2019-07-23 20:42标准号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 |
KS F 1001-2000 | 土木制图通则 | Drawing office practice for civil engineering works |
KS F 1002-2017 | 公路及铺筑材料定义 | Terms relating to materials for roads and pavements |
KS F 1003-2018 | 土壤技术术语及符号定义 | Standard definitions of terms and symbols relating to soil mechanic |
KS F 1004-2014 | 钢筋混凝土术语 | Concrete terminology |
KS F 1010-2005 | 建筑物各组成部分性能分类 | Classification of performance for building elements |
KS F 1501-2010 | 建筑制图基本规则 | Drawing office practice for architecture and building(general rules) |
KS F 1502-1999 | 门窗符号 | Symbols for windows and doors |
KS F 1503-2010 | 建筑模块化协调原则与建议 | Modular coordination in building-Principles and recommendation |
KS F 1504-2010 | 建筑内外装修材料术语 | Terminology for finishing materials for the interior and exterior of buildings |
KS F 1505-1996 | 建筑构件的公差和尺寸标注 | Tolerances and dimensioning for building components |
KS F 1508-2010 | 建筑模数协调术语 | Terminology for modular coordination in building |
KS F 1510-2012 | 建筑物构件模块配合尺寸 | Recommended modular coordinating dimension for the sizing of building components |
KS F 1513-2002 | 建筑物墙壁模块通用标准尺寸 | Standard nominal dimension of wall components for building |
KS F 1514-2002 | 建筑物地板模块通用标准尺寸 | Standard nominal dimension of floor components for building |
KS F 1515-1999 | 建筑物门窗模块通用标准尺寸 | Modular dimensional coordination for windows and doors in building |
KS F 1517-1997 | 建筑物移动隔板模块通用标准尺寸 | Standard nominal dimension of movable partition components for buildings |
KS F 1518-1997 | 建筑物板材模块通用标准尺寸 | Standard nominal dimension of boards of buildings |
KS F 1519-2004 | 木材锯切尺寸 | Nominal sizes of sawn lumber |
KS F 1523-2008 | 厨房设备协调尺寸 | Kitchen equipment-Coordinating size |
KS F 1525-2002 | 建筑模块配合设计标准 | Recommendations for modular coordination design in building |
KS F 1526-2010 | 建筑通用术语 | General terminology for buildings |
KS F 1527-2017 | 资源回收建筑材料术语 | Terminology related to resource recycling building materials |
KS F 1540-2010 | CAD图面制作原则和标准 | CAD principles and standards |
KS F 1541-2010 | CAD图面制作格式和原则 | Format and principles used in CAD |
KS F 1542-2010 | 计算机辅助设计的层次原则与标准 | Principles and standards of layer for CAD |
KS F 1550-2007 | 门具术语 | Doorsets-Terminology |
KS F 1551-2010 | 木材术语木材性能与缺陷 | Terminology for wood-Properties and defects of wood |
KS F 1552-2017 | 木框架结构用木材术语汇编 | Glossary of wood terms used in wood frame construction |
KS F 1553-2016 | 与原木和锯材有关的标准术语 | Standard terminology related to wood-Log and sawn timber |
KS F 1554-2016 | 木结构用木钉和紧固件的相关标准术语 | Standard terminology related to wood-Nails and fasteners for wood structures |
KS F 1555-2017 | 与木材有关的标准术语木材粘合和胶合板 | Standard terminology related to wood-Wood adhesion and plywood |
KS F 1556-2017 | 木材相关标准术语木材防腐处理 | Standard terminology related to wood-Preservative treatments for wood |
KS F 1557-2003 | 木材标准术语.工程木材 | Standard terminology related to wood-Engineered wood products |
KS F 1611-1-2018 | 建筑构件的耐火性能.第1部分:轻型框架木结构的墙、地板和屋顶组件 | Fire resistance performance for elements of building construction — Part 1:Wall, floor and roof assemblies of light-frame wood structures |
KS F 1611-2-2016 | 建筑构件耐火性能第2部分:钢柱结构非承重墙 | Fire resistance performance for elements of building construction-Part 2:Non-bearing wall of steel-stud structures |
KS F 1611-3-2013 | 建筑构件的耐火性能第3部分:结构用胶合木板制成的梁和柱 | Fire resistance performance for elements of building construction ― Part 3: Beams and columns made of structural glued laminated timber |
KS F 1611-4-2015 | 建筑构件的耐火性能第4部分:复合金属桥面板系统 | Fire resistance performance for elements of building construction — Part 4: Composite metal deck slab system |
KS F 1611-5-2014 | 建筑构件的耐火性能第5部分:承重轻型钢柱结构 | Fire resistance performance for elements of building construction — Part 5: Bearing lightweight steel stud structures |
KS F 1791-2007 | 使用BACnet指定可互操作的建筑自动化和控制系统的指南 | Guide to specifying interoperable building automation and control systems using BACnet |
KS F 1800-1-2014 | 建筑能源管理系统第1部分:功能和数据处理程序 | Building Energy Management System ㅡ Part 1 : Function and data processing procedure |
KS F 2010-2013 | 敞开式水沟流量测量方法 | Method of measurements for flow discharge in open channels - Velocity-area methods |
KS F 2101-2013 | 结构沉降的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for settlement of structures |
KS F 2102-2018 | 土壤孔隙压力测定方法 | Standard test method for measuring pore water pressures in soils |
KS F 2103-2013 | 土壤的pH值测定方法 | Standard test method for pH of soils |
KS F 2104-2013 | 测定土壤中有机物含量的试验方法.燃烧法 | Standard test method of organic matter contents in soils by ignition loss |
KS F 2129-2014 | 建筑物滚卷式百叶窗检测标准 | Inspection standard of heavy-weight rolling shutter for buildings |
KS F 2130-1995 | 结构设计基础.屋顶雪荷载的测定 | Bases for design of structures -Determination of snow loads on roofs |
KS F 2131-1995 | 生产厂房和仓库施加楼面荷载的测定 | Determination of imposed floor loads in production building and warehouses |
KS F 2150-2004 | 建筑结构用木材弯曲度测量方法 | Method of static bending test for full sized structural lumber |
KS F 2151-1999 | 建筑结构用针叶木材外观分级方法 | Visual grading for softwood structural lumber |
KS F 2152-2004 | 建筑结构用针叶木材允许参数 | Establishing allowable properties of softwood structural lumber |
KS F 2153-2005 | 木材结构接合处侧面抗力测定方法 | Testing method for lateral load resistance of mechanical timber joints |
KS F 2154-2016 | 木剪力墙荷载测量方法 | Method of shear(racking) resistance test for light-frame wood shear walls |
KS F 2155-2009 | 防腐处理木材吸药量测量方法 | Method of determination for preservatives absorption of treated wood |
KS F 2156-2017 | 木和木制品的榫支承强度试验方法 | Method of dowel-bearing strength test for wood and wood-based products |
KS F 2157-1-2017 | 非结构人造板拉伸试验方法 | Method of tension test for nonstructural wood-based panels |
KS F 2157-2-2017 | 结构人造板拉伸试验方法 | Method of tension test for structural wood-based panels |
KS F 2158-1-2017 | 非结构人造板压缩试验方法 | Method of compression test for nonstructural wood-based panels |
KS F 2158-2-2017 | 人造板压缩试验方法 | Method of compression test for wood-based structural panels |
KS F 2159-1-2017 | 非结构人造板弯曲试验方法 | Method of bending test for nonstructural wood-based panels |
KS F 2159-2-2017 | 结构人造板弯曲试验方法 | Method of bending test for structural wood-based panels |
KS F 2160-2008 | 黏着木制品浸渍剥离试验方法 | Determination of resistance to soaking delamination for adhesive-bonded wood products |
KS F 2161-2003 | 装饰木制品表面抗裂性试验方法 | Determination of resistance to surface checking for overlaid wood products |
KS F 2162-2004 | 结构用木材允许应力调整系数 | Adjustment factors applied to allowable stresses of structural timber and glued laminated timber |
KS F 2163-2004 | 原木的尺寸和材积测定方法 | Measurement of sizes and determination of volume for sawlogs |
KS F 2198-2016 | 木材密度及比重测量方法 | Determination of density and specific gravity of wood |
KS F 2199-2016 | 木材湿度测量方法 | Determination of moisture content of wood |
KS F 2200-2000 | 木板材密度测量方法 | Wood-based panels-Determination of density |
KS F 2201-2016 | 木材测量方法基本规定 | General requirements for testing of wood |
KS F 2202-2016 | 木材年轮平均宽度测量方法 | Determination of average width of annual rings for wood |
KS F 2203-2004 | 木材收缩率测量方法 | Method of shrinkage test for wood |
KS F 2204-1999 | 木材吸水量测量方法 | Method of test for water absorption of wood |
KS F 2205-2004 | 木材吸湿量测量方法 | Method of hygroscopic test for wood |
KS F 2206-2004 | 木材压缩力测定方法 | Method of compression test for wood |
KS F 2207-2004 | 木材张力测量方法 | Method of tension test for wood |
KS F 2208-2004 | 木材弯曲度测量方法 | Method of bending test for wood |
KS F 2209-2004 | 木材剪切测试方法 | Method of shear test for wood |
KS F 2210-2004 | 木材分裂测试方法 | Method of cleavage test for wood |
KS F 2211-2004 | 木材冲击弯曲度测试方法 | Method of impact bending test for wood |
KS F 2212-2004 | 木材硬度测试方法 | Method of hardness test for wood |
KS F 2213-2004 | 木材耐腐性测试方法 | Method of test decay for wood |
KS F 2215-2009 | 木材磨损性能测试方法 | Method of abrasion test for wood |
KS F 2217-2009 | 天花板胶粘剂粘合强度试验方法 | Testing methods for bonding strength of ceiling board adhesives |
KS F 2218-2009 | 墙壁木板用粘结剂粘结强度测试方法 | Testing methods for bonding strength of wall boards adhesives |
KS F 2219-2008 | 木材加压式防腐处理方法 | Preservative treatments of woods by pressure processes |
KS F 2220-2008 | 木材加热式防腐处理方法 | Preservative treatments of woods by thermal processes |
KS F 2221-2009 | 建筑用木板耐冲击测试方法 | Test method of impact for building boards |
KS F 2222-1996 | 住宅组合式浴室标准模块基本尺寸 | Standard nominal dimension of sanitary unit for dwellings |
KS F 2223-2016 | 住宅用复合式卫生设施 | Heart unit for dwellings |
KS F 2224-2017 | 住宅储藏室墙壁构件 | Storage-wall system for dwellings |
KS F 2227-2010 | 木材蠕变试验方法 | Method of creep test for wood |
KS F 2228-2010 | 木材易燃性试验方法 | Method of inflamability test for wood |
KS F 2235-2001 | 建筑物外表及外表材料隔音性能现场测量方法 | Field measurements of sound insulation of building facades and facade elements |
KS F 2236-1999 | 成套门耐沙袋冲击测试方法 | Doorsets-Soft heavy body impact test |
KS F 2237-2017 | 门窗开关力测量方法 | Windows and doors-Determination of opening and closing forces |
KS F 2238-1999 | 静载荷下门窗耐变形测试方法 | Doorsets-Diagonal deformation test under static load |
KS F 2239-2008 | 门窗边轨机械变形试验方法 | Doors and windows-Test method for mechanical deformation of edge rail |
KS F 2257-1-2014 | 建筑构件的耐火试验方法.一般要求 | Methods of fire resistance test for elements of building construction — General requirements |
KS F 2257-4-2015 | 建筑构件的耐火试验方法.承重垂直分隔构件的特殊要求 | Method of fire resistance test for elements of building construction — Specific requirements for loadbearing vertical separating elements |
KS F 2257-5-2014 | 建筑构件的耐火试验方法.承重水平分隔构件的特殊要求 | Methods of fire resistance test for elements of building construction — Specific requirements for loadbearing horizontal separating elements |
KS F 2257-6-2014 | 建筑构件的耐火试验方法.梁的特殊要求 | Methods fire resistance test for elements of building construction — Specific requirements for beams |
KS F 2257-7-2014 | 建筑构件的耐火试验方法.柱的特殊要求 | Methods of fire resistance test for elements of building construction — Specific requirements for columns |
KS F 2257-8-2015 | 建筑构件的耐火试验方法.非承重垂直分隔构件的特殊要求 | Method of fire resistance test for elements of building construction — Specific requirements for non-loadbearing vertical separating elements |
KS F 2257-9-2013 | 建筑构件耐火试验方法非承重吊顶构件的特殊要求 | Method of fire resistance test for elements of building construction ― Specific requirements for non-loadbearing ceiling elements |
KS F 2260-2010 | 木结构建筑防火水泥砂浆抹灰方法 | Method of plastering cement mortar for fire protection of wooden buildings |
KS F 2262-2017 | 装饰用水泥.灰泥涂抹方法 | Testing method of cement-mortar plastering |
KS F 2263-2005 | 建筑用板材弯曲测试方法 | Method of bending test for boards of buildings |
KS F 2268-1-2014 | 门组件的耐火试验 | Fire resistance test for door assemblies |
KS F 2269-2001 | 房顶构件耐火测试方法 | Methods for fire tests of roof coverings |
KS F 2271-2016 | 建筑内部装潢材料及结构耐火性能测试方法 | Testing method for incombustibility of internal finish material and element of buildings |
KS F 2273-2009 | 建筑结构面板性能试验方法 | Methods of performance test for building construction panels |
KS F 2274-2018 | 建筑用合成塑胶人工暴露测试方法 | Standard test method for accelerated artificial exposure of plastic building materials |
KS F 2275-2001 | 合叶反复开关测试方法 | PERFORMANCE TEST OF HINGES |
KS F 2277-2017 | 住宅隔热材料隔热性能测试方法 | Thermal insulation-Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties-Calibrated and guarded hot box |
KS F 2278-2017 | 门窗隔热性能测试方法 | Standard test method for thermal resistance for windows and doors |
KS F 2290-2007 | 住宅管道模块配合尺寸 | Modular co-ordinating sizes of piping unit for dwellings |
KS F 2291-1997 | 住宅供热、供冷气设施模块配合尺寸 | Modular co-ordinating sizes of air-conditioning unit for dwellings |
KS F 2292-2013 | 门窗气密性检测方法 | The method of air tightness for windows and doors |
KS F 2293-2008 | 门窗水密性检测方法 | Test method of water tightness for windows and doors |
KS F 2294-2000 | 用均匀静态气压差法测定外窗、幕墙和门结构性能的试验方法 | Test method for structural performance of exterior windows,curtain walls and doors by uniform static air pressure difference |
KS F 2295-2004 | 门窗防结露性能测试方法 | Test method of dew condensation for windows and doors |
KS F 2296-1999 | 门窗耐风压测试方法 | Windows and doorsets-Wind resistance test |
KS F 2297-2008 | 门窗性能测试方法基本规定 | General rule for test method of windows and doors |
KS F 2298-2016 | 垂直保护网耐火性能测试方法 | Flame retardant testing method for vertical protection mesh |
KS F 2300-2002 | 玻璃纤维隔热材料的隔热性能测试方法 | Testing method for thermal resistance of glass wool heat insulating material |
KS F 2301-2015 | 土壤测试用扰动土样预制方法 | Practice for preparing disturbed soil samples for soil testing |
KS F 2302-2017 | 土壤粒子分布量测试方法 | Test method for particle size distribution of soils |
KS F 2303-2015 | 土壤液体界限、塑性极限测试方法 | Test method for liquid limit and plastic limit of soils |
KS F 2305-2015 | 土壤液体参量测量方法 | Test method for liquid parameters of soils |
KS F 2306-2015 | 土壤含水量测量方法 | Test method for water content of soils |
KS F 2307-2017 | 土壤标准渗透测试方法 | Test method for standard penetration |
KS F 2308-2016 | 土壤密度测量方法 | Test method for density of soil particles |
KS F 2309-2009 | 土壤中通过0.075mm标准筛的材料量的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for amount of material in passing standard sieve 0.075 mm in soils |
KS F 2310-2015 | 路面板极负载测试方法 | Method for plate load test on soils for road |
KS F 2311-2016 | 以沙置换测量法测量土壤密度方法 | Test method for soil density by the sand replacement method |
KS F 2312-2016 | 用撞锤压实土壤的测试方法 | Test method for soil compaction using a rammer |
KS F 2314-2013 | 土壤无侧限压缩实验方法 | Standard test method for unconfined compression test of soils |
KS F 2315-2016 | 离心法测量土壤持水当量的方法 | Testing method for centrifugal moisture equivalent of soils |
KS F 2316-2017 | 土壤单纯压缩实验方法 | Test method for one-dimensional consolidation properties of soils using incremental loading |
KS F 2317-2016 | 利用薄管采集土壤样本的方法 | Standard test method for thin-walled tube sampling of soils |
KS F 2319-2016 | 利用螺旋钻孔的土质测试方法及采集样本的方法 | Standard method for soil investigation and sampling by Auger borings |
KS F 2320-2015 | 土壤承载比(cbr)测试方法 | Testing method for the california bearing ratio of soils |
KS F 2322-2015 | 土壤渗水率测量方法 | Test methods for permeability of saturated soils |
KS F 2323-2014 | 机械方法压实的土壤鉴定方法 | Standard methods for calibration of mechanical soil compactors |
KS F 2324-2016 | 土壤工程学分类方法 | Method of classification of soils for engineering purposes |
KS F 2325-2002 | 土水泥的挠曲强度(单梁三分点法)测试方法 | Testing method for flexural strength of soil-cement using simple beam with third point loading |
KS F 2326-2002 | 利用为挠曲强度试验的土水泥抗压强度试验方法 | Testing method for compressive strength of soil-cement using portions of beam broken in flexure |
KS F 2327-2007 | 土水泥混合物的水泥含量测量方法 | Testing method for cement content of soil-cement mixture |
KS F 2328-2002 | 土水泥抗压强度试验方法 | Testing method for compressive strength of molded soil-cement cylinders |
KS F 2329-2007 | 在实验室制作和固化抗压强度和抗弯强度测试用土水泥的方法 | Testing method for making curing of soil-cement compression and flexure test specimens in the laboratory |
KS F 2330-2007 | 压实的土水泥混合物湿润及干燥方法 | Testing methods for wetting and drying of compacted soil-cement mixtures |
KS F 2331-2007 | 土水泥混合物的含水量和密度关系试验方法 | Testing method for moisture-density relations of soil-cement mixtures |
KS F 2332-2007 | 压实的土水泥混合物冻结和熔化方法 | Testing methods for freezing-and-thawing of compacted soil-cement mixtures |
KS F 2333-2015 | 粒状土的含水量和贯入阻力相关测试方法 | Testing method for moisture-penetration resistance relations of fine-grained soils |
KS F 2334-2005 | 利用加利福尼亚捏和机制作沥青混合物测试准备样本方法 | Method for preparation of test specimens of asphalt mixtures by means of California kneading compactor |
KS F 2335-2013 | 利用veem设备的沥青混合物变形抗力和粘聚力测试方法 | Standard test methods for resistance to deformation and cohesion of asphalt mixtures by means of hveem apparatus |
KS F 2337-2017 | 利用马歇尔测试仪的沥青混合物的塑性流动阻力测量方法 | Testing method for marshall stability and flow of asphalt mixtures using marshall apparatus |
KS F 2338-2017 | 为飞机场及公路评估及设计的土和柔性路面反复性板极负载测量方法 | Testing method for repetitive static plate load tests of soils and flexible pavement components, for use in evaluation and design of airport and highway pavements |
KS F 2339-2017 | 为飞机场及公路评估及设计的土和柔性路面非反复板极负载测量方法 | Testing method for nonrepetitive static plate load tests of soils and flexible pavement components for use in evaluation and design of airport and highway pavements |
KS F 2340-2014 | 粒状土壤和细集料的砂当量值的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for sand equivalent value of granular soils and fine aggregates |
KS F 2341-2007 | 土壤粒子分析及物理性能测试用湿样本制作方法 | Standard method for wet preparation of soil samples for particle size analysis and determination of soil constants |
KS F 2342-2016 | 粘性土现场切片试验方法 | Standard test method for field vane shear in cohesive soil |
KS F 2343-2017 | 加固排水条件下土壤直剪试验方法 | Testing method for direct shear test of soils under consolidated drained conditions |
KS F 2345-2014 | 非粘性土相对密度测量方法 | Standard test method for relative density of cohesionless soils |
KS F 2346-2017 | 三轴压力实试验中粘性土非加固、非排水强度测试方法 | Testing method for unconsolidated, undrained strength of cohesive soils in triaxial compression |
KS F 2347-2018 | 利用橡胶薄膜法的土壤现场密度测试方法 | Standard test method for insite density of soil by the rubber-balloon method |
KS F 2348-2016 | 利用环状桶的土壤样品采集方法 | Standard test method for ring-lined barrel sampling of soils |
KS F 2350-2010 | 摊铺用沥青混合物试验样品采集方法 | Method of sampling asphalt paving mixtures |
KS F 2351-2005 | 沥青混合物抗压强度测试方法 | Testing method for the compressive strength of asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2352-2005 | 水分含量对压实的沥青混合物粘接力影响的测试方法 | Testing method for effect of water on cohesion of compacted asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2353-2010 | 压实的沥青混合物外观比重及密度测试方法(涂石蜡的样品) | Standard test method for specific bulk gravity of compacted asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2354-2013 | 沥青混合物的沥青含量测量方法 | Standard test method for asphalt content from asphalt paving mixtures |
KS F 2355-2013 | 沥青集料混合物覆盖层剥离测试方法 | Standard test method for coating and stripping of asphalt-aggregate mixtures |
KS F 2356-2013 | 摊铺用加热沥青混合物混合设备的要求 | Requirements of mixing plants for hot mix asphalt |
KS F 2357-2009 | 沥青混合料用集料 | Aggregates for asphalt mixture |
KS F 2360-2016 | 沥青集料混合物的粒子覆盖层度测量方法 | Testing method for degree of particle coating of asphalt-aggregate mixture |
KS F 2363-2010 | 沥青表面处理用材料的使用量 | Standard practice for quantities of materials for asphalt surface treatments |
KS F 2364-2013 | 压实的沥青混合物空隙率测试方法 | Standard test method for percent air voids in compacted dense and open asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2366-2010 | 沥青混合物理论最大比重的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for theoretical maximum specific gravity of asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2367-2017 | 压实的摊铺用沥青混合物样本厚度或高度测量方法 | Testing method for thickness or height of compacted asphalt paving mixture specimens |
KS F 2368-2017 | 混凝土摊铺用伸缩连接、灌注材料的测试方法 | Testing method for sealant and filler, hot-applied, for joints and cracks in asphaltic and portland cement concrete pavements |
KS F 2369-2016 | 公路补坑用常温沥青混合物 | Cold mix asphalt for patching materials |
KS F 2371-2007 | 粒状绝缘材料的密度测量方法 | Testing method for bulk density of granular insulations |
KS F 2372-2005 | 摊铺用沥青混合物含水量和挥发馏出液测量方法 | Standard test method for moisture or volatile distillates in asphalt paving mixtures |
KS F 2373-2010 | 利用7.6m轮廓曲线仪的公路摊铺平面度测试方法 | Standard test method for measuring pavement roughness using a 7.6 m profilograph |
KS F 2374-2017 | 摊铺用沥青混合物耐车轮痕迹测试方法 | Standard test method for wheel tracking of asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2375-2016 | 路面防滑性能测试方法(bpt) | Testing method for measuring surface frictional properties using the British Pendulum Tester |
KS F 2376-2014 | 沥青混合物的恢复弹性系数测试方法(间接张力测试) | Standard test method for determining the resilient modulus of asphalt mixtures using indirect tensile mode |
KS F 2377-2016 | 制备和测定热密度的试验方法?用旋转压实机拌制沥青混合料 | Test method for preparing and determining density of hot-mix asphalt mixture by means of the gyratory compactor |
KS F 2378-2013 | 沥青混合物反复扭曲疲劳测试方法 | Standard test method for flexural beam fatigue of asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2379-2017 | 利用自由落体物的摊铺材料挠度测试方法 | Testing method for deflections with a falling-weight-type impulse load device |
KS F 2380-2017 | 利用开水的沥青覆盖集料的耐剥离性能测试方法 | Testing method for stripping resistance on bituminous-coated aggregate using boiling water |
KS F 2381-2017 | 利用阿布松(abson)溶解法的地沥青回收测试方法 | Testing method for recovery of asphalt from solution by Abson |
KS F 2382-2013 | 沥青混合料间接拉伸强度测试方法 | Standard test method for indirect tension of asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2383-2013 | 硫化沥青漂浮试验法 | Standard test method for float test for asphalt |
KS F 2384-2013 | 细集料未压实空隙含量的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for uncompacted void content of fine aggregate |
KS F 2385-2013 | 透水性沥青混合料 | Permeable asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2386-2013 | 路面覆盖层拉伸黏合性试验方法 | Standard test method for adhesive strength between pavement layers |
KS F 2387-2018 | 土壤霜冻敏感性的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for frost susceptibility of soils |
KS F 2388-2018 | 用十字孔超声波测井法对钻孔轴完整性试验的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for integrity testing of drilled shafts by crosshole ultrasonic logging |
KS F 2389-2014 | 沥青黏结性等级 | Performance grade for asphalt binder |
KS F 2390-2014 | 用弯曲梁流变仪测定沥青粘合剂弯曲蠕变劲度的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for flexural creep stiffness of asphalt binder using bending beam rheometer |
KS F 2391-2014 | 用加压老化容器对沥青粘合剂加速老化的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for accelerated aging of asphalt binder using a pressurized aging vessel |
KS F 2392-2014 | 利用旋转粘度计测定沥青黏度的试验方法 | Standard test method for viscosity determination of asphalt binder using rotational viscometer |
KS F 2393-2014 | 用动态剪切流变仪测定沥青粘合剂流变特性的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for rheological properties of asphalt binder using dynamic shear rheometer |
KS F 2394-2014 | 透水性路面覆盖层的现场透水试验方法 | Standard test method for permeability of porous pavement |
KS F 2395-2014 | 沥青混合料抗弯强度试验方法 | Standard test method for bend testing of asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2396-2014 | 从沥青混合料中回收沥青的方法.旋转蒸发器法 | Standard practice for recovery of asphalt from solution using rotary evaporator |
KS F 2398-2017 | 沥青混合料抗水性试验方法 | Testing method for resistance of compacted asphalt mixtures to moisture induced damage |
KS F 2399-2005 | 沥青混合料浸水轮迹试验方法 | Standard test method for immersed wheel tracking test using asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2400-2008 | 与混凝土基质自粘的预涂薄钢板的试验方法 | Test methods for Pre-applied sheet membrane which is self-bonding with concrete substrate |
KS F 2401-2017 | 未凝固混凝土试样采集方法 | Method of sampling fresh concrete |
KS F 2402-2017 | 混凝土坍落度测试方法 | Method of test for slump of concrete |
KS F 2403-2014 | 混凝土强度测试用试样采集方法 | Standard test method for making and curing concrete specimens |
KS F 2405-2010 | 混凝土抗压强度测试方法 | Standard test method for compressive strength of concrete |
KS F 2406-2015 | 混凝土养护材料保水性的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for water retention of concrete curing material |
KS F 2408-2016 | 混凝土挠曲强度测试方法 | Method of test for flexural strength of concrete |
KS F 2409-2016 | 未凝固混凝土的单位容积质量及空气量测量方法 | Method of test for unit mass and air content of fresh concrete |
KS F 2413-2015 | 利用已测试挠曲强度的样品测试混凝土抗压强度的方法 | Method of test for compressive strength of concrete using portions of beams broken in flexure |
KS F 2414-2015 | 混凝土渗漏测试方法 | Method of test for bleeding of concrete |
KS F 2418-2017 | 混凝土脉冲速度测试方法 | Testing method for pulse velocity through concrete |
KS F 2421-2016 | 未固化混凝土空气含量测试方法(利用空气压力方法) | Method of test for air content of fresh concrete by pressure method |
KS F 2422-2017 | 混凝土钻孔轴及锯成梁的强度测试方法 | Method of obtaining and testing drilled cores and sawed beams of concrete |
KS F 2423-2016 | 混凝土劈拉强度试验方法 | Method of test for splitting tensile strength of concrete |
KS F 2424-2015 | 灰泥及混凝土长度变化测试方法 | Testing method for length change of mortar and concrete |
KS F 2425-2017 | 在实验室制作混凝土试样的方法 | Method of making test sample of concrete in laboratory |
KS F 2426-2010 | 灌入砂浆的抗压强度测试方法 | Standard test method for compressive strength of mortar grouting |
KS F 2427-2010 | 未固化混凝土的稠度测试方法(vebe测试法) | Standard test method for determining the consistency of fresh concrete by Vebe test |
KS F 2428-2015 | 利用振动式稠度测试仪的混凝土流动性测试方法 | Testing Method for Determination of Vibrating Factor by Consistency of Concrete |
KS F 2430-2016 | 根据外观测试分类土壤的方法 | Practice for description of soils(visual-manual procedure) |
KS F 2431-2011 | 模铸预包装混凝土圆柱体抗压强度的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for compressive strength of molded prepacked concrete cylinders |
KS F 2432-2004 | 灌入沙浆的稠度测试方法 | Testing method for consistency of mortar grouting |
KS F 2433-2014 | 灌入沙浆的渗漏率和膨胀率测试方法 | Standard test method for bleeding and expansion ratios of grouting mortar |
KS F 2435-2010 | 泥水泥及水泥上取出的试样长度变化测试方法 | Standard test method for length change of drilled or sawed specimens of cement mortar and concrete |
KS F 2436-2017 | 测量受贯入阻力影响的混凝土固化时间的方法 | Testing method for time of setting of concrete mixture by penetration resistance |
KS F 2437-2013 | 用共振振动法测定混凝土样品的动态弹性模量、刚性和动态泊松比的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for dynamic modulus of elasticity, rigidity and dynamic Poisson’s ratio of concrete specimens by resonance vibration |
KS F 2438-2017 | 混凝土圆柱试样静态弹性模量及泊松率测试方法 | Testing method for static modulus of elasticity and Poission′s ratio in compression of cylindrical concrete specimens |
KS F 2444-2018 | 扩展底座静态负载下的土壤承载能力测试方法 | Standard test method for plate bearing test on shallow foundation |
KS F 2445-2016 | 因轴向负载引起的桩子沉降测量方法 | Standard method of testing piles under axial compressive load |
KS F 2446-2000 | 压实的沥青混合物外观比重及密度测量方法(表面干饱和状态试样) | Standard test method of test for bulk specific gravity and density of compacted bituminous mixtures using saturated surface dry specimens |
KS F 2449-2017 | 根据容量测定未固化混凝土空气量的方法 | Method of test for air content of fresh concrete by volumetric method |
KS F 2451-2009 | 建筑施工水泥砂浆防水剂和掺合料试验方法 | Method of test for waterproof agent and admixture of cement for mortar in building construction |
KS F 2452-2010 | 未凝固混凝土稠度测试方法(压实程度法) | Standard test method for determination of the consistency of fresh concrete by evaluating the degree of compactibility |
KS F 2453-2013 | 混凝土载压蠕变测试方法 | Standard test method for creep of concrete in compression |
KS F 2454-2011 | 旋转混凝土抗压强度的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for compressive strength of spun concrete |
KS F 2455-2014 | 通过测量灰浆和粗集料含量对新拌混凝土可变性的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for variability of freshly mixed fresh concrete by measuring mortar and coarse aggregate contents |
KS F 2456-2013 | 混凝土抗急速冻结溶解性能测试方法 | Standard test method for resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing |
KS F 2459-2017 | 气泡水泥外观比重、含水率、吸收率和抗压强度测试方法 | Testing methods for density, water content,absorption and compressive strength of cellular concrete |
KS F 2460-2017 | 气泡水泥长度变化测试方法 | Testing methods for volume change of cellular concrete |
KS F 2462-2016 | 构造用轻混凝土的单位质量测量方法 | Standard test method for unit weight of structural light weight concrete |
KS F 2463-2009 | 材料导热系数试验方法 | Method of thermal conductivity test for materials |
KS F 2465-2015 | 铺盖型和夹层型绝热材料的厚度及密度测量方法 | Standard methods of test for thickness and density of blanket or batt-type thermal insulation materials |
KS F 2468-2017 | 轻质混凝土集料中着色材料的试验方法 | Testing method for staining materials in 1ightweight concrete aggregate |
KS F 2470-2017 | 粗集料的表面湿度测试方法(混凝土生产管理用) | Testing method for surface moisture in coarse aggregate(production control of concrete) |
KS F 2471-2011 | 混凝土用预制伸缩缝填料的标准试验方法(非挤压型和弹性型) | Standard test methods for preformed expansion joint fillers for concrete(nonextruding and resilient types) |
KS F 2472-2009 | 混凝土结构防护与修复用产品的干法冻融试验方法 | Dry freezing-thawing testing method of product for the protection and repair of concrete structures |
KS F 2476-2017 | 在实验室制作聚合体变形砂浆的方法 | Test method for polymer-modified mortar |
KS F 2478-2013 | 水泥砂浆膨胀高度变化试验方法 | Test method measuring changes in height of cylindrical specimens from hydraulic-cement mortar |
KS F 2485-2005 | 沥青混合料的动弹性系数试验方法 | Standard test method for dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2486-2005 | 沥青混合料动弹性系数试验用试片的制作方法 | Standard test method for preparation of asphalt mixture specimens for dynamic modulus testing |
KS F 2488-2016 | 改质沥青粘韧性测试方法 | Standard test method for toughness and tenacity of modified asphalt binder |
KS F 2489-2010 | 未压实沥青混合物中排水量测定的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for determination of draindown in uncompacted asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2490-2016 | 沥青含量测定方法.燃烧法 | Standard test method for asphalt content of hot-mix asphalt by ignition method |
KS F 2491-2017 | 多孔性沥青粘结剂挠曲蠕变试验方法 | Standard test method of the flexural beam test for porous asphalt binder |
KS F 2492-2017 | 多孔性沥青混合料磨耗试验方法 | Standard test method of cantabro test for porous asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2493-2017 | 多孔性沥青混合料垂流试验方法 | Standard test method of binder run-off test for porous asphalt mixtures |
KS F 2494-2017 | 多孔性沥青混合料室内渗透性试验方法 | Standard test method of the laboratory permeability test for |
KS F 2495-2017 | 自动真空密封法测定沥青混合料最大比重和密度的试验方法 | Testing method for maximum specific gravity and density of asphalt mixtures using automatic vacuum sealing method |
KS F 2496-2017 | 用自动真空密封法测定压实沥青混合料的体积比重和密度的试验方法 | Testing method for bulk specific gravity and density of compacted asphalt mixtures using automatic vacuum sealing method |
KS F 2497-2014 | 树脂混凝土的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for resin concrete |
KS F 2501-2017 | 集料试样采集方法 | Method of sampling aggregate |
KS F 2502-2014 | 集料筛分析法 | Standard test method for sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregates |
KS F 2503-2014 | 粗集料密度和吸收性的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for density and absorption of coarse aggregate |
KS F 2504-2014 | 小集料密度及吸收率试验方法 | Standard test method for density and absorption of fine aggregates |
KS F 2505-2017 | 集料单位容积重量及实积测量方法 | Methods of test for bulk density of aggregates and solid content in aggregates |
KS F 2507-2007 | 集料的安全坚固性测定方法 | Method of test for soundness of aggregates by use of sodium sulfate |
KS F 2508-2007 | 用洛杉矶试验机测定粗集料耐磨性的试验方法 | Method of test for resistance to abrasion of coarse aggregate by use of the Los Angeles machine |
KS F 2509-2002 | 小集料的表面水分测定方法 | Methods of test for surface moisture in fine aggregate |
KS F 2510-2002 | 混凝土用沙子中的有机杂质提炼方法 | Testing method of organic impurities in sands aggregate for concrete |
KS F 2511-2007 | 集料中细于0.08mm筛的材料量的试验方法 | Testing method for amount of material finer than 0.08 mm sieve in aggregate |
KS F 2512-2012 | 测定集料中含有的粘土块的方法 | Standard test method for clay contained in aggregates |
KS F 2513-2002 | 测定集料中含有的轻片状物的方法 | Testing method for lightweight pieces in aggregate |
KS F 2515-2014 | 测定集料含氯量的方法 | Standard test method for chloride content in aggregate |
KS F 2516-2014 | 用划痕法测定粗集料中软颗粒含量的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for content of soft particles in coarse aggregate by scratching |
KS F 2518-2015 | 石材吸水量和比重试验方法 | Testing method for absorption and bulk specific gravity of stone |
KS F 2519-2015 | 石材抗压强度试验方法 | Testing method for compressive strength of natural building stone |
KS F 2523-2017 | 集料术语基本规定 | Definitions of terms relating to aggregates |
KS F 2525-2017 | 公路用碾碎集料 | Crushed aggregate for road construction |
KS F 2527-2016 | 混凝土用碾碎集料 | Concrete aggregate |
KS F 2528-2017 | 公路路面用土、石材料 | Materials for soil-aggregate subbase, base and surface courses |
KS F 2529-2017 | 结构混凝土用轻细石料比重和吸水率测定方法 | Methods of test for particle density and water absorption of light weight fine aggregates for structural concrete |
KS F 2530-1-2013 | 路面块石 | Stone block for pavement |
KS F 2530-2015 | 石材 | Stone materials |
KS F 2531-2017 | 轻大块石料的漂浮率试验方法 | Testing method for float ratio of coarse aggregate for lightweight |
KS F 2533-2017 | 结构混凝土用轻大块石料比重和吸水率测定方法 | Methods of test for particle density and water absorption of light weight coarse aggregates for structural concrete |
KS F 2535-2014 | 公路施工用钢渣 | Iron and steel slag for road construction |
KS F 2538-2015 | 混凝土路面铺筑和结构用预制膨胀节填料规格 | Specification for preformed expansion joint fillers for concrete paving and structural construction |
KS F 2540-2015 | 养护混凝土用液体膜成形混合物 | Liquid membrane-Forming compounds for curing concrete |
KS F 2541-2017 | 大块骨料的压碎强度试验方法 | Standard test method for determination of Aggregate-Crushing-Value(ACV) |
KS F 2545-2017 | 骨料的潜在碱性反应试验方法(化学方法) | Testing method for potential reactivity of aggregates(Chemical method) |
KS F 2546-2014 | 水泥.集料混合比例对潜在碱性反应的影响试验方法(砂浆棒试验方法) | Standard test method for potential alkali reactivity of cement-aggregate combinations(mortar-bar method) |
KS F 2547-2017 | 混凝土集料用碳酸盐岩潜在碱活性的试验方法(岩石圆筒法) | Testing method for potential alkali reactivity of carbonate rocks for concrete aggregates(rock cylinder method) |
KS F 2548-2017 | 混凝土用集料的岩石分类试验方法 | Standard practice for petrographic examination of aggregates for concrete |
KS F 2550-2017 | 集料含水率和表面含水率试验方法 | Methods of test for total moisture content of aggregate and surface moisture in aggregate by drying |
KS F 2553-2017 | 集料试样采集方法 | Methods for samples of aggregate to testing size |
KS F 2560-2014 | 混凝土用化学混和剂 | Chemical admixtures for concrete |
KS F 2561-2013 | 钢筋混凝土用腐蚀抑制剂 | Corrosion inhibitor for reinforcing steel in concrete |
KS F 2562-2004 | 混凝土用膨胀剂 | Expansive additive for concrete |
KS F 2563-2009 | 混凝土用炉渣粉 | Ground granulated blast-furnace slag for use in concrete |
KS F 2564-2014 | 混凝土用钢纤维 | Steel fibers for concrete |
KS F 2565-2015 | 混凝土用钢纤维的张力强度测试方法 | Method for tension test of steel fibers for concrete |
KS F 2566-2014 | 钢纤维增强混凝土弯曲强度试验方法 | Standard test method for flexural performance of fiber reinforced concrete |
KS F 2567-2009 | 混凝土用硅烟 | Silica fume for use in concrete |
KS F 2569-2017 | 城市生活垃圾和污水污泥制道路建设用熔融固化渣料 | Melt-solidified slag material for road construction derived from municipal solid waste and sewage sludge |
KS F 2570-2017 | 混凝土用细集料中沙当量试验方法(混凝土生产管理用) | Testing method for sand equivalent value of fine aggregates for concrete(production control of concrete) |
KS F 2571-2017 | 利用离心力的细集料表面水率试验方法(混凝土生产管理用) | Testing method for surface moisture in fine aggregate by centrifugal force (Production control of concrete) |
KS F 2572-2010 | 沥青混凝土路面用再生集料 | Recycled aggregates for asphalt concrete pavement |
KS F 2573-2014 | 混凝土用再生集料 | Recycled aggregates for concrete |
KS F 2574-2016 | 底基层再生集料 | Recycled aggregate for subbase |
KS F 2575-2013 | 大块集料中扁长微粒物含量试验方法 | Standard test method for flat or elongated particles in coarse aggregate |
KS F 2576-2010 | 再生集料中杂质含量的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for impurity contents of recycled aggregate |
KS F 2577-2017 | 喷射混凝土材料 | Materials for shotcrete |
KS F 2578-2017 | 灰泥用细集料 | Fine aggregates for plaster |
KS F 2579-2013 | 沉箱填充料用钢渣 | Slag for caisson filler |
KS F 2580-2017 | 钢铁渣在80℃水中浸泡膨胀试验方法 | Test method of the immersion expansion in 80 ℃water of the iron and steel slag |
KS F 2581-2013 | 测定集料冲击值的标准试验方法?集料生产控制试验方法 | Standard test method for determination of aggregates impacting value - Method of test for production control of aggregate |
KS F 2582-2013 | 热拌沥青路面用粗集料抗热震性的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for resistance to thermal shock of coarse aggregates for hot mix asphalt pavement |
KS F 2584-2010 | 混凝土加速碳酸化试验方法 | Standard test method for accelerated carbonation of concrete |
KS F 2585-2010 | 混凝土碱硅酸反应判定方法 | Standard test method for alkali-silica reaction of concrete |
KS F 2586-2010 | 水泥浆、砂浆、混凝土自收缩与自膨胀试验方法 | Standard test method for autogenous shrinkage and expansion of cement paste, mortar and concrete |
KS F 2587-2010 | 未经压实混凝土中氯化物含量测定方法.氯离子选择性电极法 | Standard test method for chloride ion in fresh concrete using a chloride ion-selective electrode method |
KS F 2588-2017 | 混凝土中钢用腐蚀抑制混合料的初始筛分的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for initial screening of corrosion inhibiting admixtures for steel in concrete |
KS F 2589-2017 | 混凝土中钢用氯化物腐蚀抑制混合料的试验方法 | Standard test method for admixtures to inhibit chloride-induced corrosion of steel in concrete |
KS F 2590-2017 | 混凝土中钢筋腐蚀评价方法 | Standard test method for corrosion evaluation of steel in concrete |
KS F 2591-2014 | 桩动荷载试验 | Testing method for dynamic pile load test |
KS F 2592-2014 | 电子式锥贯入试验方法 | Standard test method for electronic cone penetration of soils |
KS F 2593-2014 | 土壤湿度密度的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for moisture density of soil |
KS F 2594-2015 | 未经压实混凝土的流度试验方法 | Method of test for slump flow of fresh concrete |
KS F 2595-2015 | 混凝土干缩裂缝的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for dry shrinkage crack in concrete |
KS F 2596-2004 | 混凝土碳化作用深度的测量方法 | Method for measuring carbonation depth of concrete |
KS F 2597-2011 | 混凝土加压时水的渗透深度试验方法 | Standard test method for water penetration depth into concrete under pressure |
KS F 2598-2011 | 混凝土中氯离子含量的测定方法 | Standard test method for distribution of total chloride ion in concrete |
KS F 2599-1-2013 | 钢筋混凝土加速腐蚀的标准试验方法(高压釜法) | Standard test method for the accelerated corrosion of reinforced concrete(autoclave method) |
KS F 2599-2-2013 | 钢筋混凝土加速腐蚀的标准试验方法(干湿循环法) | Standard test method for the accelerated corrosion of reinforced concrete (wet-drying cycles method) |
KS F 2600-2008 | 用图像分析法评定钢筋腐蚀性的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for corrosion evaluation of reinforcing bar by image analysis method |
KS F 2602-2016 | 地板滑度试验方法(摆动式) | Method of test for floor slipperiness(Pendulum type) |
KS F 2603-2016 | 房间通风量测量方法(二氧化碳法) | Method for measuring amount of room ventilation(carbon dioxide method) |
KS F 2604-2018 | 建筑外墙材料抗冻性试验方法(冻融法) | Standard test method for frost resistance of exterior wall materials for buildings(freezing and thawing method) |
KS F 2605-2013 | 建筑内部系统用板的抗湿性试验方法 | Test methods for moisture resisrance of board for interior system of building |
KS F 2606-2004 | 建筑外部板材耐水性能试验方法 | Test methods for water resistance of exterior wall boards in building |
KS F 2607-2007 | 建筑材料透湿度试验方法 | Measuring method of water vapour permeability for building materials |
KS F 2608-2011 | 建筑材料线膨胀系数测定方法 | Measuring method of linear thermal expansion for building materials |
KS F 2609-2008 | 建筑材料系数测定方法 | Determination of the water absorption coefficient of building materials |
KS F 2610-2007 | 建筑材料二氧化碳渗透性测定方法 | Measuring method of carbon dioxide permeability for building materials |
KS F 2611-2009 | 建筑材料及制品湿热性能湿度变化时吸湿/解吸性能的测定 | Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products-Determination of moisture adsorption/desorption properties in response to humidity variation |
KS F 2612-2011 | 用吸附建筑材料评定甲醛浓度降低的性能试验 | Performance test for evaluating the reduction of formaldehyde concentrations by sorptive building materials |
KS F 2613-2015 | 建筑结构用非承重轻质墙体性能试验方法 | Performance test methods of non-bearing lightweight wall for building construction |
KS F 2620-2008 | 建筑涂料和板材附着层的耐疲劳性试验方法 | Test methods for movement capability of coatings and sheets fully adhered on substrate |
KS F 2621-2000 | 建筑玻璃装配用密材料试验方法 | Testing methods of sealants for sealing and glazing in buildings |
KS F 2622-2008 | 薄膜屋顶系统性能评定的试验方法 | Method of test for performance evaluation of membrane roofing systems |
KS F 2623-2005 | 热膨胀连接填充材料的试验方法 | Water expanded material and rubber- Expansion joint fillers-Test methods |
KS F 2624-2006 | 混凝土构筑物龟裂保修用直接注射材料耐疲劳性能试验方法 | Fatigue resistance test method of direct injecting materials for repairing on the concrete crack |
KS F 2630-2007 | 门框.扭转试验方法 | Doorsets-Static torsion test |
KS F 2631-2007 | 门框.垂直荷载试验方法 | Doorsets-Vertical load test |
KS F 2632-2007 | 门框.重复性开关试验方法 | Doorsets-Repeated opening and closing test |
KS F 2633-2011 | 自动门开、关装置试验方法 | Test method for powered door systems |
KS F 2634-2000 | 门框.静态荷载试验方法 | Doorsets-Static loading test |
KS F 2635-2000 | 门扇.平整度测试方法 | Door leaves-Measurement of defects of general flatness |
KS F 2636-2010 | 门扇.尺寸和直角度测定方法 | Door leaves-Measurement of dimensions and of defects of squareness |
KS F 2637-2017 | 门、窗、百叶窗抗侵入性试验方法动态荷载下的抗侵入性 | Intrusion resistance test method for doors, windows, shutters-Resistance under dynamic loading |
KS F 2638-2012 | 门、窗、百叶窗抗侵入性试验方法静载下的抗侵入性 | Intrusion resistance test method for door, windows, shutters-Resistance under static loading |
KS F 2639-2012 | 防洪产品性能评价方法 | Evaluation method for performance of flood protection products |
KS F 2701-2012 | 蒸压加气轻量混凝土砌块 | Autoclaved lightweight aerated concrete block |
KS F 2711-2017 | 混凝土耐氯离子穿透能力电标试验方法 | Standard test method for resistance of concrete to chloride ion penetration by electrical conductance |
KS F 2712-2017 | 混凝土中钢筋的半电池电位试验法 | Testing method for half-cell potentials of reinforcing steel in concrete |
KS F 2713-2017 | 砂浆和混凝土中水溶氯化物的试验方法 | Testing method for analysis of chloride in concrete and concrete raw materials |
KS F 2714-2017 | 水泥砂浆和混凝土中酸-水溶性氯化物的测定 | Testing method for acid-soluble chloride in mortar and concrete |
KS F 2715-2017 | 水泥砂浆和混凝土中性水溶性氯化物的测定 | Testing method for water-soluble chloride in mortar and concrete |
KS F 2716-2013 | 集料中水可萃取氯离子的标准试验方法(索格利特法) | Standard test method for water-extractable chloride ion in aggregate(soxhlet method) |
KS F 2717-2013 | 硬化混凝土中氯离子含量的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for chloride ion content in hardened concrete |
KS F 2730-2008 | 推定混凝土压缩强度的方法.回弹强度试验方法 | Testing method for rebound number to conclude compressive strength of concrete |
KS F 2731-2008 | 测定混凝土抗压强度的超声脉冲速度的试验方法 | Testing method for velocity of ultrasonic pulses to conclude compressive strength of concrete |
KS F 2732-2008 | 推定混凝土压缩强度的方法.拉延强度试验方法 | Testing method for pullout strength to conclude compressive strength of concrete |
KS F 2733-2008 | 推定混凝土压缩强度的方法.抗贯入试验方法 | Testing method for penetration resistance to conclude compressive strength of concrete |
KS F 2734-2004 | 钢筋检测方法.利用电磁感应法检测 | Testing method of detecting reinforcement byelectromagnetic induction method |
KS F 2735-2004 | 钢筋检测方法.利用电磁波定位法检测 | Testing method of detecting reinforcement by electromagnetic wave method |
KS F 2736-2015 | 混凝土内部钢筋极化阻抗测定方法 | Testing method for polarization resistance of reinforcing bar in concrete |
KS F 2737-2015 | 利用指示剂测定混凝土氯化物渗透深度的方法 | Testing method for chloride ion penetration of concrete by using indicator |
KS F 2760-2007 | 斜切法测定混凝土用粘结剂的粘结强度 | Measurement of the slant shear strength of structural bonding agents for concrete structures |
KS F 2761-2016 | 混凝土用黏着材料粘结度测试方法 | Measurement of the adhesion of structural bonding agent for the concrete |
KS F 2762-2016 | 混凝土保修、保护材料的粘结度测试方法 | Measurement of bond strength of products for the protection and repair of concrete structures by pull-off |
KS F 2763-2007 | 贯入法测定混凝土保修材料凝结时间 | Testing method for determining the stiffening time of products for the repair of concrete structures by penetration resistance |
KS F 2781-2007 | 钢纤维强化湿喷法 | Steel fiber reinforced wet-type shotcrete |
KS F 2782-2007 | 喷射混凝土用速凝剂 | Set accelerating agent for shotcrete |
KS F 2783-2007 | 喷浆混凝土材料取样方法 | Sampling method for materials of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete |
KS F 2784-2007 | 钢纤维强化喷射试验板取样方法 | Sampling method for specimens of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete by test panels |
KS F 2801-2011 | 混凝土圆柱体成形用模 | Mold for forming concrete test cylinders vertically |
KS F 2803-2013 | 保温工程施工标准 | Standard practic for thermal insulation works |
KS F 2805-2014 | 混响室内部吸声性能测定方法 | Measurement of sound absorption in a reverberation room |
KS F 2806-2000 | 地弹簧门的地弹簧和合页试验方法 | Testing methods for checking floor-hinges and door-closers |
KS F 2807-2016 | 通风空调系统风量测量方法 | Method of measurement of air quantity for ventilation and air conditioning system |
KS F 2809-2011 | 建筑物空气声隔声的现场测量 | Field measurements of airborne sound insulation of buildings |
KS F 2810-1-2015 | 地板冲击声隔声的现场测量第1部分:使用标准光源的方法 | Field measurements of impact sound insulation of floors-Part 1:Method using standard light impact source |
KS F 2810-2-2012 | 建筑物地板冲击声隔声的现场测量第2部分:使用标准重冲击源的方法 | Field measurements of floor impact sound insulation of buildings-Part 2:Method using standard heavy impact sources |
KS F 2811-2016 | 建筑材料和建筑构件的耐磨性试验方法(利用圆盘摩擦和冲击的地板材料耐磨性试验方法) | Method of abrasion test for building materials and part of building construction (Method of abrasion test for flooring materials method with rotating disk fitted friction and impact) |
KS F 2812-2006 | 建筑材料及部分建筑结构磨损试验方法(落砂法) | Method of abrasion test for building materials and part of building construction(Falling sand method) |
KS F 2813-2016 | 建筑材料和部分建筑结构的磨损试验方法(砂纸法) | Method of abrasion test for building materials and part of building construction(abrasive paper method) |
KS F 2814-1-2016 | 阻抗管吸声系数和阻抗的测定第1部分:驻波比法 | Determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance in impedance tubes Part 1:Method using standing wave ratio |
KS F 2814-2-2002 | 声学阻抗管吸声系数和阻抗的测定第2部分:传递函数法 | Acoustics-determination of sound absorption coefficient and impedance in impedance tubes-Part 2:Transfer-function method |
KS F 2815-2001 | 排烟设备检查标准 | Inspection standard of smoke exhaust equipment |
KS F 2819-2016 | 建筑用薄板材料的耐燃性试验方法 | Testing method for incombustibility of thin materials for buildings |
KS F 2821-2007 | 塑料建筑材料的耐候性评价方法 | Standard method of test for change in properties of plastics building materials resulting from out-door exposure |
KS F 2822-2014 | 防火阀的防烟试验方法 | Smoke-proof test method for fire damper |
KS F 2823-2016 | 绝热排管的隔热性能测定方法(热水循环法) | Method of testing to determine the thermal properties of insulated heating tubes (hot water circulation procedure) |
KS F 2824-2016 | 遮光设备的遮光系数简易测定方法 | Simplified test method for determining shading coefficient of shading devices |
KS F 2825-2007 | 集料抗碱性快速试验方法(混凝土生产管理用) | Testing method for rapid identification of the alkali reactivity of aggregates-Methods of test for production control of concrete |
KS F 2826-2012 | 浴缸性能试验方法 | Performance test method for bathtubs |
KS F 2828-2016 | 人造大理石浴缸填充材料试验方法 | Test method of filler materials for artificial marble bathtubs |
KS F 2829-2005 | 建筑物隔热性能评价方法.红外线摄影法 | Thermal performance of buildings-Quantitative detection of thermal irregularities in building envelopes-Infrared method |
KS F 2839-2014 | 柔性通风管道耐火试验方法 | Methods of fire resistance tests for flexible ducts |
KS F 2840-2014 | 防火阀耐火试验方法 | Fire resistance tests for fire dampers |
KS F 2843-2002 | 建筑材料的着火性试验方法 | Test method for ignitability of building products |
KS F 2844-2002 | 建筑材料的火焰蔓延性能的测定方法 | Test method for flame spread of building products |
KS F 2845-2013 | 镶玻璃构件耐火试验方法 | Fire resistance test for glazed elements |
KS F 2846-2013 | 防火门隔烟性能试验方法 | Methods for measuring smoke penetration through door assemblies |
KS F 2847-2005 | 防火阀温感器性能试验方法 | Test method of heat responsive links for fire damper |
KS F 2848-2010 | 据断面形状系数测定结构用钢材耐火覆盖层厚度的方法 | Method for calculating fire protective thickness of structural steel according to section factor |
KS F 2861-2001 | 建筑和建筑构件的隔音性能测定方法.数据精确度的测定、检验和适用条件 | Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements-Determination, verification and application of precision data |
KS F 2862-2017 | 建筑和建筑构件空气噪声隔音性能评价方法 | Rating of airborne sound insulation in buildings and of building elements |
KS F 2863-1-2017 | 建筑物冲击源和建筑构件的地板冲击隔声等级第1部分:对标准光冲击源的地板冲击隔声 | Rating of floor impact sound insulation for impact source in buildings and of building elements-Part 1:Floor impact sound insulation against standard light impact source |
KS F 2863-2-2017 | 建筑物冲击源和建筑构件的地板冲击隔声等级第2部分:对标准重冲击源的地板冲击隔声 | Rating of floor impact sound insulation for impact source in buildings and of building elements-Part 2:Floor impact sound insulation against standard heavy impact source |
KS F 2864-2012 | 混响室内混响时间和声学变数测定方法 | Measurement of the reverberation time of rooms with reference to the other acoustical parameters |
KS F 2865-2015 | 混凝土地板包覆材料的轻量冲击音减少量测定.实验室测定方法 | Laboratory measurements of the reduction of transmitted impact sound by floor coverings on a heavyweight standard floor |
KS F 2866-2003 | 上方有压力通风室的悬挂天花板房间之间隔空气声的实验室测量法 | Laboratory measurement of room-to-room airborne sound insulation of a suspended ceiling with a plenum above it |
KS F 2867-2003 | 建筑物小型附属设备空气噪音隔音性能测定.实验室测定法 | Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of small building elements |
KS F 2868-2003 | 居住空间浮动地板用材料的动弹性系数测定方法 | Determination of dynamic stiffness of materials used under floating floors in dwellings |
KS F 2869-2016 | 公共住宅外部交通噪声的测定.现场测定法 | Field measurements of apartment exterior noise |
KS F 2870-2016 | 公共住宅浴室给水噪音的测定.现场测定法 | Field measurements of water supply noise in apartment bathroom |
KS F 2871-2016 | 公共住宅浴室排水噪音的测定.现场测定法 | Field measurements of drainage noise in apartment bathroom |
KS F 2872-2008 | 公寓浴室供水噪声等级 | Rating of water supply noise in apartment bathroom |
KS F 2873-2011 | 地板冲击声用弹性材料压缩性测量方法 | Measuring method of compressibility of resilient materials for floor impact sound |
KS F 2901-2008 | 结构构件上喷涂耐火材料厚度和密度的试验方法 | Test methods for thickness and density of sprayed fire resistive material applied to structural members |
KS F 2902-2008 | 结构构件上喷涂耐火材料粘合强度的试验方法 | Test methods for bond strength of sprayed fire resistive material applied to structural members |
KS F 2903-2008 | 结构构件上喷涂防火材料的空气腐蚀试验方法 | Test methods for air erosion of sprayed fire resistive material applied to structural members |
KS F 2904-2003 | 挠曲对结构构件上喷涂的防火材料影响的试验方法 | Test methods for effect of deflection on sprayed fire resistive material applied to structural members |
KS F 2905-2003 | 冲击对结构构件上喷涂防火材料粘着力影响的试验方法 | Test methods for effect of impact on sprayed fire resistive material applied to structural members |
KS F 2906-2015 | 喷射耐火材料耐久性的加速试验方法 | Accelerated test method for Durability of Sprayed fire resistive material |
KS F 2912-2008 | 预制循环水辐射地板散热量计算与试验方法 | Calculation and test method for heat output of prefab hydronic radiant floor panel |
KS F 2921-2008 | 自然通风系统空气流量的试验方法 | Test method for airflow rate of natural ventilation system |
KS F 3005-2016 | 加压式木馏油处理防腐枕木 | Crossties treated with creosote oil by pressure processes |
KS F 3020-2013 | 结构用针叶树木材 | Softwood structural lumber |
KS F 3021-2013 | 结构用集成材料 | Structural glued laminated timber |
KS F 3022-2005 | 木材集成板 | Edge-glued lumber |
KS F 3023-2009 | 指形接合木材 | Finger jointed wood |
KS F 3024-2016 | 中密度纤维板门框材料 | Medium Density Fiberboard(MDF) door frames |
KS F 3025-2016 | 建筑地基用加压处理防腐木材 | Foundation wood sill treated with preservatives by pressure processes |
KS F 3026-2016 | 地板装饰用加压处理防腐木材 | Wood for floor decking treated with preservatives by pressure processes |
KS F 3028-2016 | 户外设施用加压处理防腐木材 | Wood for outdoor facilities treated with preservatives by pressure processes |
KS F 3101-2016 | 普通合板 | Ordinary plywood |
KS F 3103-2017 | 地板 | Flooring board |
KS F 3104-2016 | 刨花板 | Particle boards |
KS F 3106-2016 | 特殊加工装饰用合板 | Prefinished, printed, embossed & paper overlaid plywood |
KS F 3107-2016 | 天然花纹装饰用合板 | Sliced veneer overlaid plywood |
KS F 3108-2014 | 门窗的木框 | Wooden frames for doors and windows |
KS F 3109-2016 | 门组 | Doorsets |
KS F 3110-2016 | 浇混凝土用模合板 | Plywood for concrete form |
KS F 3111-2016 | 装饰用花纹胶合地板 | Natural wood veneer flooring board |
KS F 3113-2016 | 结构用合板 | Structural plywood |
KS F 3117-2015 | 窗套 | Window sets |
KS F 3118-2005 | 非结构用木材集成板 | Nonstructural glued laminated timber |
KS F 3119-2005 | 层压单板材 | Nonstructural laminated veneer lumber |
KS F 3120-2011 | 行人用电动门 | Powered doors for pedestrians |
KS F 3122-2016 | 加压处理防腐地板框材 | Floor frame timber treated with preservatives by pressure processes |
KS F 3123-2017 | 地板块 | Flooring block |
KS F 3124-2016 | 难燃木材 | Slow-burning lumbers |
KS F 3126-2017 | 装饰用木质地板 | Decoration wood-based flooring board |
KS F 3127-2008 | 内部用塑料层压板 | Plastic laminated or printed boards for inside use |
KS F 3128-2006 | 门装饰面板 | Door skin |
KS F 3129-2008 | 木墙板 | Wooden wall plank |
KS F 3200-2016 | 纤维板 | Fiberboards |
KS F 3204-2010 | 建筑用油性堵塞材料 | Oil based caulking compounds for buildings |
KS F 3211-2015 | 建筑用涂覆防水膜 | Waterproofing membrane coating for construction |
KS F 3215-2015 | 建筑用垫片 | Building gaskets and building structural gaskets-Materials in preformed solid vulcanizates used for sealing glazing and panels |
KS F 3216-2008 | 建筑门窗及面板接缝用海绵垫圈 | Sponge gaskets for windows, doors and joints of panel in buildings |
KS F 3217-2010 | 墙纸和墙面涂料用淀粉粘合剂 | Starch adhesives for wall paper and wall coverings |
KS F 3218-2015 | 聚氯乙烯地板用胶粘剂 | Adhesives for PVC floorcovering |
KS F 3230-2013 | 木塑复合地板 | WPC(Wood Plastic Composite) deck floor board |
KS F 3501-2017 | 热拌沥青路面填料 | Filler for hot mix asphalt pavement |
KS F 3503-2012 | 吸音材料 | Sound absorbing materials |
KS F 3504-2018 | 石膏板制品 | Gypsum boards |
KS F 3507-2007 | 石膏 | Gypsum plaster |
KS F 3508-2012 | 白云石灰泥 | Dolomite plaster |
KS F 3510-2004 | 粘土瓦 | Clay roof tiles |
KS F 3514-2016 | 石膏板用钉子 | Gypsum boards nails |
KS F 3517-2016 | 板材用纸芯管 | Paper cores for panel |
KS F 3701-2006 | 珍珠岩 | Perlite |
KS F 3702-2012 | 蛭石 | Vermiculites |
KS F 3888-1-2017 | 学校体育设施人工草皮 | School athletic facilities-Artificial turf |
KS F 3888-2-2016 | 室外体育设施弹性铺路材料 | Outdoor sports facilities — Elastic paving materials |
KS F 4001-2016 | 人行道用混凝土板 | Preast concrete paving flags |
KS F 4002-2011 | 空心混凝土块 | Hollow conrete blocks |
KS F 4004-2013 | 混凝土砖 | Concrete bricks |
KS F 4005-2004 | 檐沟用凝土和钢筋混凝土 | Concrete curb-gutters and reinforced concrete curb-gutters |
KS F 4006-2013 | 混凝土路缘块 | Concrete curbs |
KS F 4007-2002 | 混凝土养生用薄板材料 | Sheet materials for curing concrete |
KS F 4008-2002 | 混凝土电缆导管 | Concrete cable ducts |
KS F 4009-2016 | 预拌混凝土配料 | Ready-mixed concrete |
KS F 4010-2014 | 钢筋混凝土渡槽及台式渡槽 | Reinforced concrete flumes and bench flumes |
KS F 4011-2011 | 钢筋混凝土电缆槽 | Reinforced concrete cable troughs |
KS F 4012-2013 | 下水道用钢筋混凝土检修孔墩 | Reinforced concrete manhole blocks for sewerage works |
KS F 4014-2000 | 积水槽盖 | Gully grating |
KS F 4015-2014 | 围墙用预浇铸钢筋混凝土固化块 | Precast reinforced components for concrete fences |
KS F 4016-2014 | U型钢筋混凝土槽 | Reinforced concrete gutters |
KS F 4019-2011 | 防滑土墙用钢筋混凝土固化块 | Reinforced concrete built-up retaining walls |
KS F 4020-2011 | 钢筋混凝土组合式涵洞块 | Reinforced concrete built-up culvert blocks |
KS F 4023-2002 | 钢筋混凝土锚墩 | Anchor block for concrete pole |
KS F 4029-2007 | 加压水泥瓦 | Pressed cement roof tiles |
KS F 4034-2012 | 空心预应力混凝土面板 | Prestressed concrete hollow cored panels |
KS F 4035-2017 | 预制水磨石 | Precast terrazzo |
KS F 4038-2014 | 装饰用水泥砖 | Decorated concrete blocks |
KS F 4039-2004 | 现场铸型用泡沫混凝土 | Foamed concrete for cast-in-site |
KS F 4040-2004 | 隔热水泥砂浆 | Insulating mortar |
KS F 4041-2009 | 水泥基自流平砂浆 | Cement based self-levelling mortar |
KS F 4042-2012 | 混凝土建筑保修用聚脂强力砂浆 | Polymer modified cement mortar for maintenance in concrete structure |
KS F 4043-2008 | 混凝土建筑保修用环氧树脂砂浆 | Epoxy resin mortar for restoration in concrete structure |
KS F 4044-2004 | 干包装水硬水泥砂浆(非收缩的) | Hydraulic cement grout(Nonshrink) |
KS F 4052-2004 | 防水工程用沥青 | Waterproofing asphalts for building construction |
KS F 4060-2006 | 水泥基地板用人造石板 | Cement bonded artificial stone panel for floor |
KS F 4061-2009 | 外墙用人造石材 | Artificial stone materials for exterior wall |
KS F 4207-2014 | 预应力混凝土板枕木 | Prestressed concrete ties |
KS F 4208-2013 | 混凝土板桩 | Concrete sheet piles |
KS F 4301-2016 | 加固预应力混凝土管桩 | Reinforced spun concrete piles |
KS F 4303-2016 | 先张法预应力混凝土管桩 | Pretensioned spun concrete piles |
KS F 4304-2015 | 先张法预应力混凝土电杆 | Prestressed spun concrete poles |
KS F 4306-2003 | 先张法预应力高强度混凝土管桩 | Pretensioned spun high strength concrete piles |
KS F 4307-2016 | 先张法预应力振动混凝土管桩 | Pretensioned vibration concrete piles |
KS F 4402-2016 | 振动和轧制钢筋混凝土管 | Vibrated and rolled reinforced concrete pipe |
KS F 4403-2004 | 加固预应力混凝土管 | Reinforced spun concrete pipes |
KS F 4405-2002 | 预应力混凝土管(管芯缠丝工艺) | Core type prestressed concrete pipes |
KS F 4406-2014 | 预应力混凝土圆筒管 | Prestressed concrete-steel cylinder pipe |
KS F 4409-2002 | 加固形穿孔混凝土管 | Centrifugal perforated reinforced concrete pipes |
KS F 4414-2013 | 钢筋混凝土I形拥壁 | Reinforced concrete L-shape retaining walls |
KS F 4416-2014 | 拥壁和护墙用混凝土块 | Concrete blocks for retaining wall and revetment |
KS F 4417-2014 | 公路用钢筋混凝土槽 | Reinforced concrete gutters for roadside |
KS F 4419-2016 | 人行道用嵌入式混凝土块 | Concrete interlocking block for side walk and road |
KS F 4420-1998 | 桥梁用钢叠层弹性支座 | Steel- Laminated elastomeric bearings for bridge |
KS F 4421-2004 | 预浇混凝土用塑料垫块 | Plastics spacers for precast concrete |
KS F 4422-2014 | 钢筋混凝土有盖支架渡槽 | Reinforced concrete bench flumes with cover |
KS F 4423-2014 | 钢筋混凝土I形渡槽 | Reinforced concrete L type flumes |
KS F 4424-1996 | 桥梁用壶形支撑 | Pot bearings for bridges |
KS F 4425-2001 | 桥梁用伸缩接头试验方法 | Testing method for bridge expansion joint |
KS F 4426-2008 | 混凝土间隔物 | Concrete spacer |
KS F 4505-2000 | 闭门器 | Door closers |
KS F 4509-2015 | 轻型卷帘 | Light-weight rolling shutter for buildings |
KS F 4510-2015 | 重型卷帘 | Heavy-weight rolling shutter for buildings |
KS F 4511-2007 | 移门轨道 | Sliding door rails |
KS F 4512-2003 | 建筑用螺丝扣的螺钉 | Bolts of turnbuckle for building |
KS F 4513-2003 | 建筑用螺丝扣的主体 | Body of turnbuckle for building |
KS F 4514-2010 | 木结构用扣件 | Fasteners for wood structures |
KS F 4518-2000 | 地板合叶 | Floor hinges |
KS F 4519-2004 | 合叶 | Hinges |
KS F 4521-2003 | 建筑用套筒螺母 | Turnbuckle for building |
KS F 4522-2017 | 房顶排水沟(平房顶用) | Roof drains |
KS F 4523-2007 | 瓷釉园管道 | Porcelain enameled exhaust pipes |
KS F 4524-2007 | 门窗用槽轮 | Sheaves for sliding doors and windows |
KS F 4525-2007 | 钢门用配件 | Fittings for steel door |
KS F 4527-2007 | 黄铜防滑器 | Brass non-slip |
KS F 4528-2013 | 纸架 | Paper holder |
KS F 4529-2013 | 毛巾架 | Towel hanger |
KS F 4530-2007 | 黄铜连接 | Brass jointer |
KS F 4533-2008 | 轴头式铰链 | Pivot hinge |
KS F 4534-2011 | 窗框用滑轮及附件 | Fittings for sash windows |
KS F 4535-2003 | 天花板用铝合金百叶窗 | Aluminium louver for ceiling |
KS F 4536-2016 | Windows屏幕 | Screens for windows |
KS F 4537-2000 | 木制建筑用钢锭 | Wire nails for wood construction |
KS F 4538-2010 | 杯子用合页 | Cup-hinges |
KS F 4551-2015 | 钢丝网 | Wire laths |
KS F 4552-2015 | 金属板条 | Metal lath |
KS F 4561-2016 | 视力障碍者用点字砖 | Braille blocks for the visually impaired |
KS F 4569-2017 | 道路用炉灰集料 | Bottom ash aggregate for road construction |
KS F 4570-2007 | 预制混凝土用炉渣集料 | Bottom ash aggregate for the precast concrete product |
KS F 4602-2016 | 钢管桩 | Steel pipe piles |
KS F 4603-2016 | H形钢桩 | Steel H piles |
KS F 4604-2015 | 热轧薄钢板桩 | Hot rolled steel sheet piles |
KS F 4605-2017 | 钢管板桩 | Steel pipe sheet piles |
KS F 4708-2002 | 碱性碳酸镁保温材料 | Basic magnesium carbonate heat insulating material |
KS F 4714-2012 | 珍珠岩防水保温材料 | Water repellent heat insulator made of perlite |
KS F 4715-2007 | 修整用薄涂料 | Wall coatings for thin textured finishes |
KS F 4716-2016 | 水泥基表面涂料 | Cement filling compound for surface preparation |
KS F 4720-2017 | 刨花板 | Wood wool boards |
KS F 4722-2014 | 组装用水泥壁板 | Building components(concrete panel for wall) |
KS F 4723-2016 | 多层壁末道涂刷料 | Multi-layer wall coatings for glossy textured finishes |
KS F 4724-2017 | 建筑用钢壁板 | Building component steel panel for wall |
KS F 4725-2017 | 组装用木壁板 | Building components wood panel for wall |
KS F 4726-2014 | 组装用混凝土地板 | Precast concrete panel for floor |
KS F 4729-2014 | 组装用混凝土天花板 | Precast concrete panel for roof |
KS F 4731-2017 | 建筑用钢制屋面板 | Building component steel panel for roof |
KS F 4733-2012 | 钢纤维混凝土墙板 | Steel fiber reinforced concrete panel for wall |
KS F 4734-2012 | 墙体用发泡聚苯乙烯轻质混凝土板 | Expanded polystyrene lightweight concrete panel for wall |
KS F 4735-2011 | 挤出混凝土板材 | Extrusion concrete panels |
KS F 4736-2007 | 挤出轻量混凝土板材 | Extrusion lightweight concrete panels |
KS F 4737-2007 | 铝合金合板材 | Aluminum composite panel |
KS F 4738-2012 | 墙面搪瓷钢板 | Porcelain enameled steel panel for wall |
KS F 4739-2016 | 硅石人造大理石板 | Artificial silica marble panel |
KS F 4740-2016 | 热固塑料天花板瓷砖 | Thermosetting plastic ceiling tile |
KS F 4741-2015 | 钢合板 | Steel composite panel |
KS F 4742-2015 | 非承载墙壁用轻量型钢构件 | Light-gauge steel framing members for non-bearing wall |
KS F 4750-2016 | 沥青屋顶板 | Asphalt shingles |
KS F 4751-2004 | 石颗粒涂层金属瓦 | Granule stone coated metal roofing tile |
KS F 4760-2016 | 双重地板材 | Raised access floor |
KS F 4770-1-2017 | 隔音板-金属 | Soundproof panel — Metallic |
KS F 4770-2-2015 | 隔音板-金属色 | Soundproof panel — Metallic colored |
KS F 4770-3-2013 | 隔音板-非金属色 | Soundproof panel - Non metallic colored |
KS F 4770-4-2013 | 隔音板-木制 | Soundproof panel - Wooden |
KS F 4802-2011 | 玻璃钢波纹板 | Glassfiber-reinforced plastic corrugated sheets |
KS F 4803-2014 | 玻璃钢蓄水槽构件 | Components of glassfiber reinforced plastic waste water disposal tank |
KS F 4806-2016 | 澡盆 | Bathtubs |
KS F 4811-2017 | 玻璃钢水箱 | Glassfiber reinforced polyester water tank |
KS F 4813-2010 | 盥洗池 | Wash-basin |
KS F 4814-2014 | 聚乙烯水箱 | Polyethylene water tank |
KS F 4901-2007 | 沥青屋面毡(纤维基、饱和沥青毡) | Asphalt roofing felts(Fiber base, saturated bitumen felts) |
KS F 4902-2007 | 沥青屋面毡(纤维基、自抛光沥青毡) | Asphalt roofing felts(Fiber base, self-finished bitumen felts) |
KS F 4903-2009 | 空心玻璃砖 | Hollow glass blocks |
KS F 4904-2009 | 弹性沥青屋顶毡 | Stretchy asphalt roofing felts(synthetic fiber base) |
KS F 4905-2009 | 穿孔沥青屋顶毡 | Perforated asphalt roofing felts |
KS F 4906-2007 | 铺沙屋顶毡 | Sanded roofing |
KS F 4910-2010 | 建筑用密封材料 | Sealants for sealing and glazing in buildings |
KS F 4911-2017 | 合成高分子基防水薄板 | Waterproofing sheets of synthetic polymer |
KS F 4913-2006 | 沥青涂覆机织物屋面板 | Woven fabrics asphalt roofings |
KS F 4914-2017 | 蒸压轻质加气混凝土板 | Autoclaved lightweight aerated concrete panels |
KS F 4915-2005 | 石膏板用接合处理材料 | Joint treatment materials for gypsum boards |
KS F 4916-2016 | 水泥改性用聚合物 | Polymer for cement modifiers |
KS F 4917-2016 | 聚合物改性沥青防水薄板 | Polymer-modified bitumen waterproofing sheet |
KS F 4918-2008 | 水泥掺硅粉防水涂料 | Cement mixed siliceous power waterproof coatings |
KS F 4919-2008 | 水泥.聚合物基防水涂覆材料 | Cement-polymer modified waterproof coatings |
KS F 4921-2016 | 混凝土结构防水防腐用环氧树脂材料 | Epoxy resin material for waterproof and anticorrosion of concrete structure |
KS F 4922-2007 | 聚脲树脂涂覆防水材料 | Polyurea resin waterproofing membrane coating |
KS F 4923-2005 | 混凝土结构用环氧树脂 | Epoxy adhesives for repairing in concrete structure |
KS F 4924-2005 | 建筑用塑料基防潮薄膜 | Plastic films vapour barrier for buildings |
KS F 4925-2011 | 涂覆水泥用液体防水材料 | Cement mortar mixed liquid waterproofing agent |
KS F 4926-2016 | 混凝土用粉末防水材料 | Waterproofing admixture for concrete |
KS F 4927-2016 | 透气防水板 | Waterproof breather sheets |
KS F 4929-2010 | 金属陶瓷防水、防潮涂料 | Ceramic-metal contain resin materials for waterproof and anticorrosion |
KS F 4930-2012 | 混凝土表面涂覆用液态吸水防水材料 | Penetrating water repellency of liquid type for concrete surface application |
KS F 4931-2017 | 桥面用防水板 | Waterproofing sheets for concrete deck of bridge |
KS F 4932-2017 | 桥面用防水膜 | Waterproofing membrane coating for concrete deck of bridge |
KS F 4933-2008 | 防水层保护用混凝土板伸缩缝填料 | Performed expansion joint filler of concrete slab for protection of waterproofing layer |
KS F 4934-2008 | 自粘橡胶沥青防水板 | Self adhesive rubberized asphalt sheet |
KS F 4935-2008 | 注胶型柔性橡胶沥青系列漏水养护封闭剂 | Sealer of injection type for water leakage maintenance of adhesive flexible rubber asphalt series |
KS F 4936-2008 | 混凝土保护用涂覆材料 | Coating materials for the protection of concrete |
KS F 4937-2009 | 停车场地用表面光洁材料 | Surface finishing material for parking slab |
KS F 4938-2010 | 绿色屋顶系统防水和抗根材料抗根穿透性的试验方法 | Test methods for the resistance to root penetration of waterproofing and root resistance materials for green roof system |
KS F 5602-2016 | 门窗用聚氯乙烯型材 | Plastic profile for windows and doors |
KS F 5603-2015 | 金属围墙和大门 | Fences and gates with metals |
KS F 5650-2004 | 混凝土模板用塑料板 | Plastic boards for concrete form |
KS F 5651-2004 | 混凝土模板用合成树脂板 | Plastic panels for concrete form |
KS F 5660-2017 | 聚酯纤维吸音隔热材料 | Polyester fiber sound absorbing and thermal insulation |
KS F 6306-2000 | 岩棉疏松填料隔热材料 | Rock wool loose fil1 thermal insulation |
KS F 6308-2010 | 住宅用洗手间用具 | Toilet unit for dwellings |
KS F 6313-2012 | 成套炊具 | System kitchens |
KS F 6314-2008 | 风轮对流式暖房器 | Fan convector |
KS F 7001-2002 | 预应力混凝土管桩施工标准 | Standard practice for execution of spun concrete piles |
KS F 7003-2016 | 大直径钻孔桩双向荷载试验的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for bi-directional pile load test of large-diameter drilled shafts |
KS F 8001-2016 | 钢管支架 | Steel pipe supports |
KS F 8002-2012 | 钢管脚手架用附件 | mponents for steel pipe scaffolding |
KS F 8003-2015 | 预制钢管脚手架 | Components and accessories for prefabricated steel pipe scaffolding |
KS F 8006-2017 | 混凝土模板用钢架胶合板 | Steel framed plywood form |
KS F 8011-2011 | 可移动式钢管脚手架 | Components for movable steel pipe scaffolding |
KS F 8012-2015 | 作业平台 | Working platform |
KS F 8013-2017 | 夹具 | Clamping devices |
KS F 8014-2004 | 支架用钢底座 | Base plate |
KS F 8015-2004 | 钢制托架 | Steel bracket |
KS F 8016-2004 | 防护架子 | Protection shelves |
KS F 8017-2015 | 安全栏杆柱 | Guard post |
KS F 8018-2015 | 电梯口用防护栏 | Guard frame for elevator opening |
KS F 8019-2002 | 电梯升降口安全门 | Access door for lifter |
KS F 8020-2012 | 悬挑式脚手架 | Hanging frame for scaffolding |
KS F 8021-2010 | 组装型脚手架及棚架材料 | Components for tied post system scaffolding and shoring |
KS F 8022-2013 | 钢管架棚用材料 | Components for welded frame system shoring |
KS F 8023-2009 | 模板紧结材料 | Formwork ties |
KS F 8024-2015 | 土壤保持用横挡板 | Lagging for soil retaining |
KS F 8081-2014 | 垂直防护网 | Vertical protective net |
KS F 8082-2014 | 防坠落安全网 | Horizontal safety net |
KS F 8083-2014 | 杂物网 | Debris net |
KS F 8109-2017 | 沥青混凝土搅拌设备说明书标准格式和试验方法 | Standard form of specifications and testing methods of batch type asphalt mixing plants |
KS F 9001-2004 | 混凝土结构防水防腐用环氧树脂涂料的标准涂装方法 | Standard coating method of epoxy resin paints for waterproof and anticorrosion of concrete structures |
KS F 9002-2015 | 轻结构木建筑结构部的施工标准 | Standard construction practice for light-frame wood buildings |
KS F 9003-2017 | 涂覆防水材料的涂覆施工标准 | Standard coating method of liquid-applied waterproofing membrane |
KS F 9004-2008 | 防水层保护用平板膨胀缝填料的标准规范 | Standard specification of performed expansion joint filler of slab for protection of waterproofing layer |
KS F 9005-2003 | 轻型钢结构非承载墙壁施工标准 | Non-bearing wall construction work of light-gauge steel framing members |
KS F 9006-2004 | 改质沥青防水板施工标准 | Construction standard of polymer-modified bitumen waterproofing sheet |
KS F 9007-2005 | 合成甲板构造施工标准 | Standard practice for constructing composite metal deck slab system |
KS F 9008-2016 | 结构用集成材料接合部施工标准 | Standard practice for construction of connections between glued-laminated timber members |
KS F 9009-2006 | 耐力用钢柱构造施工标准 | Standard construction work for bearing lightweight steel stud structures |
KS F 9010-2016 | 轻型木结构非承重墙施工标准 | Construction standard for non-loadbearing wall of light-frame wood structure |
KS F ISO 10053-2008 | 特定实验室条件下办公室屏幕声衰减的测量 | Measurement of office screen sound attenuation under specific laboratory conditions |
KS F ISO 10140-1-2016 | 声学建筑构件隔声的实验室测量第1部分:专用产品的应用规则 | Acoustics ― Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements ― Part 1: Application rules for specific products |
KS F ISO 10140-2-2016 | 声学建筑构件隔声的实验室测量第2部分:空气声隔声的测量 | Acoustics ― Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements ― Part 2: Measurement of airborne sound insulation |
KS F ISO 10140-3-2016 | 声学建筑构件隔声的实验室测量第3部分:冲击隔声的测量 | Acoustics ― Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building element ― Part 3: Measurement of impact sound insulation |
KS F ISO 10140-4-2016 | 声学建筑构件隔声的实验室测量第4部分:测量程序和要求 | Acoustics ― Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements ― Part 4: Measurement procedures and requirements |
KS F ISO 10140-5-2016 | 隔声元件的实验室测量第5部分:试验设施和设备的要求 | Laboratory measurement of sound insulation elements ― Part 5: Requirements for test facilities and equipment |
KS F ISO 10295-1-2013 | 建筑构件和组件的燃烧试验.服务装置的燃烧试验.第1部分:渗透密封 | Fire tests for building elements and component ― Fire testing of service installing ― Part 1: Penetration seals |
KS F ISO 10406-1-2017 | 混凝土纤维增强聚合物(FRP)钢筋试验方法第1部分:FRP钢筋和格栅 | Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement of concrete — Test methods — Part 1: FRP bars and grids |
KS F ISO 10406-2-2017 | 混凝土纤维增强聚合物(FRP)增强试验方法第2部分:FRP板 | Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement of concrete — Test methods — Part 2: FRP sheets |
KS F ISO 11654-2003 | 声学.建筑用吸声装置.吸声定标 | Acoustics-Sound absorbers for use in buildings-Rating of sound absorption |
KS F ISO 11697-2009 | 结构设计基础散装材料荷载 | Bases for design of structures-Loads due to bulk materials |
KS F ISO 1182-2016 | 建筑产品不燃性试验方法 | Method of non-combustibility test of building products |
KS F ISO 11925-2-2016 | 建筑产品直接受单一火源火焰冲击的可燃性试验方法 | Method of ignitability test method of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame of single flame source |
KS F ISO 11925-3-2016 | 建筑产品多火源直接撞击着火试验方法 | Method of ignitability test of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame of multi-flame source test |
KS F ISO 12006-2-2005 | 建筑施工建筑工程信息组织第2部分:信息分类框架 | Building construction-Organization of information about construction works-Part 2:Framework for classification of information |
KS F ISO 12006-3-2011 | 建筑施工建筑工程信息组织第3部分:面向对象信息框架 | Building construction-Organization of information about construction works-Part 3:Framework for object-oriented information |
KS F ISO 128-23-2003 | 技术制图.画法的一般原则.第23部分:建筑工程制图线 | Technical drawings-General principles of presentation-Part 23 : Lines on construction drawings |
KS F ISO 12949-2017 | 测量床垫和床垫组热释放率的标准试验方法 | Standard test method for measuring the heat release rate of mattresses and mattress sets |
KS F ISO 13571-2017 | 火灾中危及生命的部件使用火灾数据估计逃生时间的指南 | Life-threatening components of fire-Guidelines for the estimation of time available for escape using fire data |
KS F ISO 13638-2004 | 房屋建筑.密封胶.耐长期浸泡水性能的测定 | Determination of resistance to prolonged exposure to water for sealing and glazing in building |
KS F ISO 13784-1-2017 | 夹层板建筑系统对火反应试验第1部分:小房间试验 | Reaction to fire test for sandwich panel building systems —Part 1: Small room test |
KS F ISO 13784-2-2009 | 夹芯板建筑系统对火反应试验第2部分:大房间试验方法 | Reaction-to-fire tests for sandwich panel building systems-Part 2:Test method for large rooms |
KS F ISO 13785-1-2006 | 正面对火反应的试验.第1部分:中间尺度的试验 | Reaction-to-fire tests for facades-Part 1:Intermediate-scale test |
KS F ISO 13943-2017 | 防火安全.词汇 | Fire safety-Vocabulary |
KS F ISO 140-12-2015 | 活动地板室间空气声和冲击声隔声的实验室测量 | Laboratory measurement of room-to-room airborne and impact sound insulation of an access floor |
KS F ISO 140-6 | 地板冲击声隔声的实验室测量 | Laboratory measurements of impact sound insulation of floors |
KS F ISO 15186-1-2003 | 声学.用声强作建筑物和建筑构件的隔声测量.第1部分:实验室测量 | Acoustics-Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements using sound intensity-Part 1:Laboratory measurements |
KS F ISO 15928-1-2005 | 房屋.性能描述.第1部分:结构安全 | Houses-Description of performance-Part 1:Structural safety |
KS F ISO 16032-2016 | 建筑物中服务设备的声压级测量.工程法 | Measurement of sound pressure level from service equipment in buildings - Engineering method |
KS F ISO 16283-1-2017 | 声学.建筑物和建筑构件隔声的现场测量.第1部分:空气声隔声 | Acoustics - Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Airborne sound insulation |
KS F ISO 16283-2-2017 | 声学.建筑物和建筑构件隔声的现场测量.第2部分:冲击声隔声 | Acoustics - Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 2 : Impact sound insulations |
KS F ISO 16484-2-2008 | 建筑自动化与控制系统(BACS)-第2部分:硬件 | Building automation and control systems(BACS)-Part 2:Hardware |
KS F ISO 16484-3-2008 | 建筑自动化与控制系统第3部分:功能 | Building automation and control systems(BACS)-Part 3:Functions |
KS F ISO 16484-5-2008 | 建筑自动化与控制系统第5部分:数据通信协议 | Building automation and control systems-Part 5:Data communication protocol |
KS F ISO 16484-6-2008 | 建筑自动化与控制系统第6部分:数据通信一致性试验 | Building automation and control systems(BACS)-Part 6:Data communication conformance testing |
KS F ISO 16730-2012 | 消防安全工程计算方法的评价、验证和确认 | Fire safety engineering-Assessment, verification and validation of calculation methods |
KS F ISO 16979-2008 | 木质板材.含水量的测定 | Wood-based panels-Determination of moisture content |
KS F ISO 16983-2016 | 木质板材.浸水后厚度膨胀率的测定 | Wood-based panels-Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water |
KS F ISO 16998-2016 | 木质板材.抗湿黏着力测定.热煮处理法 | Wood-based panels-Determination of moisture resistance-Boil test |
KS F ISO 17497-1-2016 | 声学表面声散射特性第1部分:混响室中随机入射散射系数的测量 | Acoustics-Sound-scattering properties of surfaces ― Part 1: Measurement of the random-incidence scattering coefficient in a reverberation room |
KS F ISO 17497-2-2017 | 声学.表面声散射特性.第2部分:自由场中定向扩散系数的测量 | Acoustics - Sound scattering properties of surfaces - Part 2 : Measurement of the directional diffusion coefficient in a free field |
KS F ISO 17554-2018 | 燃烧性能试验.质量损失测量 | Reaction to fire tests — Mass loss measurement |
KS F ISO 1803-2002 | 房屋建筑.公差.尺度准确度的表达.原则和术语 | Building construction-Tolerances-Expression of dimensional accuracy-Principles and terminology |
KS F ISO 18319-2017 | 混凝土纤维增强聚合物(FRP)增强材料-FRP板规范 | Fibre-reinforced polymer(FRP) reinforcement of concrete – Specifications of FRP sheets |
KS F ISO 19706-2012 | 火灾对人的威胁评估指南 | Guidelines for assessing the fire threat to people |
KS F ISO 2103-2002 | 住宅和公共建筑物的居住和使用荷载 | Loads due to use and occupancy in residential and public buildings |
KS F ISO 23932-2012 | 消防安全工程总则 | Fire safety engineering-General principles |
KS F ISO 2394-2002 | 结构可靠性的一般原则 | General principles on reliability for structures |
KS F ISO 3010-2002 | 结构设计基础.结构上的地震作用 | Basis for design of structures-Seismic action on structures |
KS F ISO 3382-1-2018 | 声学.房间声学参数的测量.第1部分:性能空间 | Acoustics - Measurement of room acoustic parameters - Part 1: Performance spaces |
KS F ISO 3382-2-2018 | 房间声学参数的测量第2部分:普通房间的混响时间 | Measurement of room acoustics parameters — Part 2:Reverberation time in ordinary rooms |
KS F ISO 3382-3-2018 | 声学.房间声学参数的测量.第3部分:开放式办公室 | Acoustics - Measurement of room acoustics parameters - Part 3: Open plan offices |
KS F ISO 3822-1-2014 | 供水设施用装置和设备噪声排放的实验室试验第1部分:测量方法 | Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water supply installations — Part 1: Method of measurement |
KS F ISO 3822-2-2014 | 供水设施用装置和设备噪声排放的实验室试验第2部分:放水龙头和混合阀的安装和操作条件 | Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water supply installations — Part 2: Mounting and operating conditions for draw-off taps and mixing valves |
KS F ISO 3822-3-2015 | 供水设施用装置和设备噪声排放的实验室试验第3部分:直列阀和设备的安装和工作条件 | Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water supply installations-Part 3:Mounting and operating conditions for in-line valves and appliances |
KS F ISO 3822-4-2015 | 供水设施用器具和设备噪声排放的实验室试验第4部分:专用器具的安装和工作条件 | Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water supply installations-Part 4:Mounting and operating conditions for special applicances |
KS F ISO 3898-2002 | 结构设计基础.标志.通用符号 | Bases for design of structures-Notations-General symbols |
KS F ISO 4157-1-2003 | 建筑制图名称与符号系统第1部分:建筑物及其部件 | Construction drawings-Designation systems-Part 1:Buildings and parts of buildings |
KS F ISO 4354-2002 | 结构上的风作用 | Wind actions on structures |
KS F ISO 5660-1-2018 | 对火反应试验.热释放、发烟和质量损失率.第1部分:热释放率(锥形量热计法)和发烟率(动态测量) | Reaction-to-fire tests — Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate — Part 1: Heat release rate(cone calorimeter method) and smoke production rate(dynamic measurement) |
KS F ISO 5660-2-2006 | 对火反应试验-放热、发烟和质量损失率-第2部分:发烟率(动态测量) | Reaction-to-fire tests-Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate-Part 2:Smoke production rate(dynamic measurement) |
KS F ISO 6240-2001 | 建筑物的性能标准.内容和表示方法 | Performance standards in building-Contents and presentation |
KS F ISO 6241-2001 | 建筑物的性能标准.编写原则和应考虑的因素 | Performance standards in building-Principles for their preparation and factors to be considered |
KS F ISO 6242-2-2001 | 建筑施工用户要求的表述第2部分:空气纯度要求 | Building construction-Expression of users′ requirements-Part 2:Air purity requirements |
KS F ISO 6707-1-2007 | 建筑与土木工程词汇通用术语 | Building and civil engineering-Vocabulary-General terms |
KS F ISO 6707-2-2002 | 建筑与土木工程词汇合同术语 | Building and civil engineering-Vocabulary-Contract Terms |
KS F ISO 6944-1-2014 | 防火罩.建筑构件.第1部分:通风管道 | Fire containment — Elements of building construction — Part 1: Ventilation ducts |
KS F ISO 7162-2001 | 建筑物的性能标准.性能评定标准的内容和格式 | Performance standards in building-Contents and format of standards for evaluation of performance |
KS F ISO 7437-2003 | 技术制图.建筑工程制图.预制结构件图纸加工通则 | Technical drawings-Construction drawings-General rules for execution of production drawings for prefabricated structural components |
KS F ISO 7518-2003 | 技术制图.建筑工程制图.拆除和重建的简化画法 | Technical drawings-Construction drawings-Simplified representation of demolition and rebuilding |
KS F ISO 7519-2003 | 技术制图.建筑工程制图.总体布置图和安装图画法的一般原则 | Technical drawings-Construction drawings-General principles of presentation for general arrangement and assembly drawings |
KS F ISO 7976-1-2017 | 建筑公差建筑和建筑产品的测量方法第1部分:方法和仪器 | Tolerances for building-Methods of measurement of buildings and building products-Part 1:Methods and instruments |
KS F ISO 9053-2015 | 声学.吸声材料.流阻的测定 | Determination of airflow resistance for acoustical materials |
KS F ISO 9087-2004 | 木材在轴向载荷作用下钉和螺钉承载力的测定 | Determination of nail and screw holding power under axial load application for wood |
KS F ISO 9239-1-2017 | 地板着火试验方法第1部分:用辐射热源测定火焰蔓延 | Method for fire tests of floorings-Part 1:Determination of the flame spread using a radiant heat source |
KS F ISO 9699-2001 | 建筑物的性能标准.简要检验项目.建筑设计的简要内容 | Performance standards in building-Checklist for briefing-Contents of brief for building design |
KS F ISO 9705-2009 | 着火试验表面产品的全尺寸室内试验 | Fire tests-Full-scale room test for surface products |
KS F ISO 9882-2001 | 建筑物的性能标准.预制混凝土楼板的性能试验在非集中荷载下的工况 | Performance standards in building-Performance test for precast concrete floors-Behaviour under non-concentrated load |
KS F ISO 9883-2001 | 建筑物的性能标准.预制混凝土楼板的性能试验.在集中荷载下的工况 | Performance standards in building-Performance test for precast concrete floors-Behaviour under concentrated load |