
KS C 2334-2003 | 烘烤干燥清漆线圈 | Baking heat resisting coil varnish |
KS C 2335-2005 | 电气绝缘云母片剥离及未处理云母片 | Mica paper |
KS C 2337-2003 | 两面硅胶粘合玻璃布 | Silicone rubber coated glass cloths on both sides |
KS C 2344-2003 | 电工用聚酯薄膜 | Polyester films for electrical purposes |
KS C 2347-2003 | 电气绝缘聚酯胶带 | Pressure-sensitive polyester adhesive tapes for electrical insulation |
KS C 2351-2014 | 玻璃布底涂漆布 | Glass-fabric based varnished fabrics |
KS C 2356-2003 | 自然干燥涂漆线圈 | Air drying coil varnishes |
KS C 2363-2002 | 电气绝缘双面云母纸 | Mica with paper on both sides(Sheets and tapes) |
KS C 2364-2002 | 软云母 | Flexible mica materials |
KS C 2375-2006 | 色谱法的高峰模式PCBs(聚氯化萘)进行对比的分析方法 | Analytical method of polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)by gas chromatography peak pattern comparison |
KS C 2507-1980 | 通讯仪器用电触头材料 | Electric contact material for electric communication equipment and apparatus |
KS C 2508-2003 | 流脂助焊料 | Resin flux cored solders |
KS C 2509-2002 | 树脂助焊料试验法 | Testing method for resin type soldering flux |
KS C 2601-A-2014 | 电热合金线及带 | Wires and rolled wires for electrical heating |
KS C 2603-1980 | 金属电阻材料的导体电阻及电阻率试验法 | Testing Method for Conductor-Resistance and Resistivity of Metallic Resistance materials |
KS C 2606-2013 | 氧化铜、镍电阻线 | Oxidized copper-nickel resistance wire |
KS C 2608-2013 | 金属电阻材料.温度特性试验法 | Testing method of electrical resistance-temperature characteristics of metallic resistance materials |
KS C 2617-1997 | 整流条 | Commutator bars |
KS C 2618-2005 | 压缩端子 | Compression terminals |
KS C 2620-2011 | 铜线用压缩端子 | Crimp-type terminal lugs for copper conductors |
KS C 2621-2005 | 铜线压接套 | Non-insulated crimp-type sleeves for copper conductors |
KS C 2624-2005 | 平行速接端子 | Flat quick-connect terminals |
KS C 2710-1990 | 直热式负温度系数热敏电阻器总规范 | General Rules for Directly Heated Negative Temperature Coefficient Thermistors |
KS C 2712-2001 | NTC热敏电阻器试验方法 | Test methods of negative temperature coefficient thermistor |
KS C 2812-1990 | 机械安装用铁轨 | Mounting rails for devices |
KS C 3001-1983 | 电工用铜材料电阻 | Resistance of Copper Materials for Electrical Purposes |
KS C 3002-1996 | 电工用铜线及铝线试验法 | Testing methods of electrical copper and aluminium wires |
KS C 3003-1998 | 铜绕组线和铝绕组线试验法 | Methods of test for fiber or paper insulated copper and aluminum winding wires |
KS C 3005-2003 | 电气绝缘混合物试验法 | Testing method of electrical insulating compounds |
KS C 3006-1986 | 漆包铜和漆包铝线的试验方法 | Methods of Test for Enamelled Copper and Enamel1ed Aluminlium Wires |
KS C 3007-1991 | 绕组线通则 | General Rules for Winding Wires |
KS C 3101-2003 | 电工用软铜线 | Annealed copper wires for electrical purposes |
KS C 3102-1998 | 电工用硬铜线 | Hard -drawn copper wires for electrical purposes |
KS C 3103-2003 | 电工用软铜绞合线 | Annealed copper stranded wires for electrical purposes |
KS C 3104-1996 | 电工用硬铜绞合线 | Hard- drawn copper stranded conductors |
KS C 3105-2014 | 扁铜线 | Rectangular copper wires for electrical purpose and double cotton covered rectangular copper wires |
KS C 3106-1978 | 电器漆包绕组软铜线 | Annealed copper wires for winding of electric apparatus |
KS C 3107-2003 | 漆包绕组线 | Enamelled winding wires |
KS C 3111-2003 | 电工用硬铝线 | Hard-drawn aluminium wires for electric purposes |
KS C 3112-2003 | 硬铝软线 | Hard-drawn aluminium stranded conductors |
KS C 3113-1986 | 钢芯铝导线 | Aluminium stranded conductors steel reinforced |
KS C 3115-1980 | 电枢机线镀锡钢丝 | Tin coated piano wire for armature binding |
KS C 3117-2014 | 铝布线钳子 | Deadend clamp and bolt type connector for aluminum |
KS C 3119-1974 | 铝连接接头热循环试验方法 | heateycle test for aluminium fittings |
KS C 3120-2014 | 镀锡软铜线 | Tin coated annealed copper wires and strand wires |
KS C 3123-1974 | 玻璃丝包绕组线 | Glass-fiber-covered round copper wires |
KS C 3125-1974 | 双重玻璃丝包扁铜线 | Double glass -fiber - covered rectangular copper wires |
KS C 3133-1979 | 电工用铜盘条 | Copper wire rods for electrical purposes |
KS C 3134-2008 | 绝缘接触导线 | Contact conductors with insulating covers |
KS C 3138-1989 | 6.6kv户外钢芯铝绝缘线 | ACSR outdoor cross-linked polyethylene insulated wires for 6.6kV |
KS C 3139-1988 | 6.6kV硬铝绝缘线 | HAl outdoor cross-linked polyethylene insulated wires for 6.6kV |
KS C 3140-2014 | 电缆埋地施工法 | Installation methods of power cables buried in ground |
KS C 3306-2002 | 8字形户外电话线 | Figure 8 type drop wires |
KS C 3307-1993 | 户外扁状电话线 | Flat type drop wires |
KS C 3308-1988 | 霓虹管灯电线 | Insulated wires for neon tube |
KS C 3311-2012 | 车用低电压线 | Low-voltage cables for automobile |
KS C 3312-1992 | 丝包铜绕组线 | Fiber or paper covered copper winding wires |
KS C 3313-2015 | 户外塑料绝缘电线 | Outdoor weather proof polyvinyl chloride insulated wires |
KS C 3315-2015 | 塑料绝缘引线 | Polyvinyl chloride insulated drop service wires |
KS C 3338-2005 | 聚酯尼龙漆包铜线 | Polyester nylon enamelled copper wires |
KS C 3339-2002 | 有线电视(供电兼用)铝管同轴电缆 | CATV aluminium pipe coaxial cables |
KS C 3340-2002 | 聚氯乙烯室内电话线 | PVC indoor telephone wires |
KS C 3341-2015 | 低毒性阻燃聚烯电力控制电缆和绝缘电线 | Halogen free flame retardant poly-olefin insulation wire |
KS C 3342-2017 | 近距离通讯电缆 | Local area network cable |
KS C 3367-2016 | 人类暴露于广播和电信设施电磁场的评价 | Evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from broadcasting and telecommunication installations |
KS C 3369-2017 | 家用电器及类似器具磁场测量方法 | Measurement methods for magnetic fields of household appliances and similar apparatus |
KS C 3370-1-2017 | 确定靠近耳朵使用的手持设备的比吸收率(sar)的程序 | Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate(SAR) for hand-held devices used in close proximity to the ear |
KS C 3370-2-2017 | 确定人体附近使用的无线通信设备的比吸收率(SAR)的程序 | Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate(SAR) for wireless communication devices used in close proximity to the human body |
KS C 3401-1990 | 1000v荧光灯电线 | 1000V grade insulated wires for fluorescent lamps |
KS C 3403-1990 | 汽车防杂音用高压电电阻线 | High-Voltage Resistance Cables for Automobile |
KS C 3404-2000 | 22.9kV铜芯交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆 | 22.9kV Concentric neutral type cross-linkedpolyethylene insulated power cable |
KS C 3405-2000 | 154kv交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆 | 154kV cross-linked polyethylene insulated power cable |
KS C 3406-2000 | 防蚀钢芯铝线 | ACSR Coated with anticorrosion grease |
KS C 3563-1-2018 | 个人健康设备.活动跟踪器.第1部分:一般要求 | Personal Wellness Device - Activity Tracker - Part 1: General Requirements |
KS C 3598-2018 | 医疗电气设备.定义的术语汇编 | Medical electrical equipment ─ Glossary of defined terms |
KS C 3603-2016 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘和护套电话电缆 | Polyethylene insulated polyvinyl chloride sheathed pair cable for telephone |
KS C 3604-2002 | 聚氯乙烯绝缘电话软线 | L.F Cables and wires with P.V.C insulation and P.V.C sheath for telephone |
KS C 3606-2003 | 纸包绕组线 | Paper-insulated-lead sheathed star cable for telephone |
KS C 3608-1981 | 纸包绕绝缘电话线 | Paper-insulated-lead sheathed pair cable for telephone |
KS C 3610-2016 | 高频同轴电缆 | Radio-frequency coaxial cables |
KS C 3612-2008 | x射线设备用高压电线 | High tension cables for X-ray apparatus |
KS C 3617-2016 | 电视机同轴电缆 | Coaxial cables for television receivers |
KS C 3618-1983 | 聚乙烯绝缘金属套电话电缆 | Polyethylene insulated metal sheathed cable for telephone |
KS C 3700-2007 | 电磁波部分放电测量装置 | Partial discharge detectors with electromagnetic wave method |
KS C 3701-2007 | 放声部分放电测量装置 | Partial discharge measurements with acoustic emission method |
KS C 3703-2014 | 隧道照明标准 | Recommendation for lighting of traffic tunnels |
KS C 3705-1990 | 户外运动设施照明标准(田径运动场、足球场、橄榄球场) | Lighting for outdoor sports (track and field, soccer field, rugby field) |
KS C 3706-1999 | 室内运动场照明标准 | Lighting for sports halls |
KS C 3707-1999 | 滑雪场及溜冰场照明标准 | Lighting for skiing grounds and ice skating rinks |
KS C 3800-1979 | 绝缘子和套管术语 | Glossary of terms for insulator and bushing |
KS C 3801-2003 | 绝缘子试验法 | Testing method for insulators |
KS C 3802-1977 | 电工用绝缘陶瓷外观检测 | Permissible limits of visual defects for insulating porcelains |
KS C 3804-2002 | 悬式低压绝缘子 | Low voltage pin type insulators |
KS C 3805-1965 | 低压绝缘子柄 | Low voltage insulator knobs |
KS C 3806-2002 | 低压蝶式绝缘子 | Low voltage shackle type insulators |
KS C 3807-1980 | 1000v荧光灯电线 | 1000V grade insulated wires for fluorescent lamps |
KS C 3808-2002 | 球形绝缘子 | Ball type insulators |
KS C 3809-2001 | 6600v悬式绝缘子 | 6 600 V pin type insulators |
KS C 3812-1976 | 低压绝缘子夹板 | Low voltage insulating cleat |
KS C 3814-1976 | 氖管绝缘子 | Neon insulators |
KS C 3816-1980 | 应变式绝缘子 | Strain type insulators |
KS C 3817-2003 | 长杆绝缘子 | Clevis type procelain long rod insulators |
KS C 3819-2003 | 室内用支柱绝缘子 | Indoor post insulators |
KS C 3821-2003 | 180mm帽槽形悬式绝缘子 | 180 mm clevis type suspension insulators |
KS C 3823-2002 | 高压架空线路用浇铸夹钳 | Casting clamps for transmission line use |
KS C 3824-2002 | 电车线路用绝缘子 | Porcelain insulator for electric overhead line |
KS C 3827-2003 | 悬式绝缘子和耐污染悬式绝缘子 | Normal type and anti-pollution type suspension insulators |
KS C 3829-1990 | 6.6kv设备配线用电缆 | Insulated wires for cubicle type unit substation for 6.6kV receiving |
KS C 3831-2003 | 线型支柱绝缘子 | Line post insulators |
KS C 3832-2003 | 固定支柱绝缘子 | Station post insulators |
KS C 3833-2006 | 6.6kv拉紧绝缘子 | 6.6 kV strain insulators |
KS C 3834-2006 | 供电线用悬式绝缘子 | Pin type insulators for feeder |
KS C 3835-2003 | 室内用3.3kv∼33kv聚合体绝缘子 | 3.3∼33 kV Polymer composite insulators for indoor use |
KS C 3836-2014 | 配电用球形支座悬式绝缘子 | Ball and socket type suspension insulator |
KS C 3902-2003 | 电轨高架线复合长杆绝缘体 | Composite long rod insulator for electric railway overhead line |
KS C 3903-2003 | 电车线路用聚合悬式绝缘子 | Composite suspension insulator for electric railway overhead line |
KS C 3904-2003 | 配电线路用聚合套管 | Polymer bushing for distribution lines |
KS C 4202-2013 | 普通低压三相异步电动机 | Low-voltage three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors for general purpose |
KS C 4203-2003 | 普通高压三相异步电动机 | High-voltage three-phase induction motors for general purpose |
KS C 4204-2003 | 普通单相异步电动机 | Single phase induction motors for general purpose |
KS C 4205-1963 | 异步电动机全电压起动开关通则 | Code Letters for Induction Motors |
KS C 4214-2006 | 电动发动机 | Brushless motors |
KS C 4216-2006 | 分级发动机 | Stepping motors |
KS C 4290-2007 | 低压交流变频器 | A.C. inverter for low voltage adjustable frequency |
KS C 4300-2006 | 开关模式直流电源装置 | Switched mode power supply |
KS C 4305-2014 | 发光管变压器 | Luminous — Tube transformers |
KS C 4306-2011 | 单套管式电流互感器 | Single high voltage cover bushing transformers |
KS C 4307-2013 | 插针式变压器套管 | Pole transformer bushings |
KS C 4309-2011 | 变压器短路试验方法 | Short-circuit testing for transformer |
KS C 4310-2003 | 不间断电源设备 | Uninterruptible power system |
KS C 4311-2008 | 干式变压器 | Dry-type transformer |
KS C 4313-2002 | 3MVA以上电源变压器 | Power transformer over 3MVA |
KS C 4314-1998 | 防污染型单套管式架杆变压器(22.9KV) | Anti-pollution type of single bushing pole transformer(22.9kV) |
KS C 4315-1998 | 防污染型单套管式架杆变压器绝缘套 | A bushing for anti-pollution type of single bushing pole transformer |
KS C 4316-2011 | 22.9KV双套管式架杆变压器 | Tow bushing type pole transformer for 22.9 kV |
KS C 4317-2000 | 22.9KV不超过3MVA的配电变压器 | Distribution transformers not more than 3MVA for 22.9kV |
KS C 4318-2000 | 345KV单相自动变压器 | 345kV Single-phase auto transformer |
KS C 4319-2013 | 笔记本电脑用直流电源装置 | D.C. power supply for notebook computer |
KS C 4402-2003 | 浮动充电可控硅整流器组 | Rectifiers for floating charge |
KS C 4504-2002 | 交流电电子开关 | AC Electromagnetic Switches |
KS C 4506-1990 | 跌落式熔断器 | Cut-out switches |
KS C 4508-2012 | 微动开关 | Sensitive switches |
KS C 4509-1985 | 3.3kV或6.6kV有解扣装置的交流负荷开关 | AC Load Break Switches with Tripping Device for 3.3kV or 6.6kV |
KS C 4511-2001 | 3.3KV交流负荷开关 | AC load break switches for 3.3 kV or 6.6 kV |
KS C 4513-1992 | 电动定时器 | Motor Driven Timer |
KS C 4514-1988 | 遥控继电器和遥控开关 | Remote Control Relays and Remote Control Switches |
KS C 4515-1990 | 封闭式开关 | Enclosed switches |
KS C 4516-2002 | 控制开关通则 | General rules for control switches |
KS C 4519-1992 | 凸轮开关 | Cam operated control switches |
KS C 4520-1992 | 铰链式电磁继电器 | Hinge Type Electromagnetic Relays |
KS C 4522-1986 | 机械计时器 | Mechanical timer |